Southern Utah Business Magazine Fall 2018

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TRUST OVER TRENDS Owning every aspect of your brand

REVERSING TOXIC FEAR IN CORPORATE CULTURE Create a cyclical culture of positivity within your organization

MAKING THE SWITCH The benefits of changing over to LED lighting

Giving back to the community

RAM CoMpany & dixie technical college Fall 2018

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2 Southern Utah Business Magazine

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Information Systems Analysts help companies and organizations use computer technology effectively and efficiently. Information Systems Analysts assess their companies’ information systems, provide technological leadership within their organizations, identify the needs of businesses and their customers, and translate these requirements into specifications for information technology projects and programs.



Fall 2018

Opportunity Engagement3 Southern Utah Business Magazine


FALL 2018



RAM Company: Beyond The Sky’s Limit




Tech Talent Pipeline........................................................................................8 TECHNOLOGY

Keeping Up With Tech Momentum..............................................................10 TOURSIM

Engergized. Inspired. Rewarded. ................................................................12 MARKETING

Trust Over Trends..........................................................................................14 COVER STORY

RAM Company: Beyond The Sky’s Limit.....................................................16




Cash Is King In The Business World..........................................................19 BUSINESS

Reversing Toxic Fear In Corporate Culture................................................22 WOMEN IN BUSINESS

Rapid Cycling................................................................................................24 FINANCE

The Six Risks Of Retirement.......................................................................26 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Making The Switch To LED Lighting..........................................................32


The Benefits Of Podcasting.........................................................................34


Don’t Just Show Up - Show Up!...................................................................36

Editor Message...........................................................6

Cedar City: A Resilient People, A Resilient Economy...............................38

Small Business Section..........................................20


Corporate Alliance Business Profiles...................28


Chamber Of Commerce..........................................41

Southern Utah: Back In The Economic Highlife Again..............................40 SUU Master Of Accountancy Program Ranked 10th In The Nation......... 43

Events Calendar......................................................42

The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of the articles or advertisements in Southern Utah Business Magazine. The information contained within has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on this material. Appropriate professional advice should be sought before making personal, professional, or financial decisions. Outside of our staff authors, articles written by providers or professionals are invited authors and represent the opinions of that particular individual, business, group or organization. If an article is a paid advertisement, we will place the word “Advertisement” or “Advertorial” to identify it as such. ©Copyright 2018.

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MESSAGE FROM OUR EDITOR One of the many benefits of being the editor for Southern Utah Business Magazine is that I get to surround myself with and learn from some of the best and brightest creative minds around. The wealth of knowledge and talent here in Southern Utah is exceptional, and I am excited to share some of that with you in this issue. Inside, you will learn: • What networking tactics you can apply to to get better results for your business now and in the future. • How the Young Professionals and the Chamber of Commerce are building strong leaders and fostering creativity. • How a bad (but trendy) haircut can help you stay focused on systems that work for branding and marketing. • Why podcasting can grow your business (and push you past your comfort zone). • Who Holly O’Keefe is and why her story is important to you. • Why it is important to use the 5 C’s to get more cash. • How to prepare for retirement by focusing on six key risk factors. You will also learn what is happening economically in Cedar City and St. George and what is happening with growth and innovation at both universities. Okay, if you’re not excited enough to dive in right now and start learning, stop reading this, and go get immediate medical attention! In closing, I want to share my modified (and improved) version of the cliche, “Knowledge is Power.” A more complete statement would be, “Correct knowledge that is applied to get a desired result is power!” With that in mind, take what you learn here, apply it, and get yourself a desired result. After that, go teach others what you have learned. I can promise that you’ll be better off for it. Enjoy your results.

Brendan Dalley, Editor


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6 Southern Utah Business Magazine

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is to elevate and advance economic growth and development in Southern Utah by showcasing and supporting local industries. SUBM is committed to fostering a culture of courageous leadership, supporting cutting-edge entrepreneurs, and being an advocate for tenacious service.


Advisory Board Members PAUL HATC H Co rpo rate Al l i an c e PAM PAL MER O SG Chamber of Commerce K Y L E WEL LS DS U Busi ness S c h ool ERI C PED ERSEN D SU Techn o l o gy D e p t . MARC MORTEN S O N Ci ty o f S t. Geo r ge JERI AH THREL FA LL E con o mi c Devel o p m e n t LEN ERI C K SON Small Business Resource Center BRI AN TENNEY TCS Adverti si n g M ARI K RASHOW E TZ S U HBA V ARD ELL C UR TIS Wash. Co. Board of Realtors STEV E BROUG H Zi o ns Ban k K OBY TAY LO R F usi o n Pharmac y K EV I N SMI TH Tuacah n MI C HAEL D UN N Dun n Law Fi r m MI K E MAD SEN Interstate R oc k

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What impact is the tech pipeline having on local and regional businesses? Great question, Brian. The pool for tech talent has been steadily improving for the past five years. There are a consistent number of tech internships for DSU students. Graduating students are being placed in industry jobs both locally and regionally, and graduates are working remotely for companies across the country. There is a greater interest in students seeking programming, development, and design skills. Also, significantly more youth are taking advantage of the tech experiences available. In fact, during the past year, southern Utah had almost 10,000 youth involved in after school coding classes, computer camps, code school, design school, girlsgodigital, codechangers, codecamp, engineering week, esmart, techsaavy, ACE Academy, concurrent enrollment (WCSD), DixiePrep, First Lego League, Success Academy, Magic Math, SEED, DXATC, and many other programs. What are business leaders telling you of their future tech job needs? Business and industry leaders are focused on tech talent retention and recruitment. Tech leadership spends time almost every day exploring tech talent needs and opportunities. Industry wants better talent coming out of the universities—talent that has experience creating, making, and building software applications. The environment 8 Southern Utah Business Magazine

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for talent is becoming more competitive. This means that the list of job requirements and qualifications from industry is getting longer, and employers are requiring more from applicants than they did just a few years ago. Recently, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics stated: “Employment of software developers is projected to grow 24 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. Employment of applications developers is projected to grow 31 percent, and employment of systems developers is projected to grow 11 percent. The main reason for the growth in both applications developers and systems developers is a large increase in the demand for computer software.” What we are seeing in the analytics of this job market and the related computing and design markets is robust job demand for the coming ten years. Since the odds of a college graduate landing a six-figure job in the technology field are much greater than a college graduate making it in the NBA, what can you say to encourage parents to take a closer look at sending their child to a summer technology camp? This is a fun question and could lead to some real differences in opinions! The tech pipeline at DSU took some of its thinking in building the tech talent pipeline from the athletics programs, leagues, and youth programs. The youth athletic skills-building experiences


for football, baseball, and soccer are well developed regionally. Developing tech talent has been going down this path intentionally for the past six years. On a more personal note, my wife and I are the parents of three children. We sent our kids to basketball, football, baseball, soccer, cheerleading, music, and chess events/camps. We also sent our children to computer camps and coding boot camps. It is my opinion that there must be a balance between new experiences and youth interest. That being said, there is a greater probability of getting a tech job

There are basic biotech research and lab jobs available for someone with skills and coursework at a biotech certificate or an associate’s degree level. (A biotech certificate can be earned at a high school level.) Experienced research lab and biotech product development jobs are also available but generally require at least a bachelor’s degree.

that provides well for a family—unless you are one of the children of an NBA All-Star. Then, your probability of getting an NBA contract is very high!

mechanical engineering program also has a maker certificate available to the community where students can learn engineering design and prototyping using SolidWorks and 3D Printers. DSU already has over 100 students signed up for these courses this fall..

You recently talked about two other areas of growth in the education sector: biotech and engineering. What do you foresee as needs in these areas for local businesses? Strategically, Dixie State University has increased its responsiveness and focus on meeting industry’s needs for talent, whether it is in the tech sector, the engineering sector, or the biotech sector. During the past year, industry has been expressing the need for mechanical engineers who are talented creators, makers, and builders, There is also an increased need for talented biotech engineers who are capable of working in a lab environment, in medical research, and in biotech innovation. Currently, we are building talent pipelines for biotech and engineering to meet local and regional needs for talent.

How did all this come about? The biotech talent pipeline came about because seven local biotech companies met with leadership at Dixie State University. We analyzed their employment needs, made some employment forecasts, and explored ways to increase the number of students engaged in biotech learning and training. It was a similar experience with mechanical engineering. What kind of jobs are available in biotech?

