Newsletter: April 1st, 2015

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SGLC NEWSLETTER The Student Government of Loyola Chicago

Dear Campus Partners, As the spring approaches we welcome a new SGLC term. This last newsletter of the 2014-2015 term will serve as a reflection of the accomplishments that have been made in the past year, and a lot is accredited to you–the Loyola Community. President Bravo ran on a platform that strived to create positive change, while not forgetting our mission as a Jesuit Catholic University, and he did just that. Pres. Bravo worked tirelessly in solidarity with the Latin American Student Organization to create the Magis Scholarship Fund. Many initiatives are nothing without the cohesive support of administration and students. This past week the undergraduate student body voted 70% in favor of the Magis Scholarship Fund. In addition to that, the Metropolis Coffee referenda also passed with 85% approval. ESO Brocklehurst, CCRO Rocks, and CFO Chitkuer, among other students, worked to bring a local fair-trade vendor back to Loyola’s campus. Vice President Fasullo had cookies with VP of Student Development, Jane Neufeld, twice a month. This was a part of the platform he carried out. The intention of these opportunities was to create an environment where students can be more aware and involved in decisions that are being made at the university.

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Chief Financial Officer Chitkuer hosted an event in the fall, The Cost of a Jesuit Education. Like many members of SGLC, she worked with intentionality to show the Loyola community the impact our tuition dollars have on our experiences here. Chief Community Relations Officer Rocks hit the ground running from the second her position was created. The overarching theme for SGLC this year was community and she exudes just that. CCRO Rocks said her proudest moment was seeing the collaboration between Loyola students and Ceasefire. CSO Kadri worked to be present for another community at Loyola, the RSO community. The CAN E-Board worked to help vocalize student opinions on demonstration and ultimately encourage collaboration between organizations. Executive Sustainability Officer Brocklehurst lived maroon, gold, and green. At the beginning of the year, ESO Brocklehurst carried forward with the Bring Your Own Bag campaign, a referenda vote that passed with 87% approval last spring, in addition the recently passed Metropolis Coffee referenda. Chief Justice Nasser worked behind the scenes to build community with SGLC. She created an environment in which the judicial branch was with SGLC members.

Sen. Hines at the first meeting of the new SGLC term. Photo courtsey of Shaun Baluyot

Much of what I have accomplished could not have been possible without the hard work of all SGLC members but also formerly CCO Lozano and Assistant to the CCO Baluyot. As the communications team grows, we hope our connection with the Loyola community does as well. Thank you to all the likes, follows, favorites, and shares that helped get the message of SGLC out there. This year was truly a time to be “with you and for you,” and I hope can be seen through all the strides that have been made thus far. If not, I hope that in the next term that passion for the Loyola community becomes more transparent. In Maroon and Gold, Kelsey Cheng, Chief Communications Officer




SPOT 2 Budget Appeals were heard at Senate, March 17th at 4 p.m. Semester Budget Requests (SBR) were held on March 28th and 29th. The Allocations committee was able to fund 64% budget requests, which is typically unheard of in SBR. The senate will hear any appeals on the April 14th meeting at 4 p.m. in Damen MPR South. The committee is looking towards purchasing audio equipment for RSOs to use next year, instead of constantly renting it.

The committee has continued to meet with departments, and make progress, to advocate for textbook affordability. As finals approach, the committee tabled at the end of March answering any questions about the finals schedule change. They had coffee and surveys! The committee is actively looking towards creative ways to rethink engaged learning course to fit requirements and experiences of veterans. Veterans currently are placed into freshman UNIV sections.

The Clean Construction Policy Resolution haa passed. The hope is that Loyola will adapt a more eco-friendly approach when it does construction. The committee has collaborated with SEA to develop this policy and plan to pass it through the administration of facilities. The committee has recently laid the foundation for a successful 8-Ride revision. The committee completed the student storage project. Shelves are being ordered and policy implemented.




The committee is in the final stages of developing a scorecard, to share with local businesses, for the Just Leasing and Trade Project. In regards to the Jesuit Just Employment Policy the committee is centering efforts around raising awareness around the new hotel and the issue of unions. Check out for more information and ways to get involved. The Employee Outreach Committee continues to have workers breakfast every Friday in the mail room. T G OV E R N













The committee has begun to build a partnership with Tina Garcia, Off-Campus Student Life, to connect with the commuter community. The committee is meeting with Residence Life to see if the current overnight policy for freshman can be changed. Xfinity On-Campus, a service that would replace cable boxes let’s residential students stream on any mobile device, has been post-poned until a new resident director is chosen, most likely in June.

Thank you to our advisors, K.C. Mmeje and Shannon Howes for your support, advice, and time and to Danny Gustafson SJ, our beloved chaplain, for keeping us intentional in our actions. The list of our appreciation for members of the Loyola community is limitless, thank you all!



UPCOMING EVENTS State of the University SGLC Senate Meeting CAN General Assembly SBR Appeals Hearing Student Org. Awards

There is currently no smoking ban in the works. The committee has been working to develop the best possible route in regards to a potential smoking policy. The committee proposed a Think Before you Flush resolution that encourages sustainable disposal of medical waste. At the smoking forum representatives from the wellness center, wellness advocates, facilities department, and student smokers were all present. Sen. Santy says, “Be well and do good.” April 7, 11:45am-1:15pm April 7th, 4pm April 9th, 5pm April 14th, 4pm April 16th, 6-8pm

Damen MPR, South Damen MPR, South Damen MPR, South Damen MPR, South Damen MPR, South

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