SGM News No. 8

Page 1

No. 8 2015


THE SHARD SGM impact across London skyline. See page 22

Going Green vith G-Spot See page 6


P-5 wows Swedish Opera See page 29

See page 11 New Intelligent Rail & Down Lights See page 52 Light Is Everything See page 64

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Grounded but Moving in a High Pace SGM can now celebrate its three years anniversary as a Danish company, though having the in-house industry knowledge of over one hundred years. And a lot have happened over these three years as the brand, our corporate structure, our market share and our partner network have grown and strengthened. We have established many new close business collaborations across the globe, dedicated to communicate the values and visions of SGM – as an extension of our headquarters. We have been well-received on the US market with our local subsidiary which recently opened in Orlando – strongly equipped to support the many inquiries through stock and technical service. We have newly introduced our Area Manager for Latin America, as SGM’s Ben Díaz is now based out of Mexico adding local presence to his skilled expertise as lighting designer. We have established our niche specializing in emerging LED technology and IP65 maintenance-free products, ensuring the optimal equipment for the real lighting artists of our industry. We have set the bar high and reinforced the true meaning of the word ‘service’ as firm believers in offering fast and on-time assistance for any SGM user to achieve the highest possible level of customer satisfaction. We are repeatedly being selected for prominent architectural installations such as The Shard, National Theatre, The Royal Danish Opera House, The European Parliament, Inno Building and UNESCO headquarters. We have launched a full product line of professional LED luminaires, complementing yet never cannibalising each other. We keep developing state-of-the-art products, intended to fulfill unexplored needs on the market. This magazine actually includes a few novelties to the SGM range… At Prolight+Sound, we are launching the groundbreaking G-1 product series consisting initially of a beam and a wash. Key words: LED; powerful output; wireless luminaires; and battery-driven compact units with a functionality of 10-12 hours! And I say ‘we’ for all these actions, as at SGM we are a unity of countless efforts; we are a SGM family of dedicated and visionary members. And you are our top priority!

Peter Johansen

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

CONTENTS SGM NEWS No. 8 2015 International Year of Light off to a bright start with 4 Going Green with 6 Taking green to a higher level with 8 We take Service to the Next 10 G-1 11 P-5 washes water fountains for The Circle of 14 SGM aids EOCELL with Ostrava’s Christmas tree 16 SGM high lumen for the great 17 G-Spot animation for Paris ice 18 LT-200 3D luminosity at Berges de 19 Vortex lighting joins SGM’s growing UK rental 20 LED Ball Ambience for Rock Band 21 The Shard celebrates New Year with light spectacle in the 22 Golden Gramophone goes LED with 24 The Ultimate Party Run with the Ultimate P-5 25 P-5s help improve the visitor 26 Visual Effects for Infrastructural 28 P-5 wows Swedish 29 G-Spot takes in the Roller Coaster Capital of the 30 SGM pixel tubes enter Brain Science 32 SGM sets the trend for Indonesian TV 34 In the light of the 35 Danish Music Awards meets 50s Hollywood 36 LED tubes ensure a winter wonderful stage for Danish TV 37 Massive SGM LED Package for Renovation 38 Alpine Ski Championships profit from SGM 40 SGM lights up Finnish Ski 42 P-5 elected for European 43 SixPack as essential ingredient in Indoor Windsurfing World 44 SGM LED screens provide ease and elegance for comedy 46 Impact joins the growing roster of SGM P-5 48 SGM conquers the elements at Osnabrück Moonlight Shopping 49 SGM announces stronger presence in the Americas at 50 SGM Launches New Intelligent Rail & Down 52 Kongsted’s dimensional 54 Ben Diaz to head up SGM in South 56 SGM LED screens provide perfect definition for Foo 57 SGM brings Cambridge e-Luminate Festival to 59 The P-5 is Dreamfields’ dream scenario come 60 Enlightened makes immediate impact with new SGM 62 Light Is 64 New launch - R-2 RGBW, R-2 W-3000K, R-2 68 The Q-2 & Q-2 70 The 71 The 72 The 75 The 77 The P-5 W & P-5 79 The Q-7 & Q-7 80 The 81 The 82 The 83 84 LT-100 / 85 86 87 LS-3.75 & 88 LS-6.67 & 89 90 91 Barndoors & Accessory Holders, 92 Floor Stands, Rigging Booms, Test 93 Flight 94 Lens 95 96 DMX & 97 Follow us 99 SGM distributors 100 The SGM News magazine is published by: SGM A/S · Sommervej 23 · 8210 Aarhus · Denmark · Tel: +45 70 20 74 00 · Inquiries, correspondence, articles and photographs for consideration should be directed to: © Copyright SGM A/S 2015 · All rights reserved by SGM A/S Editor and editorial text: Marketing Coordinator, Lene Rix Additional copy: Freelance copywriter, Jerry Gilbert and Marketing Assistant, Maria Møller Nielsen Design and Graphics: Graphic Designer, Franz Fau All facts, content and stories are collected from SGM end-users, distributors and subsidiaries.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

International Year of Light off to a bright start with SGM

P-5 x 130 pcs

G-Spot x 14 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Extensive SGM package illuminates UNESCO for the opening ceremony The World Heritage Centre, UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris, was bathed in light from SGM for the two nights of the opening ceremony of the International Year of Light. Finnish lighting artist and designer Kari Kola prepared a full concept design including light, video and music for a spectacular light display for the iconic Fontenoy building during the ceremony. This launched an initiative intended to raise global awareness about the importance of light for the future and for the development of society. 1500 people attended this ceremony including leading diplomats, scientific societies and technology platforms from around the world for a multitude of lectures.

In his abstract light creation, the P-5 LED wash light played the leading role, spiced up with elements from the G-Spot moving head. “The purpose was to break the surface with gobo animation and video content,” he says, adding his appreciation of the effects provided by the SGM luminaires. “Everything had to be IP65 rated, and I needed lots of power and a good saturation of colours, so these units were perfect for the job.”

Light Is Here For Kola’s installation, titled “Light Is Here”, no fewer than 130 SGM P-5 wash lights and 14 G-Spot moving heads were deployed together with another 70 LED based fixtures and 12 video projectors. “I wanted to reflect the most powerful elements of natural light, Aurora Borealis (Northern light) and sunrise, bringing in the North and the nature to the opening ceremony,” Kola explains. The 360 degree installation thus swathed the building in blues and greens contrasting the warm colours of the sunrise and accompanied by music composed by the designer himself. Unquestionably, the project presented a comprehensive task, where Kola was faced with a tight timetable as well a monumental building.

UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris

The smoothness of colours and dimming, together with the powerful output of the SGM fixtures, won Kola over in his selection of the lighting equipment, and having completed the project he is left with a beautiful piece of work that has received nothing but positive comments. This could just be the beginning of Kola’s relationship with SGM. “I aim to work with the best units there are, so I think I will be using SGM products again,” he reveals. “There might be some really nice projects coming up in the near future.”


