SGHS Tower News Winter 2015

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Winter 2015

A Magazine for Friends and Alumnae of Saint Gertrude High School

Susan Walker Looks Back Fondly Freshman Advise Seniors Memory Tree

Leadership Page 2014 – 2015

Susan Walker


Peggy Boon

Margaret Shibley ’77

Alumnae & Public Relations

Missy Ackerman

Dean of Academics


Nancy Carrig

Nancy Parsons

Dean of Students


Maureen Ryan Williams ’72

Jane Johnson


Roger Spinner


Gwen Christodoulou


Hanna Wolpert

Student Activities


Mission Saint Gertrude High School, an independent Catholic, college-preparatory school, prepares and inspires young women to answer the challenges of their changing world.

Vision Each SGHS alumna will go forward with the courage to make a positive impact on her community.

Core Values We live by Benedictine values of community, hospitality, and stewardship, finding strength in our prayerful spirituality, beauty in God’s creation, and joy in serving others. We create a diverse, nurturing and inclusive community in which together we make one another stronger. We develop the whole student by stimulating pursuit of intellectual excellence, physical well-being, expressive creativity and spiritual discovery. We exhibit high moral character in the way we show respect for ourselves and others. We serve as good stewards of the resources that are entrusted to us, ensuring opportunities for as many young women as possible, regardless of economic situation.

Class Note Submissions: Please send your alumnae news and photographs for upcoming issues of Tower News. High resolution (300dpi) digital images are encouraged whenever possible. Photographs unsuitable in quality may not be included. Email your information to, mail it to the address below, or call 804.822.3950. Photographs provided by: Real Life Studios, Margie Shibley ’77 Graphic Design: Scout Design

A special thanks to all the alumnae, parents, students, friends, faculty and staff who have contributed information to this issue of Tower News. A special thank you to Katie McKenney, Susan Walker, Nancy Parsons and Julie Edmondson for editing this magazine.

3215 Stuart Avenue Richmond, VA 23221 Phone: 804.358.9114

Saint Gertrude High School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school, and further does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs, or otherwise discriminate in violation of federal, state or local law. Cover: Bisola Olowe ’18 with her grandparents Richard and Janet Willis at Grandparents’ Day. Above: In front of a full Coffee House, Rachel Zachwieja sings “Danny Boy.”

Tower Features Freshman Advise Seniors ······································································································ 0 6

SGHS Community Donor Recognition Reception ································································································ 10 Sponsors’ Day ························································································································ 12 Grandparents Day··················································································································· 14 Halloween at Saint Gertrude ·································································································· 15 OAC Donor Appreciation ······································································································· 16 Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women ························································································· 18 Saint Gertrude Feast Day ······································································································· 20 TailGator ·································································································································· 21 Bill Buchanan: Our Faculty & Staff Angel ·············································································· 22 New Website·························································································································· 23

Alumnae News Alumnae Connections by Joanne McDonald ’70 ·································································· 24 Sports Hall of Fame ··············································································································· 25 Holly Spree ····························································································································· 28 Alumnae Memorial ················································································································· 30 Vino on the Veranda ··············································································································· 32

Class Notes Class Notes, Reunions, Memoriam, Weddings, Births ························································· 38

Annual Report Review Memory Tree ·························································································································· 45

In Addition A Look Back ·························································································································· 55

Winter 2015

{ president’s address } Dear Saint Gertrude Friends, Little did I know that when I walked in the door to Saint Gertrude High School in 2001 that I would be saying goodbye to so many wonderful people in 2015. All those names and faces that were unknown to me then are now such an integral part of my life here at Saint Gertrude and even when I am “off duty.” I don’t go anywhere in the Richmond metro area that I don’t see current students and families, past students and families, alumnae from so many decades and others who are connected to SGHS in one way or another. My husband jokes that it is expensive to eat in restaurants in Richmond because so many of our alumnae are helping to put themselves through college by waitressing. They do a fabulous job, we get to catch up with what they are doing now and planning for the future, and then they deserve a really good tip. I love it all. My fourteen years at Saint Gertrude have taught me more than I could ever put down on paper. Mostly I learned how good and giving the community of Saint Gertrude is. Starting with our students who are so involved with school events, service projects, athletics, theater, art, special interest clubs, and academics, of course. They even have time for a social life. They are so supportive of each other as they encourage each individual young lady to try something new, take a leadership role, ask that question, try that honors class, oh so many things. They are so much more evolved than I was at their age. Watching them certainly challenged me to push myself to grow and stretch beyond who I was when I first walked in the door to SGHS.

It is not surprising that our students are this way. I have met their parents. They learned it at home. Current and past SGHS parents help in so many ways. They drive students to service projects, they participate in service projects, they join committees, they plan and execute events, they raise money, they raise awareness of who and what SGHS is. Our SGHS parents lend their time and expertise in so many ways and we could not do all that we do without them. I have always laughed and said, “No one will miss me, the work is done by the faculty and staff and no matter what happens they will be here and they will be doing their job.” These wonderful people are at SGHS because they believe in our mission, they believe in our students and they are committed every day to be the best they can be. There is no 8 AM to 4 PM for them. Their hours are whatever is needed to take care of the students, each other, the sports teams, the plays and musicals, the art gallery, the events and the mission of SGHS that the Benedictine Sisters entrust us with. They have guided me, taught me, put up with me and celebrated with me every step of the way. They will be here no matter who is in my office because they care and they make the school what it is. We have a Board of Visitors which help guide the school in the right direction. Some of them are alumnae, some are past parents, some are parents and some are just people who answered our call to serve with a yes even though they have no other connection to SGHS. They are a very dedicated group of people, some of whom have been involved with us for decades. I am very grateful to each and every one of them. I have to admit, and you all know this, the real inspiration comes from the wise and wonderful women who founded Saint Gertrude High School in 1922, the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia. They are our role models and our inspiration. When I think, “I don’t want to drive all the way to Bristow for a meeting,” I ashamedly think about all the times the Sisters drive down to Richmond for a meeting, an event or just to connect with all of us that make up their ministry in Richmond, Virginia. Yes they inspire me in so many ways and as a cradle Catholic I would never want to let down a nun. “Yes, Sister,” has always been in my vocabulary.

Saint Gertrude High School was a strong academic program preparing young women for college, career and life long before I walked into the doors. Its reputation is known throughout the Richmond metro area, among the college admission departments and beyond. Everywhere I go, when people find out I am connected to Saint Gertrude, I hear stories about the wonderful people they know who went to the school. I am proud and honored to have been a part of Saint Gertrude High School’s history. I thank all of you for welcoming me 14 years ago and supporting me through my time as Assistant Principal and then as the first lay head of the school and first President. You made me feel like one of you by sharing your traditions, stories and concerns. I hope that I have done something to let all of you know how important you all are to SGHS and to me. It is not goodbye. I will still be in Richmond and we will run into each other. It is on to the next chapter of SGHS and many more great years ahead. Fondly,

Susan Walker

calendar of events Spring 2015

May 1

May Day

May 4 – 14

Advanced Placement Exams

May 18

Spring Choral Concert & Art Show and Art Awards

May 21

Senior Salute

May 22

Awards’ Day

May 31 – June 2

Class of 1965 Golden Jubilarian Reunion

June 2

Baccalaureate at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Graduation at the Siegel Center

June 5 – 7

Class of 75 Reunion

June 6

Be Well, Lead Well

{ features }

FRESHMEN ADVISE Seniors Seniors have experienced four years of Saint Gertrude High School preparing for the rigor of college work. They have heard stories from their parents about their college experiences in the dark ages. Luckily for the last several years our alumnae freshmen returned in January to tell the Seniors what college is really like. This discussion was moderated by Gwen Christodoulou, Director of Guidance. Refreshments were provided at the end of the event and Seniors had time to speak individually with our alumnae.

The first question the Seniors wanted to know and seemed to need to know was if the Alumnae love their college and did they make the correct choice? Cannon Keller, a freshman at JMU, led, sharing “I just love where I am, I cannot imagine myself somewhere else.� The girls introduced themselves and shared where they applied, and where they chose to attend. Several of the girls from Virginia Tech spoke up and gave similar comments about their happy campus

Top : Alumnae Freshmen talking with the Seniors with Mrs. Gwen Christodoulou moderating (l to r): Harrison Talton from Virginia Tech, Emily Carr from Loyola College, Claire Veillette for Virginia Tech Cadet Corp, Mary Grace Spradlin from Virginia Tech, Colleen Koehler from University of Virginia, Brooke Baldecchi from University of Mississippi, Abby McAleer from University of South Carolina, Cannan Keller from James Madison University, Haley Berling from Southern Methodist University and Ellie Beaulieu from Virginia Tech. A bove Opposite: Emily Carr, from Loyola, Chicago. She loves the area and finds it easy to make friends.


