Committee Reports: January 20, 2015

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Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Executive Committee: Community Meeting: Discussing Loyola’s Hotel Development- Tuesday January 20th, 7PM | Bremner Lounge - CCRO Rocks invites all of you and your peers to attend a community meeting to review a proposal to build a six-story 145 Hampton Inn Hotel at the southwest corner of Sheridan Road and Albion Avenue. - AJCU Statement from Conference on Diversity & Equity -

President Bravo and VP Fasullo officially signed on to the Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities’ call to action stating that “BLACK lives matter, ALL lives matter, JUSTICE matters.” Their signatures can be found along with Fr. Garanzini’s and many other university leaders at the following link: - Statement on #BlackLivesMatter -

President Bravo, VP Fasullo, ESO Brocklehurst, CCRO Rocks, Chief Justice Nasser, CSO Kadri, and Interim CCO Baluyot worked together over the winter break and released a statement in support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Continued Discussion on 8-RIDE -

Thank you to everyone else who was able to continue the evolving discussion on 8RIDE. We are excited to see the great work that will come out of the Facilities & Transportation Committee as a result of these continued efforts. Internal Collaboration


President Bravo met with Senator Santy from the Safety & Wellness Committee over the winter break to help coordinate an open forum in regards to the on-campus smoking discussion and a tabling event leading up to Valentine’s Day. Please reach out to either of them if you are interested in getting involved! - If any senator is seeking support for any of their prospective initiatives, please remember that the Executive committee is always here to help! Focus on Teaching & Learning Conference – F.O.T.L. -

President Bravo presented to select Loyola faculty members on the Magis Scholarship Initiative on January 8th at the Focus on Teaching & Learning Conference with the theme, “Social Justice: Presence & Promise of Jesuit Education.” Magis Scholarship Initiative & Northwestern Associated Student Government -

President Bravo and LASO President, Adriana Robles, met with members of Northwestern’s Associated Student Government on Friday, January 16th, to discuss SGLC’s recent Magis Scholarship initiative and to offer assistance and guidance with supporting undocumented students at NU. SGLC Open Positions -

President Bravo will be holding interviews this week for the following open positions within SGLC: o Executive Communications Team (Chief Communications Officer & Social Media Officer) (2 positions open, 2 applicants) o Associate Justice (1 position open, 6 applicants) o University Senate (1 position open, 3 applicants)

Academic Affairs Committee:

- Nothing new to report.

Allocations Committee: -

SPOT 1 Hearings will be held this upcoming Saturday, January 24th and SPOT 1 decision letters will be sent out the following Wednesday, January 28th.

Facilities and Transportation Committee: -

Nothing new to report.

Justice Committee:

Just Leasing and Trade Project: Tabled twice this week for the Student Survey, and we have come up with over 600 results. Next steps are to deliver the results in a form of a report to interested parties.

Undocumented Students: We are currently in the process of establishing what next steps of the project are. Just Employment Policy and Project: We are connecting with Unite Local 1 (union that works with Aramark workers) to establish the next steps on this project. Additionally, we will continue the worker breakfasts into the next year in hopes of further creating relationships with the workers.

Residence Life and Dining Committee: -

Maddie met with Juan to discuss AFAC. Beginning January 27th at the next AFAC meeting, a tour of each of the dining halls will be given. Also talked about Southside market and details regarding the location and products. Karol is working with Dawn, Tina, and Brian on getting more lockers for commuters to use. We are working on a Commuter Appreciation Event on February 10th from 1-3 PM in the SGLC office. Please come! Had a meeting with Tina and discussed the new locker space that is available in Halas. Next AFAC meeting is on Tuesday, January 27 at 7 P.M. in Damen 214.

Safety and Wellness Committee: - Nothing new to report. Gender Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee: -

The Gender Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee will be meeting in January and establishing a monthly meeting time.

Constitutional Review Committee:

The Constitutional Review Committee completed an exhaustive review of the Articles of Governance during winter break. In particular the committee focused on: -

Grammar and syntax throughout, clarity and consistency of language, and intended vs. actual meaning of clauses The Ethics Code Campus Activities Network purpose and structure The judicial process (complaint, investigation, trial, censure, and impeachment) Organizational structure and hierarchy The legislative process (legislation construction, sponsorship, introduction, and debate) The allocation process, SGLC budgeting, and internal requisition and use of funds

The committee plans to draft and introduce an omnibus amendment proposal shortly after Spring break to address these areas. During the next few weeks, the committee will focus on meeting

with various SGLC officers and university administrative staff to gather insight and feedback on our proposed amendments. We invite any members of SGLC to reach out to us with any thoughts or suggestions you may have.

Spring Elections Board: We met last week (1/12) and set dates, confirmed the marketing plan, and set our sights on implementing candidate outreach and awareness of the elections. Our next meeting is scheduled for 1/19 where we will lay out in more detail the implementation of our marketing plan.

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