SGM News No.3

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No. 3 2013

BEYONCÉ DAZZLES WITH 500 SGM X-5 STROBES One of the brightest shows ever See page 4

Leroy Bennett.... See page 6

Eurovision... See page 8

The ultimate G-Spot test See page 16

Mayday 2013... See page 50


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

Danish Grounded Global Activities Since the release of SGM News #2, every day at SGM has been eventful. The level of activity is sky-high and we could not be more delighted with the outcome of our participation at the professional annual trade show prolight+sound in Frankfurt in April. It is no secret that our revolutionary IP65 moving head, the G-Spot, caught the undivided attention of both the media and the visitors. Throughout the show, visitors were able to engage in hands-on experience with the water-resistant fixture and have the opportunity to splash water across the chassis to conduct their own IP test. Leaving no-one in any doubt about the resistance of the G-Spot, we concluded prolight+sound 2013 with the ultimate test — at German fountain specialists, Oase Living Water, with G-Spot once again passing with flying colours. I wish to thank everyone participating at the exhibition for a great show. We were also delighted to welcome a large contingent from our growing SGM family of highly-motivated distributors, who joined us for our pre-show conference and dinner. While the G-Spot stole the show, we have been overwhelmed by the number of stars using our strobes; the X-5 white LED strobe and the XC-5 RGB colour strobe. They are currently touring the world with some of the greatest artists and bands of today. The reference list is immense, and includes among others Beyoncé, Pink, Rammstein, Depeche Mode, One Direction, Taylor swift and Lady Antebellum. Meanwhile, the SixPack blinder shined brightly on the main stage at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö and sales of the P-5 wash light are booming, with large rentals ramping up stock to meet the demands of the architectural and touring industry. Next, this summer, we launch our series of ultra-hires LED screens — all manufactured in Denmark. The video panels were already introduced in Frankfurt and we are ramping up production in our new factory to meet the demands. The new factory in Denmark is in line with our vision of manufacturing high quality LED products without having to compromise at any level. We are ready for any challenge presented to us, and will again focus on paramount requirements, such as flexibility, quality and service. Enjoy reading the magazine and have a great festival summer season.

Peter Johansen


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

CONTENTS SGM NEWS No. 3 2013 Beyoncé dazzles with 500 SGM X-5 4 Leroy Bennett’s evergreen 6 SGM presents the LED 7 SGM’s blinding succes at 8 SGM shines brightly at sound:check Xpo 2013 in 10 SGM X-5 LED strobes have real 11 SGM LED domes find Sanctuary in 12 SGM’s sustainable LED solutions enhance NorthSide’s 14 SGM puts on a rocking finish to Rockville 15 G·Spot passes the ultimate fountain test at 16 Immense interest for the 18 Behind the Scenes of SGM 20 Let There Be 21 The 22 The 23 The P-5 W and P-5 27 The Q-7 and Q-7 28 The 29 The 32 The 34 38 LT-100 / 39 40 41 42 TLD-612 / TLD-612 A 44 ILD / 45 SGM 46 364-year-old castle meets modern P-5 47 X-5/P-5 blast off in 48 SGM on Tour in 49 Mayday 2013 - never stop 50 SGM expands the collection of pop 52 White Light adds SGM P-5 LED wash to hire 54 Follow 55 SGM 56

The SGM News magazine is published by: SGM A/S · Soeren Frichs Vej 51-53 · 8230 Aabyhoej · Denmark · Tel: +45 70207400 · Inquiries, correspondence, articles and photographs for consideration should be directed to: © Copyright SGM A/S 2013 · All rights reserved by SGM A/S Editor and editorial text: Executive Assistant, Lene Rix Additional copy: Freelance copywriter, Jerry Gilbert Design and Graphics: Graphic Designer, Franz Fau Front page photos: Yosra El-Essawy and Frank Micelotta / Invision for Parkwood Entertainment/AP Images. All facts, content and stories are collected from SGM end-users, distributors and subsidiaries.


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

BEYONCÉ DAZZL 500 SGM X-5 ST LeRoy Bennett’s ‘Wall of Inferno’ informs one of the brightest shows ever Two giants of the lighting world have come together to help provide a dazzling show for one of the world’s greatest artistes. The introduction of the groundbreaking X-5 LED strobes from Peter Johansen’s SGM provided all the inspiration necessary for multi-award winning production designer, LeRoy Bennett, to specify 500+ pieces for Beyoncé’s The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour — making it probably the brightest show ever recorded on a concert stage. When the set climaxes with her popular song Halo, the accompanying drum roll is the cue for lighting director Whitney Hoversten to trigger every strobe in the house, completing a blinding blitzkrieg. “We throw everything plus the kitchen sink at it,” he says. Beyoncé herself had expressed a preference for a lightshow-dominated stage set this time around (rather than the current video-led paradigm) and Bennett immediately set to work creating a stunning light ladder ‘torm’, interspersed with mirrors — known by the crew as the ‘Wall of Inferno’, and fabricated by Tait Towers.

This is dominated by the low-profile, lightweight X-5, which is designed to deliver the same output as conventional strobes from one fifth of the power. Housing 2,970 LED’s, power consumption of 360W with lamp life of 50,000 hours, it is contained in a slim aluminium chassis and designed into three individual cells to boost creativity. These attributes had been brought to LeRoy’s attention by one of his partners, programmer Cory FitzGerald, and Randy Wade, who heads up SGM Inc, based in Houston, Texas. And so the designer decided to specify them for the first time. “I was impressed by the combination of power consumption, brightness and rugged design,” LeRoy explained. “But I was particularly impressed by the fact that each strobe breaks down to three individual cells, enabling me to project very low res graphics as well a bright blasts of light and strobing,” he said. Most of the strobes are arranged in a 4 x 4 block formation, with the pods mounted in custom brackets. The fact that these cellular strobes can be operated independently when fitted to these special brackets makes for a perfectly spaced pixel blinder.

Photo: Frank Micelotta/ Parkwood Entertainment/Invision/AP

QR code generated on

X-5 x 500 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

LES WITH TROBES Whitney Hoversten, who also worked on the last Beyoncé tour, agrees that this provides the perfect opportunity to project lo-res graphics — something he hopes to exploit later in the tour. “We will use the individual cells to pixel map it and play images through it. Also, split into three blocks you can make it appear as if there’s more fixtures when you strobe individually. What they are capable of is fantastic, particularly given their compact size and low power draw; every 4 x 4 pod is just one circuit which is a huge advantage with power distribution.” In addition to the power wall, the strobes are featured on the stage itself, as well as the stage risers and the header — meeting the request of the artiste herself. For Beyoncé takes a hands-on approach to production, reviewing her show tape every night … and it was she who has now suggested an additional 15 X-5’s be added to fill in across the centre section of the stage. Summing up, Hoversten remarks, “It’s very cool to see a show get back to lighting instead of video — and this is the brilliance that LeRoy brings to the production. The wall is as bright as hell — and the audiences have been loving it. There are so many cues but Beyoncé places a lot of trust in us.” The lighting inventory was provided by Illinoisbased rental company, Upstaging Inc — who are LeRoy Bennett’s supplier of choice. “They have the best back-up and are always more than a 150% supportive of every project,” he says. John Huddleston from Upstaging, in turn, stated how impressed he was with the X-5. “It’s one of the first true plug and play effects we have purchased in a long time. The fixture design is very ‘Apple’-like in its elegance and we are happy to be able to offer them in our inventory.” Finally, Whitney Hoversten added how impressed he had been by the support SGM had offered — from production rehearsals right through to the shows themselves.

Photo: Yosra El-Essawy/Invision for Parkwood Entertainment/AP Images.