Tower News


life. Claire Veillette shared some thoughts about the VT Corps of Cadets. Other students advised, “College is what you make it. Don’t stay in your room all the time. Create your own experiences.”

“College is what you make it. Don’t stay in your room all the time. Create your own experiences.” Haley Berling had a different take. She said that she could imagine herself at several different colleges. “I like where I am (Southern Methodist University), but I can also imagine myself in other places.” Haley also told the Seniors, “Do not be discouraged if you were deferred or waitlisted. Make an appointment, talk to

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“I did not know other students when I arrived on campus, but I quickly enjoyed meeting such a diverse population of people from other parts of the world.” 8

Tower News

the admissions officers at the college. This degree of interest and determination made a difference as far as my acceptances were concerned.” There were some other students who went out of state for college. Emily Carr is very happy with Loyola Chicago. She loves the city environment, sharing, “There are so many things to do. I have a beautiful view of the lake from my dormitory window. I did not know other students when I arrived on campus, but I quickly enjoyed meeting such a diverse population of people from other parts of the world.” Brooke Baldecchi concurred with Emily. Brooke talked about meeting students on campus at the University of Mississippi where she is the only freshman from SGHS. Brooke and Haley agreed that coming home from schools out of state is not so easy. “It requires planning,” explained Brooke. Haley agreed saying, “Plane reservations need to be made ahead of time and are not easily changed and I cannot come home for just any reason—I must plan ahead.” The perfect distance from home for Colleen Koehler was Charlottesville. Colleen commented, “The University of Virginia in Charlottesville is a great university set in a very


interesting town. She said, “It is very different from living in Richmond. I am happy that it is the perfect distance for my family to visit with me.”

also said, “My roommate and I share our books; one semester she takes the class, and the next semester I take the class, that way we only have to buy one book.”

There are always questions about roommates. Ellie Beaulieu gave this advice, “The dorm room is tiny, so you need to discuss your living habits with potential roommates before deciding on who you will live with. Night Owls and early risers don’t mix well.” Harrison Talton said her roommate is tremendously helpful. “She is very bright academically and she helps me and encourages me.”

The Seniors asked about sororities and Greek life. Abby McAleer gave a very good description about the whole Greek process at the University of South Carolina. Brooke Baldecchi described her sorority rush at University of Mississippi.

Ellie Beaulieu advised the Seniors not to skip class. “You need your notes.” Mary Grace Spradlin recommended finding a buddy in each class in case you are absent. You can get the notes for your class from that person. It was

With 74 Seniors and ten alumnae Freshmen, time passed quickly. The alumnae all agreed that they were very well prepared to meet the rigor of college academics because of their Saint Gertrude High School education. They all nodded their heads in agreement that being away from home made them appreciate and love their families even more.

A bove O pposite : Claire Veillette from Virginia Tech’s Cadet Corps told the Seniors how she gets up early every morning at 4:00 AM. and that she studies very hard every night. A bove : Colleen Koehler from University of Virginia said she enjoyed her relationships with the SGHS teachers, friends and community and that UVA was the perfect distance from home.

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{ SGHS community }

DONOR RECOGNITION RECEPTION At the Home of Randi and Steve Piascik

Top: Dana Roussy with his wife Sandra Baird Roussy ’69 and Nancy Parsons Above: Mark and Patricia Huff enjoy everyone’s company. / Betty Boehling Bosetti ’47, Mary Frances Caravati Kastelberg ’42 and Terri Roche O’Brien ’79 Right: The Piascik’s have a great flair for their decorations. / Susan Walker, President with Sr. Andrea Verchuck, OSB

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October 8, 2014

First Row: This party is in recognition of our donors’ support. Thank you. / Sisters drove from the Monastery: Sr. Andrea Verchuck, OSB, Sr. Lizbeth Cruz, OSB and Sr. Charlotte Lange, OSB ’58 Second Row: Randi and Steve Piascik, the wonderful hosts of the evening. Thank you. Third Row: Sr. Mary Clark, OSB / Ruth Miller Ambrogi ‘63 with her husband, Franco. / Jane Hamilton, Board of Visitors Fourth Row: Maureen Fagan is listening intently to the conversation. / Erin Leahey Firment ’88, President of the PTSO and Board of Visitors member. / Hostess Randi Piascik and Nancy Parsons, Development Director

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September 26, 2014 Top: Claire Calkins ’15 is escorted by Ethan Autry (BCP ’18) Above: Karlie Ennis ’15 with S-4 Supply Cadet Captain Wesley Steelman ’15 / Austin Archer ’15 with Provisional “P” Company Commander Cadet Captain Andre Wright Jr. (BCP ’15) Right: Sammi Theidick ’15 is escorted by Scott Smith (BCP ’18) to her sponsoring officer Bravo “B” Company Commander Cadet Captain David Smith

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September 27, 2014 Left: At the Sponsors Ball, Quinn Firment with her sponsoring officer Honor Platoon Company Commander Cadet Captain Colin Smith (BCP ’15) Below: Claire Calkins ’15 and Victoria Bolton ’15 Bottom: Grayson Morris ’15 at the Sponsors Ball with Ordnance Cadet Captain Winston Frick (BCP ’15) / Austin Archer is presented with Provisional “P” Company Commander Cadet Captain Andre Wright Jr. (BCP ’15)

SPONSORS’ BALL at the Benedictine Gym

Tower News 13


GRANDPARENTS DAY The Mannings, Dorans, McLoughlins, with all the other

grandparents were all there supporting their granddaughters.

October 3, 2014 Top: Grandfather Walter Manning, Jr enjoying his lunch with his granddaughter, Cameron Meade ’15 Above: Abigail Clark ’18 with her grandmother, Rita McDonald Doran ’64 / Logan Snavely ’16 with her grandfather, Mike Snavely Left Top: Riona McLoughlin ’16 and Shea McLoughlin ’18 with their granddad, Patrick McLoughlin. Left Bottom: Elle Winfield ’16 and her sister, Eden Winfield ’18 with their grandmothers: Joan Winfield and Ellen Njai

14 Tower News

Community Left: Crowd shot at the Costume Competition / Molly Wolpert ’10, Student Activities Coordinator as Medusa Below: Students having fun in costume on their way to class / Best Duo: Holy Cow / Voted the Funniest: The Energizer Bunny Bottom: The Sandlot Crew won Best Group for the Freshman and Sophomore Class.

October 31, 2014

HALLOWEEN AT SAINT GERTRUDE It’s a carnival of a day for students, faculty and area elementary schools.

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Top: Anna Gould ’16, Maddie Piascik ’15 and Hayley Hassett ’15 give out the OAC Honor Roll of Donors to the audience Above: Joanne Tresnauk McDonald ’70 thanks all of the alumnae contributors to make these fields possible especially, Alumnae Field. / Rick Kastelberg and his wife, Page, and their two beautiful granddaughters listen with pride about the many contributions Rick made to the OAC Right: Susan Newcomb Kopecko ’68 with Linda Stewart and Sr. Andrea Verchuck, OSB enjoying the beautiful day

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September 10, 2014

First Row: Members of the Ensemble sang the Saint Gertrude Alma Mater. Second Row: Susan Walker, President, and Leslie Koenig Stack ’74, Chair of the Capital Projects committee, unveil the Donor Wall. / Guy Bosetti, Betty Boehling Bosetti ’47, Sr. Henry Marie Zimmermann OSB ’48 and Sr. Andrea Verchuck, OSB listen to the Ensemble. Third Row: Hayley Hassett ’15, Maddie Piascik ’15 and Anna Gould ’16 express their appreciation for the OAC

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Stuart Avenue Players present


Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott

Top: Cassandra Franke ’17 as Marmee reads a letter from Father. Meg Lukhard ’18 (Jo March) and Emma Farmer ’16 as Meg March Above: Meg Lukhard ’18 as Jo March. Jo reflects on her happiness. Above Right: Lucas Franke (Robious Middle) as Mr. Laurence helping Kate Statelman ’17 as Beth March Right: Michael Swaine (BCP ‘15) with Meg Lukhardt ’18. The professor asks Jo to marry him.

