The Coffee Vendor Resolution

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MEASURE OF THE SENATE The Coffee Vendor Resolution To support the re-establishment of Metropolis Coffee as Loyola University Chicago’s exclusive coffee provider


______ - ______ - ______ to be filed by the Secretary



! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Signed by the President of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago ! ! !

Chiefly Sponsored By: Senator Melinda Bunnage

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Co-Sponsored By: Justice Committee Senator Ryan Kelley

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The Coffee Vendor Referendum Resolution in the period of time between 2009 and 2011, the official coffee vendor for Loyola University Chicago, hereafter referred to as Loyola, was Metropolis Coffee Company, Loyola rapidly and unjustifiably replaced Metropolis Coffee Company with Starbucks, Inc., a national coffee brand, and Loyola’s Jesuit Catholic mission is one that promotes a commitment to values of service that promotes justice, global education that reinforces a commitment to human interdependence and solidarity, a dedication to University excellence in all realms of influence, and a commitment to “justice and fairness,”1 and

the tenets of Catholic Social Teaching are an essential part of Loyola’s Catholic Education and mirror the sentiments of Loyola’s mission statement, particularly in its pursuit of justice, and many themes from Catholic Social Teaching, including the respect and dignity of the human person, the dignity of work and rights of workers, solidarity, and a care for God’s creation, align closely with the values and mission of the Fair Trade Movement and Loyola’s commitment to ecological stewardship and sustainability, and coffee beans are the second largest commodity within global trade, after oil, which leads to significant deforestation in delicate ecosystems and unacceptable and unsustainable amounts of fresh water and chemical usage, and


Loyola has dedicated itself to sustainable organic agriculture and planetary stewardship by “...seeking God in all things and working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice and faith by providing a rich and transformational educational experience grounded in teaching and research excellence, experiential learning, and student entrepreneurial action in the service of nature, humanity, and the planet”,2 and

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the Fair Trade Movement calls for the respect of human dignity, economic justice and environmental sustainability through its support of fair and ethical wages for farmers and craftspeople, fair prices on the goods they produce, and environmentally sustainable agricultural practices, and


the current supplier of coffee to Loyola is Starbucks, Inc., and


Starbucks, Inc. reports that 8% of the coffee it sources is Fair Trade Certified,3 and






all beans sourced by Metropolis Coffee Company are Fair Trade and Green Certified,5 and









Metropolis Coffee Company reports that 100% of its coffee beans are sourced ethically and are farmed organically,4 and


in the fall term of 2011, the survey conducted by Loyola’s dining service provider, Aramark, regarding potential new vendors students would like to bring to Loyola, did not address the potential of Metropolis Coffee Company being replaced as Loyola’s official coffee supplier, and a poll conducted by the Student Government of Loyola Chicago, hereafter referred to as the SGLC, in the Spring of 2012, demonstrated that the majority of students polled did not approve the aforementioned change, and the Just Leasing and Trade survey, a collaboration between Loyola’s Department of Community Relations and the SGLC conducted between December of 2014 and January of 2015, demonstrated that of 550 students, 70.6% would prefer Metropolis Coffee Company over Starbucks, Inc. as Loyola’s official provider of coffee, and as a participant and significant stakeholder in Loyola’s governance, the SGLC should be committed to promoting university-business partnerships that reflect and promote Loyola’s mission and values, and it is the mission of the SGLC to advocate on behalf of the student body,






Be it resolved, in the spirit of Loyola’s Jesuit Catholic mission and commitment to social justice, and the opinion of the student body, that the SGLC supports the re-establishment of Metropolis Coffee Company as Loyola’s official and exclusive coffee supplier.

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