Committee Reports: December 2, 2014

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Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Executive Committee: Textbook Affordability Resolution - President Bravo publically signed the Textbook Affordability Resolution last Monday, November 24th in the SGLC office. - The executive board will now be working with members of the Academic Affairs committee to relay this resolution to various administrators. SGLC Town Hall Series - The executive board would like to thank each and every SGLC member who came out and supported our town hall forums over the semester. We are proud that we were able to successfully host the following open forums: o Living Out the Magis: Supporting Undocumented Students at Loyola § Co-Sponsored by the Latin American Student Organization o Student Neighbor Safety Meeting § Co-Sponsored by the Office of Community Relations o The Cost of a Jesuit Education o Sustainable Investments § Co-Sponsored by the Student Environmental Alliance It is our intention to continue the town hall series over the spring semester in collaboration with fellow senators and outside organizations so if you have any ideas for a potential topic that deserves attention, please reach out to President Bravo or VP Fasullo. Rambler of the Week Nominations Needed!

- Spread the holiday cheer by nominating a fellow student for Rambler of the Week! - SGLC Logo/Rebranding - President Bravo joined student designer, Rahul Shaju, and officially signed the “ReBuilding the Brand” executive order last Monday, November 24th in the SGLC office to officially change our organization’s logo. VP Fasullo is currently collaborating with CFO Chitkuer to finalize the order for quarter-zips. SGLC Executive Board à Moving Forward - As always, the executive board is open to any suggestions on how it can be more supportive of initiatives across the organization. If you have any suggestions at all, please reach out to President Bravo. - The executive board is currently in the process of scheduling a time to meet during the spring semester.

Academic Affairs Committee: OpenStax - The Provost and The Chair of Academic Committee of University Senate have received TAR - Reassign departments for second semester meeting Veterans - UNIV 101 o Maybe have their own section of it o There are other types of sections with specific crowds in mind, so it wouldn’t be unprecedented - Engaged Learning University Senate - People on the Academic Committee of University Senate are concerned with the condensing - CAS split does have opposition o Funding issues, some departments not on board Committee Updates - BUS o Vietnam version of Arrupe - Academic Council o European studies minor opposition § A lot of overlap in already existing programs. But someone came in to better explain that the European study is very broad. Was passed. o Spring Finals Schedule o Brought up by the physics department § Potentially meet with them § The erasing of the common exam slot hurts their lab portion o Ingrid said, “Decision was made before we heard about it.” o Also seems like some faculty don’t even know

o o o o

o Again, the only benefits we can figure is that students get off campus earlier and commencement can start sooner o The council decided to resolve two points o For the time being, return to the 8 day schedule (paraphrase) o Task force to look into revising finals CAS Split o A little gray area regarding details o They are kind of expecting it to happen Library Board o Textbook costs on the rise, how can the library help o Fundraiser to go to the buying of textbooks for the library Council of Student Success o Meets tomorrow, 11/19 BUS Core o Monday, November 24th o Env-sci core

Allocations Committee: -


Spring SPOT 1 Budget Requests are due on Friday, January 16th by 5 p.m.! Don’t forget that is the first week of school after Winter Break! The Allocations Committee will be holding open houses Wednesday, January 14th and Thursday, January 15th in the SGLC office that week. Times are TBD! Follow The SGLC Allocations Committee on Facebook for updates and reminders!

Facilities and Transportation Committee: Event this coming week with Justice Committee! - Tabling Monday 4-6pm and Tuesday 1-3pm to increase survey participation - Event on December 3rd, please try to come! Lots of yummy local businesses will have samples available. Patiently awaiting the arrival of our mugs - Tabling planned to go on one (very early) morning by the shuttle stop on Lakeshore once they’re here. Semester wrap-up - Trying to assemble our projects for next semester. Setting up meetings with Nick (8Ride) and Wayne (Facilities) to leave a solid foundation for work to begin in the spring.

