Committee Reports: March 17th, 2015

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Weekly Committee Reports Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Executive Committee: Congratulations! SGLC has been named a finalist for the Student Sponsored Organization of the Year! After voting ends, winners will be announced during this year’s Weekend of Excellence. Magis Scholarship Initiative -

Over 750 signatures were successfully submitted to the Spring Elections Committee to put the referenda question on the Spring Elections Ballot.

Chief Community Relations Officer, Maura Rocks -

CCRO Rocks is in continued conversations with the members of the Student Community Board, Mary Miro from Community Relations, a representative from Alderman Moore’s office, and a representative from the Rogers Park Business Alliance to pursue the development of a hand-painted mural within the Rogers Park Community.

Communications Team – CCO Cheng | Assistant Baluyot -

If any member of SGLC would like to be a part of Relay for Life, please reach out to CCO Cheng or Sen. Caldwell!


CCO Cheng attended the Senate Budget Review meeting


Met with the Constitutional Review Committee to discuss the expansion of the Communications Team


Will also be working with CCRO Rocks & ESO Brocklehurst to design a logo for Metropolis Campaign


Continuing to work with Spring Elections with the hope of having a higher voter turnout, exceeding last year’s turnout of 29%

We look forward to seeing you all at this evening’s first Presidential debate scheduled to be held in the Damen DEN at 6PM, sharp!

Academic Affairs Committee: -



OpenStax o Making slow, steady progress with departments § Still attacking the issue using the OpenStax option and going to the departments with corresponding OpenStax books to advocate for textbook affordability o Most people we’ve met with seem empathic and willing to work towards more affordable textbooks Finals Schedule o Tabling March 25th-26th outside the IC with questions about the finals schedule change o Ordering coffee from Metropolis, stress balls Veterans Office o Looking for creative ways to rethink engaged learning course to fit requirements and experience of veterans o Veterans into transfer UNIV from freshman sections o Looking for point person for next term

Allocations Committee:

Semester Budget Requests (SBR) are due this Friday by 5PM Allocations Committee will be hosting open houses from 5-7PM on both Wednesday, March 18th and Thursday, March 19th this week.

Facilities and Transportation Committee: -

We plan on submitting a clean construction policy piece of legislation relatively soon. We are hoping that Loyola will adapt a more eco-friendly approach when it does construction. Senator Shah has been working along with SEA to develop this policy and legislation, and once it gets passed we plan on passing it through the administration of the facilities department to see if we can implement it.



Senator Syed plans to meet with the transportation department again in trying to determine a feasible solution to how we can improve 8-RIDE for the remainder of this term and in the future. Senator McNelis has continued talks with Dawn Collins and Shannon Howes about developing a policy for student storage space in the old CFSU building. We plan to move forward with this within the next two weeks.

Justice Committee: -

Just Leasing and Trade Project: Next step is to develop the scorecard. Jesuit Just Employment Policy: See work being done with Employee Outreach Committee. In addition to that, we will start raising awareness around the hotel and the issue of unions. Employee Outreach Committee: Be looking for sign-up sheets for worker breakfasts, the link to the petition, and the presentation in the next few days. Metropolis: We will be voting on the legislation on Tuesday. Be looking for a Facebook page and programming to come in the next few weeks.

Residents, Commuters, & Dining Committee:


Nothing new to report

Safety and Wellness Committee: -

Survey Tabling: The Safety and Wellness Committee will be tabling on Monday the 16th from 3-5 in Damen to administer our smoking policy survey. “The Think Before You Flush” Resolution: Chair Santy will be giving the first reading of the sustainable medicine disposal resolution at this week’s Senate meeting.

Constitutional Review Committee: - The Committee has finalized and submitted the Campus Activities Network Amendment of 2015 and the Articles of Governance Reform Act of 2015 for consideration by the Senate at the March 17th meeting. Notwithstanding any proposed amendments to either piece of legislation, the Committee has thereby concluded its business for the 2014-2015 term.

Gender-­‐Neutral Bathrooms Development Committee:

The GNBDC is looking to pose legislation at the University Senate and work with facilities on incorporating Loyola's master signature into the signs SmartSign is offering to donate.

Spring Elections Board:


No report submitted

Budget Review Committee: -

The Committee has finalized and submitted the budget of the SGLC for the 2015-2016 term, for consideration by the Senate at the March 17th meeting. Notwithstanding any proposed amendments to the legislation, the Committee has thereby concluded its business for the 2014-2015 term.

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