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

LEROY BENNETT’S EVERGREEN APPROACH Production designer LeRoy Bennett and lighting visionary Peter Johansen may be regarded as something of industry veterans these days, but inspiration still courses through their veins. Down the years they have respectively scooped the industry’s most prestigious design and product awards on both sides of the Atlantic for their creativity — and thus it was probably inevitable that their two paths should cross again recently at LDI in Las Vegas … brought together by SGM’s US head, Randy Wade. When Bennett saw the new X-5 strobes at the SGM booth, he knew he had solved one major headache in designing the respective production sets for Beyoncé’s The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour and Rammstein’s Europe Tour. “I was impressed by the combination of power consumption, brightness and rugged design of the strobes,” he said. However, they would perform entirely different functions: the first ensuring that Bey’s tour was the brightest ever to grace a concert stage, as the centerpiece of a good old fashioned light show, while the latter providing short stabs of intensity to complement the German band’s industrial sound. Aside from offering more creativity and reliability than the conventional xenon format, which had traditionally provided the strobe ‘engine’, the radical new departure into RGB also offered huge economic advantages, both in trucking costs and power draw on European stages … a vital component in making Rammstein’s tour work financially. Over the years the designer has routinely come to rely on lighting solutions in which Peter Johansen has been the guiding hand — dating back to the early ‘1990s, when the Dane was constantly raising the bar for the lighting industry.


“I was impressed by the combination of power consumption, brightness and rugged design of the strobes,”

Even then, during the early part of his career, LeRoy Bennett was drawing on new technologies to inspire his sets. SGM PR manager, Jerry Gilbert, recalls that as publisher of Live! Magazin he presented Bennett with a Best Set Designer award exactly two decades ago for his work on Prince’s Diamonds & Pearls tour when he was putting a lot of his work through Light & Sound Design in the UK. Today, LeRoy Bennett continues to work with the world’s leading artists — not only Beyoncé and Rammstein, but an equal contrast between Nine Inch Nails and Rihanna. His CV down the years is a veritable who’s who of artists performing on the world stage. He promises he will be scheduling further X-5’s on the new Nine Inch Nails tour, which he described as “visually more high-art minded,” as well as other upcoming tours. On his website the designer describes keeping things fresh as “a very painful process”. He says, “ I don’t like to repeat myself … any time new technology comes out that helps to keep things fresh.” And the SGM strobes clearly fall into that “new technology” bracket — and LeRoy is quick to acknowledge to SGM News that “once again Peter has created a very successful product!”

SixPack x 82 pcs

X-5 x 52 pcs

SGM presents the LED revolution - Backstage at Eurovision At PLASA Focus:Backstage Malmö this year’s official technology partners were invited behind the scenes of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. Providing stage lighting for the concert hall as well as for the Euro Village, SGM was asked to speak at the seminar on May 7th. After a keynote presentation from ESC Technical Director, Ola Melzig, the first seminar speaker, SGM’s CEO Peter Johansen took the attendees for a trip to see ‘the LED revolution’. Many lighting professionals were gathered to gain an insight of the SGM products that they will see in full function during the widely broadcast live competition. The ESC main stage will be equipped with 52 X-5 white LED strobes and 82 SixPack LED blinders, establishing once again the innovative LED solutions of SGM as a preferred technology in the lighting industry.

THE LED REVOLUTION At SGM, we make products for the future. We develop cutting-edge, innovative entertainment lighting products with a focus on meeting the needs of the market — not only setting new standards but sparking new trends as well. With our advanced LED technology as the core of our business, we challenge ourselves to produce high lumen output per kilo, waterproof and maintenancefree units and exploit power and brightness to the fullest, without ever compromising the touch and feel of a sleek Danish design. With the X-5 white LED strobe, we revolutionized the market, followed by the SixPack’s LED emulation of the old halogen lamp, and the powerful and brightest, fullcolor LED wash light of the P-5. Now, with the newly launched G-Spot moving head, completely new levels have been reached through ground-breaking technologies of the SGM R&D team.


X-5 x 52 pcs

SixPack x 82 pcs

ESC’s experienced technical director, Ola Melzig

Photos: Louise Stickland

Fredrik Jönsson specifies X-5 strobes and SP-6 SixPacks for the impressive Malmö set.

SGM’S BLINDING SUC SGM equipped Malmö Arena’s main stage with 52 X-5 white LED strobes and 82 SixPack LED blinders for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (ESC 2013), further consolidating SGM’s status as a preferred industry technology supplier, with its innovative LED solutions. Although SGM fixtures were also used throughout the EuroVillage, it was in the main action of the contest itself that these unique FX really worked their magic, adding genuine dynamic for lighting designer, Fredrik Jönsson. Along with ESC’s experienced technical director, Ola Melzig (working on his 11th Eurovision), he had first seen the impact of these groundbreaking LED solutions on the SGM stand at the PLASA Show in London and later at LDI 2012 in Las Vegas, and sensed immediately how they might be incorporated. According to Melzig, “We fell head over heels in love with them and knew this was something we had to have.” He added that they were also enamoured with the LT-100 pixel tubes and devised “a really cool way of doing a 3D LED


floor with them, which looked amazing.” Jönsson first evaluated the X-5 strobes during an X-Factor broadcast he had been involved with back in November 2012. “We rigged a few of them next to other strobes I had in the rig — and almost blew people off the stage!
Another interesting feature we discovered at the test, was the fact that you can actually tweak the strobe frequency to 25 frames — and that makes the actual strobe invisible to the camera, but you still see the ‘glow’ of it on screen … a very unexpected feature which we played around with.” The SixPacks had gone into Malmö untested, he confirmed. “But seeing them on the SGM booth and at SGM’s studio in Denmark convinced me that I had to use them. The ability to emulate different dimmer curves to the LED’s makes them a very versatile tool, providing a lot of features in one unit.” When it came to the event, the SixPacks were used mainly as eye candy and blinders. “They are very good at both those things since they can emulate the feel of an ordinary 8-light blinder —

P-5 x 72 pcs

SixPack x 36 pcs

P-5 TW x 12 pcs

LB-100 x 100 pcs

Giotto 400 x 58 pcs

CCESS AT EUROVISION with a lot of chase effects — and as high color strobe and stab effects,” he appraised. The SixPacks were positioned in three ‘ribs’ of trussing, folding the set from the back and out to the sides. The X-5’s were positioned in trusses overhead and behind a projection screen that could open up in four ‘slots’, concealing a battery of strobe effects. He admits the power of the X-5’s had surprised him. “We had put in so many strobe cues during programming that when we arrived on site we had to remove some — since they turned out to be so powerful that we lost contrast on stage when we went ‘all in’ with them!” The SixPacks had also played a valuable role, in particular helping Fredrik Jönsson create individual scenography for each of the contestants — including eventual winner, Denmark’s Emmelie de Forest. Each individual set had been created by the LD after consulting with the delegations, and then providing his own interpretations of the songs. Measured in lighting cues (and taking into account

the two semi-finals), there was something like 1700 cues stored on the GrandMA2 lighting desk. In addition to providing stage lighting for the Malmö Arena, the company also equipped ESC’s EuroVillage with a vast selection of mission critical LED solutions including 40 x Giotto 400 and 40 P-5 RGB (with 43 lens for environmental lighting in the Trispan tent), along with 6 x 15-metre sets of LB-100 LED Balls (including drivers). They provided 18 further Giotto 400’s, 12 x P-5 TW (with tunable white) and 36 x SP-6 (SixPacks) for the Trispan tent’s stage — and yet more P5’s providing peripheral lighting in the restaurant tent and externally overlooking the city of Malmö — where they were reinforced by some of the Giottos. Overall, the event provided a further ringing endorsement of SGM’s advanced technology during a month that also saw them heavily represented on the world stage with three of the year’s biggest tours — Pink, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