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Going Green with G-Spot 12 G-Spots for Greenpeace campaign on renewable energy For the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s gathering in Copenhagen, Greenpeace saw an ideal opportunity to emphasise the need for the world to change into 100% renewable energy in the future and demonstrate how this is actually possible. G-Spot x 12 pcs While the panel wrote and published the latest research on impact of human made climate changes, and their solutions how to mitigate and counter these impacts, Greenpeace launched a highly visible and eye-catching campaign, projecting the official Danish targets of 100% renewable energy by 2050 onto four wind turbines, with the assistance of ÅF Lighting and SGM’s LED moving head.

The Electrical and Lighting Engineer of ÅF Lighting, Frederik W. Borello comments: “We quickly reached out to SGM to conduct a lighting test with two SGM G-Spot moving heads.” During this test they established how to frame the light output and how to design the gobos to obtain the best result.” For each of the four windmills three G-Spots were deployed: one for the graph, one for the year and one for the lines. And the custom-made gobos for the 12 G-Spots were only delivered just days before the project deadline.

The realisation

“We are familiar with SGM fixtures after using them on other projects and we are very content with both the quality and the service of the products. From the beginning, we had a clear expectation that the G-Spot would be the right fixture to solve this task,” says Frederik W. Borello.

ÅF Lighting were optimistic in their acceptance to carry out this project, despite having only two weeks to realise it. Based on the specific

The tight time frame and the soft terrain were the biggest challenges for ÅF Lighting, while the weather conditions were out of their

Greenpeace’s project leader Esben Sloth explains: “We wanted the light projection to be very accurate, with sharp lines and figures, in order to make the wind turbines look like a graph.”


requirements from Greenpeace, ÅF Lighting carried out project design, planning and coordination, custom design of gobos as well as installation and execution of the lighting event – all in record time.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Photos: Greenpeace/Christian Åslund

control. Successfully achieving the objectives and meeting the expectations of Greenpeace, everyone was fortunate to meet with a starry night for the photo shoot.

The G-Spot effect “We are very impressed with the G-Spot moving head. Being IP65, makes it much easier for us to deploy outdoor for illumination of architectural structures and urban spaces. It is remarkable how precisely the patterns are defined with sharp edges and without any corona while the zoom effect and focus of the gobos runs smoothly. Also, the colour mix is exceptionally even,” Frederik W. Borello states, while also eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new G-Profile with framing shutters. The green colouration of the windmills was selected by Greenpeace to visualise the green policy of Denmark, and the G-Spot helped make this perfectly bright. Esben Sloth was also very impressed with the results from using the SGM G-Spot moving heads. “The projection fully lived up to our expectations.” He continues: “We were happy that this could be done with LED light since it consumes much less power than conventional light and we always try to minimise our own

carbon footprint in our operations and projects. We think that it is great that a company like SGM prefers LED light above conventional light and thereby also contributes to the necessary reduction of CO2 when conducting light events.” Both parties were highly satisfied with the projection and overwhelmed with positive feedback on the beautiful, futuristic windmills. “It is amazing to see how little is needed to completely change the character of a location through light setting. We are going to progress with this potential for future installations especially for the permanent architectural and urban installations we are currently establishing in Denmark, Norway and Sweden,” says Frederik W. Borello. ÅF Lighting enjoyed their role in this project — both for the realisation of this type of lighting event and the participation in spreading the message on green energy in a visual interpretation of Denmark’s target for future energy consumption. Rounding up, Esben Sloth concludes: “We succeeded in telling the story about Denmark’s means of becoming 100% energy renewable by 2050 to the rest of the world.”


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Taking green to a higher level with SGM

Photos: FotogeNicco

P-5 x 24 pcs

G-Spot x 6 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Green Building uses LED from SGM The opening of ÅF’s new office building in Gothenburg was marked by a spectacular light show, putting the 66 metre high building on the map. For one evening the façades of ÅF’s new domicile were staged with a combination of colours, graphical pattern and images expressing ÅF’s values in a festive manner. Being Skanska’s third most eco-friendly building in the Gothenburg region and having received Platinum environmental certification by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), it was important to ÅF Lighting to further communicate and demonstrate its green values. Selected for this purpose as the newest and most energy efficient LED fixtures on the market were the P-5 wash light and G-Spot moving head from SGM.

“Through lighting calculations in DIALUX, we were able to determine the optimum placement of the fixtures. The combination of the P-5 wash lights in various beam angles of 15˚, 21˚ and 43˚ resulted in a very strong setting with a uniform lighting level on the entire façade”, explains Frederik W. Borello, Electrical and Lighting Engineer at ÅF Lighting. 24 P-5 RGBW wash lights and six G-Spot LED moving heads, plus another six luminaires were all that ÅF Lighting needed for this grand display. “With LED fixtures well suited for exterior architectural lighting and with a high Lumen/Watt efficiency, we were able to drive down the number of fixtures to a minimum. At the same time, we utilised the SGM luminaires’ integrated wireless DMX receivers, which proved extremely useful and saved us a lot of cabling,” says Frederik. Together with his Danish-based colleague Franziska Holmsted, Frederik was responsible for coordination, planning and design of the illumination of the Green Building, while Hampus Sjöström from the Gothenburg office coordinated tasks on location. Live Media Group supplied lamps and video materials and in addition to that also programmed and executed the event. “We also received professional assistance from both SGM in Denmark and in Sweden, which helped ensure the great result.” Besides the appreciation of the nearly 1,300 engineers who work in the office building, and the citizens of Gothenburg who could see the display from afar, this festive project has become a solid reference for ÅF Lighting, resulting in many new local lighting assignments.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

We Take Service to the Next Level Service First At SGM we have a ‘Bible’. This states that the customer is our most important asset. We know the importance of receiving on-time and quality customer service and we put much effort into ensuring that this is indeed what our customers take with them after having contacted SGM.

Return Materials Authorization Repairing products is a service we provide. Our most qualified and experienced technicians carry out thorough fault detection of our customers’ products. Product Training At SGM’s HQ we offer technical product training as part of our International Training Academy. The seminars are often related to a specific product group; however, feel free to contact us for specific inquiries or further information and dates. Dedicated Team SGM’s Service Team consists of dedicated people with great experience within the industry as well as within customer service. Our network is global, our organization is solid and we focus on building strong relations with our customers.

To enhance service consistently across the customer base, SGM gives full priority to improving areas within our service units. We follow our products from in-house production to deployment in the field, which includes servicing the fixtures and offering constantly enhanced technical documentation. Support 24/7 At SGM we want to offer an exceptional responsiveness. Therefore, you can contact us 24/7 on the European or US support phone for an immediate handling of all issues, with a goal to resolve the matters with in 24 hours.

SGM International Technical support: Phone: 24/7 Hotline +45 3840 3840 SGM US Technical support: Phone: 24/7 Hotline +1 877 225-3882

Spare Part Handling When a spare part is needed, it is urgent. Therefore, our goal is to handle and ship spare parts with 48 hours of your request. Sourcing of the best possible spare parts at the most cost-effective prices is a primary focus of ours.