What kind of jobs are available in mechanical engineering, and what is the ME pipeline? Mechanical engineering (ME) at DSU is a brand new bachelor’s degree. The ME program begins fall semester, 2018. We have hired some of the most talented PhD’s in mechanical engineering available. Our first hire was Dr. David Christensen, and our second hire was Trevor Terrill. DSU is so happy to have them as part of our faculty! Now to your question on jobs. Mechanical engineers often work in manufacturing, automation, alternative energies, and robotics. In Washington County, we have over 500 youth involved in First Lego League (FLL) Robotics, currently the largest group in the state of Utah. Youth involved in FLL are working on projects or events that involve many principles of mechanical engineering. DSU’s

If I were to graduate in December, 2018, with a computer science degree from DSU, what are my chances of landing a good-paying job in Washington County, Silicon Slopes, or Silicon Valley? The chances of getting a job are very, very high. DSU’s placement rates are close to 100 percent in computer science, software development, and web development. Students who graduate in computer science generally get multiple offers for jobs. Jobs in Washington County, on average, pay less than jobs along the Wasatch Front in northern Utah. What I have seen with students in software development, web development, and computer science is they generally get offers in Washington County that are $10,000 to $15,000 less than a similar offer from a company in the Silicon Slopes area. Last year, a number of students received offers for $60,000 to $65,000 in Washington County with competing offers from Silicon Slopes at $65,000 to $80,000. The job offers we are seeing differ significantly from student to student and generally depend on the specific student’s skills, work experience, and graduate degree.

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MOMENTUM 10 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018



The formation of Tech Ridge has been an exciting development over the last 18 months. Located on the former airport mesa top, Tech Ridge is a 150-acre development that is designed to be a live, work, and play community. The initial sale of land encompasses about 10 acres on the north end where brand new facilities will be constructed for southern Utah-based tech firms busybusy™ and PrinterLogic. Dixie Technical College also opened a beautiful 30-acre facility just this year and is considered the anchor tenant for Tech Ridge. All 23 of Dixie Tech’s programs contain an element of high-tech (IT, Auto Tech, Medical programs, etc.) and the college’s commitment to hightech workforce development not only supports industry today but will continue well into the future. With these collective developments, it is estimated that Tech Ridge will facilitate the creation of more than a thousand tech industry jobs over the next decade!

Rapid changes have required innovative responses, which is why the Dixie Technical Association, known as Dixie Techs, has become Silicon Slopes St. George, a chapter of Silicon Slopes. It is the voice, hub, and heart of Utah’s startup and tech community. This strategic partnership connects the St. George area to tech communities all across the state. The Silicon Slopes St. George chapter meets the first Friday of every month for lunch, networking, information, and training. Most recently, PrinterLogic sponsored the Silicon Slopes St. George First Annual Developer Event on June 1, 2018. This successful gathering of over 180 software developers featured Bret Fisher (author

V. Lowry Snow J. Gregory Hardman Jonathan P. Wentz

of the wildly popular Docker Mastery series on Udemy) and Jeremiah Jones (entrepreneurial systems engineer and the founder of Techuity).

To continue momentum, Silicon Slopes St. George, the St. George Area Chamber of Commerce, Dixie State University, and Intermountain Precision Genomics are teaming up to host SciTech Fest in 2019. This event is designed to celebrate science and technology and attract individuals from all over the world. In addition to all the synergistic collaboration, Intermountain Precision Genomics, RAM Company, and Wilson Electronics are all in the process of large expansions. The overall response to further technology in the St. George area is remarkable, which is why it is no surprise that so many businesses are thriving in Utah’s #1 economy.

Finally, we’d like to celebrate the success of our community’s STEM pipeline development efforts. Youth from two of our local 4-H robotics clubs recently traveled out of state to participate in separate international competitions. The PrestidigiTaters, a 4-H club of high school-age students from across Washington County, competed in the FIRST Tech Challenge in Houston, TX. FIRST is a robotics competition with thousands of teams worldwide (the acronym FIRST means For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). The Nerf Herders, a 4-H club of intermediate school-age students from the Snow Canyon area competed at the North American FIRST LEGO® League (FLL) International Open Championship at LEGOLAND® in Carlsbad, CA. Both clubs represented Utah and were finalists in their categories.

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Fall 2018


Southern Utah Business Magazine 11

Energized. Inspired. Rewarded. BY KEVIN LEWIS

If you had suggested to early explorers that one day tourism would be one of the largest private sector employment groups in this area, they would have laughed you off the expedition trail. In the mid-1800s, Parley P. Pratt called this area a “poor and worthless” place. He described it as “a country in ruins turned inside out and upside down by terrible convulsions in some former age.” Today, people from all over the world are flocking to experience this “country in ruins,” and with them come millions of dollars in economic prosperity. The transition in public perception got started back in 1909. That’s when President William Howard Taft traveled the bumpy roads to the tiny town of Springdale to designate the Zion Canyon area as Mukuntuweap National Monument. Ten

years after the dedication, the National Park Service changed the name to Zion National Monument and a short time later, expanded the boundaries to make it a national park. In 2017, Zion became the third most visited national park in the country, welcoming 4.5 million visitors. Access to air conditioning in the late 1950s played another big part in the transition. Then, in the early 1960s, a group of city fathers came up with the controversial concept of creating a golf course in St. George. Traditional farmers were taken back by the idea, thinking it was a travesty to use vital water for recreation, but in 1965, Dixie Red Hills Golf Course opened and started Washington County’s transformation to a golf destination. Sporting events, such as the St. George Marathon (1977) and Huntsman World Senior Games (1987), helped change the image of the community to a more active recreational mecca. In 2010, the IRONMAN Triathlon exposed our striking landscapes to a global audience of endurance and outdoor

“Washington County is a place of striking contrasts. The ragged terrain is playfully

captivating; the cozy communities are refreshingly spirited; the character of the people is welcoming, and their heritage is intriguingly inspirational. This is a land daring to be conquered. In the shadow of that dare, you’ll sense a radiating confidence, a beckoning call to test your limits, and a calming reassurance that feels like home.” – Kevin Lewis, Washington County Tourism Director 12 Southern Utah Business Magazine

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recreation fanatics like never before. By hosting these events, we introduce new visitors to the area, and because of the welcoming attitude of our communities, they want to come back. 80% of first time participants say they plan to return for a vacation. With the proliferation of social media and internet marketing capabilities, the colors and contrasts of the area are being shared all over the world. People like what they see in southern Utah, and when they come here, they like what they experience. Today, the “poor and worthless” lands of Washington County are some of the most enviable places to visit in the country. Tourism is a dynamic economic driver that


infuses fresh revenue into the local economy from outside sources. It is also a prime component in Governor Herbert’s economic development plan. When visitors stay in local hotels, they pay a transient room tax (TRT). The hotel collects the tax and remits it to the state. Washington County then receives 4.25% of the total cost of the room. In 2017, this amounted to $7.7 million dollars. Usage of TRT funds has strict guidelines. To begin with, all TRT spending must be approved by the Washington County Tourism Advisory Board. By law, 2.25% of the revenue must be used by the county tourism office for marketing and advertising efforts to promote the area. These marketing efforts have been extremely successful. Since 2006, TRT revenue has grown by an average of 13% every year. The remaining 2% of the TRT funds are used by the county to help fund tourismrelated facilities such as the Dixie Convention Center, St. George Regional Airport, Tuacahn

Fine Arts Center, and other tourism related projects. These types of facilities are crucial to the growth and development of our tourism product. They play a vital role in attracting new visitors and ensuring a positive economic cycle. The economic benefits of tourism are far reaching. The continual churn of these dollars in our economy keeps local businesses thriving and creates energy and inspiration in our communities. Tourism revenues create jobs—nearly 8,500 in Washington County— and they spark investment in additional tourism-related assets that residents get to enjoy. For example, if we relied on revenue from local residents only, Washington County could sustain only two golf courses; we currently enjoy twelve. Without tourism, residents wouldn’t have nearly the variety of restaurants, shops, and recreational facilities that they now enjoy. In fact, we would each be paying more taxes to maintain some of

the basic services like health, education, and public safety. Studies show that tourism in this area provides $1212 in tax relief per household each year. At the Washington County Tourism Office, our vision is a community that is energized by nature, inspired by achievement, and rewarded through the opportunities of tourism and outdoor recreation. This vision will influence our decisions as we strive to enhance opportunities for visitors and communities and maximize the tax revenues generated by the exponential growth of tourism. Because our tourism product is like no other, we have a profound responsibility to ensure that the future for residents and visitors is rewarding and successful.

