“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
Roll Call A. Call to order 4:04 PM. B. Speaker Kelley takes roll i. Absent: Sen Loutfi, Sen Gorecki, Sen Fleisher Visitors & Guest Speakers A. Wayne Magdziarz – Senior Vice President of Capital Planning i. Magdziarz: I am the guy responsible for buildings, construction at Lakeshore, WTC, Rome, Health Sciences, Cuneo, and LUREC. ii. Updates on 4 things: 1. Hampton Inn Hotel, Sheridan & Albion. 135 rooms. Finished by this time next year. Developer team working with is very well respected, treat their workers well. Run 14 hotels in Midwest. They manage and run their properties for the long haul, long term partners. Need help with, ideas for new retailers around campus. 9000 square feet on first floor of hotel. Responsible for leasing the space. Talk to friends, think about this while at home for Christmas break; come with ideas. We want 1 or 2 local or small retailers. We are flexible but also patient. 2. All familiar with new Kenmore Plaza, we want to do something similar on Winthrop except 1 lane of traffic going south. Many people that live south of Rosemont or Granville will need it. Make it one plane, one lane for the plaza and another for traffic. Should have preliminary pictures until Spring – Fall of next year. 7 or 8 months to finish. Extend what we have on Kenmore to Winthrop. Integrate res halls with rest of campus. 3. WTC Campus- Schreiber Center open and fully functional. Maguire is now used for Arrupe, 159 students enrolled. Spring semester school of social work from Lewis will be top 2 floors of Maguire Hall. 4. Last thing, Centennial Forum. Engineering 40 students, 120 by next year. Labs temporarily in CFSU. Work over the summer, so we have enough space by Fall. Computer science will move from WTC to Lakeshore, temporary home for them for the next 2 to 3 years. a. Sen Hall: Interested about Winthrop project, why is that necessary? Logic behind no curbs? i. Magdziarz: Doing it primarily for safety reasons. In the past, Winthrop was a pretty dangerous street. There used to be a poorly run nursing center. Many residents in that street were treated poorly so we
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
moved that center to a better area and bought the building. Equally poorly run youth hostel, purchased that building and doing a great deal of work to make street safer for students. Trying to replicate Kenmore because it creates a different environment. We own both things on both sides of those street. We also see it as a way to integrate res halls to the rest of campus. We are responsible for maintenance and upkeep so it makes it easier too. It’s called a woonerf. City has done these around metropolitan area. When we discussed this, we wanted an option that doesn’t completely close street to traffic. So this type of set up is traffic calming. Makes it safer for our students. b.
- Sen Diaz enters at 4:21 PM. Sen Bayo: no more traffic on Winthrop? i. Magdziarz: Loading zones in front of Regis and Simpson. Between those res halls there will be a large square where you can exit and peel off to Sheridan. Still a work in progress. Sen Nowak: Thanks for coming today. You mentioned on planning local operations in the hotel? Was Metropolis coffee a suggestion? i. Magdziarz: We own the building Metropolis is in. The Mickels building was a part of the portfolio with the Sovereign. We talked to them about doing another location but they want to focus on their coffee bean production. When the cleaners leave they may expand but they are focused on bean roasting. Sen Courage: What about eating healthy options, primarily vegetarian or vegan option? i. Magdziarz: If you see one you like, send us some names and some contacts. The Schreiber Center is going to have Life Kitchen opening. Sen Philbrick: So with the new plaza, all the parking will be taken away? Will there be other options? i. Magdziarz: There will be a loading area. The deck is full but there is options under residence halls. You can get a pass. Your question is one we get often form neighbors. We aren’t the greenest universities for a reason, because we are kind of stingy on parking. We try to discourage individuals from driving to work and utilizing alternative options. i. Sen Philbrick: My mom comes to visit and used parked on Winthrop though is my concern. Could there be a discount in the garage or some sort of option to make up for these spots?