Your Feedback is Important We want an open dialogue with our customers. We want to know your priorities and wishes in order to adapt our service performances to your needs. We want to create value for you and achieve the best possible customer satisfaction. Contact us for any inquiry at

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

“18 years ago, I presented what was to become the biggest success in the history of moving light; a luminaire that came to set the standard as the world’s most important and best-selling moving head. Though I no longer claim ownership of this fixture, I remain proud of the achievement. Now, 18 years later, I am presenting my new baby to the world. The G-1 is nothing less of a true revolution within moving lights! However, I am not the only father of this sensation; I have gathered my team from back in the days. Thus, multiple genes have been passed on to the G-1, which has emerged from passion, knowhow and hard work and transformed into a technology breaking moving head.”

G·1 Beam 11

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

No strings attached:

The G·1 Beam With the ground-breaking G-1 Beam moving head, SGM has succeeded in offering numerous cutting-edge features in a physically compact chassis. A sharply defined, flat and uniform beam that operates rapidly in every movement provides intense mid-air beam effects through a high power white LED light source and a colour wheel as well as a gobo wheel. The results are high contrast levels and an extreme brightness. Adding to its uniqueness, this moving head is not only IP65-rated and maintenance-free, but also offers the exclusive choice of being either battery-driven with an impressive 10-12 hours operation in typical use or being connected wired mains power. It provides a staggering output of 61,910 lux at a 3-metre distance and a colour temperature of 6,500K on pure white light. The G-1 is equipped with a 2.8˚ fixed beam angle; however, it can LUX diagram 2.8o

200 mm 100 mm 0 100 mm 200 mm

2.86o 3M 61910 LUX

5M 22620 LUX

7M 11620 LUX

10M 5657 LUX

deliver an aperture zoom adjustable down to 0.3˚. Its motorized focus is both fast and precise. Using USITT standard DMX512, the G-1 can be controlled via wireless DMX or via cabling. The G-1 comes in two varieties: with or without the base unit. With the base, usability is diverse as a battery can be inserted and thus positioning is independent from any power source proximity, and the IP rating ensures no need of bulky domes for outdoor application. Without the base, the G-1 can be mounted onto the ceiling or a rig in e.g. a club environment for that powerful and bright beam effect that operates in high speed movements using an external power supply.


Without the base, the G-1 can be mounted onto the ceiling or a rig.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

The G-1 features a gobo wheel of 19 gobos + oscillation effect + open and a colour wheel of 14 colours + open that add further dimensions and dynamics to this compact moving head, which is expanded by attributes such as gobo shake function, split colour effects and continuous clockwise and counter-clockwise pan rotation. The gobo projection of the G-1 is outstanding for a beam fixture as it is very crisp and detailed.


The G-1 is a lightweight luminaire, weighing only 9.1 kg/20 lbs. including its batteries. It can operate in extreme temperatures from -10˚C to 40˚C in all kinds of weather. The movement operation of this moving head demonstrates a stunning ongoing and speedy performance with a smooth pan response adding continuous bidirectional rotation and a tilt range up to 240˚, which for example makes it perfect as a supplement to any stage light set where the sharp beams resemble laser beams. Furthermore, SGM has introduced a patent pending position pre-set programming for the G-1 making it exceptionally easy to control and programme.

G-1 Beam advantages

High applicability

High power white LED light source

Outdoor events

Sharply defined beam in speedy operation


IP65-rated and maintenance-free

Shopping centres



Super narrow beam for punchy midair effects or extreme range gobo projection


Any event requiring gobo projections

Choice of on-board battery power with a functionality of 10-12 hours or wired mains power

Concerts and tour productions

Shops and showrooms

Choice of wired or wireless DMX

Red-carpet shows

Patent pending position pre-set programming

TV productions

High contrast levels and extreme brightness



Fast and precise motorized focus

Lightweight and compact design

Infinite continuous bidirectional quick rotation in pan and 240˚ in tilt

Gobo wheel with 19 gobos + oscillation effect + open

Colour wheel with 14 colours + open

Low power consumption of max. 60W

2.8˚ beam angle with an aperture zoom adjustable down to 0.3˚



SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

P-5 washes water fountains for The Circle of Light SGM’s P-5 wash lights demonstrated their

Anton, explains: “This is our first experience in

applicability as waterproof luminaires at the

using LED light for creating a wash effect on the water. Previously, we have not found such a fixture in our rental market with this huge light output. All our previous attempts have been unsuccessful and for many years we have only used conventional lights.”

International Festival of Light in Moscow in 2014. Fountain specialist Aqua-Show was tasked with installing two lines of fountains and creating a 3D world of water for laser projection. They needed to illuminate the fountains with water reaching heights up to 30 meters; and for that they selected the powerful RGBW P-5.

The multishow took place at the Ostankino Tower, Russia’s national TV building for Channel







1, returning for the fourth time to the city of

engineer of the fountain system, Korzakov

Moscow. One fountain complex measured 18 meters in length, equipped with 16 P-5s and installed on the stage, while the other was 52 meters, equipped with 26 P-5s and installed on the lake 30 meters behind the stage.


Rental company Spin Music Service supplied the 42 LED fixtures matching all the requirements of Aqua-Show. “The light weight of the P-5

influenced our decision as well as the huge light output, but the main and favourite feature of the P-5 is the IP65-rating, as they are exposed to water from the fountains and the fixtures had to work a full week in these conditions,” informs Anton. The lighting designer has previously seen the P-5 in use for architectural installations, but never before in connection with water, and the result was stunning and received great reviews. Famous




designer entire





comprising water, laser and pyrotechnic shows as well as artists and water performances, culminating in a beautiful fireworks display.

P-5 x 42 pcs

Photo courtesy of Aqua-Show (


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM aids EOCELL with Ostrava’s Christmas tree illumination

Every year on the first Sunday in Advent the Christmas tree in Ostrava‘s Masaryk Square in the Czech Republic is officially switched on. LB-100 x 192 pcs The event proves extremely popular as it is always combined with cultural events, while an outdoor ice skating rink, situated next to the stage, is a further incentive. Around 4,000 people attended the official illumination, and after a short firework display they watched a 5-minute long light show, programmed by lighting designer Lukáš Kostřiba, and heavily featuring SGM effect, provided by EOCELL Investment s.r.o. Once again, this company was deeply involved in both the design and supply of the entire architectural and decorative lighting system. The design utilized no fewer than 1344 SGM LB100 LED Balls — an increase on last year. Each LED Ball utilises RGB colours to give the designer vast creativity, enabling him to develop millions of different colour combinations, under the command of four LED drivers. The entire DMX set-up was programmed in MA Lighting software MA on PC connected to 2portNode. Everyone enjoyed the evening and joined along with local popular artist, Martin Chodur, in singing Christmas songs and carols.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM high lumen for the great decibels Belgian television show, D6BELS on stage, welcomes various artists for live performances combined with in-depth interviews hosted by the famous French DJ Quentin Mosimann. JeanJacques Marotte is the main lighting designer for RTBF (la Radio Télévision Belge Francophone) and for the show D6BELS on stage he is both involved





concerning the set and decoration design as well as being lighting designer. Recordings for the music television program takes place at an old farm around Louvain-La-

Besides the 60 LT-200, he also uses the new

Neuve and it is Jean-Jacques’ role to transmit

and small footprinted P-2 wash lights and Q-2

and underline the atmosphere – conveying the

flood/blinder/strobes. “I used the P-2 for the

feeling to the viewers in the privacy of their own

first time in October 2014 – they came straight from the SGM warehouse. For the second set of recordings, I used the Q-2 which amazed me even more. I love working with SGM products, especially the LT-200. You can do so much with them and they look really cool on a television set and through the camera lens,” he concludes.

living rooms. “I want to visualise the coziness

and intimacy of the old farm and yet create a special ambience for every performing artist,” Jean-Jacques informs. The lighting designer is no novice in deploying the SGM LT-200 2-metre LED tubes, which he has previously utilised as ceiling centerpiece for another television show among other events.

