Sghs disoverleadership (2)

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girls can & girls will Saint Gertrude High School

discover leadership

At Saint Gertrude High School, developing each young woman’s leadership potential is central to our educational program Our goal is to prepare every graduate to advance into the world with confidence and the ability to engage her unique leadership capabilities for the greater good of humankind. Leadership Education at SGHS is integrated in every facet of the school experience. Leadership is more than assuming a slot at the top of an organizational chart. It encompasses a combination of purpose-setting, caring, communicating, and relating to others. It demands curiosity, persistence, and initiative. Further, as a faith-based institution, we believe leadership must be rooted in a well-developed ethical and moral foundation, nurtured by a vision and desire for a more just world. The Discover Leadership program is a highly-focused, age-appropriate program of skillbuilding that begins in the freshman year, and increases in complexity and breadth as each young woman matures toward her senior year and graduation.

9 freshman year is designed for each young woman to develop a healthy sense of self and to begin to understand what it means to lead. Students are encouraged to handle setbacks and challenges through a combination of perseverance, determination, grit, intuition and common sense. These factors are often the most predictive variables of real world performance. YE AR ONE

Freshmen begin their journey of self-awareness and reflection. How do I take care of myself? • What do I need to do to be healthy in mind and body? • How do health and wellness affect how I relate to others? • What does leadership truly mean? • Can I be a leader? • What are my personal strengths? • How can I grow and improve? • How might I serve as a leader in school?

Answering these questions leads each girl to recognize the importance of lifelong health and wellness, and that one must take care of herself before she is able to care for others.

Special Programs “Leadership Be’s”: What it means to be a leader Seniors design and present a workshop introducing the Discover Leadership program to the freshmen.

Health & Wellness Students learn a healthy mind and body is the foundation of a good leader.

Challenge Discovery – University of Richmond Students transition from learning about “Me” to “We” in preparation for the second year of the Discover Leadership program.

Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. André Gide

10 sophomore


In YEAR TWO of The Discover Leadership program students focus on the differences between personal vision and communal vision, or consensus. Their growing sense of self becomes a platform for acquiring the practical skills necessary to “make things happen�. By engaging in a variety of team-building activities with their classmates, students develop a deeper understanding of their unique role as part of a greater whole, and begin to recognize the elements of good relationships.

Sophomores refine collaboration skills and learn to be team players. What are the traits needed to be a good team player? • How do I relate in a team setting? • What unique qualities or strengths do I contribute to the whole? • What factors are critical to working successfully in teams? • How do my decisions affect myself and others? • How can teams work together to solve problems? • How do I use social media responsibly?

Each girl comes to understand how she uniquely advance community goals through effective communication, establishing trust, maintaining accountability, applying consistent ethical standards, and sound decision making.

Special Programs Team Building Students participate in team-building activities that highlight how each young woman’s role influences her “team".

Character & Integrity A motivational speaker guides students to examine how one’s character and integrity influences a group.

Media Relationships Students learn how developing a positive social media presence supports one as an effective leader.

All of us are smarter than any of us. Douglas Merrill

empower girls to make change in the world.

11 junior


In YEAR THREE , students identify community issues, develop possible solutions, and present their ideas to each other and to school administration. They experience the value of engaging in service to a cause larger than themselves.

Juniors examine community understanding and creative problem solving. Why is it important to play an active role in all those communities to which I belong? • What is involved in problem solving? • How can one person improve the lives of others? • How do I build connections with others in my community? • What are networking skills, when should I use them, and how can I employ them for the benefit of both myself, and, more importantly, others? • What skills are essential in the workplace and in community organizing? • How do I find and cultivate good mentors?

The project focus reinforces the critical role individuals can play in their community and encourages students to apply their expanding communication and relational skills as active community participants.

Special Programs Community Spotlight Local and regional changemakers inspire students to be a voice for good in society.

Community Presentations Students present a community issue and solution to their class and school administration sharpening their public speaking skills in the process.

Networking Students learn to put their best foot forward by making professional connections and preparing for summer internships.

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. Mother Theresa

summer internships

Richmond IS our campus! Following junior year, students are encouraged to apply for a mentored summer internship with local organizations, institutions, and businesses in their field of interest. This twenty-hour internship offers students a hands-on, real world opportunity to explore what is truly involved in working in these fields. Our young women learn invaluable lessons from committed, successful adults, and explore the possibility of turning their interests into careers.

Students have secured internships in ADVERTISING EDUCATION











Summer Internships provide students the opportunity to develop confidence and experience in a professional environment. Once the junior student is paired with her mentor, she is responsible for initiating contact with her mentor, introducing herself, setting specific internship goals, and establishing a work schedule. At the conclusion of the internship, students complete an evaluation of their experiences and the summer internship is reflected on their transcript.

12 senior


During YEAR FOUR of the Discover Leadership program, the girls engage with strong female role models who are making a difference in the community. In essence, each young woman is uncovering her true and bigger purpose in the world, and in doing so, is taking a major stride in bridging the divide between high school and the next step in her journey.

Seniors prepare to meet the challenges of our changing world How have other women positively impacted their communities? • How have other women overcome, learned and grown from disappointments, challenges, and struggles? • How can I best use my unique gifts and strengths in an environment that suits me? • What is the value of my life and work in the larger world? • What are the fundamentals of financial responsibility?

As they prepare for the next chapter of their lives, students are challenged to apply the principles of effective leadership to all of their endeavors, from personal decision-making to meeting the challenges of our changing world.

Special Programs Strong Female Role Models Alumnae return to share their perspectives, give advice and answer questions about their professional lives.

Personal Finance Students learn the money management skills necessary to becoming financially responsible adults.

Self-Defense Seniors participate in a self-defense program designed to build self-confidence and personal safety skills as they prepare to leave for college.

Stress Management Students prepare to navigate stressful situations in college and in life.

I am not afraid. I was born to do this. Joan of Arc

3215 Stuart Avenue Richmond Virginia 23221 804.358.9114 Saint Gertrude High School actively seeks and admits qualified young women of any race, religion, national or ethnic origin.

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