Student Government of Loyola Chicago (SGLC) 2015 Spring Elections Packet
Mission Statement of the SGLC We commit wholeheartedly to voice the concerns of the student body, to act as an instrument for the cooperation of students, faculty, and administration, to provide an open forum for dialogue and a voice for student opinions concerning the traditions, ideas, and affairs of the University, to offer quality activities for the student body according to their expressed wishes, interests, and needs; and we shall do so in order to afford all undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in the management of their own affairs.
Positions Available: One President/Vice President Ticket One Chief of Student Organizations One Chief Justice 7 Senior Representatives 7 Junior Representatives 7 Sophomore Representatives 7 Undesignated Representatives
Spring Elections Important Dates February 17th Distribution of Petitions th February 19 Candidate Rally in Regis MPR th th February 20 – 26 Candidate Meetings in Damen 212 (MUST ATTEND ONE to be eligible to run in the election): Feb 20th 1:00-‐2:30; Feb 25th 1:30-‐3:00, 5:00-‐6:30; Feb 26th 1:00-‐2:30 March 1st Petitions, Contracts, and Statements due by 11:59 PM to or the SGLC office in Damen 210 for eligible placement on ballot March 9th -‐ 23rd Campaigning begins @ 12:01AM (after approval of materials –fliers, social media pages, purchases, etc.); Campaigning ends @ 11:59 PM on the 23rd th th March 24 – 26 VOTING via email for all students March 27th Posting of results
*Please note that all meetings are “PM” and each candidate is only required to attend ONE of the possible candidate meeting times; Please bring your calendars to these meetings!
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Spring 2014 Elections Board ( Chairperson – Dominic Lynch ( Secretary – Danish Murtaza ( Dana D’Onofrio ( Constantine Tsarouhis (
If you have any questions, please email us at
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2015 Spring Elections Statement of Candidacy
As per the Student Government of Loyola Chicago’s Election Code, you are required to make a statement of candidacy. You have the liberty to write what you wish. It is suggested that you focus on information that the voters will find useful and critical in deciding whom to vote for*. Suggested topics include: why you are seeking this office, how your work can benefit students and SGLC, past leadership experience in high school, or specific issues you may want to address. Please limit your comments to one typed, single or double spaced page. Please email your statement of candidacy as a Word document to by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, September 2. You may include an appropriate picture of yourself in the body of the Word document. In addition to the Statement of Candidacy, you have the option of creating an informative campaign video of yourself. The purpose of the video is to complement your statement of candidacy by presenting yourself in a manner you believe will best appeal to the student body. Please upload your video to igNation ( and email the link to the election board at If approved, your video will appear alongside of your statement of candidacy in the ballots. Balloting for SGLC elections will occur online. Ballots will be distributed to freshman students through their email accounts. These ballots may be forwarded to a different primary account through Personal Account Manager (PAM). It may be helpful to include information on balloting in one’s campaign materials. All campaign materials (flyers, social media usage, other handouts, etc.) must be approved by the Spring Elections Board BEFORE used as part of your campaign. Times to get materials approved in person will be announced at each required candidate meeting. *The Election Board reserves the right to edit your comments to meet publication needs. A full copy of your
statement of candidacy will be made available at the polls.
If you have any questions, please email us at
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Election Contract The Student Government of Loyola Chicago Spring 2015 Elections
Name (as listed on your Loyola ID): Current Year: Primary Phone Number: Loyola ID: 0000 University email address: Do you live on-‐campus or commute from home? Are you available from 4:00-‐7:00pm each Tuesday evening? Desired elected position:
My signature below verifies the accuracy of the information contained herein. I have read the Election Packet and understand that this contract binds me to the SGLA bylaws as applicable, and that violation of these bylaws (Chapter 8, Article 22) will result in the appropriate consequences. Further, my signature authorizes a representative of the Loyola University Chicago Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution to release any and all applicable student conduct records to appropriate individuals (SGLC Advisor and Associate Dean of Students, K.C. Mmeje) involved with conducting the SGLC elections. And, I waive my right given under Public Law 93-‐380 to inspect said records before their release. My signature also authorizes the Office of Registration and Records to release any and all applicable grades and credit hour status to appropriate individuals (SGLC Advisor and Dean of Students, K.C. Mmeje) involved with conducting the SGLC elections. I waive my right given under FERPA to inspect said records before their release. Signature: Print Name Date _______________________________
If you have any questions, please email us at
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Petition of Candidacy
The Student Government of Loyola Chicago Spring 2015 Elections
We, the undersigned constituent students of Loyola University Chicago, support ________________ ___ as a candidate for the office of in the Student Government of Loyola Chicago Spring 2015 Elections.
Name (First and Last)
University Email (
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26)
If you have any questions, please email us at
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University Email (
Please note that you must get 50 signatures if running for representative, Chief of Student Organization, and Chief Justice positions. 100 signatures for the Presidential/Vice Presidential Ticket.
If you have any questions, please email us at