MAJOR SEGMENTS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY TOURISM IN 2017 Sporting Events • 42 “Newsworthy” Events • 116,000 Visitors • $78 Million in Economic Impact Meetings and Conventions • 57 Conventions at the Dixie Center • 230,000 Visitors • $69 Million in Economic Impact International Travelers • 5 Key Over-Seas Markets • $50 Million in Economic Impact Golf Visitors • 290,000 Out-of-Town Rounds • $50 Million in Economic Impact Brand Marketing—Leisure Travel/ Outdoor Recreation • Western United States & Canada • Drive Markets (Within 8 hours) • Fly Markets (Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Denver, Phoenix) • Cold Weather Destinations

FIVE KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY TOURISM OFFICE 1. Energize, inspire, and reward the community through the opportunities of tourism. 2. Unite the tourism related entities and establish a cohesive community-led vision. 3. Responsibly grow the tourism economy by prioritizing quality visitation over quantity visitation. 4. Maximize tourism tax revenues to enhance the opportunities for visitors and residents. 5. Better connect tourism with economic development. © Washington County Record Archives. Photo of President Warren G. Harding and his entourage on horseback in Zion National Park on June 27, 1923. Contributed on January 12, 2012 by the Dixie State College

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I arrived five minutes early prepared with a proposal in hand and sporting a new haircut. Over the past month, the owner of this particular company had been intrigued with our style of consultation but wanted one more face-to-face before making a decision. However, straight from the handshake, this meeting was off to a rocky start. We were having a difficult time connecting. Something was distracting this guy. After a few moments, I figured it out. It was my hair. Two days previous, sitting in the barber chair, I made the call to go short—really short. All the hipsters were sporting the trendy, tightly-cropped style, and it was time for me to follow suit. Why not? The way I wore my hair hadn’t changed in decades, and it was time to live a little. Though artistically cut, the hairstyle did not look good on me. Even worse, I didn’t look like myself—not to me, not to family and friends, and not to this potential client now sitting across from me. Acknowledging his now obvious stare, I did what any good salesman would do. I addressed



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the elephant in the room and asked him what he thought of my new haircut. His reply was spot-on. “I’m having a hard time with it,” he said. “It’s completely off brand.” To this day, these painfully honest words ring in my ears whenever I schedule a haircut. I also hear them when I see businesses trying to appear cutting-edge by copying what looks good on other companies instead of taking a good, hard look in the mirror and making brandappropriate adjustments based on who they are. Companies who chase the “look du jour” risk coming across as fickle and wishy-washy to the very people they are trying to attract. Organizations that repeatedly make dramatic shifts in presentation come across as posturing. Ad hoc approaches damage street credibility as well as confuse internal culture.

Striving to become what you think others would like creates a miserable existence and is a foolish battle to try to win. Smart companies are both confident and capable.

Their sophistication comes from leadership knowing who they are and more importantly, who they are not. The ultimate longevity of a brand is measured on the letterhead as well as the spreadsheet. Profitable companies invest in systems that bring the highest margins and relationships. Wise companies find ways to make their products or services shine in every situation, earning a more profound trust from fans. In today’s business world, having a mobile-friendly website is not enough. Instead, the site should be a part of a more significant visual system that communicates with the same tone as the collateral, appears congruent with marketing efforts, feels in step with social and digital communications, and is a seamless extension of sponsorship and special events, giving one genuinely connective experience.

From Madison Avenue to Bluff Street, I have worked with groups who spend millions of dollars to maintain their image, and I have worked with startups that have had to be incredibly resourceful.

Regardless of their place on the brand cycle, I’ve noticed that savvy clients own their brand by literally owning every branding decision. Just like the other vital

aspects of business, they set up systems company-wide to always look their unfailing best. Visual expectations are defined through predetermined standards set within brand handling guidelines. While all the brand regulations of a mega-corporation could fill a book as thick as War and Peace, smaller companies can be just as effective by defining, within a dozen pages, the dos and the don’ts pertaining to use of their logos, typefaces, photography and video styles, and color palettes as well as establishing traditional and social messaging protocols. These disciplines set boundaries that, in turn, bring the clarity that's needed to unleash real creativity to connect and move others. However, the real strength is that it prevents owners, managers, creative partners, and media partners from letting a company get up from the chair with the wrong haircut. Glenn Price helps organizations find and renew brand conviction and share it with authenticity and consistency. His team has taken principles learned while building communications for some of the worlds biggest brands and developed a simplified process, useful for even the smallest of companies. Glenn is currently managing partner of Bondir Creative Partners.

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Beyond the Sky’s Limit



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“It all started with my grandparents, Ray and Melzie Ganowsky,” recalled Brian McCann, vice-president of business development at RAM Company. “They founded the company, and even though they’re in their 80s, they still come in to work almost every day. We are a family business, and we emphasize family values. My uncle, Kevin Ganowsky, is running the company, and we all work together to keep that emphasis strong.” I had the pleasure of visiting with McCann and learning first-hand about the fascinating history and exciting future of RAM Company. Frankly, I was shocked that I had never heard of RAM Company before, given the fact that they are the fastest growing company in southern Utah. Many St. George residents might not know about RAM either, since most of their clients are major commercial aircraft companies. Yet RAM makes a huge impact

on the St George economy and is a leader in bringing stable careers to the area. With more than 90 percent of their customers in the aerospace industry, demand for their products is growing at a rapid pace, bringing outside money into the area to help the local economy grow. “We’re currently on every new aircraft, jet engine, and spacecraft in the sky,” McCann pointed out. “If you look in the commercial air space, we’re working with every one of these companies.” Founded in 1975, RAM designs and manufactures precision solenoids and solenoid valves, providing solutions for almost every company in the commercial aerospace and space industries. Their products are used in commercial and military aircraft, missile systems, satellites, the space shuttle, the international space station, and the mail-sorting system of the United States Postal Service. Among other things, RAM’s products are used to control hydraulics, fuel flow, and guidance systems, and their employees handle every stage

of the manufacturing process: design, testing, prototyping, manufacturing, and distribution. RAM first operated out of Ray and Melzie Ganowsky’s garage, but the company now employs over 250 people and is growing rapidly. They are in the process of upgrading their current space of 55,000 square feet by adding another 71,000 square feet this year. Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new addition, Kevin Ganowsky, president and part-owner of RAM, touted the company’s innovation and growth. “From the beginning, our founder developed products for the space shuttle,” he said. “Now we are developing new space products for thrusters, rocket engines, and life support systems that will carry astronauts to Mars.” RAM’s reputation for producing a quality product, superior customer service, and ability to solve technical engineering problems

Ray and his father, Bill Ganowsky in the early days of RAM.

them CNC machinery, which allows for handson training rather than just reading about it in a textbook.” RAM not only donates money and machinery to Dixie Tech, they also partner with them on a number of different programs. “We want to create a synergistic relationship with Dixie Tech, one where we can help the college students acquire skills we are looking for at RAM. When these students graduate, they’re a perfect fit for our company. We can find employees right here in our own economy rather than pulling employees from out of state.” McCann explained the future “The heart of Dixie Tech is of RAM this way: “We don’t inseparably connected to the pulse define ourselves by solenoids of the Washington County business or valves. We’re an actuation community. Working closely with area components company, and there’s employers, our certificate programs a lot of room to grow. The product are all custom tailored base is becoming more technical. to meet their needs for The problems are getting harder skilled employees!” to solve and taking more time to solve: more testing, more analysis, - President Kelle Stephens more engineering. This is great dixie tech for us because it has carved out a market niche where we can really capitalize and do what we’re make them a leader in the good at doing. This is where we industry. McCann projects will continue to grow because a 20% growth rate—all there’s a huge demand for without marketing or more efficiency. For us, the advertising. sky’s the limit!” RAM’s interest in growth comes from their interest in growing St. George. “We want to be here forever and create more jobs here in St. George,” McCann said. “We want to give back to the community the way the community has given to us— including giving back to the university and to Dixie Technical College.” RAM’s involvement at Dixie Technical College (Dixie Tech) is already having a huge impact on its engineering program. “We donate to them often,” said McCann. “We also give



I have spent over 45 years in corporate America. Now, more than ever, “Cash is King.” There was a time when both large and small businesses in the US knew their banker, and they could rely on their banker to help then when times were tough. This is not necessarily the case today. All entrepreneurs and business people must understand their cash needs and requirements. They must learn how to forecast their cash inflows and outflows. They have to be nimble with the ability to quickly make changes that will save their business. The more cash reserves and cash sources you have, the easier it will be to turn your business to save it. Know where your next dollar is coming from before you need it. My first job out of graduate school was with a Fortune 500 company called Great Western United. They had great cash reserves; however, as the sugar beet industry died in favor of cane sugar, they were not nimble enough to buy cane sugar plants in the South and Hawaii. Guess what happened. The infamous Hunt brothers from the Texas oil family bought up the stock, raided the company of its cash, and bet it all on silver. When the silver market crashed, the Hunts lost all the hard-earned money from their raid on Great Western United. It could not have happened to nicer guys!