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
1. Magdziarz: It’s something we can look at. In the past, we put in place a weekend parking program where residents could park free in the deck when there was construction underway. Short term would be open for discussion. f. Sen Caldwell: Where is the plaza extending to? i. Magdziarz: Until Rosemont. We are not able to get the alderman to vacate a street, we can’t go through to Granville because we don’t own enough buildings on both sides of the street. g. Sen Hall: Will Loyola have a say who is hired at hotel? i. Magdziarz: They are not our employees. We did a great deal of diligence prior. After meeting with them we know there will be employee longevity and benefits are better than other hotel unions/associations. Special rates for students, family, faculty, friends. -
Sen Hines enters at 4:33 PM.
h. Sen Hall: Can we give suggestions of who is hired? I really think we should advocate for community members. i. Magdziarz: Their first step will be to reach out to locals for hire. We have a cooperative marketing agreement. We have a document that says what we will be like for a partnership. i. Sen Makarious: So for Computer Science it’s just the offices and labs being moved? Comp science. i. Magdziarz: Everything. i. Sen Makarious: New computers as well? 1. Magdziarz: I’m not sure. Do they need to be upgraded? a. Sen Makarious: I work in a research lab. Definitely need server room but I wouldn’t be the person to talk to about it. i. Magdziarz: Hmm something to look into. Also, LUTECH, students that needed space to do computer work. They are also moving into Centennial. j. Speaker Kelley: Do you see the capital needs of Arrupe expanding in the next 3 to 5 years? i. Magdziarz: Arrupe has 3 floors. We have deliberately held off putting other things in there until we know what Arrupe may need. We’ll know soon. They will be at
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
full throttle in 2 years. If we hit 200 next year, we could have around 350 students in the 2nd year. k. Sen Paulson: For the retail space, interest in bringing in local Chicago retailers? i. Magdziarz: Yes, that’s what I said before. For example: Café Descartes is local and struggling. Trying to work with the owner. Another example, Argo tea was a very tiny locally grown tea shop. Location in Lewis Towers was his second store, now his oldest. We rolled the dice on him. Today he has 56 in the country, and in 4 foreign countries. i. CCO Fisher: Student proposal, could we take a student survey for the retail space? Would this be taken into serious consideration by the committee? 1. Magdziarz: There is a process underway, where you can input names of establishments you would like to see. We review those lists. a. CCO Fisher: Winthrop- winter time friendly? Something that makes it easier to walk with wind and snow? i. Magdziarz: We looked into a grid system that would have overhead heaters that would keep that area more bearable. If you start building infrastructure in that place that large, it becomes expensive. If you have any ideas, let us know. We look at what other Urban Universities have done to help get ideas. Tunnel system in this city is nearly impossible. If I showed you an X Ray of Winthrop with everything running through it, with the sewers and other things down there. It would be too difficult. Community relations, we work with local alderman. If you’re from Chicago, you may know nothing gets done unless the alderman is on board. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: wmagdzi@luc.edu. Thank you all for having me! III. Budget Appeals A. No budget appeals today. IV. Approval of the Minutes A. Minutes are approved. V. Unfinished Business A. Senate Act 16-01A i. Chair Winters: T Shirt. I move to revoke that. B. Senate Act 16-02A
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
i. VI.
Chair Winters: I move to revoke this as well.
Committee, Board, & Advisor Reports A. Standing Committees 1. Justice (Chair Winters) a. Privilege Campaign. Event tomorrow in Cuneo 116, Event Friday 5:30 PM. Skits illustrating real life scenarios. More than welcome to come out. 2. Allocations (Chairs Henry) a. Zero appeals today. Notified organizations to get in touch with myself, Kristen, and Ryan. Spot 2 budget requests are due Friday 5 PM. Open house is 4-6 on Wednesday and Thursday. b. Committee had letter writing workshop at 7:45 AM. 3. Academic Affairs (Chair Philbrick) a. Tabling Friday 2:30-4 PM. Met with ITS department today, they sounded excited about the website. Major concern was getting funding. Looking into that more. i. Chair Henry: tab on Sakai? 1. Sen Hanani: Collection of all of the syllabuses for all the classes. Raising awareness by putting it on the Sakai page. 2. Sen Dumbauld: What website are we talking about? I. Sen Sheu: Partnership with other orgs on campus. $500 a month. 1. Sen Hall: I think you can find it cheaper way. We just started one for something else I’m involved in, and it could cheaper than that. a. Sen Gutierrez: That would be if we were to use the same server that Brown University does but we are open to looking into other options. 4. Facilities & Transportation (Chair Pazik) a. Monday, 4-5 PM. Met with Nick and Tim. For those that use 8 Ride, there will be an app. Tabling 10/22 4-7 PM. Who you gon call? 8 Ride. Survey’s. If any has any suggestions about hotel or feedback, we have monthly meetings I can relay that information. 5. RCDC (Chair Flowers)
