Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Executive Committee: University SENATE - Pres Bravo & VP Fasullo were present at this past week’s University Senate meeting and witnessed both the Textbook Affordability Act and a separate Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel companies pass with a majority vote. Hotel Development & Jesuit Just Employment Policy - Pres Bravo, VP Fasullo, and Sen Bunnage will be meeting with Capital Planning this Wednesday, February 25th at 10:30AM to further discuss the hotel development. Magis Scholarship Initiative - Team of students have compiled over 300 signatures so far to put the referenda question on the Spring Elections Ballot - Photo campaign has gone live on Facebook page and LASO will continue to table each day this week in Damen Metropolis Coffee Campaign - CCRO Rocks, ESO Brocklehurst, & Sen Bunnage are preparing for referenda question to gauge student body support for Metropolis or Starbucks Coffee. Communications Team – CCO Cheng | Assistants Baluyot & Martanovic - SHARE, SHARE, SHARE. Spring elections candidate declarations are due March 1st at 11:59pm. We will be featuring members of SGLC on the FB and Instagram this week but also promoting candidate meetings. o Thank you to all who have made the "RUN!" picture their cover photo
o Please continue to share posts and change your cover photo - Kelsey will be running Facebook and Addie will be running Twitter and Instagram - if you have social media requests please reach out to appropriate member of the communications team by email: kcheng2@luc.edu and amartanovic@luc.edu - Shaun Baluyot continues to take great pictures for all photo campaigns. Please let us all know (sooner than later) if you need any communication help! Chief of Student Organizations, Aamir Kadri - Please continue to nominate student organizations for the Student Organization Awards (SOA)! Executive Sustainability Officer, Jared Brocklehurst - ZERO Waste Game! o Thank you to EVERYONE who was able to make it out and support the Zero Waste Game this year!
Academic Affairs Committee: -
Emails have been sent to all of the OpenStax department chairs. The only chair to respond is physics, who said he would forward the proposal to the committee selecting the books. The FRC legislation was passed by Judicial. President Garanzini and Provost Pelissero have both seen the proposal; Provost Pelissero commented on it in an email saying that he does plan to organize a review committee through Loyola’s Institutional Research department. However, because of legal concerns regarding FERPA, students cannot, in his vision of the review process, be directly involved. He did say that he would be happy to share the results of the review with SGLC. Planning to table two or three times in March. Ordering stress balls to hand out and help relieve finals stress. Asking questions at the tabling: 1) “Do you know about the new finals schedule?” 2) “Do you know how (by whom, by what process) the schedule was changed?” 3) “How did you hear about the finals schedule change?” Also starting to compile documents for transition purposes.
Allocations Committee:
SPOT 2 Hearings went well - we were able to fund 98% of the budget requests! SPOT 2 Appeals are due March 10th by 5 p.m. and will be heard at Senate on March 17th.
Facilities and Transportation Committee: -
Representatives from SEA and an environmental firm in Chicago came and spoke to us about the possibility of requiring all new construction on campus to include green friendly equipment. We will discuss this proposal and how we want to move forward at our next committee meeting. Next week we will be setting tangible, achievable goals that we hope to achieve by the end of the term.
Justice Committee: -
Just Leasing and Trade Project: Presented on survey and scorecard last Friday. We are currently establishing the next places to bring the data/scorecard to. Jesuit Just Employment Policy: Meeting with admin on Wednesday at 10:30am downtown about the hotel union workers. Employee Outreach Committee: In March we will be putting together various worker breakfasts throughout the last three Fridays of the month, in both the morning and the afternoon. Metropolis: Legislation and referendum question have been submitted for reading on Tuesday. Transparency: Please share the link and go to the Student Meeting on Tuesday at 3pm!
Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: -
Tabling from 5-7pm this Wednesday, February 25, with survey and coffee samples. Meeting with Katie went well! Katie informed us that the overnight policy will not change anytime soon. AFAC meeting in Damen 214 at 7pm on Tuesday. Metropolis presentation will be given during AFAC meeting.
Safety and Wellness Committee: -
No report submitted.
Constitutional Review Committee: -
The Committee met to discuss CAN restructuring and redefining the CSO position. The Committee also addressed the questions raised during the first reading of the Elections Code Amendment, and has proposed amendments to the legislation for consideration at the Tuesday, 24th February meeting. The Committee is currently on schedule to submit further legislation for first reading at the Tuesday, 10th March meeting of the Senate. This legislation will be a consolidation of amendments addressing, among other matters: the legislative process, the judicial process, motions and rules of order, grammar and syntax in the Articles of Governance, and clarity of the Ethics Code. The Committee also plans to work with the President and Vice President, and the SAGA office, to finalize a plan for restructuring CAN and the CSO position in time to submit the proposed changes for first reading at the Tuesday, 10th March meeting.
Gender-‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee:
- No report submitted.
Spring Elections Board:
Dominic will update Senate on Tuesday about the status of Spring Elections.
Budget Review Committee: -
Senators McNelis, Henry, Makarious, Kelley, and Shah were elected to serve on the Budget Review Committee for the 2014-2015 term of the SGLC. The Committee met and elected its chairperson, drafted its bylaws, and scheduled its weekly meeting time for: 4:00pm on Thursdays in the SGLC office. The Committee plans to review the financial records and spending history of the SGLC for the 2014-2015 term at its first regularly scheduled meeting.