4 minute read

Prevention Is Key to a Happy, Healthy Heart

By Lisa G. Larson

It is the number one killer in the progressive world today, and yet, when considering what most people are doing to keep heart disease at bay, their actions indicate the answer is “not much” or “not enough.”

“I think we become numb to it,” said structural heart cardiologist Dr. Blake Gardner of the lackadaisical attitude some people take when it comes to proper heart health. “We live in an excess of comfort. Sometimes those indulgences that allow us to live in comfort are not good for our heart.”

Dr. Blake Gardner

Heart disease, which leads to heart attack and stroke, is so prevalent that it’s difficult to find anyone who hasn’t been touched by it. Unlike infectious diseases, heart disease will find you wherever you are. “You can’t run from it,” Gardner said. “It can take your life faster than anything we know of, other than some sort of trauma.”

While it’s true you cannot run from heart disease, running—or anything that elevates your heart rate—is actually one of the steps to take to prevent it. The other element, arguably more important, is diet. “Diet is 90-plus percent of the equation,” Gardner said. “You don’t have to eat a bland, boring diet, but moderation is the key to reducing the risks.”

Although it takes time to adjust, Gardner said people can retrain their bodies to feel full after eating smaller amounts of food. He also suggested adopting a diet more in line with the Mediterranean diet, which promotes eating more vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fish and less red meat and processed sugars and fewer refined grains.

“Ideally, it would be nice if everyone in the country had an opportunity to sit down with a nutritionist and talk about the importance of what, when, and how much they’re putting into their bodies,” Gardner said.

Even if a regular visit with a nutritionist is not possible for you, Gardner noted that it is paramount to establish a good relationship with your primary care physician and comply with their advice. “Primary care physicians are on the front lines with people to help prevent problems,” Gardner said. “By the time they get to us (cardiologists), it’s almost too late.”

According to Gardner, the most effective time to prevent heart disease actually begins in childhood, with some studies showing the impact of childhood dietary habits playing out seven or eight decades later. However, even in adulthood, it is not too late to undo previous damage if people are willing to change.

“When someone comes in after a massive heart attack and we snatch them from the brink of death, there is often some motivation to make changes,” Gardner said. “Prior to that, people don’t seem to pay as much attention.”

Gardner cited the following four prevention tips for preventing heart disease: smoking cessation, healthy eating, exercise, and regular visits with a primary care physician. From there, a doctor can discuss the possibility of using medication to minimize or stabilize arterial plaque.

“Some disease processes are going to occur no matter what, but portions of heart health are not necessarily like that,” Gardner said. “So much can be done with basic prevention.”

About the Author Lisa Larson is a freelance writer with a background in public relations and public speaking and a passion for sharing great stories. You might spot Lisa with her husband and three children enjoying the downtown carousel or exploring one of the area’s hiking trails. She also enjoys reading and baking, and she is looking to rekindle her romance with running. You can find Lisa on Twitter @LisaGLarson or at www.facebook.com/larsonlisa.

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