SGM shines brightly at sound:check Xpo 2013 in Mexico For the three-day sound:check Xpo in Mexico City, SGM fixtures shone brightly on the Music Fest stage. Under the supervision of Representaciones de Audio (RDA), SGM’s local distributor, a completely new concept called Global Solution for Great Stages was presented, with the SGM product range as the main feature for lighting effects. With a mixture of classic SGM products (such as Giotto 400) alongside new, innovative LEDbased products, RDA provided an impact that highly impressed the many visitors. Music Fest is an arena at the sound:check Xpo for live music performances. The stage was equipped with SGM moving heads (Idea Beam 300, Idea Spot 700 and Giotto 400), while the backdrop was a large curtain of LB-100 LED Balls. At each side of the curtain the white LED and color RGB strobes, respectively the X-5 and XC-5, regularly threw remarkable, bright flashes of light into the audience. In order to entertain the large crowds, the 10-minute show and demonstration of the product range was repeated each hour, with a show addressing all three segments for which RDA provides solutions; the audio, video and lighting industries. “The SGM range provided an incredible finish to the entire stage show, proving its leading position in the entertainment industry,” stated RDAs Estuardo Zarate. With a separate stand displaying the SGM products for a hands-on experience for the visitors, RDA successfully completed a great exhibition, including unique live shows. RDA’s SGM Sales Manager

Estuardo Zarate


X-5 x 42 pcs

SP-6 x 24 pcs

SGM X-5 LED STROBES HAVE REAL TALENT Lighting designer Dara Guiney

After last year´s highly successful shows in Germany, Canadian rock quartet, Billy Talent, returned to play another two sold out indoor concerts in late April, to warm up for the huge summer festivals that will come up soon. For these gigs the conventional strobes that were originally specified were replaced by 12 of SGM’s X-5 LED strobes — the first time lighting designer Dara Guiney had worked with them. “Bernd [Wittenberg] from Go Audio Rental asked me if I would be willing to try them out and I loved them right away. Since most of my strobe effects are blinding effects, I was concerned if they would deliver the same impact – and they were perfect! They are really responsive — the white is amazing and not blueish at all. I am

dying to try them in 7-channel mode next time, and use all the pixel effects.” Go Audio will be rigging almost all major festivals in Germany during the summer, with Billy Talent as headliners at sold out Hurricane in early June, Southside Festival, followed by Highfield Festival, playing to a total of over 150,000 people. Billy Talent will be using a total number of 42 X-5 strobes on the festival stages, accompanied by 24 of SGM’s SP-6 SixPacks.


LD-5 x 730 pcs

SGM LED DOMES FIND SANCTUARY IN GLASGOW Blinding Light specifies 730 LD-5s in major club refurb When Chris Lessani and partner Gary MacCulloch took over the former Boho Club in Glasgow’s city centre at the end of last year they wasted no time in renaming it The Sanctuary. In order to stamp a new identity on the popular location, they travelled extensively looking for unique lighting ideas that would dazzle the dancefloor, and set it apart from other venues in the area. This would form the centrepiece of a significant interior upgrade this spring. Having seen a particular domed LED lighting effect while in London, they brought in longstanding Aberdeen based installers, Blinding Light, as a specialist contractor to work alongside the general fit-out team. They were in turn introduced to SGM UK’s Ian Kirby and as a result specified no fewer than 730 LD-5 (LED Domes) for use on the club ceiling. Measuring just 80mm in outer diameter, up to 35 domes can be run in a single chain — and under the command of the Madrix sound activated effects generator and media server Blinding Light’s Scott Cruickshank knew the effect would be pulsating. Cruickshank, whose company has been providing installed solutions across the UK for retail, bars, restaurants, nightclubs and hotels over the past 17 years, recalls, “The clients wanted to develop the small sphere idea in the ceiling and had seen a similar but inferior solution. As soon as Ian introduced me to the LD-5 I could see it


was a finished, and much more versatile product and much better for installation.” Chris Lessani agreed. “The LD-5 is one of a kind and the effects it produces are amazing. Although we have operated bars in the past, this is our first nightclub enterprise — and we are delighted that we have been able to create so much impact with these domes that we only needed to add four moving lights for the entire dancefloor.” Together with the two owners, Blinding Light sourced a series of aluminium composite panels, in gloss black, each measuring 2m x 1m, which were laser pre-cut so that the LD-5’s would line up perfectly. “Rather than just have an effect running across the ceiling we decided to wrap it down the wall behind the DJ box and then back in front so it looked like he was floating in midair. The reflection off the gloss finish added to the effect.” Blinding Light installed, cabled and populated the alupanels, which were fixed to a speciallyconstructed framework. “It took a lot of clever planning and pixel mapping to make sure there was no voltage drop,” he noted. The overall geometric measures 10 LD-5s wide and 73 long. “With just one long slice measuring 14.6m x 2m running the length of the ceiling, this creates a compelling centrepiece, which dominates the main dancefloor,” continues the installer.

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

Being sound activated, the effect is further animated using the waveform from the music being played by the DJ. Meanwhile, the LJ can choose circular FX pulsing from the centre, and other effects ranging from early evening subtle fading to the entire feature colour strobing. He can also use scrolling text control with the Madrix or even have chevron arrows zipping towards the DJ.

“Once the hardware is installed, the only limit for effects is your own creativity and imagination,” summarises Scott Cruickshank. But the final word comes from Chris Lessani, “The LD-5s have received a great reaction, not only from our customers but from other club owners, who have been dropping in to see what all the fuss is about.”


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

SGM’s sustainable LED solutions enhance NorthSide’s innovation In 2010 an innovative new Danish music festival came into being. Related to two of Germany’s largest festivals, Hurricane Festival and Southside Festival, NorthSide quickly expanded from a one-day event to a threeday music celebration with an intriguing mixture of Danish and international bands and artists. This year Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Passenger and Ellie Goulding are just some of the names performing on the stage at NorthSide Festival from June 14 to 16. SGM will be supporting NorthSide with a large number of LED products. The powerful SGM P-5 wash light will illuminate entrances and areas outside the festival site, while both entrances and tents are fringed with SixPack LED blinders. The small but effect-rich LED domes (LD-5), will be mounted, with nearly 1000 pieces forming a large ‘Hollywood-style’ NorthSide sign, designed to leave a dazzling impression on visitors.

“Supporting this local initiative, which figuratively speaking lies right in our own backyard, is certainly something we wish to be part of. In cooperation with some excellent lighting designers we have come up with a great concept, which we believe can help enhance NorthSide as the unique festival it is,” says CEO of SGM, Peter Johansen. The use of LED light is very much in accordance with NorthSide’s focus on sustainability within energy consumption as well as merchandise, food and beverages. The organisers of this festival strive to achieve a zero CO2 level in the near future with initiatives such as organic, decomposable beer cups and low consumption LED light. Production Manager of NorthSide, Jesper Philbert, has been working closely with SGM. “We are pleased to cooperate with SGM for NorthSide Festival 2013. SGM will supply LED products for illuminating all our large canopies and their profile fits perfectly with our own on sustainability; their LED products will allow us to obtain a much less energy intensive lighting than had we used conventional lamps,” comments Jesper Philbert.

Jesper Philbert Production Manager of NorthSide


Regia 2048 Live x 1 pc

Idea Spot 700 x 6 pcs

Idea Beam 300 x 8 pcs

Idea Led 300 x 2 pcs

Ribalta x 4 pcs

Palco x 3 pcs

Idea Par 64 x 6 pcs

X-5 x 4 pcs

TLD-612 x 8 pcs

LB-100 x 144 pcs

SGM Puts on a Rocking Finish to Rockville Musical When Finnish rental company Tupamusa Ky was part of a selection team to form a rock musical, the company’s owner Kelli Koivunen also took the role as lighting designer of the show. Forming the entire core of the musical, Tupamusa impressively handled all installments of light, sound, trussing, and curtains. The company Tupamusa was founded in 1993 and bought their first SGM products in 2006. With a background as DJ and LD, Kelli Koivunen comments, “I’m very satisfied with all of my SGM

products, which I have used for several musicals and tours. And I’m gonna keep it that way!” The Rockville rock musical was held in Ähtäri hall in Etelä-Pohjanmaa in Southern Finland from February 22 to March 10 with attendance records of 3,100 visitors. “There were about 50 actors and dancers in this musical and it was a great success”, states Kelli Koivunen, who was very pleased with the effects the SGM products brought to the show.


