5 minute read
Wholistic Lifestyle Balance: Customize Healing and Wellness from Every Possible Angle
By Bentley Murdock
Rather than diving (yet again) into another new gym membership this year (which will likely have lost its luster by, oh…February), take a step back from what you think wellness is and consider what truly wholistic balance might look like for you. Perhaps the ideal “gym” for you is the outdoors. If your wellness journey were, in some way, similar to the multidimensional being you are and always have been, consider what some of your most influential, interconnecting pieces might be. Those pieces (and likely many others) have all worked in concert to collectively create the current level of physical, emotional, and relational well-being you enjoy—or could be enjoying—today.
Relational Peace
Consider how communication and compassion can cover literally dozens of aspects of interpersonal relationships. Expression, love languages, boundaries, understanding, patience, forgiveness, and even the new and improved Golden Rule (treat others the way they want to be treated) can all be factored into the redefining of these two subcategories. The heart is either at war or at peace, so clearly redefine peace and orient all relational aspects of your life to that heading.
Nutrient Density
Nutrition is the method of measurement by which vitamin, nutrient, and mineral levels are collectively determined. Fruits, berries, melons, veggies, microgreens, crucifers, herbs, nuts, and seeds are just a few of the highest potency sources of nutrient density available to us. The more we ramp up the intake of these phytonutrientdense, powerhouse foods, the higher our effectiveness at fighting disease and illness in and on the body will be. This relentless battle rages on daily, so armor up at every meal!
True Self-Care
True Self-CareThis category should be entirely customized since only you know what your body, heart, and mind actually need these days. Hygiene, cleanse and detox efforts, regular sunshine, fresh air, adequate sleep, and mental/emotional rest are just the tip of the iceberg, especially for those who have a hard time finding a spare moment to leisurely go to the bathroom let alone get the rest they desperately need every night. While it may seem selfish, putting your own needs first is one of the very best ways of preparing to show up entirely capable of loving and serving others around you. You can’t pour from an empty cup. =:o)
Not everyone is aware of the benefits of using the “plate method” for preparing properly balanced meals, which is why so many of us wind up eating meals void of some of its most critical components. Complex carbs, whole grains, rootveggies, beans, lentils, legumes, and other excellent forms of plant-sourced protein are just a few of the ingredients which certainly deserve their own spotlight on your plate more often. These items should collectively share half of each entire meal, while fruits and veggies should be equally busy dominating the other half.
Desire-Based Re-Creation
Most see the word “recreation” and think it means athletics or sports, but those are just small pieces of what it could potentially mean for you. Instead, break up the word, and let it mean what it was intended to mean: the literal re-creation of your new self. This opens up all kinds of unique customizations! Whether it’s cardio, aerobic, HIIT, Pilates, wrestling with kids or grandkids, trampolining like a child, or just chasing your dog around your favorite park, customize all of it within the physical activities you already love. Step it up a notch when you’re able to implement some resistance training, and keep it fun! “Wholistic” Self-Assessment Wheel
"Wholistic" Self-Assessment Wheel
A powerful tool in determining what baby steps to be taking in order to put lasting and sustainable change into motion is the Wholistic Self-Assessment Wheel. The word wholistic means “all parts,” so imagine what that might mean for you when it comes to the multifaceted health and wellness goals you are currently pursuing. Print off a few blank copies of this assessment wheel. Play around with how you might fill it out, and apply it to those goal-bound efforts of yours this year.
To really solidify where I’m going with this, picture how a “rising tide” in your life would certainly be able to “lift all ships” equally. All we have to do is start turning on those old faucets and bring those ships up! The key questions for you to chew on would be these: What do the ships represent in my story? What could my baby steps be if I started to “bring up the tide” in my life?
For a free, customized, and guided approach to this concept, please reach out to us directly by sending an email to Aloha@CustomCoaching.com.
About the Author

Bentley Murdock is a wholistic family lifestyle wellness coach, certified wholistic nutritionist, disease reversal specialist, nutritional phlebotomist, and #1 best-selling author. With over twenty years of experience coaching families toward wholistic lifestyle wellness, his multi-faceted approach considers all angles of healing, from plant-sourced nutrition and desire-based re-creation to mental health, emotional harmony, and relational peace. As owners and founders of Custom Coaching (family lifestyle wellness) and Mama First Birth Co. (assisted home birth), Bentley and his wife, Michelle, guide families of all kinds worldwide through every chapter and season of family life, from assisted home birth and present parenting to passion-directed learning, intentional living, and disease prevention. For more information, send an email to Aloha@CustomCoaching.com.