Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Executive Committee: Magis Scholarship Initiative - Team of students have compiled over 700 signatures so far to put the referenda question on the Spring Elections Ballot and will be officially submitting them on Monday, March 9th. Hotel Development & Jesuit Just Employment Policy - Pres Bravo, VP Fasullo, and Sen Bunnage met with Tim McGuriman from Capital Planning and Jennifer Clark from Community Relations to further discuss the hotel development. Communications Team – CCO Cheng | Assistants Baluyot & Martanovic - CCO Cheng attended the Senate Budget Review meeting & will be attending the Constitutional Review Committee meeting later this week to propose the expansion of the Communications Team - Currently working on the Just Hotel Campaign to develop a marketing plan o Already created the logo - Will also be working with CCRO Rocks & ESO Brocklehurst to design a logo for Metropolis - Continuing to work with Spring Elections with the hope of having a higher voter turnout, exceeding last year’s turnout of 29% - If any member of SGLC would like to be apart of Relay for Life, please reach out to CCO Cheng or Sen. Caldwell!
Chief Community Relations Officer, Maura Rocks - CCRO Rocks and Pres Bravo joined members of the Student Community Board, Mary Miro from Community Relations, a representative from Alderman Moore’s office, and a representative from the Rogers Park Business Alliance to discuss the development of a hand-painted mural within the Rogers Park Community. Chief of Student Organizations, Aamir Kadri - Please cast your vote for the Student Organization Awards (SOA)! o https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ak9aiUdb0wRa7w6IporAGYBtEVwnT0VfDqIIXUpCWI/viewform?c=0&w=1
Academic Affairs Committee: -
Finalizing tabling dates and times for March this Tuesday after Senate. Ordering stress balls this week - if they are not in by the end of this term, they will be in for the next regime’s use during finals week. We will spend a little bit on coffee and donuts for the tabling and the remainder of our budget can be used by the next committee for finals’ tabling. Met with physics department on Wednesday - they were very empathetic regarding the cost of textbooks. It seems they are considering OpenStax among many books but have to consider many things, not just price and quality, when selecting a book. Need to learn more about the bookstore-publisher-Loyola relationship.
Allocations Committee: -
SPOT 2 Budget Appeals will be heard at Senate next week on March 17th at 4 p.m. Semester Budget Requests (SBR) are due March 20th by 5 p.m. and hearings will be held the following week on March 28th and 29th. The Allocations Committee will be holding open houses on Wednesday, March 18th and Thursday, March 19th to review and/or answer any questions about budget requests. These open houses will be held in the SGLC office; times are TBD. Please check our Facebook page for official open house times in the coming week. Follow the Allocations Committee on Facebook for updates and reminders! @The SGLC Allocations Committee
Facilities and Transportation Committee: -
Senator McNelis is in talks and discussion with Dawn Collins and Shannon Howes on developing a plan of action on how we want to move forward with student organization storage space on campus. We have two small rooms available to us for use; we are now trying to determine the best way to utilize these rooms and to create policy before we move forward with opening them up to the RSOs. Senator Syed and Senator Torossy met with Nick, the director of Campus Transportation. Although a plan will not be in place by the end of this Senate term, we hope to lay the
groundwork for success in re-configuring the 8-RIDE system. We are striving for convenience and its original intent of safety. Plans are still in the works. Senator Shah is working on a project of looking if it is possible to bring hammocks to campus to model some other universities. This idea is still in the beginning phases. She also is working to develop possible legislation asking the University in all future construction projects to use green-friendly construction equipment.
Justice Committee: -
Just Leasing and Trade Project: Next step is to develop the scorecard. Jesuit Just Employment Policy: See work being done with Employee Outreach Committee. In addition to that, we will start raising awareness around the hotel and the issue of unions. Employee Outreach Committee: We will be hosting worker breakfasts, signing up students from different parts of the university to participate. Metropolis: Legislation and referendum question have been submitted for reading on Tuesday. We will also be creating some social media buzz around the issue prior to the referendum vote.
Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee: Commuters: - Karol and John are going to set up a meeting with Tina in the near future. - Tina would like to partner with SGLC more in the future. - Working with Tina to see approximately how many people in each class are commuters. - Discussed Joe n’ Go with Tina to see if we could expand it, but are not sure if it is financially possible. Residence Life: - Met with Katie and discussed if the overnight policy for freshman could be changed. Her response was that it is very unlikely and there are many reasons for the policy. - Xfinity will be put on hold until a new person is hired to replace Cass (most likely in July). - May partner with RHA, but still working out the details. Dining: - AFAC meetings have been going well, but still need more people to participate. - Looking into Metropolis with Aramark. - Had a tabling event about AFAC, Metropolis, and other changes in the dining hall. - Tabling event went well and the taste test was very effective in regards to what the students want taste wise. - We are working with Aramark on Southside Market options and new options in the food court. - We are planning on setting up a meeting with Wayne to discuss Southside Market locations. Next AFAC meeting is Tuesday, March 17th at 7 PM in Damen 214 and we need as many people there as possible so please tell your friends!
Safety and Wellness Committee: -
Smoke Screen Forum: Thank you to all who attended Smoke Screen: Clearing the Air for the On-Campus Smoking Discussion forum. The Safety and Wellness committee is in the process of creating a survey to distribute to further gauge the Loyola Community on their opinions of smoking policy. Survey Tabling: The Safety and Wellness Committee will be tabling on Monday the 16th from 3-5 in Damen to administer our smoking policy survey. Rumors of a “Smoking Ban:” It has come to the attention of the committee that rumors of SGLC issuing a "smoking ban" have been floating around campus. This rumor is false. If you encounter any students, faculty, staff who are under this belief, we ask that you please dispel this rumor and if they have further questions, to refer them to Committee Chair Jackson Santy via email at jsanty@luc.edu. Thank you. Tim Love: Tim Love will be coming to our March 12th committee meeting to discuss Behavioral Concern Team, OSCCR and anything else within his realm of administration. All members outside of Safety and Wellness are welcome to attend.
Constitutional Review Committee: -
The Committee thanks the Senate for passing the Election Code Amendment. The Committee is currently on schedule to submit further legislation for first reading at the Tuesday, 17th March meeting of the Senate. This legislation will be a consolidation of amendments addressing, among other matters: the legislative process, the judicial process, motions and rules of order, grammar and syntax in the Articles of Governance, and clarity of the Ethics Code. The Committee has also continued its work with the President and Vice President, and the SAGA office, to finalize a plan for restructuring CAN and the CSO position in time to submit the proposed changes for first reading at the Tuesday, 17th March meeting. The Committee will meet this week on Friday at 5:00pm to finalize both of the above amendments.
Gender-‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee:
Funding is secured from SmartSign, and we're currently working on helping other schools and local non-profits on their initiatives by connecting them with these groups and donors. Meeting with Kana Wibbenmeyer on Friday to discuss which signs we want changed and to have signs approved. Working on press release with SmartSign to Chicago Tribune and SunTimes about gender-neutral bathrooms initiative at Loyola and across Chicago.
Spring Elections Board: -
Dominic will update the Senate on Tuesday about the progress made prior to the candidate declaration deadline and the ongoing work of the committee.
Budget Review Committee: -
The Committee met before break to review the budget of the SGLC for the 2014-2015 term and to establish a plan for moving forward with the drafting of the 2015-2016 budget. The Committee plans to review the financial records and spending history of the SGLC for the 2014-2015 term at its next scheduled meeting this Thursday at 4:00pm.