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

G·Spot passes the ultimate fountain test at PL+S SGM used Frankfurt’s prolight+sound to demonstrate the extraordinary growth it has experienced since coming under Peter Johansen’s ownership just over a year ago. The booth was permanently packed with visitors wanting to be among the first to witness the global launch of the groundbreaking new IP65rated G-Spot, and make sure it lived up to its claim of superior optics and weather-resistant body. A constant stream of water splashing across the chassis left no-one in any doubt. But equally important, SGM has built up a family of loyal and highly-motivated resellers during the intervening period and the company CEO was able to welcome partners from across the world to a pre-show dinner, awards presentation and distributor conference, so they were primed for action when the curtains were raised on the opening day.


G-Spot quickly became known as the moving head that turned heads, establishing SGM among the industry’s leading contenders for the first time — a company that will impact the future of advanced lighting technology. Word about the IP65-rated sealed, multienvironmental unit, which happens to be the brightest in the market, had also spread throughout the press, and the interest was reflected in the attendance from all over the globe. Once again, Peter Johansen, made sure everybody got what they came for — with a bold and tangible demonstration of the G-Spot’s IP65 rating.

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

By purchasing the SGM brand in 2012 and relocating the entire set-up from Italy to Denmark, Peter Johansen embarked on a tough, yet determined mission; to rebrand a runof-the-mill lighting company into an industry heavyweight. His philosophy is simple. “There was really no point in copying what others have already done — that won’t put you in the lead. My focus is always on ways of making the impossible possible. This way you not only meet the needs of the market, you create new needs people didn’t even know they had in the first place!”

As he addressed the massed ranks of the press corps about recent contract wins for the company’s game-changing strobes — presently out in large quantities on tours by Pink, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé (and shortly with Rammstein) — he also announced that G-Spot was in the process of being specified. But the overriding memory for visitors was that throughout the entire show SGM had the G-Spot placed in a huge fish tank at the SGM booth allowing visitors to do their own hands-on IP65 test by pouring water on the moving head. On day four of the show the G-Spot was to withstand its ultimate test: German fountain specialists Oase Living Water allowed the company to test the G-Spot in the most extreme conditions: In the middle of a fountain sprinkling 2000 litres of water per minute! The stunt attracted a huge crowd who got to witness a world first experiment. The G-Spot passed with flying colours. Now that’s what you call a grand finale!

Peter Johansen subjects G-Spot to the water test; the world’s press gather to see the official unveiling of the product. QR code generated on


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

Immense interest for the G•Spot... Since its product launch and ultimate IP65 test at prolight+sound 2013 in Frankfurt, the interest for the G-Spot has been overwhelming by distributors, customers, lighting designers as well as the media. While rumours about the G-Spot had spread long before this first official demonstration in April, the media has subsequently followed the revolutionary IP rated moving head intensely, and


the video displaying the G-Spot placed in extreme conditions in a large fountain has been shown worldwide. There is no doubt that the G-Spot is making a profound impact on the professional lighting industry.

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013


Behind the Scenes of SGM Canada When SGM Canada exhibited at the Solotech En Coulisse show that took place at Montreal’s Palais des Congrés on May 1st and 2nd, the entire new line of SGM products was on display. Booth traffic was high for this annual trade show event, that is of great significance to the Canadian market, and the show left attendees with a new and very improved image of SGM that has never before been seen in Canada. “After presenting the complete new line of SGM products at the Solotech En Coulisse show, the Canadian market was truly able to see and recognize the impressive developments that have taken place at SGM this past year”, says Anthony Evans, Product Manager at SGM Canada. “The feedback received from attendees throughout the exhibition was extremely positive and we at SGM Canada are very pleased to be showcasing the significant strides that SGM is making to develop a catalogue of unique LED lighting solutions under the new ownership of Peter Johansen.” A product that received much attention was the SGM LED Balls, the LB-100, suitable for video curtains with its 360° viewing angle and alluring 3D effect. However, the rumblings of the launch of the G-Spot the month prior in Frankfurt at prolight+sound had been heard all the way to Canada, making for multitudes of questions and inquiries about the IP-rated moving-head with numerous functionalities. Solotech En Coulisse was visited by a broad audience from the professional lighting and audio industry. Dealers, LDs, production companies, rental/staging companies and sales representatives all participated, while the future prospects of the industry also had arranged field trips and thus were represented by school groups studying in fields related to lighting. “All attendees at Solotech En Coulisse are indeed industry stakeholders, in one way or another, which makes the show a very valuable experience for exhibitors”, states Anthony Evans.

Anthony Evans Product Manager at SGM Canada


In the end, attendees were undoubtedly impressed with the new SGM product line and SGM Canada was left with many requests for quotes by customers and lighting designers who are anxious to use SGM products in their upcoming projects.

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

Let There Be Light... In Southern Brazil at the coast of Santa Catarina you find one of the world’s largest Art Deco statues at the top of Morro de la Cruz (Hill of the Cross). The statue of Jesus is standing over the city of Balneario Camboriu with one arm outstretched, welcoming people from near and far, and with the other carrying a symbol of the sun. With its 33 metres in height (including the pedestal) and 22 metres width from fingertips to fingertips, the task of lighting this majestic tourist attraction at first seemed less than straightforward. However, when Mario Luiz Pretto of Christ Light contacted the SGM distributor in Brazil, João Alonso of LBO Lighting Comercio e Importação e Exportação Ltda, requesting a more powerful lighting output than the former installation could provide, João Alonso presented the SGM P-5 wash light featuring 44 high power 10W RGBW LEDs per unit. This proposal immediately caught Mario Luiz Pretto’s attention and was subsequently specified as the substitutional and revitalizing light source for the Christ Light. The fixed installation has brought unique features to the significant landmark, which amazes the numerous visitors. Every night,

people strolling around the central area of Balneario Camboriu can enjoy the multicoloured light of the monument. It has become an attraction unlike any other in Brazil. This lighting installation, which daily illuminate the grand statue in the evening hours (December to March from 8 pm. and April to November from 7 pm.), is rendered possible by the use of merely 6 powerful and bright P-5 LED wash lights. The RGBW LED source is brought to use in a beautiful symbolism, as each day of the week a predominant colour demonstrates a symbolic representation for a statue, which in general is known worldwide as a symbol of peace. On Sunday, the predominant colour is white, symbolizing peace and faith. On Monday, the colour is yellow, representing peace and energy. On Tuesday, the colour is green for peace and nature, while Wednesday is blue for peace and health. On Thursday, the colour lilac signifies peace and reflection and on Friday the colour red stands for peace and love. Finally, on Saturday the rose colour symbolizes peace and happiness. In this way, week after week flies by in multiple colours lighting up Christ Light and the visitors of Santa Catarina. SGM is proud to take part is this colour extravaganza.