I then moved to CF&I Steel Corporation, a Fortune 500 company. During this period in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was making all steel plants greatly improve their pollution control systems. CF&I spent $114 million on pollution control, and the EPA said the plant was the cleanest fully-integrated steel plant in the US at the time. Whoopy! We spent our corporate treasure on EPA cleanup, which did nothing for production improvement and plant efficiencies. Later, CF&I spent their last $100 million on the equipment and building for a new oil tube and casing plant. It was never completed: in 1983 the oil and gas industry collapsed. CE&I had no cash to weather the storm and had to declare bankruptcy. A company started by John D. Rockefeller had to be sold to the Russians for pennies on the dollar. Author, venture capitalist, and early Apple key employee Guy Kawasaki said, “It is all about generating cash, conserving cash, and collecting cash.” Remember, it is not about profit, sales, capital investment, and inventories; it is about cash. You must build your business by always remembering cash. The National Federation of Independent Businesses says that over 67% of businesses have had serious cash problems. Some survived and some did not. Warren Buffet said, “I can be underwater for 30 seconds every day, but I can only be underwater for 5 minutes once.” He does not believe in the

gratitude of bankers. That is why his minimum cash balance is $10 billion. Should his cash balance ever dip below that level, he has said he will sell something to bring it up again. As of the end of last year, US corporate cash was $1.9 trillion, much of it held by Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, CISCO, and Oracle. These corporations all understand the real value of cash for their futures. As a business person or entrepreneur preparing to deal with your banker or an investor, remember the 5 C’s of Credit that are still used today by lenders. Be prepared in all phases of the 5 C’s. Understand what a banker and investor will need to get your deal done. CHARACTER: Your financial and business character and your company’s CAPACITY: The ability to repay loans CREDIT: How the business handles its financial dealings CAPITAL: Personal and corporate networth COLLATERAL: All business and personal assets to back up the deal

In the next issue, we will discuss the four main areas of cash concern: capital and sales expansion, inventories, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.


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Barbers of Green Gate By Sam Martin, Barbers of Green Gate Owner Jeff Shaefer and I are the barbers at the Barbers of Green Gate in Saint George. We’re both classically trained, which means the methods we use were acquired under the instruction of a master barber with over 60 years of experience. It also means we avoid some of the gimmicks you’re used to, like guards on the clippers, texturing shears. For too long, men have settled for purchasing a haircut, but the barbershop experience can be more gratifying than that. That’s why, “Don’t get a haircut. Get a Barber,” is our motto. When I was in the Navy, I discovered one of my favorite sounds was that of a large group of men laughing. The laughter would usually come from the mess deck when you could hear it. It’s hard to explain, but when we were on mission or had been at sea for months, having that moment of joy with your crew was essential. There was something spiritual about it because in those moments there was an escape from the mundane. I decided if I was going to spend my days working somewhere, I wanted it to be in a place like that. I just didn’t know it would be a barbershop.

After I finished my Navy enlistment, I attended the University of Wyoming. It was there that God began shaping me to be a pastor, because I could think of nothing better to do than to spend time with the broken and spiritually hurt. After receiving my undergraduate degree, I earned a master’s degree in theological studies for a better understanding of the Bible. Following that, I entered full time pastoral ministry for about five years in my hometown of Laramie. Life might have been a little too easy though, and my understanding wife and I were daily feeling unrest where we were. I also felt that I

20 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018

didn’t want to be a financial burden on anyone as I persisted in pastoral ministry.

That’s when barbering came to my mind, and although I didn’t know the craft, I learned at barbering school that the role of a barber was remarkably in sync with what I had already been doing. Only 8 months later, I opened my first barbershop in my hometown and named it Martin Barber Co. in anticipation of having my brother join the company. My new vocation inspired another four friends to finish barber school, three of whom began working at my shop. To this day, Martin Barber Co. is booked-out one entire week every week with 3 to 4 full-time barbers, which is my dream come true. Jeff Shaefer also happened to be one of the men who followed in my footsteps, both spiritually and vocationally. Providentially, he and his wife had that same restless feeling my wife and I were having. Having visited Saint George a few years earlier, it somehow stood out in our memory as a place that mattered. After some prayer and consideration, in 2017 Jeff Shaefer and I moved our families to Saint George, Utah, and we started a little church called Red Mesa Fellowship with some friends. Next, we setup shop with the idea of reviving what men could traditionally expect from a great barbershop experience. Maybe you’d like a place like ours.

Our shop is nestled in the Green Gate Village in downtown St. George, across from the Tabernacle. We are by appointment only, and you can book your appointment at

Sam Martin is the owner of the Barbers of Green Gate. He served in the US Navy as a submariner and a Navy Diver before he earned his B.S. in Kinesiology and Health Promotion from the University of Wyoming and his M.A. in Church Ministry from Shepherd’s Theological Seminary. He is the Senior Pastor of Red Mesa Fellowship. Sam is married to Erin Martin, and they have 4 children: Cody, Cali, Kirby and Killian.

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(435) 256 - 7555 Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 21

Rachael Leisek, MBA

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22 Southern(435) Utah Business Magazine| 797–3624

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Fall 2018 | Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | Logan, Utah



Going to work was so stressful for David that he dreaded mornings and Mondays. He worked in an underperforming healthcare company where an insecure boss belittled people in public and back-biting employees blamed each other for team failures. Swimming in this corporate culture of toxic fear, he wondered which he would lose first: his job, his professional reputation, or his sanity. Nothing is more toxic than fear. In fearbased cultures, workplace bullies thrive, mediocre performance is the norm, and truth is hard to come by. Fear brings out the worst in employees, pushing them to become withdrawn, political, gossipy, cynical, or dysfunctionally critical. Even worse, it can cause health and family problems when they leave the office. Safety, appreciation, transparency, and creativity can eliminate fear in an organization. Instead of promoting fear, these elements build on each other to create a cyclical culture of positivity. Safety in the workplace requires more than job security and a workplace free from hazards. This means employees are free from public criticism, discrimination, and humiliation. It also means that you are supported with the right tools, skills, and resources to do your job effectively. Appreciation means you are socially recognized for effort and success. “Thank you” is said often. Bonuses and awards are given. Everyone’s progress is recognized. Because performance measures are clear, that recognition is honest. An honest culture

is transparent. Everyone can see everything. Information is never hoarded or used to control. When people are given information freely, creativity kicks in, and new and better ways of working can be found. Despite his fears, David was named the new group leader. His first goal was to transform the fear-based culture into a positive, appreciative culture. He started by addressing the discordant elements of the culture such as norms that encouraged compliance over creativity, protecting image over ensuring quality, and cliques over collaboration. David began to reverse these norms by focusing on safety, appreciation, honesty, transparency, and creativity. As a leader, how can you get started in leading cultural change from fear to positivity? • Be positive in your communication. Give praise and appreciation in abundance. Refrain from gossip and information hoarding. Tell everyone everything. • Ask for and give clear performance expectations. Know what your role is and make it clear what you expect from others.

Define quality and measure success. Leave as little as possible to guessing, but do not obsess with measurement. • Create growth opportunities for yourself and others. Do not stay in the same place doing the same thing. Expand your capacity for quality work and influence.

• Listen and ask to be heard. If you have suggestions for improvement, make them. If you are wrong, accept it. Take time to listen to others, and they will in turn listen to you. Nothing decreases fear like listening.

• Stay in a positive social environment where colleagues feel safe. Create a safe space, free from gossip and criticism. If you do, it will grow and could impact the whole organization. David revolutionized his company culture in 18 months, and within three years, they won a national quality award. Some people had thrived in the fear culture because they used it as leverage to evoke power. Once the culture had been flipped on its head, those people left the organization while those who stayed embraced excellence. Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 23

Women In Business:

Holly O’Keefe



In a lot of ways, I’ve never considered myself a “woman in business.” I’ve considered myself young in business. I’ve considered myself going to school and in business. I’ve even considered myself a mother in business. Now, as I approach the fifth anniversary of co-starting and co-owning Rapid Cycling, a bicycle shop in St. George, it is an ideal time for me to consider how being a woman has influenced and helped me achieve my career goals. After all, I am a woman in business. It is time I embrace it. My success story isn’t overly triumphant. I grew up in suburban Chicago, took AP classes at a competitive public high school, attended prom, played volleyball, and served on the student council. I didn’t stand out. As one of four daughters, there was never a question of what I would do after high school. College was always the goal for me and my sisters. (Shout out to a mom and dad who had high expectations but didn’t put a lot of pressure on me.) I left Illinois and landed in Provo, Utah, to attend Brigham Young University. Again, I didn’t stand out. I went to bed before my roommates and got up early for 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. classes. I graduated with a journalism degree, got married, and started working for a small company in Chicago as the marketing department. Yes, as the marketing department. I was a one-person show and reported directly to the owner of the company. Although I had taken advertising and public relations classes at BYU, many of my responsibilities were relatively new to me. I worked all day and read marketing and business books at night. When I realized I wanted more formal education, I hopped right back into school at night and on the weekends to earn a master’s degree in integrated marketing communications while I worked full time. By the time I finished the two-year program, I’d accepted a job with a local branch of a national company. Officially, I was the Marketing Communications Specialist and was responsible for the messaging of 13 branches in the Midwest. Again, I was the marketing department. I wrote, designed, strategized, planned, and executed marketing plans. I had creative 24 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018


