“Where there is no vision, there is no hope” – George Washington Carver
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 13th, 2015, 4:00 PM McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall, Lake Shore Campus Senate Agenda
1. Roll Call 2. Visitors and Guest Speakers a. Sean Anderson, Illinois Board of Higher Education 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Unfinished Business 5. Committee and Board Reports 6. New Business and Discussion a. Internal Elections on January 20th. Seven open seats – advertise!
“Where there is no vision, there is no hope” – George Washington Carver
Student Government of Loyola Chicago January 13th, 2015, 4:00 PM McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall, Lake Shore Campus Senate Agenda
1. Roll Call 2. Visitors and Guest Speakers a. Sean Anderson, Illinois Board of Higher Education 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Unfinished Business 5. Committee and Board Reports 6. New Business and Discussion a. Internal Elections on January 20th. Seven open seats – advertise!