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Is There a Solution to Your Allergy Riddle?
Does your nose quiver at the scent of flowering trees? Do your sinuses close with every breeze? Do you feel uneasy, and do your eyes water when you see the cotton floating in the air like snow? Does your head fill with fog and your chest feel clogged? Does your skin go bumpy, and do your eyes get runny? Do you reach for the same old remedy to help you a little only to find you still haven’t solved your allergy riddle?
You are not alone!
Solving the allergy riddle can be one of life’s biggest mysteries. Some seasonal allergy sufferers can get by with over-the-counter medications and some cannot. Because everyone is different and every year poses new challenges with pollens, pollutants, and weather conditions, you may need to shake up your routine so that you can enjoy every season.
Whether you’re a chronic or a seasonal allergy sufferer, there are a host of over-the-counter remedies that most of you are accustomed to using as well as quite a few remedies of which you might not be aware.
Let’s jump in!
Many people who prefer and can get relief with over-the-counter medications have made a switch to an herbal supplement called D-Hist. Created by one the nation’s leading supplement makers, D-Hist has helped countless numbers of people get relief without the side effects that some medications can have. D-Hist is a plant/herb based product that also contains vitamin C.
Have you ever tried a nasal rinse?
Nasal rinses are particularly helpful for rehydrating your nasal passages and sinuses, and they also aid in getting those pesky pollen, dust, and mold particles out of your airways! If your routine includes allergy medication, combining it with a nasal rinse can prove to be extremely beneficial. If you are a bit scared of running liquid through your nose, you do not need to be afraid!
Nasal spray: It’s different from a rinse.
Nasal sprays are designed to help with inflammation and open up nasal passages. Many allergy sufferers find that they are lost when it comes to choosing the right one. This is usually the issue with most over-the-counter medications. By asking questions and getting feedback from your pharmacist, you will be able to choose the over-the-counter medication that could work for you. Since some nasal sprays contain medication, they do not “flush” the sinus of particles like a sinus rinse. Rather, they are designed to “deposit” moisture and/or medications.
Nasal nebulizer with a kick!
Chronic allergy and rhinitis sufferers know how beneficial a nasal nebulizer is, but for those of you who don’t know, a nasal nebulizer is very similar to a breathing nebulizer. The difference is that you inhale the moisture and medication through your nose rather than your mouth. A nasal nebulizer is perfect for delivering medication deep within the sinus cavity.
Topical creams for itchy and irritated skin.
Skin inflammation is not uncommon for allergy sufferers. The difference between stopping the itch and keeping it at bay will depend on what product you use and sometimes, on what other medication you’re also taking. Some oral medication can cause itchiness or irritated skin. There are many options that contain corticosteroids and many options that do not.
Patients with eczema will often experience heightened inflammation during allergy season. A pharmacist could examine your current medications and discuss whether a customized compounded cream might be right for you. A compounding pharmacy can create this specialized product and add soothing, medicating ingredients you wouldn’t otherwise be able to find overthe-counter.
The Crème de la crème: Sublingual drops— an at home allergy miracle!
If you’ve ever had allergy shots or know of someone who has, you may want to look at this alternative. Sublingual immunotherapy drops (drops you place under your tongue) are taken daily without leaving the comfort and convenience of your own home. What makes these drops so spectacular is that they work for both seasonal and chronic allergy sufferers. They’re designed to build your immunity to allergens by desensitizing your body to environmental allergens (pollens, dust, mold, pets) and can be used for food allergies (egg, wheat, nuts, and more). Many allergy sufferers have had great success with this type of immunotherapy and have realized time and cost savings benefits, as well.
To find out if sublingual immunotherapy could be an option for you, talk to your doctor, allergist, or pharmacist. They will provide you with information about this type of therapy and help you determine whether it is the right fit for you.
Want to know more?
How about free education on allergies, allergy treatments, nasal nebulizers, and the ins and outs of our sublingual allergy drops? I encourage you to go to www.FusionSpecialtyPharmacy.com/allergy/. We call this our Allergy Summit, and it will provide you with my expert advice and the advice of four other medical providers!
Fusion Pharmacy has two locations to choose from: our Santa Clara location off of Canyon View Drive and our St. George location at the Riverfront Medical Center.
Please visit our website for store hours and addresses, and if you would like to make an appointment with me, please call (435) 703-9680 or visit our website at www.FusionSpecialtyPharmacy.com. We look forward to helping you and your family with your allergy riddle!
About the Author

Koby Taylor, PharmD, is the owner and pharmacist of Fusion Pharmacy. Working as a retail pharmacist early in his career, Koby began to see that pharmacy patients needed to have access to available alternative medications. He realized that pharmacy in its truest form is compounding, and he wanted to be able to provide patients with customized medications. He also desired more personalized interactions with patients in order to truly help their health and wellbeing. To fulfill his passion for improving the health of patients and educating them about compounding, Koby opened the doors of Fusion Pharmacy in 2013. Today, Fusion is nationally accredited with PCAB and NABP. It is licensed in and ships to 27 states. Fusion is proud to have two locations to better serve the southern Utah community. Koby graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in molecular biology in 1995 and from the University of Utah with his Doctorate of Pharmacy in 2000.