LT-200 x 60 pcs

However, for this production he took a new approach to the 3D graphic tubes and floor mounted them. This idea came from supplier and


Q-2 x 10 pcs

fellow lighting designer Christian Stenuit, and immediately Jean-Jacques loved the concept.

P-2 x 20 pcs


Photos: Kmeron


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

G-Spot animation for Paris ice rink Every year, Mairie de Paris (Paris City Hall) turns the square in front of the building into an ice rink for the citizens of Paris to enjoy ice skating during the winter. This year technical audiovisual specialist, NOVELTY Group, decided to add enhancements to the traditional Christmas animation on the ice rink, and after conducting stringent testing on the SGM G-Spot LED moving head, placing it under a shower for three days, they were convinced by the IP-rating of the luminaire. G-Spot x 6 pcs

Supported by Sonoss, SGM’s local partner, this year’s festive installation went very smoothly.



“This is typically the kind of site where it would have been very hard and expensive to install waterproof domes to protect standard moving lights, and thus making advanced animation impossible,” says Vincent Criulanscy, Product & Project Manager at Sonoss. He further adds that domes do not protect against moisture and thereby corrosion inside fixtures, and why permanent maintenance would have been required, which could only have been achieved at night time. This costly affair is avoided by deploying of the only IP65 moving head on the market. “It is very noticeable that the 850W LED engine performs so remarkably in a very bright white environment, with a colourful output and gobo animation,” Criulanscy concludes. The six G-Spots have been running flawlessly now under cold winter conditions, and both Paris City Hall and the many daily visitors are more than satisfied with this new LED solution.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

LT-200 3D luminosity at Berges de Paris On the beautiful banks of the River Seine,

SGM’s French distributor Sonoss worked closely

between the bridges Pont de la Concorde and

with LightLab and Lumière et Son to create

Passerelle de Solférino, and close to Musée

picture-perfect effects, reflecting exactly what

d’Orsay, lies a part of Paris that is always buzzing

the concept intended to inspire. Sonoss used

with pedestrians, day and night. In this urban

Madrix to programme the show and achieve the

centre, Mairie de Paris (Paris City Hall) organised

goal of the designers.

a special Christmas lighting installation, which ran from mid-December until the end of January.

Passers by have been able to enjoy three different shows prepared for daytime, night-

Lighting designers from LightLab were looking

time or festive season for Christmas Eve and

for a solution evoking a permanent vertical flow,

New Year’s Eve.

to create a unique ‘city life’ impression. They introduced rental company, Lumière et Son, who last year brought the Hermès flagship store at Champs Elysées to life during Christmas using LB-100 LED Balls from SGM. Their suggestion to create a 3D graphic volume to inspire city movements was met with great enthusiasm by the client.

“The LT-200 was definitely the best choice to meet these requirements with their high luminosity, bright and crispy colours and the easy setup, thanks to a good pre-engineering. 3D lighting is also very attractive, as it is quite unusual to find in the townscape,” says Vincent Criulanscy, Product & Project Manager at Sonoss.

Lumière et Son prepared a full set-up consisting of pre-drilled wood risers to vertically mount

Criulanscy noticed that many people stopped to

108 SGM LT-200, 2-metre LED tubes, in a 12 by

shoot photos and video, taken by surprise by the

9 metre matrix, hiding all cabling and Art-Net

intensity of the effects. “They sometimes stay

drivers underneath. The matrix was positioned

outside in the cold to observe the full 15-minute show.”

onto a ground mirror to extend the dimension and depth of the display.

LT-200 x 108 pcs



SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Vortex lighting joins SGM’s growing UK rental portfolio British sales and rental companies are systematically falling under the spell of SGM’s groundbreaking IP65-rated LED portfolio. High up in the north east of England, Graeme Sewell first started lighting local bands around the Durham area more than 30 years ago, and after setting up Vortex Lighting was an early investor in ‘intelligent’ products. Today, Vortex Lighting supplies major hire companies and venues throughout the UK, specialising in concert touring. In the early Nineties, Graeme developed a relationship with Ian Kirby and Clive Bailey, who now head up SGM UK, and news that Peter Johansen had taken over the lighting company and relocated it to Denmark quickly ignited his interest. After making an initial investment in X-5 white LED strobes he was soon captivated by the P-5. “It was a combination of the compact form factor and high power output that impressed me and my customers — as well as the quality of the colours,” he said. “We use them for up-lighting buildings, with the standard 43° lens, but they also find regular use indoors on conferences. They also look sleek, with their low profile design — very different from the large ugly fixtures we have used in the past.” Sewell also adds that a further bonus is their wireless DMX support. “We like any products with Wireless Solutions built in, and with the impressive IP rating and support we know we would get from SGM UK, we are delighted with the investment.” But the journey with SGM is far from over as Graeme Sewell’s appetite was whet further — as with the announcement of the IP65rated G-Spot, he could immediately see huge application potential.

“SGM brought one up for us to test and we ran it against a 700W discharge; it was substantially brighter, beating it on open white as well as the colours.” “Aside from its obvious use outdoors without dome protection it is perfect for nightclub use, in smoke filled environments, since it’s a sealed unit and does not require any cleaning.” After placing his first order for G-Spot, the enquiries he received from customers in the north-east has resulted in him immediately doubling his order.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

LED Ball Ambience for Rock Band Alisa Russian hard rock band Alisa recently released

graphic LED curtain comprising a total 6,048 LED

their 21st studio album Circus. This was launched

balls. This grand setup was run off 18 drivers.

in grandiose style with a performance at the Palace of Sport in St. Petersburg, effectively simulating a circus tent experience on stage. These legends of Russian rock attracted around 8,000 fans to this special concert, and naturally the scenic dynamic had to be extraordinary.

“With the ability to control the lighting effects, we could create saturated and bright colours for a vibrant graphic element of the show,” comments Alexandr Blednykh, director of Euroshow. System engineer and console operator Alex Evstifeev deployed the principles of pixel mapping via DMX.

For their stage lighting set, the design crew, consisting of lighting designer Andrej Lukashov, production








LB-100 x 864 pcs


selected the LB-100 LED balls from SGM as their lighting centrepiece. Each LB-100 string is 0.85m long and composed of seven RGB LED balls with a pixel pitch of 120mm. Rental company Euroshow supplied the 864 strings of LB-100, creating a large-scale

“A lot of people and colleagues, who had the opportunity to evaluate our work personally or by photo and video, were impressed by the implementation of the equipment – particularly the LB-100, which made it possible to produce such beautiful scenery and mid-air dynamic effects.”