freedom and responsibility. Even then, it didn’t occur to me that I was a woman in business. I was respected because I worked hard and tackled advanced projects. With a move back to the Wasatch Front a couple of years later, I accepted a marketing manager position with a local homebuilder. I was a 25-year-old who managed a team of 10 to 15 sales people, and I absolutely loved my career. I was young. Many of the people I worked with had a decade more of experience than I had, but I never looked around and thought I was out of place. I was confident in my capabilities, falling back on a formal education and an eagerness to excel in a marketing career. Just as I was on the cusp of really advancing to a more powerful position, I quit to stay home with a baby and to start a marketing communications consulting business that afforded me the luxury of setting my own schedule, stretching myself creatively, and accepting client work when it suited my needs. I’ve never looked back. As crazy as it seems, it was this decision that empowered me most, both professionally and personally. As a woman, I was good at what I was doing, I was smart and determined, and I was willing to work hard for what I wanted. And what I wanted was to raise a family and execute successful marketing plans. My education and my experience gave me the freedom to make this happen. In 2013, things really changed for me when Rapid Cycling was born out of opportunity. At that time, southern Utah already had great bicycle shops. My husband Kevin, the avid cyclist in the family, felt there was something missing from the cycling community. With my marketing experience and his love for cycling combined with the hard work of a manager who had worked in bicycle shops for 20 years, we set out to give southern Utah the Rapid Cycling experience. Rapid Cycling is now in two locations with 15 employees. My involvement has evolved in that time. Ironically, the only regret I have in my almost 20-year career is that I let myself be relegated to “the owner’s wife” in the early days of the bicycle shop. I let my insecurities

put me in a place where I accepted a lack of respect in the industry. Although I loved riding my bike, I had never worked retail, and I didn’t know the mechanics of a bicycle. I was in unfamiliar territory, and my footing was not secure. I was quick to pick up the new skills I needed, and with that, my professional determination was reignited. As I embraced my role at Rapid Cycling and remembered what it felt like to work in a group setting, confidence came back. I am now very comfortable in my position as co-owner. I have found my voice, and I again find myself falling back on a formal education and years of experience that give me certainty as a woman in business in southern Utah.

what I wanted was to raise a family and execute successful marketing plans. My education and myexperiencegavemethe freedomtomakethishappen.

Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 25


Health Care Rising medical and prescription drug costs, fewer employer-sponsored retiree benefits, and limitations of Medicare are all impacting income and retirement savings. According to, estimated health care costs for a 65-year-old range from $3,000 for someone in excellent health to $10,000 for someone in poor health, including premiums, deductibles, and co-pays but not including long-term care, vision, or dental expenses.

Longevity Americans are living longer, and the possibility exists that they could outlive their resources. There is a 10 percent chance that a 65-year-old male will live to 97 years of age and a 1 percent chance the same male will live to 105 years of age. Yet, the average life expectancy is only 85 years of age, meaning half of the population will die before that age and the other half is expected to live longer.

Long-Term Care The cost of care for an unexpected event or long-term illness not covered by private insurance or Medicare is requiring more Americans to prematurely deplete their assets. A 2009 Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association survey of pre-retirees and retirees aged 55 to 75 found that health care and long-term care expenses together account for between 12 and 15 percent of retirement expenses, depending on the household income.

Inflation and Taxes With inflation reducing purchasing power and taxes impacting liquidation strategies, less money will be available to spend or invest in retirement planning.

Legacy Many Americans want to leave a legacy, making an impact beyond their lifetime by leaving a financial gift to a loved one or a charity. It is necessary to balance this desire with the need to fund an individual’s retirement.

Market Participating in the stock market can give an individual’s retirement savings and income the potential to keep pace with inflation. However, volatility in investment markets can significantly affect retirement income and savings.

Preparing for the



Fall 2018

As baby boomers approach retirement, many may find themselves in economic circumstances for which they did not plan. Recent economic events have taught us the downside of risk, yet careful planning can help soften the impact. Northwestern Mutual says that your retirement plan can stay on track if you focus on these six key risks.

Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 27

Marianne Coombs Brown The Falls Event Center

Jeremy Larkin The Larkin Group

170 S. Mall Drive St. George, UT 84790 (435) 986-7171

50 E. 100 S. #300 St. George, UT 84770 (435) 767-9821


ABOUT Our purpose is to minimize the insanity, stress, and confusion of the real estate purchase and sell process while promoting the incredible quality of life of Washington County. For our team members, our mission is “Careers Worth Having, Lives Worth Living.”


SERVICES Real estate consulting or residential buying, selling, and investing; Property valuations; therapy; general client joy.

The Falls Event Center is a full-service event center providing a beautiful venue for every type of event, including corporate meetings, birthday parties, celebrations, trainings, and of course, weddings. Any event you can dream is the event that you can host at The Falls! You can bring any vendor you choose to help you plan and execute your event. We have an in-house event planner that will take care of all your details so you can sit back and enjoy your event stress free! Our professional staff will be there every step of the way with any assistance you may need.

THE BEST ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED I’ve received a lot of advice in my life, but the best advice came from my parents. Of course, the older I get the more I realize what they taught me actually works. My mother’s advice (and example) was to pay it forward in whatever I was doing—in my personal life and in my business life. I have seen how this simple principle has helped those around me and been reciprocated back to me in countless ways. I’ve learned that paying it forward has become like an insurance policy. During hard times, someone seems to step in and provide me with what I need to keep moving forward. As for my father, his advice came in the lessons of hard work and perseverance. He was in the hospitality industry (Green Valley Spa), and I started working for him when I was 16 years old. I received no special privileges (or so I thought). He taught me that I would have to start from the bottom and work my way up. Every job or assigned task I did needed to be done correctly and with the right amount of work effort. If for some reason he didn’t think I was working hard enough, I would have to start over. This work ethic helped me advance in my career and understand (and respect) all those I worked with in whatever position they were in. Simply put, I learned the importance of respecting everyone and every role. He said, “Life is like a wheel; every single spoke is important for it to keep rolling along.” I use these wise words today as I lead my team at The Falls Event Center. 28 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018

A STORY OF A TIME YOU GOT INJURED When I was 18 years old, a friend called me saying he was headed to Lake Tahoe the NEXT DAY to ski for a week. Being a freshman in college and being on Christmas break, the answer, of course, was yes. We boarded a flight to Reno from Las Vegas and found ourselves skiing in an incredibly early season storm with lots of “powder,” as they say in that world. One afternoon, we were skiing along with a local ski patroller. Snow was falling like crazy with lots of rocks and obstacles buried just beneath the early season snow coverage. I jumped something in the trees and landed on a buried rock, compressing my whole body chin to knee and splitting my chin open. I literally forgot the entire day with one exception: I distinctly remember sitting and holding a snowball to my chin to stop the bleeding while my buddy and the patroller searched for my ski. Next thing I remember, it was the next day!


Lennart Erickson Utah Consulting LLC

Steve Brough Zions Bank

1698 S. 1000 E. St. George, UT 84770

40 E. St. George Blvd St. George, UT 84790 (435) 817-4910

(435) 216-8645


Utah Consulting is a Business and Technology Development Company. It provides all phases of entrepreneurial training and development for small to medium size businesses. The seasoned experts at Utah Consulting have seen nearly all of the problems and roadblocks in business. They can help the business person from startup to full operation. They will get their hands dirty in the details needed to get the company running at a fine turned pace. Utah Consultants provide services to its clients that they need but do not know where to go to find the services.


Develop “bank ready” business plans and loan packages; take loan packages to the financial institution with the business owner; facilitate strategic planning and implementation of the plan; analyze and develop all types of complete feasibility studies on small and very large projects; complete business valuations to purchase or sell a business; develop social media campaigns and market research.


Years back, I worked for Thomas Mellon Evans, who was called the “Great White Shark of Wall Street”. He was one of the first Corporate Raiders and named one of the three meanest bosses in America by Forbes in the late 1970’s. He would fire senior management a the drop of a hat. During this time, my boss sent me to Oklahoma to work on the union contract with the United Miner Workers of America. Before I left he basically said don’t screw up or it will cost you your job. On the flight to Oklahoma, I overheard a man saying how he was going to rip up the company representatives tomorrow in the union negotiations. That was me he was talking about!! The next day I came face to face with that man, Richard L Trumka. He was the union negotiator for the UMWA. I had dealt with tough union negotiators before, but he was downright brutal. I held my ground, negotiated a good contract, and kept my job. Today, Richard is President of the largest union in the US the AFL/CIO and was a member of the Obama Cabinet. I hear he has mellowed a little bit. I hope so.