P-5 x 6 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013


• IP 65 ingress protection rating • 850W high power RGB LED light source • Optical zoom 43° - 8° Zoom + iris 43° - 1° • Dynamic CT Correction (2,500K to 12,000K) Linear CTO (Color Temperature Orange) Linear CTB (Color Temperature Blue) • CRI up to 85 • Ultra smooth color mixing between virtually any color; ability to create the fastest color snaps or completely seamless fades; ability to configure between different color mixing models • 2 independent rotating gobo wheels: Gobo wheel 1:5 indexable gobos + open Gobo wheel 2:5 indexable gobos + open • 2 independent effect wheels: Effect wheel 1:1 semi continuous effect Effect wheel 2:1 semi continuous effect • RFID for easy configuration and data readout


• Wireless DMX • Fast and accurate iris with built-in dynamic effects for maximum creative control • 2 x 3 axis accelerometer • Internal active humidity controller • High-speed and precise focus control for crisp beam quality or soft de-focused effects • 4-facet rotating prism for crisp clear beam separation, and precise beam separation control • Soft high-quality frost filter • Ultra-high-speed strobe effect (1-30hz) with instant color change control and possibility to strobe between 2 or more colors at any speed • High-precision, fast, 16 bit pan control 540 degree movement with feedback


Light Source 44 pcs. of high power RGBW 10W LED Light Output / 21掳 25,800* lumens Efficacy 51,2 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15, 21, 43 degrees Power 405 Watt / 230V Weight 8.9 kg Ingress Protection rating of fixture IP65 Ingress Protection rating of fan module IP55

* Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio



Brighter An extremely high luminous output of the LED modules with an efficacy of 51,2 lm/W combined with a flicker free operation suitable for any application and approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting. Lighter Only 8.9 kg Whiter Apart from the large variety of saturated colors that can be created due to the RGBW, the high-performance LEDs produce a very bright white, which provides a full palette of pastel colors and the most powerful and pure white light.

With the P-5 we had a mission... • to develop a cutting-edge, high performance product, doubling the output

while reducing the cost

• to create an intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities

featuring high-efficiency, low-noise modes

• to produce a user friendly setup with a simple control-button display • to ensure easy support by means of a patented RFID implemented interface

allowing for easy warehouse control and remote diagnostics, updating and

uploading of DMX settings even when in off-mode

• to programme a standalone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated con- troller • to implement a standard built-in wireless DMX receiver facilitating seamless

and individual integration into any environment or location solely requiring

the presence of power

• to allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • to accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology We did it!



-lights up your day as well as • Monuments and attractions • Architectural buildings • Shopping centers and retail • Bridges • Piers • Interior and exterior concerts • TV shows • Staging • Rental • Etc.


The P·5 BEAM ANGLES AND COLORS Narrow spread lens of 15° Medium spread lens of 21°




Wide spread lens of 43° Black colored housing White colored housing

Lumens per RGBW 15° 23,000 lumens R: 6,100 lumens G: 7,500 lumens B: 4,300 lumens W: 10,100 lumens

21° 25,800 lumens R: 6,200 lumens G: 8,200 lumens B: 2,900 lumens W: 10,900 lumens

43° 23,500 lumens R: 5,000 lumens G: 7,200 lumens B: 2,500 lumens W: 10,200 lumens

The P-5 patents The P-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product. The P-5 is protected under the following patent: MI2011A001631. Furthermore, the P-5 is registered for design patent in Europe, United States and China.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/02


The P·5 W & P·5 TW BRIGHTER - LIGHTER - WHITER They might not look as much, but do not let their size fool you. The compact and light fixtures pack a big array of features that will suit any purpose where white “P-5 W” or tunable white “P-5 TW” light is required. They are both effective fixtures for making spectacular and vivid lighting designs upon facades, structures and large buildings with pure white and tunable white light. P-5 TW has a high luminous output of the white with an efficacy of 75 lm/W, while the P-5 W has 79 lm/W. Both units run a flicker free operation approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting, weigh only 8.9 kg and are IP65 rated. P-5 W contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a stunningly white and bright light with a powerful output of more than 30,000 lumens. P-5 TW contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a large array of possibilities to tune the high quality light between 2,200 and 6,000 Kelvin with a lumen output of 26,000 lumens at 3,200 Kelvin.

The P-5 W and P-5 TW advantages: • Intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities featuring high efficiency and low noise modes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Interchangeable lens kit of 15, 21 and 43 degrees • Built-in wireless DMX receiver • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • IP65 rating for exterior lighting designs


The Q·7 & Q·7W WHITE AND RGB COLOR LED FLOOD LIGHTS The Q series consists of 2 powerful LED flood lights. The Q-7 is a low-profile and compact RGB flood light, which contains over 1,000 powerful RGB LEDs, while the Q-7 W contains almost 3,000 cool white LEDs. Both units perform as powerful adjustable wall washers with a spread angle of 120°. The IP65 rated flood lights have a small physical footprint, which makes them ideal fixtures for outdoor use to light up buildings, facades, architectural structures and attractions. The Q-7 has a high output of over 12,000 lumens, while the Q-7 W has a staggering output of 30,000 lumens. As versatile as these units are in outdoor applications, just as suitable are they for indoor applications such as TV studios, theaters and other applications were a wide flood of colored or crisp white light is applicable.

The Q-7 RGB and Q-7 W advantages: • High performance LED flood lights with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • Lightweight construction • True LED alternative to traditional flood lights • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • Elegant Scandinavian design • LED source life rated at 50,000 hours • Weight 8.1 kg


Technical University of Denmark


PIXEL CONTROLLABLE Specifications • Light source

2970 white LEDs

• LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours

• Power


• LED panel

Three individual controllable LED segments

• Weight

5.8 kg



Experience extremely high luminous output of nearly 3,000 pure white LEDs placed into three individually controllable LED segments. The X-5 makes it possible to create unique effects never delivered before by a strobe. The X-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 4A. The X-5 is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing an alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. Use of the X-5 will result in advantages such as the utilisation of less cabling, fewer Gen-sets and lower maintenance cost. The X-5 delivers maximum effect at a lower life cycle cost compared to traditional strobes.

With the X-5 we had a mission to...

• develop a cutting-edge, high performance strobe with low power consumption • implement a strobe consisting of three individually controllable LED segments • transform the strobe from being secondary and fragile, to being primary and robust • include an intuitive user interface • implement a stand-alone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated controller • produce a noiseless strobe • allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology And we did it!


The X·5 THE WORLD’S FIRST PIXEL CONTROLLABLE STROBE Never before have lighting designers seen strobes that offer pixel control. With the X-5 we have re-written the rules on the stroboscope concept. We have conceived the brightest LED Strobe ever and produced a fantastic pixel product. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with a pixel blinder and you will have some idea of the concept. Each X-5 strobe has three cells that can be operated independently of each other and when fitted to either the twin BCC-2 or quad BCC-4 this creates a ready-made, perfectly spaced pixel blinder.

The X-5 patents The SGM X-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice. Publication Number: 2013/06


The XC路5 THE BRIGHTEST COLOR LED STROBE With the X-5 we conceived the brightest white LED strobe ever and with the same technology we developed the XC-5 with a high luminous output of over 1,000 power RGB LEDs. The XC-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED RGB color strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 360 Watt. It is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing a true alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. With the XC-5, the rules of the stroboscope concept have completely been re-written. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with RGB capabilities; it revolutionizes lighting design. Housed in a black, slim aluminum chassis, the XC-5 contains a 120掳 lens as standard, and set up is via the OLED 5-button graphic display.


The XC·5 ADVANTAGES • High performance LED RBG color strobe with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • True alternative to traditional strobes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Stand-alone mode eliminating the need for dedicated controllers • Noiseless LED RGB color strobe • Numerous mounting and position options • Lightweight and aesthetic Danish design

Specifications Light source

1080 RGB color LEDs

LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours




5.8 kg



Our R&D team did the workout so you don’t have to. Imagine a fixture that has: • the power to illuminate a building and blind audiences • the finesse to wash a cyc with even colour • the flexibility to create simple or complex colour matrix designs • the creativity to display graphic content • the technology to emulate a halogen lamp • the convenience of RFID for easy configuration and data readout • Weight 8 kg



When rigged together, SixPacks create a perfect low resolution and extremely powerfull video wall. Animated graphics can subsequently be laid over the display to create stunning high powered images. One SixPack fixture contains six individually addressable 40 watt RGBA lamps creating a staggering output of 7,300 lumens pr pixel. Why halogen emulation? Each SixPack features a Halogen Emulation Mode (SGM unique feature) which is designed to mimic the rise and decay of a traditional halogen lamp. This mode creates a retro look allowing designers to add more flexibility to their constructions.

