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Step Forward to Become the Best Version of Yourself
By Tiffany Gust, MS, NBC-HWC
Today, you stand at the beginning of a brand new year: part of your epic journey. As you approach this clean, fresh page of your life, unmarred and unspoiled, you have before you a new opportunity to rally the best within you. Everything that has gone before has prepared you for this moment in time, and I certify to you that it is indeed a magnificent moment. It is yours! Set before you are the opportunities of a lifetime to become a force for good in the world and to become the best version of yourself.
Stepping forward with the goal of behavior change doesn’t have to be daunting. Looking inside yourself to discover what you need and developing a support system to provide guidance and backup are keys to your success.
You might ask yourself what drives your behavior change. What is the one thing that motivates you to engage in wellness behaviors? What is your wellness vision? When have you felt the healthiest in your life, and what action items did you engage in By Tiffany Gust MS, USA Certified Triathlon Coach then that you can incorporate into your life now?
Self-Efficacy and Readiness to Change
According to the Transtheoretical Model (TMM) of Behavior Change, there are five stages to physical activity behavior change that can be identified.
1. The first stage is precontemplation. In this stage, you are not even thinking about making changes and don’t see the importance or practicality of change in your life.
2. The second stage is called contemplation. In this stage, you may start to consider the benefits of changing your behavior, but you still aren’t ready to commit to any new behaviors.
3. When you enter into the preparation stage, you are ready to adopt the change. You are open to education and may start to make plans to engage.
4. The next stage is action! You are taking all the right steps to make this behavior a part of your lifestyle by setting goals and making progress. This stage lasts up to six months.
5. The final stage is maintenance. The new behavior has now become a part of your life and regular routine. Stressful events, such as an illness and injury, can cause you to slide into the previous stages, sometimes before you even know it. Maintenance can be blissful, but it can fade quickly if you aren’t careful.

According to Alexander Link, the shift back and forth between stages may be caused by internal factors (e.g., changes in selfefficacy) and external factors (e.g., commitments to family, work). It’s important to identify triggers and build strategies that can help prevent relapse. Bringing awareness to your current behaviors can help you maintain positive behavior changes.
Whether you are eager to improve your physical fitness, eat healthier, sleep better, or decrease your stress levels, now is the time to step forward on your quest to become the best version of yourself.
The LiVe Well Center at Intermountain Health has an extraordinary team of professionals that are eager to help you on your journey. Our team includes lifestyle medicine providers, health coaches, registered dietitians, and exercise physiologists. Services include fitness assessments, customized exercise prescriptions, body composition measurement, resting metabolic rate assessment, Vo2 max testing, and exercise classes. We have the tools that can help you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Feel free to stop by for a tour or call 435-251-3793 for more information. This is indeed a new opportunity to become the best you can be. Now is the time to take a step forward. I know you can do it!