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
a. Our Committee table was very successful. Metropolis & Insomnia. We got a lot of feedback on various things. Survey was for Lu’s Deli on the downtown campus. Aramark is looking to focus on Lu’s- improve options, hours, etc. First change menu options for meal plan. Don’t want to limit students to the few options, because argued other options that aren’t within meal plan. Any thoughts on that, please give us feedback. About 100 responses from tabling. Still working with Residence Life and RHA, looking for funding with the printers. B. Special & Ad Hoc Committees C. Judicial Board i. CJ Bravo: Senator Kassir did not receive a censure. The vote was 0-5-0. D. Executive Board i. CCO Fisher: Has not had much interaction with you so far. If you need any communication related resources, you can find a place to request this on the SGLC website. Please submit this request 3 days in advanced on the google doc. All requirements are on here. Please fill out to the best of your ability. Minutes are all linked on here as well under the legislative section that says Minutes & Agendas. I know all of you have your own Facebook pages but please also send your information to me so I can share it to the rest of the Loyola Community. Please send it through email. We want it to be on the main page in addition to your personal committee pages so I can get it posted. ii.
VP Chavez: My first thing is, remember when you had to fill out all of that information – we had 2 birthdays this month. Katie’s birthday was yesterday, and Noah’s birthday was over Fall Break. From last report, talked about BOT, the confidentiality and we talked about Rambler Outdoors. For BOT, met with Jane, going to try to go to reword that document, in the works. Rambler Outdoors, we want to set up a meeting with leaders and Jane to get the answers. This week, brief update from Engagement Team. Working with University Senate with Demonstration Policy, You Speak. Actively working to try and respond to the DP. Melinda and students for worker justice, they were applying to be an RSO but not accepted so they are still an initiative with us. Trying to find compromise with SAGA. I hope you enjoyed all of your Fall Break’s. E. Advisor Report i. Self-Care Tip is attached.
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
Advisor Moore: Shannon & I are always here for you if you need anything. Please reach out.
New Business & Discussion Senate Act 16-03A A. Chair Henry: Read Senate Act 16-03A. i. Legislation tabled until next week. B. Excellence Awards Selection Committee nominations i. Advisor Moore: Week of Excellence in April. Selection committee comprised of staff and student representative that helps select these award winners. Not a huge time commitment. 1. Chair Henry: Individuals nominated do a speech? a. Speaker Kelley: Overview of why you would be a good candidate for this. i. CJ Bravo: This is important because they will work with Maroon and gold to pick the Staff member of the year, and student of the year. - Nowak motions to open floor for nominations. b. Hall nominates AG Brueck. She accepts. c. Nowak nominates Chair Henry. He accepts. b. Nowak motions to close the floor for nominations. a. AG Brueck: Hello, I am interested in this position because this is really important. Various initiatives go in to play being a part of student government and I would like to see that in a larger scale and see all of the student success and acknowledging that success. I think it is important to give acknowledgement to everything the students are doing. I think I have the skills, in my role here as Attorney General by being unbias and I know I would utilize that in this role. b. Chair Henry: I am also very interested in the role. Ever since I’ve been here since freshman year. I too like to see the successes students accomplish on our campus. I work closely with SAGA and I would love to be considered for this committee as well. i. Sen Mitchell: What makes you think you are qualified to represent the student body? 1. AG Brueck: As student tried to reach out to other orgs besides the ones I’m involved in. Engage with other students and that is
“Own it.” –Maureen Williams Student Government of Loyola Chicago October 14th, 2015, 4:00 PM 4th Floor of the Information Commons, Lake Shore Campus Senate Minutes
important part. Recognized skills and different assets people bring to the table. I think that recognize all different work so many different accomplishments people have made. 2. Henry: SGLC has allowed us to reach through network of students. I work closely with Greek life community. Assets as well. Individuals that I have known since day 1 and they are on their exec boards and sometimes it goes unrecognized. -
Sen Mitchell moves to close the meeting at 5:23 PM. Sen Hall motions to re-open the meeting 5:29 PM.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:31 PM.