With the SP-6 we had a mission to... • develop the world’s first RGBA LED fixture with a halogen emulator • create a high-power, low-resolution video pattern • create a stylish design utilising the latest LED technology • combine six outputs of powerful 40 watt colour mixing with build-in electronics and individual DMX control of each pixel • produce an advanced LED fixture with multiple functionalities for the LD to oper-

ate (e.g. to display animated text or programmed patterns)

And we did it!



The trapezoidal design of the SixPack enables the fixture to be rigged into curved shapes such as a speaker line array. This also makes it perfect for outof-the-box and unique installations while maintaining an easy rigging system for quick and safe setup and dismantling. Unlike any others fixture, the SixPack has all its control features on the rear for easy access on stage allowing it to be placed in e.g. stage stairs. With an IP rating of IP65, the SixPack is designed to be used in an outdoor environment allowing it to be used as a uplighter on building facades.



All On Light output

7300 lm


240 W


30 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Red Light output

3300 lm


59,4 W


56 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Green Light output

2600 lm


72,4 W


36 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Blue Light output

1600 lm


77,7 W


21 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Amber Light output

2500 lm


60,5 W


42 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

The SP-6 patents The SGM SP-6, also going by the name the SixPack, is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

* Goniometer Scan / Ocean optics / Viso Systems Light Spion™ ©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/06


LB·100 LED Ball Multiples of LB-100 LED Balls are designed to form a video light curtain with 120mm pixel pitch. The curtain is made up from 0,85m long strings, each containing seven white LED Balls. Each 34mm sphere contains two powerful RGB LED’s (rated at 42mW per pixel) built into the white plastic moulding. These can extend to a maximum length of 6,8 meters (using 56 balls) and total power consumption is just 60W. The system can be controlled via DMX as well as with a dedicated video server or ordinary PC with Artnet™ (the Artnet signal is then distributed by the A-4 to DMX Converter). These semi-transparent IP65-rated LED Balls can be viewed in 360° and be used to create alluring 3D spatial effects. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, including TV scenography, theme parks, exhibitions, video art, clubs, shopping malls … and just about any fixed installation.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions LB-100 DMX Control 21 channels Diameter 34mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 Pixel pitch 120mm IP 65 Base Length 715mm (28,15inches) Base Width 80mm (3,15inches) Connections Base Height 120mm (4,72inches) /with Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 bracket 152,5mm /6inches socket Ball/Pixel Diameter 34mm (1,34inches) Data output Female locking 4-pin RJ765 Pixel Pitch 120mm (4,724inches) socket


Installation Orientation Any

Electrical specifications Power Consumption is 7.4W per 7 Pixels

Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 98%

Accessories C-1, Power adaptor cable Part # 830060201 TLD-612 Touring LED driver Part # 80070201 ILD Installation LED Drive Part # 80070216 TLD-612 A Touring LED driver - ART Net Part # 80070221

LT·100/200 3D Graphic Tube The LT-100 comprises a series of one-metre long pixel sticks, loaded with RGB LED’s at 35mm pixel pitch — all DMX drivable via any proprietary media server, or pixel mapping DMX consol. This 3D graphic tube was demonstrated at Frankfurt’s prolight+sound 2012 via 300 sticks, suspended from the ceiling. However, it made its nightclub debut at Home, in Lincoln, UK where it provided a staggering overhead 3D vertical and horizontal zip effect. The theory of pixel mapping is that two dimensional objects are transformed into three dimensions with the help of advanced programming techniques; thus each LT-100 LED pixel can be addressed individually enabling the LJ to create genuine 3D lighting effects, such as 3D waves or 3D bars which can be easily manipulated in terms of speed, colour, brightness, direction, and much more. This creativity will be extended further by the future release of 2-metre and ½-metre lengths (LT-200/LT-50). SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Signal source LT-100 Diameter 25mm LT-100 DMX Control 81 channels LT-200 Diameter 34mm LT-200 DMX Control 162 channels Pixel pitch 35mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 Connector cable length 1000mm IP 20 LT-100 Length 1006mm LT-200 Length 1951mm Connections LT-100 addressable pixels 27 pixels Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 LT-200 addressable pixels 54 pixels socket LT-100 Weight 280g LT-200 Weight 514g Electrical specifications Optics 2x170° view angle Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 98%

Power supply voltage 12V Power consumption per LT-100 (27 pixels) 20W Power consumption per LT-200 (54 pixels) 40W Accessories C-1, Power adaptor cable Part # 830060201 TLD-612 Touring LED driver Part # 80070201 ILD Installation LED Drive Part # 80070216 TLD-612 A Touring LED driver - ART Net Part # 80070221



Photo: Morten Rygaard

LED Dome These LED domes can be used in any orientation, with a maximum number of 35 domes in a single PSU chain. The outer diameter is just 80mm (ceiling cut-out diameter of 70mm), with a total depth of 53.3mm (depth below ceiling of 35mm). The LED domes can function in maximum ambient temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10° C. Control is via three-channel DMX.

SPECIFICATIONS Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature LD-5 dimensions (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Outer diameter 80 mm Minimum ambient temperature Ceiling cutout diameter 70 mm (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Total depth 53.3 mm Operating humidity 98% Depth below ceiling 35 mm Signal source Weight 82 g DMX Control 3 channels According to standard USITT DMX 512 Installation Orientation Any Connections Max. number of LD-5 on one PSU Data / Power input RJ 45 (Cat 5) connector chain 35 Data / output (loop through) RJ 45 Electrical specifications (Cat 5) connector max. 3m cable Power supply voltage 24V Power consumption per LD-5 1.4W Accessories IP 65 at front LD-5 Power injector Part # 83062010 Signal source LD-5 Data + Power injector LB-100 DMX Control 3 channels Part # 83062009 According to standard USITT DMX 512 A4 ART Net to DMX Converter IP 65 Part # 80070217


LP·700 LED Pix The LP-700 comes in chain lengths of 6.75m (including connector). With a pixel pitch of 120mm, and individual pixels measuring 40mm x 40mm x 17mm (LWH) each length has 56 addressable pixels. Installable in any orientation, it is IP65-rated, with maximum ambient operating temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10°C. Signal source is DMX512 (with 168 controllable DMX channels). The power consumption of each pixel line is just 62W.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions DMX Control 168 channels LP-700 Chain Length (incl. connector) According to standard USITT DMX 512 6.75 m Individual Pixel Length / Width / Height Connections 40 x 40 x 17 mm Data / Power input Waterproof male Pixel pitch 120 mm connector TE 2106136-2 Addressable pixels 56 pixels Data output Waterproof female conLP-700 Weight 1.2 kg nector TE 2106135-4 Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 100% IP rating IP 65

Electrical specifications Power supply voltage 18V Power consumption of LP-700 Chain 62W Accessories LP-700 Power supply, Part # 83061701 LP-700 Power injector, Part # 83062008 LP-700 Data + Power injector, Part # 83062007


Made in Denmark

LS路4.6 ULTRA HIGH RESOLUTION LED SCREEN The SGM LS-4.6 is a Danish built, ultra hi-res video panel capable of displaying detailed video from a high-resolution digital video source. The screen comes with two different LED source options: A white-faced high-output version with contrast ratio of 1,000:1 and a light output of 1,500 cd/m2. And a black faced version with a contrast ratio of 7,000:1 and a light output of 1,000 cd/m2. The LED chips are 3in1 SMD, which makes them suitable for applications where picture quality and brightness are important. The screen has no fans, so it is completely noiseless, and has a high refresh rate of 2,000 Hz making it perfect for applications such as television, theatre, exhibitions, show production and concerts. The SGM LS-4.6 features 4.6mm pixel pitch, which is suitable for applications where the absolute best picture resolution and quality are required. It is recommended for applications where the viewing distance is 3 meters or more. The long-life LED system and very low pixel failure rate renders the SGM LS-4.6 very suitable for permanent installations, yet the 8.5 kg low weight easy-to-assemble units also provide a very attractive system for touring and rental use. The display can be installed quickly in a suspended mode or floor-mounted using an assembly frame.



