Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Executive Committee: Mid-Year Training -
Thank you to everyone who was present at the Mid-Year Training this past weekend. In an effort to constantly improve each year, please provide feedback on the individual sessions at the following link: o http://goo.gl/forms/CyZhXHDWPN Make sure to follow the directions after the submission of the survey to put your name in a raffle for a PRIZE!
Communications Team | CCO Cheng, Addie Martanovic, & Shaun Baluyot -
A reminder to please follow us on Twitter/Instagram @SGLoyolaChicago and like us on Facebook! SGLC Facebook Page! o Will be posting important PDFs to the main page to make it more accessible o Addie will also now be updating committee Facebook pages as well in an effort to create more transparency with initiatives that are in the works. #MyVoiceMyLUC o Please use/share this hashtag as a place for students to voice their ideas and concerns SGLC Newsletter o To be published twice a month o Intend to have a feature article written by an SGLC member for each issue, plus committee and executive updates
o Will highlight events coming up as well! SGLC Open Positions Filled! -
After holding interviews last week, Pres Bravo and VP Fasullo appointed two new Associate Justices and one new member to the University Senate. Pending approval from the SGLC Senate, those appointments are: o Associate Justices (2): Harry Conkey & Krishna Doshi o University Senate (1): Isha Jog
Continued Discussion on 8-RIDE -
Thank you to everyone else who was able to continue the evolving discussion on 8-RIDE this past Friday (1/23) in the SGLC Office. We are excited to see the great work that will come out of the Facilities & Transportation Committee as a result of these continued efforts.
ZERO Waste Game! -
On Wednesday, February 18th at 7PM, Loyola’s Men’s Basketball team will take on #23 Northern Iowa in SGLC’s annual Zero Waste Game. If anyone is interested in being involved, please reach out to ESO Brocklehurst!
Academic Affairs Committee: -
Nothing new to report
Allocations Committee: -
This weekend we held SPOT 1 budget hearings. We received over 70 budget requests and were able to fund 87% of the requested budgets. Decision letters will be sent out this Wednesday, January 28th and any appeals must be submitted by February 3rd at 5 p.m. All SPOT 1 appeals will be heard in Senate on February 10th.
Facilities and Transportation Committee: 8-RIDE - Designated routes for 8-RIDE vans to make it a route service instead of a call service. There would be four separate routes spanning from Touhy to Thorndale and out west to Clark. On Tuesday, my committee is going to work on designating pick-up/drop-off stops along each route. We hope to show this to Nick and the Transportation Department by the beginning of next week. Student Storage - Emailed Dawn to continue the conversation on funding for lockers. Just need to get that squared away then we can email orgs.
Justice Committee: -
Just Leasing and Trade Project: Next steps are to deliver the results in the form of a report to interested parties. I have scheduled meetings with Rogers Park business alliance, Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, Community Relations, and Lakeside Management. Just Employment Policy and Project: We are connecting with Unite Local 1 (union that works with Aramark workers) to establish the next steps on this project. Likely it will revolve around the Hotel campaign as well as the Aramark campaign. We have yet to start confirming details for Worker Breakfasts, but will keep everyone updated as soon as we know.
Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: -
Nothing new to report
Safety and Wellness Committee: -
Download Days Tabling—Safety and Wellness will be tabling to encourage students to download the “Here for You” mobile app. Tabling will take place February 10th, 12th, 17th and 19th from 1-3pm. Smoke Screen: Clearing the Air for the On-Campus Smoking Discussion—The committee is in the final planning process for our smoking forum. Wellness Advocates President will be speaking at Senate this week about smoking.
Constitutional Review Committee: -
Nothing new to report
Employee Outreach Committee:
No report submitted
Community Outreach Committee: -
No report submitted
Gender-‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee: - No report submitted
Spring Elections Board: - No report submitted