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November 7 – 9, 2014

First Row: Emma Farmer with Meg Lukhard / Meg Lukhard ’18 and Michael Swaine (BCP ’15) as Jo March and Professor Bhaer. Jo asks the Professor to read her a story. Second Row: John McGriffin (BCP ’17) as John Brooke, Jonathan Chvala (BCP ’15) as Theodore Laurence, III and Emma Farmer’16 as Meg March. John and Meg meet at the ball. / Jonathan Chvala (BCP ‘15) as Theodore Laurence, III with Meg Lukhardt ’18. Laine proposes to Jo, who rejects him. Third Row: Sitting on the sofa, Katie Baughan ’16 as Amy March, Cassandra Franke ’17 as Marmee and Emma Farmer ’16 as Meg March with Kate Statelman ’17 as Beth March (standing). Marmee cheers up her daughters who miss their father.

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A day of prayer and festivity in honor of the school’s namesake, St. Gertrude. Everyone loves this day . The girls love to visit and see the Sisters and the Sisters love to see the girls.

November 17, 2015 Top: St. Gertrude Feast day with Sr. Cecilia Dwyer, OSB ’63 and the senior class students. Above: Music provided by Lisa Fusco, piano and Rachel Zachwieja ’17, Shannon McGarry ’17 and Mary Riley ’84 play the guitars. / Sr. Andrea Verchuck OSB, gives a wonderful presentation to the students about the History of the Benedictine Sisters and their presence in Richmond. Right Top and Bottom: Katie Peppers ’15 and Mallory McNelis ’15 sing the Response.

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First Row: Kim and Randy Funk / Parents enjoyed playing corn hole at the TailGator. Second Row: Prizes offered for TailGator, Gator Corn Hole, SGHS package, Spirited Party Pack, and more / TailGator Moms: Kristin Bolton, Molly McAleer, Merv Baldecchi, Regina Ryan and Mary FiskTaylor ’86 Bottom: Casey West, Varsity Volleyball Coach, Mary Kathleen Puccinelli Loving ’97, Missy Ackerman, Director of Athletics, and Krista Huddleston ‘09, Assistant Volleyball Coach

September 12, 2014

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BILL BUCHANAN, Our Faculty & Staff Angel


eet Bill Buchanan, a resident of Hanover Avenue for more than thirty years. For the last few years he shares his gift of delicious cooking with the faculty and staff at SGHS. Once, even twice a week, Bill Buchanan, serves up the most

scrumptious soups, salads, pastas and meat dishes. Besides being a fabulous cook, Bill is a wonderful neighbor who watches out for all the goings-on after hours around SGHS. Bill wants nothing in return, he indeed is our angel. Thank you!

Top: Nancy Parsons, Susan Walker, Bill Buchanan and Julie Edmondson Above: Julie Edmondson, Assistant to the President and neighbor Bill Buchanan with Susan Walker. The Faculty and Staff gave a little appreciation gift to Bill. / Julie Edmondson, Assistant to the President and neighbor Bill Buchanan

22 Tower News




his past fall we unveiled our completely new website. With the help of Scout Design, we created a site that connects visitors to a more user-friendly experience. It is easy to navigate and showcases the same clean design as our print material. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, visit us at

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{ alumnae news } ALUMNAE CONNECTIONS Joanne Tresnauk McDonald ’70 Dear Friends, My term as President of the Alumnae Association is coming to a conclusion and I would like to acknowledge the altruistic alumnae who generously gave their time and financial resources to our successful initiatives over the last four years. The alumnae association has created many success stories that have made a remarkable difference at SGHS. Your generous response to the capital campaign produced the impressive Alumnae Field at the Outdoor Athletic Center, which is beloved by the girls. The Alumnae scholarship fund continues to grow, providing critical financial aid to students who are daughters / granddaughters of alumnae. Your support of the Annual Fund keeps the tuition as low as possible for the students. Holly Spree, Bourbon Street on the James, Hall of Fame and Vino on the Veranda are wonderful events that could not happen without your participation. We are blessed to have the tireless efforts of Margie Shibley, Director of Alumnae, to steer our alumnae ship. It has been very rewarding to work alongside women of SGHS and to be a part of our success stories. We are delighted to have Kelly George Edwards, Class of ’96 serve as the 2015 – 2017 President and Cristin O’Brien, Class of ’06 serve as the 2015 – 2017 Vice President. We are so fortunate to have her share her strong leadership skills with SGHS. Please welcome her as we continued to be an essential component of the future of Saint Gertrude. – Joanne Tresnauk McDonald ’70

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I clearly remember her presenting it (Alumnae Field) to the Board and honestly my first thought was how we are ever going to get that done. She just kept plugging. I think Joanne has been a very effective president for the Board. I remember how daunting the task of having an alumnae field at the OAC was when it was first presented to the board. Joanne’s positive attitude throughout helped it become a reality for all the alums. ­– Kay Ciucci Seidenberg ’63

“Lead by example.” – Ellen Kastelberg ’04

Joanne has led the Alumnae Board with a gentle but enthusiastic spirit! When she asked for others to step forward to work on different projects she was always one of the first ones to sign up for the tasks at hand. Her organizational, business and people skills along with her love of Saint Gertrude has made it a pleasure to work with her. We are so grateful for the time and energy she had given to this great school! – Laurie Lewis Shepherd ’73

I have grown to know and admire Joanne, both personally and professionally. She inspires me to do good work, and that is a sign of a true leader. Her presence as the Alumnae Board President will be missed.

I loved the way Joanne interacts with everyone on the board and with the class correspondents. She makes sure that everyone is heard and everyone contributes. Joanne is committed to Saint Gertrude High School and gives her all in every way. A true leader. Thank you.

She started out like the rest of us but consistently volunteered on all SGHS related alumnae events attended meetings consistently. She became more comfortable with her leadership role by getting involved in all SGHS alumnae and school events etc. Her Holly Spree dedication stands out to me and her love for Saint Gertrude High School and its continued growth and perfection as we move forward—also her “connect” mission statement for alumnae website. Joanne’s actions speak louder than words! Joanne is a doer!!!

– Margie Shibley ’77

– Sue Cates Jones ’71

– Kathleen Morgan ’07

Alumnae News

SPORTS Hall of Fame January 9, 2015

Top: Presenting the Inductees of the 2015 Athletic Hall of Fame: Virginia Dart Galli ’53, Dee Dee Dvorak Gowen ’61 and Beverly Woods standing in for her mother, Barbara Jane Woods ’56 who is deceased Above: Kathy Talley Woods ’61 describes beautifully why her sister Barbara Jane Woods Pierce ’56 is a wonderful choice for the Athletic Hall of Fame posthumously. Right: Ann Berlin Landers ’66 introduces inductee Virginia Dart Galli ’53 / Susan Walker presents the plaque and flowers to Dee Dee Dvorak Gowen ‘61

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Alumnae News

2014 HALL OF FAME CLASS Saint Gertrude High School inducted three women into the Athletic Hall of Fame on Friday, January 9 at half-time of the 6:30 PM game. All three women had extraordinary talent on the court and on the field, but what made them so special is what they did after their experiences at SGHS. These women are:

VIRGINIA DART GALLI ’53 Virginia Dart Galli ‘53 played college basketball in France and then went to Westhampton College. After college she became a referee for basketball, field hockey and lacrosse for almost thirty years. Many of the referees today learned the rules of the game from Virginia. “I learned a lot from Virginia. She knew her rulebook and knew it well,” said referee Theresa Williams Harvey ’75.

BARBARA JANE WOODS PIERCE ’56 Barbara Jane Woods Pierce ‘56 played basketball at SGHS and helped with their 30 game winning streak. Barbara was known for her coaching at SGHS and at area Catholic schools. She was also known for her umpiring which was unusual for a woman at that time. While she coached, she also played ball. She was known as a “power hitter, precision basketball shooter and relentless third base defender,” said Sandy Kee Thompson ’82, last year’s inductee into the SGHS Hall of Fame. Barbara died in 2000, this award was given posthumously.