166 LS-4.6 panels on the Ferrari stand, Geneva 2013

126 LS-4.6 panels divided into 5 screens at Unica Video Studio, Italy


TLD·612 TOURING LED DRIVER The TLD-612 Touring LED driver has specifically been designed for powering and driving the LB-100 LED balls and the LT-100/LT-200 graphic tubes. The driver’s six outputs can control up to 6 x 8 pcs. LB-100 strings or 6 pcs. of LT-100 or 6 pcs. of LT-200. Maximum total power consumption is 360W and each LED pixel uses 3 DMX channels. The TLD-612 is IP65 rated for both indoor and outdoor application, and uses 2 DMX universes in 5pin XLR.

TLD·612 A TOURING LED DRIVER - ART-NET The TLD-612A offers all the same features and driving capabilities as the regular TLD-612, with the variation of offering an Ethernet EJ45 Artnet interface instead of regular 5-pin XLR DMX interface.

The output of the TLD-612A is completely individually configurable by software, which makes it possible to send any channel range in any universe to each output. The Artnet interface is especially designed for high-speed / high-flow DMX, and thereby making it a perfect match for pixel mapping. This makes the TLD-612A suitable for applications that require numerous DMX universes, at a cost-efficient level. This driver ensures quick and easy installation for touring.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 715 x 80 x 182mm Weight: 4 kg Installation Orientation: Any IP Rating IP65 Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Maximum Power Consumption: 360 W (max)


Connections / Signal source (TLD-612) Signal source: USITT DMX 512A DMX Data input: locking 5-pin XLR male sockets Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets Connections / Signal source (TLD-612A) Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets

ILD INSTALLATION LED DRIVER The ILD, Installation LED Driver, shares the majority of the features of the TLD-612A, but has a smaller and more compact power supply, which makes it suitable for permanent installations, where a small physical footprint is required. The ILD is capable of driving either 6 pcs. of LT-100 tubes, 3 pcs. of LT-200 tubes or 3 pcs. of full length LB-100 strings (8 pcs. of LB-100 pr. string). The ILD is also IP65 rated and has daisy-chainable Ethernet for Artnet input, and it has a power consumption of maximum 120W. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 258 x 65 x 116 mm Weight: 2.1 kg Installation Orientation: Any Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Power Consumption: 120 W (max)

IP Rating IP65 Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Artnet Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RS765 sockets

A路4 ART-NET TO DMX CONVERTER The A-4 is a universal high-speed 4 port Art-Net to DMX converter. It is designed to be a very cost-effective, but high quality product, which can compete with the best performing products on the market today. The A-4 Art-Net to DMX converter is 100% configurable by software to listen to any Art-Net universe on any subnet, and output this to any of the 4 DMX ports. Furthermore, the A-4 is designed especially for high-performance pixel-mapping applications, which makes it perfect for use in applications where many Art-Net universes are required. The housing of the A-4 is extremely compact and rugged and is designed for touring as well as fixed installations.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 95 x 65 x 115mm Weight: 0,7 kg

Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Power Consumption: 10 W (max)

Installation Orientation: Any

Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors DMX Outputs: 5-pin neutrik locking-DMX

IP Rating IP20


SGM ACCESSORIES MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE X, P & Q SERIES The BCC mounting brackets, which can be ordered as an accessory, adds a whole range of rigging, hanging and suspension opportunities to the fixture. The simple and clever use of quarter turn brackets makes the mounting of the fixture easy. After the mounting of the fixture, it can be hung from the ceiling, wall or floor via wires, truss or fixed to a pole in almost any desirable position. The BCC-2 and BCC-4 is an accessory for all the following products: X-5, XC-5, P-5, P-5 W, P-5 TW, Q-7, Q-7 W. The BCC-2 dual bracket will hold up to 2 fixtures

The BCC-4 quad bracket will hold up to 4 fixtures

MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE SIXPACK The horizontal hanging bracket is an accessory for the SP-6, SixPack, which enables you to mount up to 8 pcs. of SP-6 horizontally hanging from beneath each other. The horizontal bracket features 2 pcs. of adjustable brackets for holding any standard G-hook or any type of half coupler clamp for mounting on any truss size. The SP-6 horizontal bracket will hold up to 8 fixtures


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

364-year-old castle meets modern P-5 technology Ulfsunda Slott, situated near Stockholm’s city centre in Sweden, is a castle with much history and numerous anecdotes. Built during the Thirty Years’ War, and having been used by royalty, the history of this castle is indeed a rich one. The castle has been in the possession of private families, a prime minister, the county council and has now returned to private ownership — furniture designer from Svensk Inredning (Swedish Interior) Torbjörn Blomqvist, who initiated a major renovation upon the acquisition in 1999. Now the 1600’s have met the 2000s in an amazing contrast, and the castle is now ranked as Sweden’s number one luxury hotel, featuring facilities for art showrooms, conferences and restaurants.

bright SGM P-5 wash light was the right solution for this installation, despite – and possibly because of – its small footprint. With a convinced customer, just four units were needed Pelle Nyström for this fixed installation, CEO of MegaEl AB lighting up the entire front and rear of the castle. The mounting positions were fixed on the roof of the adjacent annex buildings, meeting another obstacle of providing a powerful light output from a distance. However, as stated by SGM Sweden’s Mikael Uddh; “I had no doubt that the P-5 was the right product for this installation and it certainly overcame each challenge”.

In this unique environment, every detail is of high importance. The illumination of the castle by night has been a challenging task for Blomqvist, and for the owner of design and installation company MegaEl AB, Pelle Nyström. With previous tests of other equipment resulting in rejection due to the size of the fixtures and their low output, Nyström looked for an innovative solution and came into contact with SGM. SGM Sweden conducted an onsite test together with MegaEl to prove to Blomqvist that the

MegaEl takes pride in its professional role as advisor, finding attractive and intelligent solutions to clients’ lighting problems. As a first hands-on with SGM’s products, the owner of MegaEl was very pleased with the experience. Nyström was in particular excited about the W-DMX of the P-5 and comments: “I was stunned when I saw the output of the P-5 and it’s nice that it has built-in wireless receivers, simplifying installations in old buildings as Ulfsunda Slott, where pulling new cables are not always permitted.”


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

X-5/P-5 BLAST OFF IN SWITZERLAND Winkler turn to SGM LED wash lights for new Basel exhibition hall. Within five months of taking on the distribution of SGM in Switzerland, the long-serving ASL Electronic has already introduced another stalwart company, Winkler Multi Media Events, to the new LED culture of the Danish lighting giants. According to ASL’s CEO and founder, David B. Scherz, “It was a strategic decision to take on SGM at the end of 2012 and we are delighted by the initial response.” “Due to our long term relationship with many customers in Switzerland we introduced the brand via a selective private roadshows and are now holding weekly workshops all over the country as well as sending out sample units.” One of the first companies to see the new product showcase was Winkler. “It was the first

company we visited and they were immediately interested in the X-5 [white strobe] and P-5 [high-powered wash light],” reports Scherz. “The technical people at Winkler had prior knowledge about the SGM products, but it was the combination of ASL and SGM’s support that brought about the breakthrough.” Winkler Multi Media Events director, Serafino Melloni, confirmed that as a result, his company had invested in 24 X-5 strobes. “With this quantity, we are the leading provider of this model in Switzerland,” he said. More importantly the new low profile, lightweight and infinitely less power hungry LED strobes will be a straight replacement for the old technology industry standard strobes — and continues a gradual conversion to LED technology initiated by Winkler back in 2007. “We liked the very high efficiency and control features of the X-5 which ensures consistency throughout recurring productions.” But an equal success — for both ASL Electronic and Winkler Multi Media Events — has been the new P-5 wash light. Says David Scherz, “Most of the time when we send a sample of the P-5 out we do not get it back — which means it has become our best-selling item. It’s the right product at the right time.” Technical Manager and light designer Roni Huber agrees, as Winkler has invested in 30 P-5 RGBW and 35 P-5 TW (tunable white) fixtures for a major installation project, after carrying out extensive tests. Appraising the unit, he says, “We loved its sleek and plain design, its light weight — half that of its direct competitor — its extraordinary brightness and lower power consumption than the product we compared it with.” These will go straight into the new Event Hall Basel — part of the overall renewal of the Messe Basel exhibition area — with the outstanding new buildings designed by world famous architects Herzog & de Meuron. The new hall was fully equipped by the end of May … shortly before the general assembly of MCH, the Swiss Exhibition Group.