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

G-Spot x 64 pcs

Q-7 x 185 pcs

P-5 x 180 pcs

The Shard celebrates New Year with light spectacle in the sky More than 400 SGM LED luminaires provide dynamic impact across London skyline With an impressive and unprecedented light spectacle within the top 40 storeys of Western Europe’s tallest building, Shard Light demonstrated the countdown to 2015 – the UN’s International Year of Light. Every evening from December 19th culminating in a ground-breaking New Year’s Eve celebration, The Shard displayed a daily-changing lighting design across the London skyline between 5pm and midnight, utilising a substantial SGM LED product package composed of 64 units of the world’s first


IP-rated moving head LED lamp – the G-Spot, along with 185 Q-7 RGBW flood/blind/strobe luminaires and 180 P-5 wash lights. These were supplied by Production Resource Group (PRG), specialists in large-scale theatrical and stadium events, who managed the complex installation. The Shard commissioned the award winning art collective, Jason Bruges Studio (JBS), to create the astonishing ‘Shard Lights’, with Jenni Pystynen and Adam Heslop taking lead design roles. For this celebration each of the SGM luminaires provided

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

the extreme brightness and powerful output needed to create the required impact which made it visible right across London. Leading the project for PRG was Loz Wilcox, while PRG’s Head of EU Asset Management Paul Weaver confirmed that this installation required another substantial acquisition of SGM fixtures by the global company. All contributed to the layers of searchlights, sparkling strobes and dynamic colour wash, which

added dimension to the lighting display, the design of which was renewed for each of the 12 days of Christmas that the spire on the façade of London’s most iconic tower was illuminated. Irvine Sellar, The Shard’s developer and joint owner, explained his vision: “The Shard has become a beacon for modern London, and is globally recognised as an emblem of our capital. We wanted to create an unprecedented installation that takes an architectural icon and turns it into a piece of public art as a gift that every Londoner can enjoy during the festive season.” Visible across London ‘Shard Lights’ capturing the energy, dynamism and colour of the city, building to a climax on New Year’s Eve. The installation is a gift to Londoners and its visitors as a celebration of the festive period. The massive scale of this project can be put in perspective by the 310 m high (1,016 ft) building comprising Europe’s first vertical town of 72 floors holding over 30 acres of space rising up from a mere 1 acre of land. Bruges acknowledges the challenges he and his team faced. “Creating Western Europe’s highest

art installation is an enormous challenge. We were dealing with high winds and heavy equipment, but the opportunity to create something on this epic scale was worth the effort.” “Shard Lights created a theatre in the sky, and project,” he continued. “This kind of architectural scale art installation represents the type of project we thrive on at Jason Bruges Studio.” The project also represented a huge challenge for PRG, who had a crew of 60 people deployed at load in. “JBS had a good idea of where they wanted to

take the creative,” confirmed Wilcox. “With G-Spot being the first light of its kind that can be used without additional waterproofing — along with all the other IP65 fixtures that Peter Johansen is now developing — to have this weather-resistance over 1000 ft was vitally important. As a result, we have made a significant investment in SGM.” He said that having carried out the site reccy, they needed to have the right risk assessments to fulfill both their own safety requirements and those of the venue, which required a robust method statement.

“As the building is 87 storeys high this required a significant infrastructure, that was not only about the lights, but data, power, access and logistics — and the last thing you want to be doing is troubleshooting over 40 floors.” The lighting console itself was driven by another media server — all run via satellite GPS. But all the investment had proved well worthwhile. “We thought the whole show was fantastic — it looked great and most important, it happened safely,” he concluded.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Golden Gramophone goes LED with SGM Established by Russian Radio in 1996, the Golden Gramophone Award is the most prestigious music award show in the country. Recently celebrating its 15th annual event at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, rental company (and technical partner) Euroshow played the leading role developing a design conceived by the company’s Alena Morozova. Incorporated in the set were no fewer than 480 strings of SGM’s pixel product, the LB-100 LED balls. Each string contains seven semitransparent balls with a sphere of 28mm and a pixel pitch of 120mm viewable in 360˚, creating alluring 3D graphic displays. Demonstrating the magnitude of this show, the award itself is a golden gramophone statue, comprising gold and silver mounted onto a platform of optical glass with laser engravings. Experts estimate the cost of a “gramophone” to be around 1.4 thousand US dollars. On top of this, the Golden Gramophone ceremony usually utilises 36-40 tons of decorations, 500 lighting fixtures and dozens of LED screens covering 320 sq. m. — and thus it is the biggest social event for celebrities in Russia. The 7,000 people who attended this year’s Golden Gramophone were able to appreciate the lighting design of Dmitrii Shmelikov and Aleksej Evstifeev operating the SGM LB-100s via a grandMA full-size desk.

“The SGM LB-100 LED balls were chosen as the only equipment on the market that would

allow such an elegant and airy decoration. The flexibility of the system and the possibilities of its programming and management provide a wide scope of creativity,” says Alexandr Blednykh, director of Euroshow. Rental company Euroshow sees the clear advantages in deploying LED solutions for its installations. States Alexandr Blednykh: “LED is modern, colourful, compact and cost-effective!” Therefore, the LB-100 has quickly proven to be a favourite product in his stock. “On all projects where we use the LB-100, expectations are met and we are extremely satisfied.” He adds that the ease and the usability of the pixel product as well as its originality are key factors in selecting it for shows and events. A close cooperation between SGM and Euroshow is of key mutual benefit and Alexandr Blednykh appreciates the responsiveness of SGM’s local area manager Constanta Gorgan Rasmussen for any questions and support issues. Ms. Rasmussen comments: “We are happy to see so much activity on the Russian market. SGM offers an intelligent light suitable for a wide range of applications. Many thanks to Euroshow for their professional cooperation and for exploring SGM’s LED effects lighting.” Euroshow is now steadily reaping positive feedback from enthusiastic artists, musicians, organisers and viewers. “Even staff members from the Ice Palace were discussing from the sidelines this unusual and beautiful scenic decoration,” Alexandr Blednykh says in conclusion.

LB-100 x 480 pcs



SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

The Ultimate Party Run with the Ultimate P-5 Light ILLUMI RUN is the first event of its kind in Asia.