Justice Committee: -


Hands Up Don’t Shoot: In light of the recent events in Ferguson, Adrianna Parker is speaking at Diversity Council on December 4th about the next steps with this project to continue the awareness raising. We will know what our tangible next steps are by the beginning of next semester. Just Leasing and Trade Project: We will be tabling with Facilities on Monday 4-6pm and Tuesday 1-3pm in Damen. Then, on Wednesday, we will be hosting an event from 5-


7pm in Damen Den featuring the survey, the Ramblin’ Around blog, and different businesses, including Metropolis which is offering some great deals! Diversity Council: We will have a delegate attending from 2:30-4pm on Thursday in Damen. Undocumented Students: The Magis Fundraiser was very successful, we are excited for the next steps in the project Social Justice Coalition: We are having a potluck this Friday at 5pm at Senator Bunnage’s apartment, 1238 W Albion Ave. If you want to talk more about the 5 year strategic plan, or any other broader issues of justice, stop by! All are welcome. (see Employee Outreach Committee report for additional overlapping justice work regarding the Just Employment Policy and Project)

Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: -


AFAC Meeting, Tuesday 7pm Damen Room 216 Over the past two weeks, Meghan and Mike have been working with ITS to create a new process by which Printers in residence halls will be stocked. We are still in the process of working with them to organize logistics of the paper delivery. This task is being handed off to Maddie and Karol, as Mike, Meghan, and Megan are studying abroad in the spring. Transition meetings are taking place to hand off responsibilities to Karol and Maddie

Safety and Wellness Committee: -



Smoking Regulation—Senator Santy met with Stephanie Atella from the Wellness Center to discuss smoking on campus. A meeting is in the process of being scheduled between Senator Santy and Wellness Center Directors Natasha Mmeje and Diane Asaro to further this discussion. Meanwhile, the Safety and Wellness Center will draft several options for on-campus smoking policy to bring back after break. Any SGLC members who would like to participate in this initiative, please email or speak to Senator Santy. “Download Days” Tabling—This January, Safety and Wellness will be tabling in Damen, where they will host “Download Days” to promote the Here for You app. Specific dates are soon to come. Sustainable Medicine Disposal Legislation—Legislation should be ready to present early next semester. Stay Well, Do Well—Eat right and sleep plenty these next two weeks! Your personal well-being correlates with your academic performance.

Constitutional Review Committee: -

The Constitutional Review Committee met on 19th November 2014 to discuss its winter break initiatives and Spring semester strategy. The Committee will complete its critical review of the Articles of Governance, and any resulting ratifications or amendments, in February of 2015. The following assignments have been made:

o Senator McNelis will review the Articles of Governance for grammatical and syntactical errors or inconsistencies, including the clarity of mandates (“shall” clauses) and permissions (“may” clauses) throughout. o Senator Tsarouhis will review the Articles of Governance for overall document construction and format consistency and clarity, including the organization of Articles, Sections, and so forth contained therein, and the definitions of terms and entities throughout. o Senator Cheng will review (and if necessary, amend) the Article that establishes and defines the Campus Activities Network. o Senator Chavez will review (and if necessary, amend) the overall organizational structure of the SGLC as defined within the Articles of Governance. o Senator Santy will review (and if necessary, amend) the Ethics Code, disciplinary standards, and expectations of members as defined throughout the Articles of Governance. o Senator Kelley will prepare an amendment to establish the revised judicial process as proposed by the Constitutional Review Committee, prepare an amendment to clarify the legislative process and the legislative authority of the Senate and the President, and will review (and if necessary, amend) the Financial Code and the existing terms and policies regarding the SGLC budget, the SAF, and the Allocations process. The Committee will meet during its regularly scheduled meeting time of 5:30pm on Wednesday, 3rd December in the SGLC office to finalize its winter break initiatives and the objectives detailed above.

Employee Outreach Committee:


Nothing new to report.

Community Outreach Committee: -

Hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break! Huge thank you to those who joined us for Greensgiving and brought along a tasty side dish/dessert. Also shout-out to everyone who volunteered at our Christmas on Campus table, we appreciate you. With this being the last meeting of the year, we are celebrating all birthdays through the December-January break period as well as those who are going abroad. Happy early birthday! Keep submitting affirmations and events, we'd like to have one last batch of affirmations to send to everyone before finals start so be sure to take a 5 minute study break and send some to by Sunday at noon!

Gender-­‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee: - No report submitted.

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