David B. Scherz, ASL’s CEO and founder. Mr Serafino Melloni (Head SU Materials & Logistics) of Winkler Multi Media Events.


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

SGM on Tour in Germany SGM TOUR LIST


X-5 & P-5 / X-5 & XC-5 Rock am Ring - June 7-9 X-5 & P-5 Rock im Park - June 7-9 X-5 & XC-5 Greenfield Festival - June 13-15 X-5, XC-5, SixPacks, P-5 Hurricane Festival - June 21-13 X-5, XC-5, SixPacks, P-5 Southside Festival - June 21-23 SixPacks Deichbrand Festival - July 18-21 X-5, XC-5, SixPacks, P-5 M’era Luna Festival - August 10-11 SixPacks Highfield Festival - August 16-18 X-5, XC-5, SixPacks, P-5 Chiemsee Rocks - August 21 X-5, XC-5, SixPacks, P-5 Rock am See - September 21


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

Mayday 2013 - n

XC-5 x 48 pcs

German Mega Rave Party in Dortmund integrates 48 SGM XC-5 RGB Colour Strobes into main arena lighting design. Some 23,000 dance fans partied all night long to the sounds of more than 54 internationally renowned DJs, including top names such as Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren, Carl Cox and Sven Väth. Production company schoko pro installed more than 360 tonnes of audio visual equipment for the party, designing a 4-fingered Truss-Claw and a Monster-Mirrorball as the major centerpiece


from the ceiling. A special trick was the ability to move and tilt the Claw above the audience’s heads, to create permanently changing lighting effects. Lighting designer Thomas Gerdon, who was responsible for the design of the main floor for the second time, knows the key ingredients for such mega techno events and how to enthuse the masses. However, a lot of restraint and sensitivity is also required, to avoid drowning the dancers in a blizzard of uncoordinated lighting. Speaking about the concept of his design and how he managed the show via five grandMA

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

never stop raving

consoles at front of house, Thomas Gerdon said: “This year I focused on LED screens and effects. That’s why the shape and flexibility of the trussing was so important – they become as architecturally intrinsic to the look as an any of the lighting objects.

compared to a conventional Xenon, with far fewer cables. We have an incredible output and very fast RGB colour mixing and changing, that gives us strobe effects never previously seen; it is very different from what has been possible in the past.“

“My lighting design follows two general principles: While the DJ is mixing, I need an atmosphere resembling a disco … darkish but with pulsing strobes as a climax. But at the same time, I need the feeling of a large indoor event, such as when live acts are performing.”

SGM’s German MDs, Thorsten Sattler and Michael Herweg, certainly have nothing to add to that endorsement other than “Strobe, Strobe, Strobe”. Says Sattler, “Everything else is done by your brain — and that switches to autopilot mode at 140 BPM! It’s the ultimate ejector into orbit!“

“The XC-5s are first choice for several reasons: they require only a third of the energy needed

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SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

SGM Expands the Collection of Pop Art

Danish pop-artist

Martin Pop


Many new artworks have been added to the portfolio of SGM’s pop art, which now displays the entire new line of SGM products in reinterpreted environments.

goal was to make an aesthetic, but debatable, collection for the new products that would be unlike any usual display of lighting fixtures in the industry.

Six months’ ago, when SGM decided to initiate a modern collection of artworks manifesting the innovation of the new SGM product line, the

This collection completes the new product line – for now! But expect more to follow as various upcoming SGM products are developed.

SGM NEWS No. 3 2013


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

WHITE LIGHT ADDS SGM P-5 LED WASH TO HIRE INVENTORY Long-standing London-based lighting specialists, White Light, have become the first UK company to invest in SGM’s new IP65-rated P-5 LED wash light to boost its hire fleet. The agreement to supply 24 of the high power, low profile rectangular fixtures, was confirmed at this month’s ABTT Show in London. Incorporating 44 x RGBW 10W LEDs, the fixture offers CTC and White Balance control, with just 450W power consumption and LED source life expectancy of 50,000 hours. Stretching the output-toconsumption envelope by providing an overall efficacy factor of 52 lumens per watt (channelled through the narrow, medium and wide lens options) the green credentials of the P-5 raise the benchmark considerably. Said SGM UK’s Ian Kirby, “This is a highly significant sale for us as it is the first substantial P-5 rental sale — and to one of the industry leaders. Given that White Light also distribute major lighting brands, it is extremely pleasing that they have chosen SGM, and a high premium product such as the P-5.” Kirby added that it also rekindled a relationship

Dave Isherwood

with White Light’s Hire & Technical Director, Dave Isherwood that began two decades ago. The latter explained that the P-5’s had been on his radar prior to this spring’s prolight+sound Show in Frankfurt. “But that show gave me the first opportunity to see them ‘in the flesh’. I then took a good look at them back at base under demo conditions — with various internal and external designers.” His verdict was that they would be ideal for a number of key markets. “We’ve had designers looking for punchy, compact LED wash units for a while, both for use indoors and outdoors, and the feature set on the P-5, including compatibility with Wireless Solution’s wireless DMX, fits perfectlyinto our existing inventory. “We therefore expect them to work across a number of our key markets, including the Corporate and Live Event markets, dry hire and concert touring.”


SGM NEWS No. 3 2013

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SGM distributors North America


Canada - S.F. Marketing Inc.

Bulgaria - Music Center Ikonomov Ltd

Cuba - Beta Music SA

Czech Republic - Dancefloor S.R.O


Finland - Noretron Communication Oy

USA - PRG Global

France - Sonoss

USA - Upstaging Inc.

Germany & Austria - SGM Deutschland GmbH

USA - Creative Stage Lighting Co., Inc.

Hungary - Zaj System House Trading Ltd Co

USA - Legend Theatrical

Italy - SGM Technology for Lighting S.r.l. Norway - AVAB CAC AS

Latin America

Poland - PROLIGHT sp. z.o.o.

Brazil - LBO Lighting Commercia e Importacao e

Portugal - LightSet

Exportacao Ltda

Romania - PSI, Professional Sound Impact

Cuba - Beta Music SA


Dominican Republic - All Tradig Worldwide Inc.

Sweden - SGM Sweden AB

Mexico - Representaciones de Audio S.A. De C.V.

Switzerland - ASL Electronic AG/SA The Netherlands - Sales-all BV


Turkey - Asimetrik Ses Isik Ve Goruntu Sistemleri

India - Modern Stage Services Pvt. Ltd.

UK - L.E.D. (Projects) Ltd.

Indonesia - Goshen Electronics Indonesia

UK - A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd.

Korea - C&C Lightway, Inc.

Ukraine - Art-R Sergey Rusnak

Malaysia - Octodecim Akustik Sdn. Bhd. Japan, Hong Kong - China, Philippines, Thailand,


Vietnam - SGM Light Asia Pte. Ltd.

Australia - Entertainment Technology

Singapore - Synergy AVL Pte. Ltd. UAE (Middle East Region) - TechnoPro Ltd.

Africa Egypt - Egyptian Engineering Projects Co., (QUALITY)

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