ABOUT Founded in Salt Lake City in 1873, Zions Bank continues its legacy of strength and stability as one of the oldest financial institutions in the Intermountain West. Zions Bank is committed to bringing value to individuals, small-to middle-market businesses, nonprofits, corporations, and institutions and is dedicated to supporting economic development in the communities we serve. SERVICES Zions Bank provides a wide range of traditional banking and innovative technology services. Companies can find solutions through the bank’s range of commercial loans, international banking services, and award winning treasury management solutions, and Zions Bank has remained a consistent market leader in US Small Business Administration lending. Through its network of 122 full-service financial centers, the bank offers consumers a range of mortgage and home equity loan options, credit cards, private and executive Banking services, and online and mobile banking. SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF Landscape photography has been a passion of mine for more than 15 years, and I am inspired by the beauty of the southern Utah landscape. I have displayed my work in various art shows and galleries and continue to sell my prints in a variety of formats for display in businesses and individual homes. Most recently, I was honored to have one of my photographs printed on the cover of the 2019 Zion National Park Forever Project Field Guide.

Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 29





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30 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018

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(435) 688-1111 | Fall 2018 Southern Utah Business Magazine 31

Jud spent over 20 years working as a photojournalist, reporter, and editor at the Spectrum & Daily News before embarking on a career in marketing and advertising. He is currently the vice-president of marketing at ACES Companies. He’s an avid trail runner and enjoys spending time hiking through southern Utah and boating at Lake Powell with his wife, Jill, and their two sons, Ethan and Max.

You may have noticed a change slowly creeping over the City of St. George for the past few years. One by one, the yellowish cast of highpressure sodium street lights has been replaced by a clean, white glow beaming down from new light-emitting diode (LED) light fixtures installed by city employees. If the switch has happened in your neighborhood, the first thing that probably jumped out at you was a significant change in color temperature and what felt like much brighter light beaming through your front windows at night. After a few days of acclimation, however, they seem almost as natural as walking under the light of a full moon. “They’re more of a moonlight-type light that is softer on the eyes and provides better night vision,” said Laurie Mangum, Energy

Services Director for the City of St. George, when the city first began the project in 2015. Of course, drivers who navigate the city streets with better night vision improve the safety of the citizens of St. George, but that’s not the only reason the city made the change. The biggest benefit is in the energy savings LEDs can provide. LED bulbs last longer and use up to 50 percent less energy than the old sodium street lamps they’re replacing, and municipalities across the country have been converting to LED to realize the cost savings. Before the replacement project began, the city had an analysis performed on all its systems, which indicated some $4 million could be saved over the next 15 years with efficiency upgrades to lighting, plumping, control systems, and other items. While the street lighting project wasn’t included in those numbers, city officials determined the cost savings of the street light project was significant enough to pursue on its own. “It’s more than just a feel-good project,” said Marc Mortensen, Support Services Director for the City of St. George. “It’s actually something that will have a substantial payback and benefit all of us.” Municipalities aren’t the only entities realizing the savings of


switching to LED lighting. A number of southern Utah business owners are drastically lowering their power bills with this new technology as well. “We’re updating our landscaping and resurfacing our entire parking lot at St. George Shuttle, and brighter LED lighting seemed like a natural addition to that project,” said CJ Wade, owner of St. George Shuttle. “On top of that, we’re further reducing our carbon footprint... The biggest bonus is the benefit to our bottom line. The proposal we looked at from ACES LED showed a huge potential for savings—a fantastic return on our investment—and we’re excited to see that first power bill after the project is finished.” ACES Companies, a Utah-based company offering energy efficiency, solar, and LED products, has been helping businesses throughout the state realize significant savings from converting to LED lighting. “Switching to LED makes so much sense for almost every business,” said Ty Haguewood, the President of the LED division at ACES Companies. “When we show our clients the numbers, even on a fully financed project, they almost always come out ahead every month, right from the start. When your business is going to be saving a couple hundred dollars on power every month and paying a fraction of that for the install, it’s a no-brainer.” “The reduction to their carbon footprint and better quality lighting in their buildings that will improve the productivity of their employees—those benefits are just gravy on top,” Haguewood added. “Once a business owner sees just how quickly they can get a return on their investment with LED lights, they’re always eager to make the switch.”

To schedule a walk-through and get a free proposal for switching your business to LED lighting, call Ty Haguewood with ACES Companies at (435) 232-2821, or visit the ACES Companies website at

Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 33


When we first launched our podcast in December of 2013, I figured it would be a good way to promote my company. At the time, Outlier was centered around helping entrepreneurs find the resources they needed through co-working spaces, lectures, and private consulting. What Outlier does today has shifted, becoming more focused on entrepreneurial education, media, and events. In part, this shift was due to our podcast, Outlier On Air. As I began speaking with other entrepreneurs from across the globe, I came to understand my own mission: bringing like-minded people together to create something amazing. One of the ways Outlier does this is through podcast festivals. We hosted the first podcast event in southern Utah, the Outlier Podcast Festival, in May of this year. It featured speakers, presenters, and panelists from around the United States who spoke to attendees about topics that affect the podcast industry. As we prepared for this event, my wife asked me why I had become so passionate about podcasting. After pondering that question for some time, I think I now have the answer.

Podcasting helps you market your business.

Fifty percent of homes in the United States are fans of podcasting. This equates to more than 60 million consumers and 60 million opportunities to tell America who you are and what your business does. Let’s say you own a tech company, and you do a podcast on the tech industry. Your episodes may not be directly about your specific company, but your business will still benefit as listeners come to view you as an expert in your field. This will motivate them to come to a source they trust—you and your company—when they need help. It’s a new form of advertising that people listen to by choice.

Podcasting allows you to market yourself.

Let’s go back to the tech company example. While your listeners may end up using your software, what’s brought them there in the first place is you. It’s you they hear day after day providing them with tips, education, and information, and you they come to view as a trusted source. Since your audience hears your voice and has direct access to your thoughts and opinions, podcasting is a very personal form of marketing. Listeners welcome you into their homes and make you part of their communities, just as you make them part of yours.

Podcasting expands your network.

One of my absolute favorite parts of hosting a podcast is getting to meet so many incredible people and hearing their stories. I have the privilege of staying in frequent contact with many of my former guests, and I have benefited richly from their friendship and advice. Since podcasting is often done remotely, it affords you the opportunity to connect with people from around the world. Hearing their different perspectives on work and life gives you the chance to see your own dilemmas in a new light, helping you on your personal path. I know it has certainly helped me.

Podcasting pushes you out of your comfort zone.

Running a successful business almost always requires you to step outside of your comfort zone. I’ve found that hosting a podcast has helped me to step outside those lines with more confidence. In addition to hosting a podcast, I have also had the opportunity to be interviewed as a guest on other shows over the past few years. These have been enlightening experiences as the hosts often ask me questions that I have never consciously answered for myself. They have pushed me to move outside where I’m comfortable and think about things on a new level. As a result, I am now more comfortable being uncomfortable.

Now that I’ve answered my wife’s question regarding why I’ve become so passionate about podcasting, I’ll ask myself another. Why have I pivoted Outlier to include podcast festivals in its entrepreneurial education? This question is easier to answer. I love gathering together the people who are just as passionate about podcasting and business as I am. I love the conversations that take place between breakout sessions. I love the questions attendees ask during panel discussions. I love hearing solutions others have come up with to problems I’m facing. In short, I love the energy, optimism, and MacGyver-style problem solving that comes when so many podcasting enthusiasts come together. Come to think of it, they’re the same qualities I love in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

Ever Gonzalez is the founder of Outlier, a media and events company that provides resources to help entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their businesses. Ever is also the host of Outlier on Air, a weekly podcast that interviews Founders, Disrupters, and Mavens. 34 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018


The Benefits of


Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 35

Don’t Just Show Up -

Show Up!


Most people understand the importance of networking when it comes to building a sustainable business, but networking success looks different for everyone. What kind of networker are you? Are you someone who enjoys meeting new people and striking up conversations with strangers (an extrovert), or are you someone who doesn’t feel as comfortable meeting new people and initiating a conversation (introvert)? Being an extrovert or introvert doesn’t make you any better or worse than someone else. It only means you network differently and will have different strengths and weaknesses. Regardless of how you classify yourself, here are three simple strategies that will help you be a better networker. 36 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018

Show Up! This strategy seems pretty simple, but if you’re not careful, you might find yourself too busy to network. Often, the excuse is “I’m too busy to network because I’m trying to make a living.” Think about that for a minute. That’s like saying, “I’m too busy to be successful.” I get it; business owners have a gazillion hats to wear. Networking takes time, and it means you’re going to have to do some prioritizing. Being busy is a great excuse, especially if you’re

an introvert, but making excuses won’t change the truth that networking works and being busy doesn’t! Here’s another truth: Change is inevitable, but growth and improvement are optional. It’s time to change, and here’s how you can improve your networking efforts. If you’re not attending at least one networking event on a regular basis, choose one and commit to show up consistently. If you’re already attending various networking events, do a quick analysis of your various activities. Decide whether you are being consistent or if you’re spreading yourself too thin and wasting valuable time. Once you are showing up consistently, you’re ready for the next networking strategy.