With its 44 RGBW 10W LEDs, the P-5 offers a

Taking place in Singapore, participants are

powerful output of 23,500 lumens in a small

splashed with ILLUMI glow water as they set out

physical footprint. With its robust IP65-rated

on their race route, passing through different

chassis, the P-5 will have a major impact on

colourful glowing zones before ending up at

Showmakers’ future projects. “We anticipate

the finish line. An after-party dance area then

many requests for the P-5 at outdoor fashion shows and concerts,” he predicts. “Most of our events are in open air, so the P-5 is a very suitable product for all our applications.”

features a massive assembly of DJs. For the recently held second consecutive run, event production house Showmakers Pte. Ltd. supplied P-5 wash lights from SGM, adding brightness and intensity to the party zone. Technical Director from Showmakers, Louis Wong informs: “These lightweight, versatile

and waterproof luminaires make working in the outdoors a breeze.” The P-5 wash lights were placed all around the main stage in the crowded dance area, which accommodated 18,000 people over the two nights, and Louis Wong reported positive feedback from an exhilarating outdoor party experience. Left to right - Louis Wong and SGM’s Hanslee Lim


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

P-5s help improve the visitor experience Copenhagen Central Station was recently equipped with 24 P-5 wash lights with the goal to make it more welcoming for its approximately 100,000 daily visitors. The contractor on the project was Matrix Sales ApS with Urs Friis-Alstrup as the project manager responsible for budgeting, product selection and programming. The mission was to light up the arched ceilings of the more than 100 years old railway station which consists of two 100 meters long halls; each with more than 20 meters to the ceiling. The halls are carried out in architecture and craftsmanship of the early 1900s in dark green and red colours which causes the visitor experience to be very dark and gloomy – especially during the winter. Therefore, the challenge was to create an installation with respect for and preservation of the originality of the building construction. Friis-Alstrup explains the reasons for choosing SGM’s P-5s: “We wanted to use a product with a high IP-rating, as the environment inside Copenhagen Central Station is rather rough in relations to dust and droppings from the many pigeons inside the halls. At the same time, the client also prioritised a Danish solution and the fact that we could enlighten so many square meters, using relatively few units due the latest LED technology.” He adds; “Personally, my own favourite feature of the P-5 is its simple construction and design. This in itself has made many prefer the P-5 compared to other wash lights on the market.” The key focus was to keep the lamps themselves invisible so that it was only the lighting effect, the visitors would actually be able to see. The solution was to mount the P-5s on the rooftops of the shop buildings that are located in four areas inside of the halls. All 24 units are individually mounted on a floor stand, which is provided as an accessory, and screwed onto the foundation through the four holes in its base. This placement means that the fixtures themselves are almost hidden to the daily visitors who can now enjoy the beautiful ceilings and their construction patterns and rafts. For daily lighting primary colour use is white. However, several colours are programmed into the system for the client to choose between different mood settings for instance during Christmas or for special events.

“The client is very happy with the result and is already considering to implement additional light installations. With the P-5’s we have definitely achieved the desired effect to the fullest”, FriisAlstrup concludes contentedly.


Photos: Peter Brinch

P-5 x 50 pcs

Q-7 x 90 pcs

SixPack x 60 pcs


G-Spot x 12 pcs

LT-200 x 24 pcs

Visual Effects for Infrastructural Opening Extensive IP65 SGM package makes great impact in Belgium Lighting designer Jean-Jacques Marotte was the go-to guy for event agency DDMC, when they were tasked with the production and creation of the inauguration of the new railway tunnel in the north of Antwerp. The tunnel interconnects the left and right banks of the Harbour of Antwerp, making it a very important occasion to mark, which was celebrated with a spectacular opening ceremony in December. The train arrived at the station with prominent Belgian ministers and VIPs on board to experience a live show with performers and lighting effects adding new dimensions to the outdoor railway environment. PRG Belgium was the technical supplier of video, light, sound and rigging for this impressive project and Jean-Jacques Marotte put the equipment into perfect action.

“We started the installation one week in advance. It was extremely cold during the build-up period. These extreme weather circumstances were the reason I chose SGM products, besides their excellent output and performance,” informs Jean-Jacques. The extensive SGM package consisted of 50 P-5 wash lights, 90 Q-7 flood/blind/strobes, 60 SixPack blinders, 12 G-Spot moving heads and 24 LT-200 LED tubes. Jean-Jacques explains: “The Q-7s and P-5s were used at the exit of the tunnel due to their wide reach illuminating


the background, the setting and creating the ambiance. I used SixPacks in the tunnel to create the chases alongside the train, and G-Spots on the containers outside because they are perfectly IP65. This was simply the only option for a moving head without having to use a dome. And then last but not least the LT-200s were used as decoration on the platform.” With the security of the IP rating of the SGM luminaires, the setup went smoothly and the execution was well-received by all attendees, the event agency and the end-customer. This is the second Public-Private Partnership for the Belgian railways and it represents a total investment of 873 million euros.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

P-5 x 34 pcs

P-5 wows Swedish Opera

The Göteborg Opera has become hooked on SGM P-5 technology. Since purchasing their first units 18 months ago, they have kept adding to their inventory and now own 34 P-5 wash lights. Production Lighting Manager Kent Hellberg explains: “Since I acquired the first P-5, every production in the house seems to want them.” Currently being deployed for the production of Mozart’s Le Nozze de Figaro by lighting designer Giuseppe di Lorio, the luminaires are washing the backdrop as an essential part of the opera. But Hellberg has other lighting designers also queuing up to utilise the P-5s. “Every lighting designer that I’ve shown the P-5 to has been impressed,” Hellberg confirms. The P-5s have therefore been used for different projects — for instance for a dance company, where the Japanese choreographer wanted a strong even colour output; and that he certainly received, according to a smiling Hellberg, adding that the brightness of the saturated blue light, so appreciated by the choreographer, almost gave everyone a little overdose on the retina. Another lighting designer responded matter-of-factly to a demo with “How many can I have?”

Lighting Manager Kent Hellberg

“The main reason for us to choose the P-5 was, and still is, its power and the ease of handling. I was amazed at the first glance of it and still haven’t found any other product that can match the P-5 in output and uniformity. The P-5 is really the exact ‘tool’ we wanted with all the benefits of an LED fixture plus wireless DMX control,” Hellberg concludes.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

G-Spot takes in the Roller Coaster Capital of the World Weather conditions have always been the overall challenge and concern for outdoor event providers. Aside from its impact on visitor attendance, adverse weather conditions impose huge additional costs on lighting equipment deployment – or rather it did. SGM’s LED G-Spot moving head, is not only IP65-rated, making it weather resistant, but also includes an active dehumidification device. This reduces the risk of internal condensation while allowing lighting designers to unleash their creativity to the fullest — in whatever weather is thrown at them during an outdoor event. In recent months, three major amusement parks in the USA have all installed the G-Spot for their main attractions: Cedar Point in Ohio, Kings Island in Ohio and Carowinds in North Carolina. Behind these installations is Andrew Strain from Blue Haze Entertainment, whose passion is the entertainment business.


“The first thing that caught my eye about the G-Spot was its name and catchy slogan,” says Andrew Strain. “After seeing what it was capable of, I realised that it was more than just a gimmick. The G-Spot provides the full capabilities of a moving light while still being able to withstand harsh weather conditions. It can survive a storm - literally not figuratively. It has proven to be an extremely reliable fixture and we could not be happier. When working in installation and architectural lighting, having the advanced features of a moving light is huge, but the IP-rating is always a must.” Cedar Point: The G-Spots are used principally for luminosity — with a live family entertainment show performed outdoor nightly on a massive stage by aerialist acrobatics and singers, transforming into a dance party at the end of the night. Kings Island: The G-Spots illuminate the cue line of the new roller coaster Banshee, which follows the story of a Banshee ghost. The cue line is composed

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Photos: Edward Pottorff

of LED-lit grave stones leading up to the old Celtic style train station, and for this purpose Blue Haze produced custom gobos for the G-Spots to carry through the Banshee theme.

