Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Executive Committee: Chief of Student Organizations, Aamir Kadri -
The first Campus Activities Network (CAN) General Assembly of 2015 is scheduled for this Thursday, February 5th. In light of the recently proposed legislation, CSO Kadri invites all executive and senate members to attend to see the structure and function of each meeting. - Nominations for the Student Organization Awards open this Tuesday, February 3rd. There are seventeen categories to choose from, so something for everyone. The Student Organization Awards ceremony will also serve as the kick-off to the Weekend of Excellence, so it will be a great event for those not involved in the other parts of the weekend. CSO Kadri intends on working with CCO Cheng to help advertise this on SGLC media accounts. Executive Sustainability Officer, Jared Brocklehurst -
ZERO Waste Game! On Wednesday, February 18th at 7PM, Loyola’s Men’s Basketball team will take on #23 Northern Iowa in SGLC’s annual Zero Waste Game. If anyone is interested in being involved, please reach out to ESO Brocklehurst! Magis Scholarship Initiative -
Pres Bravo met with LASO Pres Adriana Robles, CCO Cheng, and Senator Chavez on Thursday, January 29th to discuss the next steps for the Magis Scholarship Initiative. - Pres Bravo served as a panelist on an online webinar on Friday, January 30th for United We Dream (UWD) outlining the next steps for this initiative. Communications Team | CCO Cheng, Addie Martanovic, & Shaun Baluyot
A reminder to please follow us on Twitter/Instagram @SGLoyolaChicago and like us on Facebook! - SGLC Newsletter o To be published twice a month o Intend to have a feature article written by an SGLC member for each issue, plus committee and executive updates o Will highlight events coming up as well! Mid-Year Training Survey -
In an effort to constantly improve each year, please provide feedback on the individual sessions at the following link: o http://goo.gl/forms/CyZhXHDWPN Make sure to follow the directions after the submission of the survey to put your name in a raffle for a PRIZE! Deadline to enter raffle is Monday, February 2nd at 11:59PM
Academic Affairs Committee:
- Meetings Tuesdays 9:00PM in the SGLC Office - Set meeting times, devising action plan pending FRC legislation passing, delegating new members to empty committee seats this week.
Allocations Committee: -
Budget appeals are due February 3rd by 5:00PM Any budget appeals will be heard at Senate on February 10th
Facilities and Transportation Committee: 8-Ride -
Met with Nick to review 8-Ride route maps. He was encouraging about continuing and suggested that we have wait time predictions down by spring break. - Planning to ride the routes and determine pick up/drop off locations Tabling -
Soon! Got permission from Nick to table inside the shuttle waiting area so that'll be in two weeks or so. Storage -
Met with Dawn about funding- details to come!
Just Leasing and Trade Project: Next steps are to deliver the results in a form of a report to interested parties. I have scheduled meetings with Rogers Park business alliance, Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, Community Relations, and Lakeside Management. Other ideas are gladly appreciated.
Justice Committee:
Jesuit Just Employment Policy: Justice will be focusing on a “just hotel” campaign in which we apply the standards of the Jesuit Just Employment Policy to the work being done on the hotel. Post-Hands Up Don’t Shoot: Justice is interested in co-sponsoring an event at the end of February in which we bring community speakers to campus, including from We Charge Genocide. If interested in this conversation, please follow up with Senator Bunnage.
Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: -
Welcome new members to RCDC! We divided members up into teams for the individual parts of RCDC. Mary and Natalie will be working on Residence Life. Karol and John will be working on commuting. Jake and Maddie will be working on dining. Maddie will oversee all of these “teams.” We plan on tabling soon-hopefully before February 24th. AFAC meeting went well and we toured the Damen dining hall. Next AFAC meeting is on Tuesday, February 24th at 7 P.M. in Damen 214. We are working on a Commuter Appreciation Event that will be happening February 10th from 1-3 PM. in the SGLC office. We plan to meet with Cass and Tina within the next two weeks. New locker space available in Halas.
Safety and Wellness Committee: -
Smoke Screen: Clearing the Air for the On-Campus Smoking Discussion—Forum will be taking place Wednesday, February 18th at 7pm in the Den. Senators Fleisher and Gandhi are currently compiling research on the progress of other Illinois colleges. If you or someone you know have a question that you’d like submitted, please email Senator Santy at jsanty@luc.edu. Download Days Tabling—Safety and Wellness will be tabling in Damen on Monday, February 9th from 3-5pm to promote the Here for You app. Valentine’s Day Tabling—Safety and Wellness will be holding a photo campaign to promote consent on Wednesday, February 11th from 4-6pm. Sustainable Medicine Disposal Legislation—ESO Brocklehurst and Senator Santy will be meeting this week to finalize this legislation. Officer Cunningham Meeting—Senators Santy and Gandhi will be meeting with Officer Tim Cunningham, Tuesday at 6pm to discuss campus safety.
Constitutional Review Committee:
Nothing new to report
Employee Outreach Committee: -
No report submitted
Gender-‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee: - Nothing new to report
Spring Elections Board: -
The Spring Elections Board has nailed down six well-known administrators to interview for a promotional video. We are also working with Greek Life to promote the elections. Please contact Dominic for more details.