Stop Just Showing Up! Yes, you read that correctly. Just because you show up to an event and hand out your business card doesn’t mean you’re networking. More than likely, you just wasted time and money on cards that will find their way into a trash can. You need to know what to do when you show up. The goal of networking is not to tell everyone what you do (salesy extroverts) or sit quietly and not talk to anyone (uncomfortable introverts). The goal of networking is to learn about others! When attending a networking event, come prepared to ask good questions and be prepared to shut up and listen. Talk with everyone; Don’t be selective. Reserve your judgments about whether or not someone will be a good prospect or customer. You have no idea what they know, what they need, or more importantly, who they know.

As you begin asking more questions (and listening), it’s important to understand the natural progression of information that is shared. Most people usually start with sharing professional information (what they do for a living, how long they’ve been doing it, what services/products they provide, etc.). The next level is sharing safe personal information (what hobbies they enjoy, where they’re from, where they’ve traveled, etc.). The final phase is sharing vulnerable information (personal struggles, hopes and dreams, health issues, etc.). It is at this vulnerable level that longlasting connections are made because in order to share something vulnerable, there has to be a level of trust established. Getting to the vulnerable level often takes time and multiple engagements. This leads us to the third networking strategy.

Show Up to Serve! Networking becomes easier when you’re not focused on your own needs and wants. There’s no pressure to try to make a sale when you’re looking for opportunities to serve others outside of your products or services. There are countless ways to serve others if you just listen to what people are saying. Often, service is a simple thing, like giving a referral or suggesting a good business book you’ve recently read. Over time, small acts of service will reap large returns. Everyone can be a better networker. Networking is not about being perfect. Networking is about being consistent and persistent in your efforts. Small changes— showing up and being prepared to learn about and serve others—will have huge payoffs in your life. Networking is a journey, not an event!

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Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 37

Econo mics

Cedar City: A Resilient People, A Resilient Economy.


Resilient and robust, Cedar City’s local economy is poised for the next generation of creative and diversified growth. However, a diverse economy doesn’t always come with shiny branding and a tech startup. Sometimes real growth happens where the work is already occurring.

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istorically, Cedar City has had its share of economic ups and downs that have taught its citizens hardlearned lessons on the value of a multi-sector economy. For decades, the iron mine in central Iron County was the top employer, and high-paying jobs were plentiful. In the early 1980s, mining operations ceased, and almost overnight, Iron County’s average monthly wage plummeted from one of the highest in the state to one of the lowest. Regional economic diversification became a necessity for community survival. Tourism, construction, and other economic sectors provided displaced ironworkers with a few jobs, but they were frequently low-paying, leaving a large gap to be filled. While the mine was open throughout the 1990s and into the 2000s, it never reached full capacity again. In 2014, the mine closed once more due in large part to China’s capacity to produce low-grade iron ore more inexpensively.

The people of Cedar City have always demonstrated a spirit of resilience, learning to adapt to varying economic circumstances creatively, This creativity has forged a unique community identity and regional culture. Take the Utah Shakespeare Festival, for example. It has experienced remarkable growth and is now an economic powerhouse. Each year, over 120,000 theatre patrons flock to Cedar City, pumping dollars into the local economy. A recent study by the Americans for the Arts found that direct arts industry expenditures brought $76 million into Iron County, with nearly 70% of visitors indicating they came to the area to attend an art or cultural event. Compare this with Logan City’s $31 million in arts expenditures, and the impact of arts and culture in Cedar City becomes even more apparent. Or consider the inspirational legacy of Southern Utah University (SUU) from its humble start as a teacher training school to its current standing as a worldclass university. With over 1,000 faculty members, staff members, and administrators, SUU is a significant economic player as Cedar City’s largest employer. Since 1897, education has remained a top community priority, shaping Cedar City into Utah’s quintessential college town. In 2016, SUU led the state with a 13.6% increase in enrollments; and in 2017, they crossed the 10,000 enrollments threshold.

Indeed, Cedar City boasts a successful economic track record, yet one of their strongest sectors—manufacturing and distribution— remains relatively unknown. While not as sexy as Shakespeare or as prestigious as SUU, this sector has become a stable economic contributor, supplying hundreds of high-paying jobs that have fostered important growth while narrowing the wage gap in Iron County. The Department of Workforce Services reports the average monthly wage for manufacturing in Iron County is $4,012. This is a significant difference when compared to the average monthly income of other local economic sectors: Construction, $3,021; Retail Trade, $2,261; or Education Services, $2,352.

While some still perceive manufacturing as outmoded, it is actually one of the most innovative, cutting-edge industries around.

A new era of automation is changing the nature of manufacturing employment. While manual jobs continue to decline, new skill sets in technology, robotics, analytics, programming design, customer relationships, and creative problem solving are now heavily sought after. This ever-changing workplace requires lifelong learners and provides an exciting workplace environment for innovators, technicians, and makers. Utah is one of the top states for manufacturing and distribution in the nation. With a manufacturing base that employs over 190,000 people, manufacturing plays a vital role in Utah’s economy at the state level. It is no different at the local level: Cedar City’s manufacturing sector has steadily grown into the southwest region’s central manufacturing hub. Among the many A-list companies leading the way are Genpak, American Pacific Corp, Metalcraft Technologies, GAF, and Charlotte Pipe. Cedar City’s proximity to major western markets and access to rail-served property make it a prime location for plastics manufacturers. Originally, the railways spurred dramatic growth in the tourism sector. In today’s economy, it has enabled manufacturers to transport production materials by the ton.

Exceptional products that millions of people and hundreds of businesses use every day are being made right here in southern Utah— everything from food containers, roofing, and copper piping to paper products, rocket fuel, and aircraft parts. These products are not just for local markets but for national and international markets as well. GenPak, the largest manufacturer in southern Utah, produces containers for national brands like Panda Express and McDonald’s. Syberjet Aircraft services the most technologically advanced FAA single-pilot certified light jet in the world. GAF, a commercial roofing manufacturer, produces materials used on Walmart’s roofs across the United States. And the list goes on. With all of Cedar City’s large-scale manufacturing warehouses full, companies are now considering built-to-suit options available in Port 15 Utah. This 540-acre rail-served industrial park was developed with the manufacturing industry in mind and includes shovel-ready land, rail spurs, and high-volume utilities. In addition, Port 15 now falls within a Qualified Opportunity Zone. These zones, derived from recent federal legislation, are designed to encourage long-term equity investments in low-income and rural areas, providing significant tax incentives for companies considering a move to Cedar City. For Cedar City, the future is bright with a vibrant, up-andcoming manufacturing sector and a community workforce ready to rise to the task. In 1923, with the arrival of the railroad in Cedar City, the president of the Union Pacific Railroad Company said, “I find a people who are conquerors of their environment—a people who have risen above failure to success, who have learned to work together, and who dreamed a dream and labored to see its fulfillment through their children.” Fast forward to 2018, and you will find this same resilient spirit anchored by a people ready to take on the next generation of manufacturing.

Fall 2018

Southern Utah Business Magazine 39


Ten years ago, southern Utah and the rest of the nation were suffering the devastating effects of the Great Recession. Since then, southern Utah has recovered and has found itself in full expansionary mode (with only a little scarring to its economic psyche). In fact, the United States’ expansion now ranks as the second longest in history. With the recovery becoming somewhat stale, the time seems ripe to check in with the economy. The year-to-year change in nonfarm employment provides the best indicator of the business cycle. Here, Washington County excels. Currently, job-growth rates are trending near 5 percent, while neighbors Iron County (4 percent) and Kane County (2 percent) show slower but still strong to moderate expansion. This 5 percent employment expansion would suggest overheating in most areas, but given Washington County’s strong in-migration, 5 percent falls in the “goldilocks” zone (not too hot, not too cold). If you are tempted to think that 5 percent expansion might be too hot for Washington County, just remember 13 years back when job growth measured 10 percent. That is overheated.

Importantly, the job gains are broadbased, with most major industries sharing in the employment joy. Recently, construction, healthcare, manufacturing,

and leisure/hospitality services have added the highest number of new jobs. While a few irregular layoffs have occurred, firsttime claims for unemployment insurance remain low and are generally seasonal in nature.

construction. In Washington County, the number of 2017 home building permits approved registered about 800 units short of the peak bubble year. Moreover, sorely-needed multi-household units comprised about 30 percent of total 2017 permitted dwelling units. In other words, homebuilding has yet to approach the excesses of the mid-2000s. Healthy homebuilding is also occurring in Kane and Iron counties.