DEE DEE DVORAK GOWEN ’61 Dee Dee Dvorak Gowen ‘61 played basketball, field hockey and tennis for SGHS. She lettered in basketball and tennis at RPI and maintained the number one seed on the tennis ladder. In singles, doubles and mixed doubles, she was highly ranked as a USTA tennis player and represented the City of Richmond in the regionals. She is a highly successful distance runner who three times won in her division in BHS / SGHS 5K Challenge race after traveling from Knoxville, Tennessee. Her classmate Mary T. Bickerstaff Wallmeyer ’61 said, “Dee Dee still inspires us, we are so proud of her.”

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Alumnae News

Top Row: Classmates of DeeDee Dvorak Gowen ’61 Middle Row: Family and friends of Virginia Dart Galli ’53 Bottom Row: The family of Barbara Jane Woods Pierce

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Alumnae News

Top Row: Family and Friends of Dee Dee Dvorak Gowen ’61 Middle Row: Beverly Woods and her family accepts the plaque and flowers on behalf of her mother.

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Alumnae News

HOLLY SPREE on Stuart Ave November 21 and 22, 2014


pecial thank you to all of the Vendors, Shoppers, Parents, Students, Faculty and Community members who supported the Holly Spree. The money raised for this event will go directly to help young women with financial aid to Saint Gertrude High School. Thank you.

Save the Date PreSpree

NOVEMBER 20, 2015

Holly Spree

NOVEMBER 21, 2015 Special Thank You to Theresa Mason for her work on all of the Holly Spree signage . Top: Linda’s Wreaths were flying out of here. / A view of Holly Spree from above

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Alumnae News

2014 HOLLY SPREE VENDORS 2 Dye 4 AlterNatives Anita Stratton Jewelry Designs Anne’s Unique Boutique Beading Creations Clara Works Clique Jewelry LLC D.L. Designs Edith Meriwether Designs Extra Billy’s BBQ Giggle in Pink GlasFabrik Gourmet Cupboard Hang Upz Haymarket Designs Jan’s Jams Jill Strotmeyer Designs K.C.Couture Kebaubles Jewelry & Accessories Linda’s Wreath’s Mac’s Smack Molas4U Nick’s Zalabia One Little World Parks Duffey Patchwork Quilts Petersburg Garden Club Phi Ties Preppy Palooza Red Chicken Pottery Richmond Times Dispatch Rivah Breeze Gifts Rural Revolution RVA News SGHS Casseroles SGHS Gator Shop SGHS Raffle Sharon Krug Signature Jewelry Sweet Cheeks All Natural Sweet Temptations by Teresa LLC The Classic Baby Three Letters by Christina Tonya Utkina Handmade / City Crochet Tweed

From Top: Katie Nelson Marsh ’01, Anna Haley Seymour ’01 and Mariah Daniel ’01 / Ara Hopkins Hawkins ’99 with her father J. Maurice Hopkins / The McEwen Family with Holly Spree Committee Member Terri Roche O’Brien ’79 / Shoppers Gwen Christodoulou, Pamela Wray and Patricia Short

Victorian Memories Virginia Gourmet / Mrs. Bryant’s Wandering Cow Farm LLC Water Gypsy Jewelry and Design Zou Zous Basement

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Alumnae News

ALUMNAE Memorial Alumnae Memorial Prayer Service & Brunch October 4, 2014 Celebrating Our Alumnae in Glory Reunion Years ending in 4 and 9

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Alumnae News

Opposite, Top: Class of 1974 Opposite, First Row: Peggy Caravati Karn ’45 lights the candle for her sister’s class 1949. Kathy Holzgrefe Bliley ’68 guides her. / Sr. Cora Billings, RSN, presider Opposite, Second Row: Everyone singing and praying for our Alumnae in Glory / Mary Murphy Ouellette ’59, Susan Walker, Jackie Lenzi First Row: Lyndi Chalkley Wells ’74, Leslie Smith ’74 and Teresa Shibley Nadder ’74 / Terry Tatian Goodwin ’74 and Denise Mercer ’74 Second Row: Mary Katherine Solari Stone ’44 traveled from Florida and her sister Sister Jeanne Solari CSJ ’47 / Mary Jo Kelly ’64 reads the Word from the Book of Wisdom Third Row: Class of ’64: Ann Saxby Sayles, Clara Volgi Burrow, Betty Lou Dowdle Spencer, Cookie Giannini, Mary Jo Kelly, Linda Simon Bannister, Jennifer Kohn Klotz

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Alumnae News

A TRIBUTE TO Sr. Claire Hudert, OSB


r. Claire Hudert, OSB ’61 taught some of us Math, Theology or even Spanish at Saint Gertrude High School. It was very sad to hear that she passed away on Monday, January 26, 2015, unexpectedly in spite of an extended illness, surrounded by her sisters in community and members of her family. The following are excerpts of what her family wrote to honor her:

Born August 17, 1943, in Baltimore, MD, and baptized Elaine Claire, Sister Claire was the third child of J. Anthony, Sr. and Helen (Sramek) Hudert. She graduated from Saint Gertrude High School in 1961 and that same year entered the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia at Bristow and pronounced her perpetual monastic vows in 1968. Sr. Claire taught Spanish, Math and Theology in the 1970’s at SGHS. In 1982 she discerned the decision to transfer from her community of origin to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA and fully incorporated in 1985. She celebrated her silver jubilee in 1988 and her golden jubilee in 2013. Sister Claire held an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Marymount University, Arlington, VA; a B.A. in Mathematics and Spanish from Carlow College, Pittsburgh, PA and a M.A. in Theology, Notre Dame University from South Bend, IN. She began her teaching ministry in 1965 and soon became a Director of Religious Education. Her career also included missionary work in Mexico where she taught basic reading and math to women who had not had the opportunity for education. Sister Claire became the associate director of the Mission of

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Alumnae News Friendship in Erie, PA. She returned to the classroom in 2004 as an Adjunct Lecturer and taught Theology and then took a chaplaincy position at Polk State Center in Franklin, PA and worked with mentally challenged adults, teaching them about how much God loves them. For Sister Claire, ministry was love in action. Her various ministries provided her challenges and opportunities to show God’s love through actions: in teaching, feeding, healing, listening, assisting, supporting and comforting. It pleased her no end to provide direct service to people that she preferred not to call poor but rather, “people who live humbly.” For Sister Claire, the word poor suggested that someone is less because they have less. Through her ministries she touched the lives of many “people who live humbly” and to them, her many students, her community, her family and her friends, she brought the special gift of light, laughter, spontaneity and joy. There will be a memorial for Sister Claire in Richmond in the summer.

Opposite, Top: Sister Claire Hudert’s Remembrance Card Above: A picture of Sister Claire teaching at SGHS from 1977 / Sister Claire Hudert’s Senior Picture, Class of 1961

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VINO ON THE VERANDA October 23, 2014

Top: Class of 1960...Raise your Glass! First Row: Patti Harvey Lewis ’76 talking with Diana Pecci Wolfe ’75 / The Gervasoni Family: Daughter, Lisa’ 08, Mother, Sheila Arrighi Gervasoni ’73 and Daughter, Erin ’09 Second Row: Sue Ragland Nichols ’78, Donna Doane Jordan ’73 and Mary Anne Williams Lange ’73 / Julie Acevedo ’86 and Robin Andrews ’86

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Alumnae News

First Row: Brenda Bullock Brickley ‘69, Christina Franzyshen ’10 and Mary Catherine Reardon ’10 / Class of 1966: Mary Cutherell Parsons, Ann Berlin Landers, Theresa Chauncey Gates and Gina Mooney Alexander Second Row: Margaret Marchetti ’76, Rita Shand Dee ’76, Cathy Ragland Cazares ’76 and Jane Carrington Tarsovich ’76 / Cathy Shibley George’71 with her daughter Kelly George Edwards ’96 Third Row: Class of 1964 enjoys Vino on the Veranda: Linda Simon Bannister, Barbara Powell Smith, Ann Saxby Sales, Frances Kusterer Ginn, Cookie Giannini, Mary Jo Kelly, Jennifer Kohn Klotz and Maria Barron Fourth Row: Terry McEntee Duke ’77 with Maggie Higgins Disney ’62 / Sabrina Bailey Rabon ’90, Marci Andrews ’90, Deirdre Kielty Hughes ’90, Mary Beth Puccinelli Quist ’90 and Alex Austin Hamp ’90

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{ class notes } 50s

Betty Dreelin McDermott ’52 wrote on behalf of herself and her sister, Mary Rose Dreelin ’56, “My sister and I spent ten days on a multi-mode of transportation to Glacier Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons this past August. It was absolutely breathtaking. However we failed to use our cameras much to our disappointment after we got home. We hope all is well.” Bobbi Moss Werner ’52 wrote “Class of 1952, we all turned 80 in 2014. What a wonderful journey. Let’s keep up our friendship.” Love, y’all – Bobbie Happy New Year and hope you had joyful Christmas. Class of ’56 and ’57 had a joint lunch in December at Grapevine 2, with eight from Class of 1956 and twelve from Class of

1957. We all had a really great time and plan to do it again. Our classes shared lots of dear friendships. On a sad note Joan Stankus Gentry class ’56 passed away January 1.

