Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Executive Committee: Finals’ Review Committee Legislation -
Pres Bravo officially signed the Finals’ Review Committee Legislation that was unanimously passed after being proposed by Sen Bosnich this past Tuesday. The next steps are to demonstrate support from academic-driven organizations on campus before presenting it to Provost Pelissero on Wednesday, Feb 11th at 8:30AM.
Chief of Student Organizations, Aamir Kadri -
Nominations for the Student Organization Awards have begun! 41 nominations have already been submitted for the seventeen categories to choose from. The Student Organization Awards ceremony will also serve as the kick-off to the Weekend of Excellence, so it will be a great event for those not involved in the other parts of the weekend. CSO Kadri intends on working with CCO Cheng to help advertise this on SGLC media accounts.
Executive Sustainability Officer, Jared Brocklehurst -
ZERO Waste Game! On Wednesday, February 18th at 7PM, Loyola’s Men’s Basketball team will take on #14 Northern Iowa in SGLC’s annual Zero Waste Game. If anyone is interested in being involved, please reach out to ESO Brocklehurst (jbrocklehurst@luc.edu)!
Communications Team | CCO Cheng, Addie Martanovic, & Shaun Baluyot -
CCO Team and Pres Bravo met with RamblerBuzz representative this past Friday, Feb 6th. o For future events, SGLC can request an official university photographer by going to luc.edu/umc and fill out the form under “create a request”. o Exec intends to keep RamblerBuzz and UMC updated with our initiatives throughout the semester.
SGLC Campaigns -
The Executive Committee recognizes that with the semester full-in-swing, SGLC is currently working on four major campaigns: o Magis Scholarship Initiative to further support undocumented students o Hotel Development Campaign to institutionalize the Jesuit Just Employment Policy o Smoke-Free Campus Initiative to give students the opportunity to decide whether or not they would like to set a boundary to where students can smoke on campus o Metropolis Coffee Campaign to bring this local company back to campus
Academic Affairs Committee: Delegated new members to boards. Contacting colleges next week. OpenStax push continues next week as well. Boards • College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Academic Council ◦ Meets monthly, one Academic Affairs rep ▪ Ingrid/Brigid • Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUS) Engaged Learning Subcommittee ◦ Meets as needed (only twice fall semester 2013), 1 student rep ◦ Contact is Dr. Jobeth D’Agnostino of Provost’s office ▪ Damini • BUS Core Curriculum Subcommitee ◦ Email communication, 1 Academic Affairs rep ◦ Contact is Dr. Jobeth D’Agnostino of Provost’s office ▪ Vera • Library Board ◦ 2 Academic Affairs reps, meets once per semester ▪ Ingrid and Nash • School of Communication’s (SOC) Dean’s Advisory Council ◦ 1 Academic Affairs rep, meets monthly ◦ Contact is SOC Dean Don Heider ▪ Manny
Council for Student Success ◦ 1 Academic Affairs Rep, meets monthly ◦ Lizette Yackle ▪ Constantine BUS ◦ 1 Academic Affairs Rep, meets monthly ◦ Contact is CAS Dean Reinhard Andress (2014) ▪ Grant University Senate ◦ We have no delegates, but there are perennially elected student reps ◦ Contact is Dr. Claudio Katz
Deans We had representatives to each college at Loyola. Usually tried to meet once per semester and always kept lines of communication open in case they were needed. • College of Arts and Sciences - Dean Father Thomas J Reagan - Grant/Ingrid • College of Business - Dean Kathleen Getz - Brigid • College of Nursing - Dean Vicki A. Keough - Damini • College of Education - Interim Dean Terri Pigott - Vera • College of Communication - Dean Don Heider – Constantine • College of Social Work - Dean Darrell P. Wheeler - Nash
Allocations Committee: -
SPOT 2 Budget Requests are due this Friday, February 13th by 5 p.m. SPOT 2 Hearings will be held the following weekend, February 21st. Open houses will be held the Wednesday and Thursday before budget requests are due on Friday. Time is TBA.
Facilities and Transportation Committee: -
Nothing new to report
Justice Committee: Just Leasing and Trade Project: Next steps are to deliver the results in a form of a report to interested parties. I have scheduled meetings with Rogers Park business alliance, Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, Community Relations, and Lakeside Management. Other ideas are gladly appreciated. Jesuit Just Employment Policy: Justice will be focusing on a “just hotel” campaign in which we apply the standards of the Jesuit Just Employment Policy to the work being done on the hotel. We would like to do awareness raising and a student petition, culminating in a panel event in early April featuring speakers from different labor organizations in the city.
Peace Circle: This event was absolutely amazing, and we are so excited to support events like this in the future.
Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: -
Had a meeting with Tina and talked about what commuters were saying about the weather Monday (snow day). The commuters were very upset with having school on Monday, so we are trying to resolve that problem. Discussed Joe n’ Go to see if we could expand it - not sure if it is financially possible. Commuter Appreciation Day this week!!! It’s on Tuesday from 1-3 PM! Mary and Natalie will be working on Residence Life. Karol and John will be working on commuting. Jake and Maddie will be working on dining. We plan on tabling soon-hopefully before February 24th. Next AFAC meeting is on Tuesday, February 24th at 7 P.M. in Damen 214. We hope to have a meeting with Cass this week.
Safety and Wellness Committee: -
Download Days Tabling—Safety and Wellness will be tabling in Damen on Monday, February 9th from 3-5pm to promote the Here for You app. Valentine’s Day Tabling—Safety and Wellness will be holding a photo campaign to promote consent on Wednesday, February 11th from 4-6pm in Damen.
Constitutional Review Committee: -
Nothing new to report
Gender-‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee: - Nothing new to report
Spring Elections Board: -
Nothing new to report