As a specialist in event planning and design work, Blue Haze keeps growing and adding young and enthusiastic members to its team, enabling the company to provide the best support in their field of expertise. To assist in this mission, the company

Carowinds: Nine G-Spots are used for the Snoopy Starlight Spectacular, which is an evening experience light show composed of popular trending music. The G-Spot moving heads are spread out along the trail in the park for dynamics in the classic Peanut character theme. IP65 as a powerful asset Andrew comments: “For Blue Haze, and the theme park installations, IP65 is a very powerful asset. These installs, whether they are up for three months or three years, are considered permanent installs and having such a feature in a light definitely affects our design perspective and quoting. We love to push the boundaries of design, but we also want to push the best and most reliable products for our clients.”

needs the most reliable lighting equipment. “Outdoor events are a popular and high grossing business. We believe that IP65 will be, if not already, a necessity for the installation and architectural lighting designers,” Andrew concludes.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015


LD-5 x 20 pcs

Photos: Johan Persson


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

3D LED sculpture at Dorfman Theatre for new Tom Stoppard play SGM’s award winning LED technology can be found in a diverse range of applications around the world — with its eye-catching 3D pixel tubes typically found zipping across dancefloor ceilings. But in a completely unique deployment, 68 of the LT-200 2m tubes now form a pulsating sculpture in a brain science institute. This is at the heart of designer Bob Crowley’s set for the new Tom Stoppard play, The Hard Problem at the Dorfman Theatre, part of the National Theatre on London’s South Bank.

Daniel Murfin creating mostly bespoke content to achieve a wide range of graphic representations — playing 2D video files through the display. All content was made in sync with the music which is MIDI triggered.

“I have taken it right back to 2-3%, using vertical transitions — making it very ‘ripply’, in a way that has not been used in theatre before,” said Murfin. “You can read images better at a low intensity.” “By using mapping techniques we can create lots of different layers with underlying colours and pass lo-res video through it, which with a pitch of just 227 pixels across is virtually nothing!”

It was a YouTube video of a spinning cube that first set Crowley’s creative juices flowing, and faced with the task of emulating this effect in order to represent brain pulses, the theatre’s lighting operations manager, Marc Williams and control supervisor, Daniel Murfin tracked down SGM’s 3D pixel tubes after visiting the PLASA Show, and seeing them displayed on the website of Madrix LED software, the system which they use to control it. Hired from SGM customer, Blueprint Events, the LT-200 tubes are brought to life by a collaborative team which also includes lighting designer Mark Henderson, lighting programmer Kate Greaves and lighting supervisor, Paul Knott — who was also instrumental in programming the effect. The ‘brain’ graph itself is divided by 20 ‘nodes’ which are made up of SGM’s tiny LD-5 LED Light Domes — supplied by SGM UK.

Lighting Team

Stated Marc Williams, “This is the first time we have used the pixel tubes — and it gives us the 3D effect we wanted. We needed a reliable plug and play system and the LT-200 is all self-addressing.”

All the nodes and synapses are triggered from an ETC Eos lighting desk piloted by Kate Greaves, which in turn triggers the Madrix effects generator, while the video itself is programmed in Catalyst.

But so eye-catching is the effect that the production team can only use it for around 30 second bursts during the 10 or 11 scene changes for fear of it interfering with the main thrust of the complex abstract play, which deals with the serious subjects of consciousness and evolutionary biology.

In summary Marc Williams says, “The sculpture is proving to be a real conversation piece, there’s been a real buzz about it.” He adds that Nicholas Hytner is said to be extremely happy with the effect. “He feels the audience really gets it!”

The lighting therefore had to be sensitive to this, as Williams explains: “The [brain sculpture] is controlled in two ways — as a series of LD-5 nodes, and as pixel-mapped LEDs which we use as synapses to represent abstract ‘thoughts’ firing across the brain; this represents the content of the preceding scene.” He said that due to the challenging concepts, director Nicholas Hytner had been “absolutely specific” with his requirements, which resulted in

Mark Henderson adds his own endorsement. “The effect works really well, and produces a nice combination. The lighting team had done a lot of research — and there is nothing else like this 3D effect on the market.” But the final word comes from Ian Kirby. “This imaginative installation proves that the tube concept has applications way beyond light entertainment and we are already talking to customers in the public sector who are waking up to the creative way that these can be used architecturally.”


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM sets the trend for Indonesian TV programs No less than 40 units of P-5 TW (tunable white wash lights) and 40 units of Q-7 W (white flood, blind and strobe) inclusive 8-way Barndoors and Accessory Holders were recently acquired as part of the light inventory for the Indonesian D’Six Studio, which is owned and operated by PT. Prima Global Indomedia.

that they were able to scale down the amount of fixtures to half, so that only 20 P-5 TW and 20 Q-7 W were necessary for their program,” Ibrahim explains. He continues: “As an added bonus, the total power consumption of the studio is also much lower than the initial calculations. Consequently, there will be huge savings on our monthly electrical bills.”

P-5 TW x 40 pcs

D’Six Studio is currently renting out their facilities for TRANS TV’s popular TV quiz SIAPA DIA, which aired with the new settings on October 20th. TRANS TV designers were so impressed by the performance of the SGM units that they have added a rental of 8 P-5 TW and 10 Q-7 W for another popular TV quiz, HITAM PUTIH/My Games. The trend soon transmitted to another TV station, TV One, whose fascination with the brightness of

Q-7 W x 40 pcs

Technical & Operations Director of D’Six Studios, Lemmy Ibrahim says; “I carried out intensive research online and I discovered SGM’s LED products.” He then contacted SGM’s Indonesian distributor Goshen Electronics, and Area Sales Manager Hanslee Lim from SGM A/S came to conduct a demo with the P-5 TW at Goshen’s office. “I was very impressed by the small size, along with the bright light output of the P-5 TW during the demo”, Lemmy Ibrahim states. He immediately arranged for another demo at the TRANS TV studio, who had requested to use the D’Six Studio for one of their programs. Equally impressed by the demo, they quickly agreed to use the SGM fixtures for their program.“The lighting designers of TRANS TV were very surprised that the lumens output was more than double – 2.4 times brighter – of the LED Fresnel fixtures that they previously used. Using a lumens meter, we confirmed this fact. Due to the high output, this actually meant


the SGM lights resulted in the deployment of 12 P-5 TW and 10 Q-7 W for their hit program called GESTURE, ROUNDTABLE and RESPOND. Thus, the acquirement of the 80 SGM fixtures has had a great blastoff. “We have now rented out our entire inventory of SGM lights and are looking into further expanding our SGM product range during the next couple of months,” concludes an enthusiastic Lemmy Ibrahim.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

In the light of the G-Spot‌

In December, a charity show by Swiss Solidarity in Lucerne, Switzerland, set out to raise funds for families on the run. The donations reached 6,127,355 Swiss Franc for to benefit families who had to leave their homes and flee because of armed conflicts. In 2013, more than 50 million people worldwide were on the run out of fear for their lives and of that of their loved ones. Many musicians and bands supported the fundraising with a stage performance including world-renowned house and electro DJ and

producer, DJ Antoine. His live act was accompanied by a lighting show of 12 LED G-Spot moving heads providing a bright and powerful dimension to the stage.