Robust job growth in the state’s southwest corner has driven unemployment down into the full employment range, reflecting a tight labor market. Iron, Kane, and Washington counties all show jobless rates of 3.5 percent or The staggering and less. A dearth of available swift rise in home workers has recently prices that occurred Southern Utah’s put upward pressure in the bubble years economy is currently on hiring wages. contrasts with the running on all cylinders. current steady Gross taxable However, the long length of the but moderate sales remain present-day expansion coupled home price strong in all with uncertainty on the national and increases. southern Utah international scenes recommends However, while counties. In fact, keeping an eye on the area’s there is little sales have been economic indicators at: evidence of a the most robust housing bubble, and consistent of all the construction the area’s economic industr y appears indicators. Typically, headed toward the annual gains during the peak of a cycle that will recovery have hovered around the eventually turn. In contrast with 10 percent mark. residential building, the last two years of Not surprisingly, given the housing nonresidential permit values far out rank bubble of the late 2000s, inquiring minds any other year in Washington County’s may wonder about the current state of history.


BY LECIA PARKS LANGSTON SENIOR ECONOMIST, UTAH DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES Lecia Langston is currently a regional economist for the Department of Workforce Services. She is also responsible for making occupational projections for all of Utah. Ms. Langston has been an economist with the Utah Department of Workforce Services for more than 30 years. During six of those years, she served as chief economist for the department before moving to the St. George area. Ms. Langston has served as a past president and officer of the Wasatch Front Economic Forum (the local chapter of the National Association of Business Economists). She is a past advisor of the Governor’s Economic Coordinating Committee. Ms. Langston is the author of several studies including “Hard at Work; Women in the Utah Labor Force” and “At your Service: Utah’s Service Economy.” She is the workforce services expert in women’s labor force statistics. Lecia is a native Utahn, born in Richfield. She graduated from Utah State University with a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science.

40 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018






Few consider themselves naturals at working a room, but we all know someone like this—a lady or gentleman who oozes charm, eases into introductions, remembers names, has a ready laugh, and can smile on command. We marvel at this person. We want to be this person. Well, guess what? It’s a good bet that this person has the advantage of experience. You see, charm takes time and effort to develop, which is why a group like the Young Professionals, associated with the St. George Area Chamber of Commerce, exists. The Young Professionals is a group that fosters, mentors, and joins forces with likeminded individuals in order to build strong leaders. The target age group—ages 18 through 40—covers a wide variety of the younger workforce: graduates ready to enter the workforce, promising up-and-comers climbing the corporate ladder, and professionals and entrepreneurs approaching the prime of their working years. “You don’t have to be an executive or a manager to be a part of Young Professionals, “ said Susi Lafaele, Director of Operations at the St. George Area Chamber

of Commerce. “It is for people who want to better themselves and become more a part of the community. At Young Professionals, you can meet people in a variety of different industries, forming connections that can be the start of something significant in your career and in your personal life.” Young Professionals mixes learning with pleasure. Some of the more exciting networking events have included an excursion up Sand Mountain with Dixie 4-Wheel Drive, a golf outing at the spectacular Ledges Golf Club, a trip to the state capitol during the legislative session, and a tour of the Dean’s Foods manufacturing plant—complete with ice cream tasting. Young Professionals membership is separate from Chamber membership. The cost is $100 for a full year. “We encourage larger organizations that employ a lot of people in our target age range to get their employees involved in Young Professionals,” Lafaele added. “The investment in money and resources is minimal, but the payoff is huge when you consider the gain in human capital.”





Southern Utah Business Magazine 41

CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2018 SEP Chamber Inspirational 5 Luncheon ft. Gabe Adams 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Courtyard by Marriott - 185 S. 1470 E. St. George, UT Gabe Adams is just your “average” 19 year old, who was born in Brazil with Hanhart Syndrome, a genetic disorder, leaving him with no arms or legs. His story will inspire you to view life’s challenges differently and motivate you to “rise up” and pursue your dreams with courage. Fees/Admission: $15 Chamber Members $20 Non-Members For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

SEP Business Resource Center 26 Open House 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM DSU Gardner Center Ballroom - 225 S. University Ave. St. George, UT A free open house where local businesses, managers, and entrepreneurs can get acquainted with local business service providers and the BRC’s extensive, low- and no- cost business resources. Fees/Admission: Free to the public For more information, contact the Business Resource Center at (435) 862 0053, or go to

OCTOBER 2018 OCT Chamber Inspiration 3 Luncheon ft. Janice Brooks 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Courtyard by Marriott - 185 S. 1470 E. St. George, UT Brooks was appointed and served six years for the Clark County Housing Authority. She has served as Chairman of the Commissioners Committee for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. For her dedication and service to the Las Vegas community “Janice Brooks Bay” a 100-unit affordable housing development was named in her honor. Fees/Admission: $15 Chamber Members $20 Non-Members

OCT Chamber Training Series ft. 10 Dan Clark Dixie Technical College 610 S. Airport Rd - St. George, UT Dan Clark is a Hall of Fame speaker who has worked with 200 of the Fortune 500 companies, Super Bowl Champions, National Trade Associations, and Government Agencies. He is a New York Times Best Selling Author of 34 books and has appeared on TV and radio shows including Oprah and Glenn Beck. Fees/Admission: $15 Chamber Members $20 Non-Members For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

OCT Sutherland Institute Annual 12 Gala: A New Birth Of Freedom 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Grand America Hotel - 555 Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Join us as we present the Sutherland Institute New Birth of Freedom Award and be inspired by the honorees. This year’s recipients of the New Birth of Freedom Award are: Major General Jefferson S. Burton, SPN President Tracie Sharp, and NBA Governor Greg Miller. The keynote speaker for the evening is Arthur Brooks, bestselling author and president of American Enterprise Institute. Gala Admission: Seating starts at $150 + For more information visit

OCT Women’s Influence Center 16 Powerhouse Series 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Chamber of Commerce - 136 N. 100 E. St. George, UT Join us for our 7th entrepreneurship workshop. During this workshop we will cover: Developing Your Funding Plan and Working with Zealous Tenacity. Fees/Admission: $15 Chamber Members $20 Non-Members For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to


OCT Meet The Chamber At LiVe 24 Well Center 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM LiVe Well Center- 652 S. Medical Center Dr # 340 St. George, UT Health is the most important gift you can give yourself, so why wait? You can start now! Dixie Regional’s LiVe Well Center has more than 40 weekly fitness classes and evidenced-based biometric assessments that will help you Get Well, Stay Well and LiVe Well for the rest your life. Fees/Admission: $15 Chamber Members $20 Non-Members For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

NOVEMBER 2018 NOV An Intimate Evening With 2 Kristen Chenoweth 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Tuacahn Amphitheatre - 1100 Tuacahn Drive, Ivins UT Emmy and Tony Award winning actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth’s career spans film, television, voiceover and stage. She has been nominated for two Emmy Awards and for a People’s Choice Award for her role on “Glee.” In 2009, she wrote an upliftingly candid, comedic chronicle of her life so far, “A Little Bit Wicked,” which debuted on the New York Times Hardcover Non-Fiction Best Seller List. For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

NOV Jubilee Of Trees Luncheon 15 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Dixie Convention Center - 1835 Convention Center Dr St. George, UT Jubilee of Trees is a holiday tradition celebrated by thousands throughout Southern Utah while raising funds that support Dixie Regional Medical Center. Admission: $15 For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

For more information, call Susi Lafaele at (435) 628-1650, or go to

To learn more about Community Events, please visit

42 Southern Utah Business Magazine

Fall 2018


Best Value Schools recently ranked Southern Utah University’s Master of Accountancy (MAcc) program as tenth best in the nation. Out of fifty-three schools ranked, SUU is the the only school from Utah. Schools on the list were ranked according to tuition costs, graduation rate, and date to finish. Also ranked were student satisfaction, job placement, convenience to students, quality of education, and flexibility for working adults. AACSB accredited and available online, SUU’s School of Business has offered a MAcc degree for over thirty years. Mary Pearson, Dean of the Business School, points out that the graduate program provides a greater breadth and depth, further developing the knowledge and skills required to enter professional accountancy. “The SUU Master of Accountancy program is designed to prepare students to successfully pass the national Certified Public Accounting (CPA) exam,” she said. “In 2017, SUU students surpassed the national average pass rate on the uniform CPA exam by 5%.” Robin Boneck, Professor of Accounting and Department Chair at SUU, knows that the MAcc program is an exceptional opportunity for many students. Between the experienced faculty and practical classroom situations, the program is ideal for anyone looking to pass the CPA exam and find an accounting career.“Students can expect to receive an outstanding education from our MAcc program—one that will challenge them academically To learn more about and help place them in an excellent career,” said Boneck. “The program is flexible, tuition is reasonable, and SUU’s online Master of job placement for students seeking employment Accountancy program, is nearly 100%, with accounting firms from contact Miranda Gubler Utah, Nevada, and California heavily recruiting students.” at (435) 865-8167 or at

Additional information can also be found by visiting the SUU Graduate Studies website



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