60s Mary Johnson Puccinelli ’60 and her husband, Ralph Puccinelli, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They have seven children and 21 grandchildren. They were married on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1964. Congratulations to Dorothy Smith Gallimore ’62 who was one of the recipients of the History Makers of the Valentine Richmond History Center. Dorothy received this award for her work as Executive Director of Coal Pit Learning Center. Saint Gertrude High School students have been sponsoring Coal Pit students

at Christmas for many, many years by bringing them clothing, toys, books, etc. Class of 1965 is getting ready for their 50th Reunion. If you have not received any information about the reunion, please contact Anne Marie Duling Montgomery at amduling@ Jeannie McLaughlin MacMillan ’66 wrote “I am happy to share news that my husband, Dick, and I are the proud grandparents of twin boys—Colin Joseph and Matthew Drummond MacMillan. Born to our son Thomas and daughter-in law, Alison, on September 17, 2014, they join older brother, William, and cousins Sara-Owen and Hannah. This makes six grandchildren.” Catherine Terrell Wirt ’66 wrote “granddaughter Samantha Felts graduates from High School and grandson Michael Felts graduates from ECU.”

Sharon Fulcher ’74 sharing a great picture of her and her late mother, Marie Catogni Fulcher ’38 / Dorothy Smith Gallimore ’62, History Maker 2014, from the Valentine Richmond History Center.

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Class Notes

First Row: Class of 1960 gets the best results for their monthly luncheons. Second Row: Class of ’61 taking a break from their monthly lunches for a picture at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens . Third Row: Class of 1969 held a reunion party at the home of Barbara Gibbons Copley: Sitting on chairs l to r: Brenda Bullock Brickley, Patti Thorton, Aelise Curley Noonan, Nancy Ward Lentz, Edie Silveri, Cathy Aldrich Wright, Barbara Barrett Larcen, Billie Davis Landolt; Sitting on ground: Mary Pat Kelly Clark and Fran Franklin Poehler; Standing: Nancy Baughan, Maria Elana Urrutia Cortez, Mary Muse Bawol, Anne Schuite Mahoney, Gene Marquardt Siller, Barbara Gibbons Copley, Gayle Bagley Augst, Jeannie Shine Baldwin, Susan Rodiguez Henry, Sandra Baird Roussy and Anita Masini Schepker. Fourth Row: The SGHS students donate toys, clothing, tooth brushes,books to the kids at Coal Pit Learning Center where Dorothy Smith Gallimore received the Valentine History Makers Award for making a difference in her community.

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Class Notes

First Row: Reward Iceland! Carol Snydor Curran ’83 and Julie Dumochelle Riles ’83 went to Iceland to celebrate their birthdays! / Class of ’77 had a mini reunion at Ann Fadool Dale’s house. 1st Row kneeling: Cindy Hanky Gill, Ann Fadool Dale, Christi Keck Bunnell; Second Row: Mary Mehfoud Nierl, Beverly Bickerstaff Pack, Lulu Lamb, Mary Franko Anderson, Martha Lewis, Ann Reardon and Dione Burlee Sharpe; Third Row: Margie Shibley Gray, Lisa O’Donnell Jones, Dorothy Lenzi Hillgrove, Meg Hendrick Downs, Elaine Becker Kastelberg Second Row: Greetings from Texas from Elizabeth Yevich ’79 and her mother, Catherine and brother, Stephen. Third Row: Part of the Class of 1979 reunion was a luncheon at SGHS, sitting l to r: Susan Gholson Lynch, Colleen Kiefer Cress, Ana Goldman Warden and Kathy Shinholser Burgess Fourth Row: More ’79 reunioners: Mary Oatman Ford, Barbara Michael Keyser and Lyn Zacharias Fifth Row: Always enjoying themselves ’79: Cathy Pecci, Beverly Bucker Rueger, Teresa Gorman and Barbara Bucker Wirt

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Class Notes

70s Sue Cates Jones ’71 informed us that she is now working at the General Assembly for Delegate Todd C Gilbert of the Fifteenth District. My secretary is Class of 77 SGHS Elizabeth Greene ’78 and Kathleen McKenney Wyatt ’68 works as a secretary right down the hall—Anita Macini Schepker ’69 also a secretary. Karla Williams Boughey ’77 works for Senator Walter Stosch. Carol Burns Thomas ’71 informed us that her daughter Sara Thomas received her Ph.D. in Cellular Biology from the University of Georgia on August 1, 2014. Sara is employed by the University. Terri Bryan Keel ’73 wrote: “Our daughter, Ann Rae, a missionary in Korah, made a surprise trip home for the holidays. The family was very happy to see her and had much to be thankful for. We ask for prayers as she continues her mission work. Deborah Goodman Leshner ’73, has lived in California for the last few years with her husband, Robert, who has just retired from UCSD University. “We recently moved from La Jolla to Solana Beach—the surf is always up, and I invite any Gertie girls & family to drop by for a visit. My email is debleshner@aol. com.” Michelle Solari Smith ’73 wrote: “Michelle and her husband, David, traveled to England, Italy and Germany in June. Michelle’s sister Trish Solari Littlejohn ’85 and her family live in Stuttgart Germany. Trish’s daughter graduated from Patch High School in Stuttgart where Beer and wine were served copiously during the graduation ceremony. Catherine Curley Murphy ’75 wrote and reminds all classmates of the upcoming reunion: Class of 1975 40th Reunion—Save the Date: June 5 – 6, 2015 June 5, 2015 Girls Night at Robbie Stanley Bean’s house

June 6, 2015 Social with BHS at O’Tooles Restaurant (spouses included) More information to come. Questions please email Catherine Curley Murphy at Elizabeth Yevich ’79 is still enjoying Austin, Texas where “been since 2001. Currently using my VCU undergraduate and graduate degrees Dept of Housing & Community Affairs. I am Director of Housing Resource Center, a position I have held since 2009. I previously worked the world of local Austin politics where I was Executive Director of the Travis County Democratic Party for 5 years.” My spare time is filled with neighborhood / civic duties as hold several positions in several, local organizations. Weekends often have me driving in the lovely Hill Country of Central Texas where I love to prowl antique stores and visit the scenic Texas Courthouses (254 in all so have many to go!). My real passion continues to be dancing which in Austin is “partner dancing” where I am fortunate enough to have upwards of 20 – 30 venues to choose from nightly where ‘the dancers’ gather and there is never a shortage of leads. Texas Two Stepping, Swing (East Coast, West Coast, Texas), Waltz, Polka, Blues. Any and all of the above are common on any given night out! I am more than fortunate with the dance scene here being a lifelong dancer.”

80s Nancy Pastore Gladden ’80 is currently living in Annapolis Maryland. She is the Manager of Contracts at Oceaneering International, Inc., OTECH Division. Nancy still enjoys playing softball for a co-ed league in Annapolis. She also spends time biking, swimming, and sailing. Nancy has a 26 year old daughter, Ashley, who earned a B.S. degree in Music Education & Vocal Performance from UNC-Wilmington

and a Masters’ Degree in Arts Administration from Florida State. “I miss Richmond, but I visit often. Go Orioles.” In January, Carol Snyder Curran ’83 and Julie Dumouchelle Riles ’83 celebrated their birthdays together on a spectacular trip to Iceland. Heather Stevens Crampton ’86: “I completed a Master’s in Cybersecurity and recently completed an MBA, both from the University of Maryland.” She has been in the IT industry for the past 22 years; currently a Government contractor for the Department of State. Her 11-year old daughter attends Holy Cross Academy, in Fredericksburg, VA.”

90s Diana Dieter Ziskay ’94 wrote “my daughter Sura JoAnne is two and my newborn Asha Snow Ziskay was born February 13, 2015.” Kelly Geary ’93 informed us she has launched a new business following the success of selling her last company, HireBetter. Her new business, GetGeary, provides end to end talent acquisition services to the enterprise market. Kelly and her kids, Gigi (9) and Cash (7) are happy to still call Austin, TX home.

