5 minute read
Cheap, Fast, Sweet, ‘n Fatty: America's Favorite Recipe for Disaster
By Bentley Murdock
Over the years, mainstream media has perpetually engaged in a misleading dance, showcasing the classic four nutritional and dietary hot-buttons: fat, carbs, salt, and sugar.
These four topics invariably come back into view every few years, being confidently labeled as entirely guilty or entirely innocent, depending largely upon which industry is willing to pay the most. Slanted studies will always be funded by the very companies who stand to gain the most by peddling their purchased results, with dozens of scientists and doctors ready to leverage their perceived credibility in the lobby volley.

And then there’s the largely uninformed consumer, trying desperately to keep up with their own exhaustive research, all while selective, phenomenally informative studies and research findings are being intentionally kept from public awareness. (These studies can be found by visiting NutritionFacts.org.)
The same caliber of corporations, lobbyists, doctors, and scientists who invested hundreds of millions of dollars into convincing the world that cigarettes were not addictive— but were, in fact, innocent, harmless, and even medicinal—are yet again hard at work today, defending the over-consumption of two primary culprits behind the majority of chronic disease in America: saturated fat and refined sugar.
As most of us know all too well by now, the overconsumption of saturated fat (also known as low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol) is the leading cause of obesity and is characteristically linked to the majority of cardiovascular and circulatory issues of all kinds, including heart diseases, heart attacks, and strokes. Add that to the chemical and heavy metal cocktails being peddled daily to Americans of literally every age through fast “food,” candy, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and even synthetic injectables of the most alarming sort. It all begs to answer dozens of questions about why chronic disease, neurological disorders, miscarriages, and all-cause mortality rates are currently skyrocketing worldwide.
As apocalyptically doomsday-ish as this all sounds, the entirety of the power to evade all of that devastation, disease, and death rests firmly in the hearts, hands, and minds of people just like you and me. We each get to choose what we put in and on our bodies, believe it or not. And honestly, that’s where the real fun work begins. We get to literally “vote” with our dollars every single day, speaking (without words) so loudly that even the biggest and most intentionally monopolized and politicized corporations can hear us as clearly as their bankruptcy red-phones ringing. We get to research good, better, and best options, choosing intentionally to purchase what we know actually promotes healing in the body. We get to choose to educate our children at home, teaching them how to pack a delicious and nutritious lunch that actually nourishes their precious, irreplaceable immune systems.
Cognitive dissonance is an inevitable chapter you must be willing to navigate, especially when you begin hearing questions and feeling resistance from those you love and trust. And when those questions and rebuttals arrive (trust me, they will), go inward with it all and consult with the only individual who actually has to live with the physical outcomes and full repercussions of your actions…you! Check in with yourself and consult with your gut. You may even choose to take it to prayer and touch base with your Maker (the One who knows you more fully and more completely than anyone else)…food for thought.
Ever notice that the recommended daily values list on your packaged food’s nutrition labels does not (and likely will never) state a recommended daily value for sugar intake? This is most certainly by intentional design. Did you know that the average annual consumption of refined sugar per “small child” in America is well over 200 pounds (220 to be exact)? Where might that lead us in guessing the annual average consumption of synthetic and artificial colors and other toxic ingredient levels per small child? If knowledge is power (and it most certainly is), many of us are still choosing to intentionally spoonfeed our children well over two hundred pounds of powerlessness every single year, inevitably exposing them to chronic diseases, neurological issues, and medical complications of every kind.
Remember, the power is in your hands. Your lifestyle choices can be shifted and turned around relatively easily with sustainable baby steps—if you want it to be. Life can still be deliciously sweet, fulfilling, satiating, rewarding, and healthful—if you choose it to be. And as we lean more and more in the direction of perpetual wellness, we find that Mother Nature has always had the answers we desperately seek, and Hippocrates had a great handle on many of those answers long ago when he penned, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
About the Author
Bentley Murdock is a wholistic family lifestyle wellness coach, certified wholistic nutritionist, disease reversal specialist, nutritional phlebotomist, and #1 best-selling author. With over twenty years of experience coaching families toward wholistic lifestyle wellness, his multi-faceted approach considers all angles of healing, from plant-sourced nutrition and desire-based re-creation to mental health, emotional harmony, and relational peace. As owners and founders of Custom Coaching (family lifestyle wellness) and Mama First Birth Co. (assisted home birth), Bentley and his wife, Michelle, guide local families through every chapter and season of family life, from assisted home birth and present parenting to passion-directed learning, intentional living, and disease prevention. For more information, send an email to Aloha@HealisticVitality.com.