00s Shannon Dolan Sottolano ’01 and her husband Mike gave birth to Harper M. Sottolano on September 11, 2014. Shannon continues to work as a paralegal at Hirschler, Fleischer. Colleen M. Dolan ’03 graduated with Ph.D., Child Psychology, from Pacific University (Oregon) in Aug. 2014. Colleen started a post doc job with the Virginia Children Treatment Center / MCV-VCU working with children & families. Paula Kirkland Ledbetter ’02 was the subject of an article in the Sports Section of Powhatan

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Class Notes Today. Paula talks about starting a girls’ field hockey team at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot School from scratch. Paula also mentions that she got her start in field hockey from SGHS.

10s Anna Cole’s ’10 grandparents wrote: “After receiving a B.S. from VCU, our granddaughter is pursuing a nursing career from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Emma Lantagne ’14 was selected as Outstanding Young Woman of the Year by the Knights of Columbus Council 395 and a finalist by KC’s Virginia State Council!

Engagements Sarah Kate Traynham ’06 is engaged to William Shepherd. A May 9, 2015 wedding is planned. (Cristin O’Brien ’06 and Windsor Tyler ’06 are bridesmaids). Kelsey Creech ’09 is engaged to Aaron Stumpf (BHS ’09). A September 12, 2015 wedding is planned. Valerie Tellmann ’00 is engaged to Kirk Henning. A July 25, 2015 wedding is planned. Kate Donovan ’05 is engaged to David Staples. An August 2015 wedding is planned.

Weddings Ashley Hatfield ’03 married Albert Watson Peace Stelly (BHS ’03) on October 18, 2014. First Row: “Presenting the Ziskay girls...wisdom, beauty, intelligence, we have it all” says SuraJoAnne and Asha Snow Ziskay in pink daughters of William and Diana Dieter Ziskay ’94 / “I am a true bundle of beautiful joy,” says Mary Elizabeth Emms Addison, daughter of Matthew and Karin Talbert Addison ’94. Second Row: “ I am so innocent, so pure,” says Bobbie Paulette, daughter of William and Sarah Ellington Paulette ’00 Third Row: “I bring joy to everyone!” says WalkerCaufield Campbell, son of Robert and Claire Micas Campbell ’00.

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Jodi Savik Allen ’83 married Alan Tignor on October 18, 2014 in Virginia Beach. Jodi will also welcome her first grandchild in August, 2015. Stephanie Huddleston ’05 married Chris Harding on November 1, 2014.

Class Notes Bridgette Guedri ’03 married Geoff Beyer on December 31, 2014. Emmy Reuger ’04 married Lin Wright on January 17, 2015.

Births Shannon Dolan Sottolano ’01 and her husband, Mike, welcomed Harper M. Sottolano on September 11, 2014. Emily Schott Nash ’02 and her husband, Adam, welcomed their first child Jane Catherine, October 7, 2014. Katie Cover Hamner ’04 and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child Reese Weslea, October 7, 2014. Sarah Ellington Paulette ’00 and her husband, William, welcomed their daughter Barbara “Bobbie” Chartier Paulette born November 18, 2014. Claire Micas Campbell ’00 and her husband, Robert, welcomed their son Walker Caufield Campbell, November 10, 2014. Walker joins big sister, Leighton (3). Karin Talbert Addison ’94 and her husband, Matthew, welcomed their daughter Mary Elizabeth Emms Addison, February 10, 2015. Mary Elizabeth joins brothers James (6) and David (3) who are happy to finally meet her! Diana Dieter Ziskay ’94 and her husband, William, welcomed her daughter, Asha Snow Ziskay, February 13, 2015. Asha joins big sister Sura JoAnne (2).

Condolences Memori Bacci Oatman ’84 on the death of her father, Sherrill Bacci, August 1, 2014. Loretta Liscio ’64, Christina Liscio Royal ’66, Helen Liscio Dietz ’68, Joan Liscio Frank ’71, Angela

Liscio Scott ’73 and Carmela Liscio Tombes ’78 on the death of their mother, Rosina Joan Liscio, August 30, 2014 Natalie Guidon ’18 on the death of her grandfather, James E. DeVol, August 25, 2014.

death of her grandfather, Richard Cardwell, October 3, 2014. Rhonda Lambert Parson ’84 and Ann-Frances Lambert ’93 on the death of their grandmother, Mary Frances Lambert, October 10, 2014.

Stacey Coleman Samitt ’95 on the death of her father, Donald Coleman, August 29, 2014.

Emily Gerloff ’03 and Caroline Gerloff ’06 on the death of their grandmother, Nancy Murray Pugh, October 13, 2014.

Sarah Busch ’15, on the death of her grandmother, Hazel Lewane, September 1, 2014.

Katie Harper ’15 on the death of her grandmother, Barbara Harper, October 18, 2014.

Jacqueline Boehling Harvey ’52 on the death of her husband, Albert Lawrence “Lonnie” Harvey, September 1, 2014. Mr. Harvey is the father of Sharon Harvey Beamer ’69, Patty Harvey Lewis ’76 and Regis Harvey Slaw ’88. He is the father-in-law of Theresa Williams Harvey ’75, Jackie Hanky Harvey ’79 and Eileen Geisen Harvey ’80.

Carole Boehling Raine ’79 on the death of her grandson, Joseph Matthew Allen, October 22, 2014.

Maris Northup Terry-Wyatt ’93 and Mary Kathleen Northup ’94 on the death of their grandmother, June Northup, September 3, 2014. Penny Bono Muire ’75 and Barbara Bono Blankenship ’76 on the loss of their mother, Olive Louise Gilbert, September 6, 2015. Elizabeth Blount Clifford ’83 on the death of her father, Alston Wilcox Blount, September 9, 2014. Victoria Saunders ’16 on the death of her grandmother, Anne Saunders, September 14, 2014. Mason Patton ’17 on the death of her grandmother, Leonora Colasanto Ebhardt, September 21, 2014. Yolanda Sweeney ’64 on the death of her brother, Michael “Mickey” Nicholas Angelini, September 26, 2014. Grace Strauss Ryan ’42 on the death of her brother, Raymond Strauss, September 30, 2014. Grace Collins Cardwell, Social Studies faculty member, on the

Tammy Ingram, Foreign Language Chair, on the death of her brother, Mark Carter, October 27, 2014. Laurie Powell Burke ’75, Cheri Powell Peterson ’79 and Susanne Powell Winstead ’83 on the death of their father, Thomas Powell, October 28, 2014. Rebecca Richards (English Teacher) on the death of her grandfather, Richard Richards, November 2, 2014. Jayne Williams Martin ’78 on the death of her father-in-law, Robert Martin, November 3, 2014. Linda Chester Armistead ’66 and Suzie Chester Luxton ’71 on the death of their brother, Francis Chester, November 6, 2014. Hayley Hassett ’15 and Megan Hassett ’17 on the death of their grandmother, Shirley J. Starr, November 9, 2014. Kim Bullock, English faculty member, on the death of her grandmother, Melva Bernice Threatt Walker, November 16, 2014. Maria Benedetti ’82 on the death of her father, The Honorable Joseph Benedetti, November 19, 2014. Mr. Benedetti’s sister-in-law was Sr. Doris Nolte, OSB ’46. Mary Jacque Mann ’66 on the death of her sister, Barbara Fay

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Class Notes “Butterfly McPeace” Mann ’67, November 24, 2014. Lauren Razzetti ’16 on the death of her grandfather, Richard Razzetti, November 29, 2014. Linda Stewart, Admission Assistant, on the death of her brother, Dennis Wayne Becker, December 1, 2014. Mary Frances Caravati Kastelberg ’42 on the death of her son and Marggie Bowles Kastelberg ’72 on the death of her husband, Louis Joseph Kastelberg, December 2, 2014. Mr. Kastelberg was the father of Mary Lou Kastelberg Bulger ’01. He was also the brother of Joanne Kastelberg Wellford ’68 and Mary Beth Kastelberg Morgan ’81 and the brother-in-law of Elaine Becker Kastelberg ’77. Annie Myers ’16 on the death of her grandmother, Marian Myers, December 7, 2014. Susan Pastore ’75, Eileen Pastore Hunsucker ’77 and Nancy Pastore Gladden ’80 on the death of their mother, Dorothy Laveri Pastore, December 12, 2014. Margaret Duffy Cello ’40, Anne Duffy Castner ’70 and Mary Beth Duffy Slagle ’77 on the death of their father, Edward Thomas Duffy, Jr., December 20, 2014. Ann Siewers Meacham ’78 on the death of her mother, Mary Ann Siewers, January 6, 2015. Mrs. Siewers was the grandmother of Mary Breslin Meacham ’07 and Katie Siewers Fox ’07. Erin Brooks ’08 and Chrissy Saunders ’11 on the death of their grandmother, Barbara Williams, January 8, 2015. Maria Mullinax Kuscsik ’88 on the death of her father, Perry Franklin Mullinax, Jr., January 11, 2015. Sr. Mary Clark, OSB on the death of her mother, Mary Elizabeth Diebler, January 19, 2015. Mary Teresa Reardon ’75, Ann Reardon ’77 on the death of

44 Tower News

their mother, Barbara Ann Warren Reardon, January 22, 2015. Mrs. Reardon was the mother-in-law of Denise Ouellette Reardon ’82 and the grandmother of Mary Catherine Reardon ’10, Clare Reardon ’11, Bridget Reardon ’12 and Caroline Reardon ’15. Kathleen Farrell Pollard ’60 on the death of her brother, James Dennis Farrell, January 17, 2015. Cathleen Hudert Shutt ’75 on the death of her sister, Sister Claire Hudert, OSB ’61, January 26, 2015. Joan Riddick Ayscue ’81 on the death of her daughter, Catherine M. Ayscue, January 27, 2015. Catherine was the granddaughter of Mary Lou Lange Riddick ’52. Sharon Fulcher ’74 on the death of her mother Marie Catogni Fulcher ’38, March 29, 2015. Mrs. Fulcher was the grandmother of Lauren Fulcher ’04.

In Memoriam Barbara Fay Mann ’67, November 24, 2014 Ann Cafferty Wittkamp ’40, December 12, 2014 Joan Stankus Gentry ’56, January 1, 2015 Sister Claire Hudert, OSB ’61, January 26, 2015 Marie Catogni Fulcher ‘38, March 29, 2015

Share Your News! If you have news for our class notes, please contact Margie Shibley at We welcome your news and photos.

Keep in Touch! If your alum daughter has changed her residence, kindly update us on her new address and email information to alumnae@saintgertrude. org. We would love for her to receive the Tower News and all of the other exciting Saint Gertrude information.

Annual Report Review

Annual Report Review

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Annual Report Review














2013 / 2014

TUITION / FEES $3,311,573

Source of Funds $4,661,076

(Net of $371,204 for financial assistance)



ATHLETICS $92,860 SPECIAL EVENTS $68,293 (Net of expenses)


46 Tower News

Annual Report Review


Use of Funds $4,029,140

2013 / 2014

SALARIES (Excluding Coaches) $2,285,831 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE





$ 505,233 $ 491,374 $ 356,965 $ 185,089 $ 111,903 $ 92,745













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Annual Report Review

Thank You This report includes all giving to Saint Gertrude High School in fiscal year 2014, from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. We are so grateful to all our donors for your support, and we hope that this report captures the depth and breadth of your generosity. Your gifts touch every aspect of Saint Gertrude High School providing support for the arts, instruction, athletics, the physical plant, student activities, and many of the extras that make SGHS special. The full report is available online.








Total Donor Support Total Giving by Category July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 IN-KIND GIFTS

13.0% $93,087


29.3% $209,133


23.3% $166,359

48 Tower News

*Does not include $29,408 raised by the PTSO through after-prom donations ($2,665) and the Green Gator Raffle ($26,743).

Annual Report Review

CHRISTMAS Memory Tree A new tradition was born this past Christmas season when The Saint Gertrude Christmas Memory Tree was planted on the school’s front lawn on Stuart Avenue. The six-foot tall Norway Spruce tree was illuminated with more than 250 white lights as donors contributed in the memory of loved ones who are no longer with us during the holidays. The Christmas Memory Tree was lit before the school closed for the Christmas holidays and it stayed lit until after the Feast of the Epiphany. Donors and dedications were listed on the SGHS Web Site, and will be listed in the 2014 – 2015 annual report on giving as well as this edition of the Tower News. The Christmas Memory Tree supports the SGHS Scholarship Fund, which provides financial aid to deserving students. About one-third of the students at Saint Gertrude receive financial aid, and the need is growing each year. Now donors can remember loved ones every Christmas by sponsoring a light for each of the special people who graced our lives. As the tree grows, it will brighten Stuart Avenue each year and become a familiar and cherished tradition. Top: The tradition of the Memory Tree started at the Holly Spree this year where the SGHS community could remember their loved ones. The actual live tree is in our garden on Stuart Avenue.

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Annual Report Review

The following donors gave to the 2014 Memory Tree Susan Newcomb Kopecko ’68

Jane Marrin Baughan ’60

In memory of Karen Stumpf Nuckols ’68

In memory of Robert Baughan

Frances Murphy Powers ’63 & the Snow Family

Helen Sue Cates Jones ’71

In memory of David W. Powers, Sr. In memory of Celie Murphy Scafidi ’63

In memory of Helen Curley Cates ’41, Ann Marie Curley Kelly ’4 3, Mary Kat Curley Rouse ’35, Margaret Curley Balch ’36

Sally Valentine In memory of Louis Valentine


Norbert & Kathy Holzgrefe Bliley ’68

In memory of Joan Nitz ’82 In memory of Theresa Marchetti-Paulding ’82

In memory of Helen Holzgrefe Fitz-Williams ’65 In memory of Nick Bliley

Brenda Bullock Brickley ’69

Cookie Giannini ’64

In memory of Clarence Leo Bullock & Bruna Luperini Bullock

In memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1964

The Dupuis Family

Donna Kelly Saunders ’76

In memory of William W. & Helen Hanson Reams

In memory of Patrick E. Kelly BHS ’78 In memory of J. Van R. Kelly, Jr.

Nancy Parsons

Lara Seavey

In memory of my mother, Josephine Lee In memory of my brother James C. Lee, Jr.

In memory of Michael Stuart Sheffield

Ann Schaeffer Giovannetti ’56

Tracey Jerome ’84

In memory of Thomas L. Giovannetti

In memory of Grandparents Nannie & Papa Bill & Papa

Linda McCracken Koebel ’80

Lara Seavey

In memory of Melanie Powers In memory of Marguerite Lange McCracken ’4 9

In memory of Henry Charles Seavey

Greg & Maria Provenzo

Jane Johnson

In memory of Peter Provenzo – Emily’s Grandpa

In memory of Alicia Wilmot, Jim Wilmot, Virginia Johnson

Kimberly Loehr ’80

Judy Mietlicki Hopkins ’68

In memory of my mother, B.K. Loehr

In memory of The Hopkins & Mietlicki Families

Jean McKeever

Meghan Madel

In memory of Eliza “Nanny” White

In memory of The Blair & Moran Families

Mary Ann Baker

Sister Mary Clark, OSB

In memory of Glen Baker

In memory of the deceased Benedictine Sisters of Virginia

Traci Manning Meade ’85 & Cameron Meade In memory of Sonja Manning

Claire Anderson Cerri ’08

Deborah Fisk

In memory of Reverand David T. Anderson In memory of Mary Donovan

In memory of Mary Virginia Furneyhough Outten In memory of Keith Washington Outten

Jennifer Reid

Mary Fisk-Taylor ’86

In memory of Arthur & Anne Guyre In memory of Larry & Myrtle Petersen

In memory of Katrina Golden ’86

Teresa Chancey Gates ’66 In memory of my mother Edith Chancey

50 Tower News

Cheryl Peters In memory of Tom Hankes

Annual Report Review

Jennifer Reid

Pam Ogden

In memory of Elizabeth “Libby” Reid

In memory of Richard A. Razzetti, Sr.

In memory of Tessa Martin In memory of Charlotte Martin In memory of Harriet Stokes In memory of Bob Martin

LeeAnn Young

Robert & Deborah Leshner ’73

In memory of Judi Huffman

In memory of Ida Lou Taylor Goodman ’4 8 In memory of Emily Kate Robertson ’03

Richard Razzetti, Jr.

Elizabeth Dunn In memory of Sam-I-Am Dunn In memory of Bruce Ogden

Chrisine Hardenberger

Jayne Martin ’78 In memory of Ann Williams ’42 In memory of Brooks Williams

In memory of Walter Radziejewski

Beth Forbes

Mary Castanien ’75

In memory of Ronald Ghetti In memory of Catherine Foley

In memory of Ann Guthrie Causey ’4 9

Emily Ferguson ’03

Lauren Sommers ’01 In memory of Claire Horton ’01

In memory of Frank Ferguson

Tower News 51

Annual Report Review

Sheila Oliva ’60

Audrey Diane Bialkowski ’66

In memory of Sr. Agnes O’Mara ’41

In memory of Audrey Barfoot Bialkowski In memory of Emil J. Bialkowski, Jr. In memory of Emily Gregory Snavely

Suzie Chester Luxton ’71 In memory of Frank, Helen & Fran Chester

Madison Schmidt ’17 In memory of Cameron Gallagher

Lolo Ford ’69 In memory of Inez Stankus

Ann & J. Patrick Gill In memory of Betty & Jim Gill

Luciana Mashore Gray ’93 In memory of Bernice Briley

Camilia Briley Mashore In memory of Willie B. Roberson

Jonni Farish ’63 In memory of Eloise Stapleton

Jordan McIntire ’07 In memory of Carol Bock

Allison Cale In memory of James J. Bates

Maggie Blossfeld

Evelyn Gragnani Dowdy ’78 In memory of Betty Gragnani – Mother of Evelyn & Jane In memory of Louis R. Gragnani – Father of Evelyn & Jane

Julia McLellan In memory of Aloysius & Sue Bahen

Carol Marin-Vargas In memory of Jean & Joe Uzolini

Breanna Lamkin In memory of Clarence Brown

Margie Shibley Gray ’77 In memory of Jackie Shibley In memory of Margaret Soffee In memory of Annie Shibley In memory of Dorothy Gray

Ken Cundy In memory of Robert Cundy

Charity Owens Yanishak ’95

In memory of Mary A. Blossfeld

In memory of Tom Owens In memory of Drew Yanishak

Sue Weber

Daniel & Corinne Geary

In memory of Thomas Lefko

In memory of Dr. David Patrick Geary

52 Tower News

Annual Report Review Jeff & Amy Marks

Ben Scafidi

In memory of Elsa Marks – Grandmother of Sarah Marks ’16 In memory of Michael Shenigo – Grandfather of Sarah Marks ’16

In memory of Deceased Members of BHS Class of 1960 In memory of Deceased Members of SGHS Class of 1960

Joya Subudhi ’93

Tobin Bellam Ward ’00 In memory of Anne Marie Johnson McKee ’64

In memory of Beulah Helen Rodd

Marie Tricca

Paul & Townley Marchetti ’81 In memory of Theresa Marchetti Isom

In memory of Bernice Holland In memory of Grandma & Gramps Rufo In memory of Papa & Nonna Tricca

Keely Curran ’16

Melanie Moore ’16

In memory of Joseph Curran

In memory of Margaret Trojanowski

Maggie Dooley ’17

Ann Curran Merithew ’18

In memory of Florence Beretich In memory of Alice Dooley Boyd

In memory of Joseph E. Wilson, Helen Wilson, Patricia A. Merithew

Terry Cluverius Worland ’81

Elizabeth McMahon

In memory of Mary Helen Cluverius ’57

In memory of Rose McMahon

Frank & Mary T. Wallmeyer ’61

Betye Reynolds McCarty ’52

In memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1961 In memory of Deceased Members of Bickerstaff Family In memory of Deceased Members of Wallmeyer Family In memory of Deceased Members of BHS Class of 1959 In memory of Deceased Members of the Heye Family

In memory of Barbara Reynolds Jones ’56

Lauren Razzetti ’16

Carter Parlow ’18

In memory of Theresa Marchetti Isom ’82

In memory of Dianne Parlow In memory of Joy Albright

Amy Turner In memory of David Tate

Kathy Stack Consuegra ’74

In memory of Judy Winterstella, my Grandma

Kathy Ammons ’82 Karen Neil ’76 In memory of Theresa Curley Kerner ’4 6

Cindy & Mason Harper In memory of Barbara Harper

In memory of Laurel Koenig

Carol Bliley Markow ’58

Julie Edmondson

In memory of Ann Bliley O’Keeffe ’58 In memory of Theresa Bliley Miller ’63

In memory of Louise Field, Mother

Leslie Koenig Stack ’74 In memory of Laurel Koenig

Joan Wharton Phillips ’48

Ralph & Mary Johnson Puccinelli ’60 In memory of Osvaldo & Bianca Puccinelli

Kevin & Kristi Trevillian In memory of Mary Trevillian

In memory of Maria Wharton Williamson ’55 In memory of Patricia Wharton Phillips ’4 9 In memory of Michael Louis Phillips

David & Marissa Barnes

Ben, Shannon ’87, Mary ’89 & Kristin ’91

Joan Wharton Phillips ’48

In memory of Cecilia Murphy Scafidi ’60

In memory of Thomas B. Phillips IV

The Scafidi Family

Arthur & Kathleen Ciucci Seidenberg ’63

In memory of Cecilia Murphy Scafidi ’60

In memory of Peggy Ciucci In memory of Connor Ciucci

In memory of Beth Barnes

Tower News 53

Annual Report Review Maureen Ryan Williams ’72

Richard & Sharon Watkins

In memory of John A. Ryan, Jr. In memory of Patty Caravati Ernsberger ’47 In memory of Charlie Caravati & Hank Caravati

In memory of Christopher Desch In memory of Carl C J Jones

Dick & Susan Walker

In memory of Patricia Immig Droppleman ’57

In memory of Paul Walker In memory of The Robertson Family – Kate ’47, Helen & Russ In memory of Our Grandparents

Jenny Watkins ’00 In memory of M’Lis Watkins Brewer In memory of Carl “C.J.” Jones In memory of Christopher E. Desch In memory of M’Lis Watkins Brewer

Ashton Bauer In memory of Katherine Crandall & Jane Lee Goshorn

Anna Marks ’18

George & Patricia Schaefer Oliff ’57 Patricia Carroll Connell ’56 In memory of James P.B. Connell

Joanne Alexander Anstett ’56 In memory of Joseph E. Anstett

Caroline Clary ’15 In memory of Vivian Bulheller – Grandmother

Daniel & Mary Pat Brennan Sullivan ’52 In memory of Mary Gretchen Corsentino ’52

Gordon & Barbara Miller Whetstone ’63

In memory of Marte Kent

In memory of Helen H. Miller – Mother In memory of Melanie M. Sharpe – Sister

Mary Lou Kastelberg Bulger ’01

James & Madeline Williamson McKenna ’63

In memory of Louis Kastelberg

In memory of Rose Williamson, Monte Williamson, Maria Williamson, Brian Williamson, Gus Williamson, Ninkie Williamson

Sarah Rasich In memory of Thomas & Elizabeth Bellavance

Robin Andrews ’86 In memory of my Mother Gwendolyn Andrews

Mary Parsons ’66 In memory of Deceased Members of the SGHS Class of 1966

Dot Murphy Murray ’68 In memory of Deceased Members of the Murphy & Murray Families

Class of ’75 In memory of Mary Consolvo ’75

Leslie Stewart Winder ’91 In memory of Cecilia Murphy Scafidi ’60

Robert & Joan Solari Ross ’55 In memory of Mildred Ann Solari Trevillian ’4 5

Lisa Fusco In memory of Elmer Fusco

Katie Nelson Marsh ’01

SGHS Faculty & Staff

In memory of Claire Horton ’01

In memory of Sr. Gertrude Mueller, OSB; Sr. Damien Tambola, OSB; In memory of Sister Ernestine Johann, OSB ’41

Mauritia Gauvin Kamer ’84 In memory of Genevieve Mink Gauvin ’4 8

Bill Buchanan In memory of Jason Penninger

Ellen Kastelberg ’04 In memory of Louis Kastelberg

Peggy A. Bruner ’64 In memory of Marsha Gordon Loving

54 Tower News

David & Wendy Baker Hope ’87 In memory of Terri Snead, Class of 1987

Mark & Rhonda Lambert Parson’84 In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Lambert, Jr.

{ a look back }

3215 Stuart Avenue · Richmond, VA 23221

A Special Bond—Grandmother Ida Gallagher with her Granddaughter Emily Gallagher ’16.

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