G-Spot x 12 pcs

The 12 IP-rated moving heads from SGM, which were perfect for the outdoor event at River Reuss, were supplied by event technology specialist, Stagelight AG Showtechnik from Herisau.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Danish Music Awards meets 50s Hollywood Theatre -with an extensive lighting package from SGM Renowned lighting designer Kasper Lange last year amazed a television audience of 120 million Eurovision Song Contest fans with his groundbreaking design for Eurovision 2014, followed by multiple TV productions.

number of years, the mainstay of the production has been lighting and video, but this year we wanted to achieve a more ‘old school theatrical design’ look for the show. Our inspiration was the entrance of an old 50s Hollywood theatre.” Three stages accommodated the multiple artist performances and the 19 award presentations, as Kasper incorporated the uniqueness of each act into his design. “This is always the big challenge on shows with many different artists,” he explained. “Normally you create one recurring design theme that all performers use, but this time we chose to design eight different stage settings, tailor-made for each individual artist.”

Always with a crowded work roster, one of the LD’s subsequent prime time shows, live transmitted in Denmark, was the DMA – Danish Music Awards, the largest national award show, which has been paying tribute to Danish artists since 1989. For this show Kasper deployed 50 X-5 white LED strobes and 112 SixPack LED blinders. Speaking of his vision for the design concept, Kasper explains: “The goal for this year’s DMA was to create a more analogue expression. For a

X-5 x 50 pcs

SixPack x 112 pcs


For the singer MØ, a specific request for a minimalistic white universe, with lots of stroboscopic lighting, was met with the powerful X-5 LED strobe. In contrast, the pop and R&B singer-songwriter Medina aspired to a tight and digital look with clean lines. “For this design, we chose the SGM SixPacks. I used the SixPack for the first time at the Eurovision [2014] in Copenhagen and was very impressed as to how powerful this luminaire is. It is an extremely efficient compact product with an enormous output,” he concludes.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

LED tubes ensure a winter wonderful stage for Danish TV shows In connection with Christmas and New Year, Danish Broadcasting Corporation celebrated the season with two big televised shows transmitted from Koncerthuset in Copenhagen. For both occasions, the scene was packed SGM 3D tubes. LT-100 and LT200 LED tubes were suspended from the ceiling using extension cables, and thus created a beautiful drizzling effect resembling colourful icicles. Both shows included stage performances from big national/international artists such as MĂ˜, Barbara Moleko and Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst, combined with interviews with different interesting personalities such as Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.



SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Massive SGM LED Package for Renovation Celebration

G-Spot x 20 pcs

P-5 x 108 pcs

Q-7 x 8 pcs

Q-2 x 22 pcs Video

Architectural illumination marks completion of Inno building’s restoration


In the city of Antwerp, in Belgium, lies the


luxurious shopping street Meir, connecting the

European retail property, recently carried out







town hall with the central station. Bringing in

the restoration of this architectural heritage of

the highest rents of any street in Belgium and

Flanders. For the celebration of the completion of

known to be the most expensive shopping street

this considerable project, a special event was held

in the Benelux, Meir embraces the monumental

in December putting the spotlight on the façade

department store, the Inno building consisting of

through an astonishing light show accompanied

two units dating back to 1901 and 1903.

by a contemporary musical selection.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015






SGM LED products. According to Stenuit these luminaires checked all the boxes: most effective and reliable tools, resistant to extreme weather conditions,





performance devices, impressive output and high-quality





character and wireless integrated fixtures. Installing 158 SGM LED luminaires Thus, 20 G-Spot moving heads, 108 P-5 wash lights, 8 Q-7 and 22 Q-2 flood/blind/strobe lights were deployed in this magnificent display of light, which took place in the cold Flemish winter.

“We have been experiencing extreme weather conditions during the whole production process, so the IP65 rating of the SGM fixtures has been crucial for the light show,” says Stenuit. 16 G-Spot were suspended on vertical truss attached to the public lighting poles projecting onto






customised gobos, while another four units enhanced the highest architectural features from the rooftop. Spread across the four floors of the building, 84 P-5s of both 15˚ and 43˚ beam angles illuminated the façade; 24 of the same units accomplished the task from the three roof domes; six Q-7s lit specific areas calling for a large aperture angle on the third floor; two of the same units lit the interior of the dungeon of the main dome; and finally 22 of the smaller Q-2 illuminated the Photos: Alain Dereymaecker

several small architectural elements.

“The Q-2 is a powerful and versatile tool with top-of-class ergonomics,” says Stenuit about this CST Production was commissioned by event

recent addition to the SGM product portfolio.

management company Fabulous Moment to

Weighing only 6 kg, the Q-2 demonstrates a

lead the lighting design and production supply.

very small and robust chassis, however, with an

Lighting designer and owner of CST Production,

output of 12,000 lumens and an efficacy of 60

Christian Stenuit, explains: “The aim was to create

lumen per watt, it offers a wide flood of flicker-

a strong visual signal — to magnify the building,

free coloured light.

to enhance the building’s architecture in general and to reinforce the visibility and beauty of the

Adding the G-Spot to his design was for Stenuit an

architectural and decorative features.”

obvious choice. “It is the only IP65 spot luminaire

on the market,” he affirms. Inno building’s façade stands 100m in width and 23m in height with three roof domes from 25m

Public interest was high on this winter night in

up to 47m, while including several architectural

December as not only were 300 of REDEVCO’s

dimensions such as statues, pediments, vertical

invited guests present but also the 500,000

sections and symbols. With the objective of

citizens of Antwerp were able to witness the

ensuring a lighting installation invisible to the

façade of Inno building, brought to life in Stenuit’s


creation of several architectural dimensions.






SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Alpine Ski Championships profit from SGM versatility Vail Beaver Creek in Colorado recently hosted this year’s FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2015, with athletes representing 68 nations participating in this grand event, which was viewed by an estimated television audience of 1 billion.

the Plaza’s second floor pergola, from where truss was extended 15 feet into space for proper TV angle, while at the same the structure offered the challenge of being 40 feet in the air without any easy access. “We decided to deploy the P-5s in this location as TV lighting and as

A full programme of events was preceded by a magnificent opening ceremony, for which Theatrical Media Services Inc. (TMS) provided a full service package. For this, they selected 37 Q-7 flood/blind/strobes and 16 P-5 wash lights.

general stage wash. With the fixtures’ IP rating, it allowed us to put them to use in this hard to reach area without the concern of having to change lamps as you would on a conventional fixture,” the lighting designer explains.

Q-7 x 37 pcs

P-5 x 16 pcs

SGM fulfils the operational requirements Lighting designer and operator from TMS, Aaron Stinebrink, explains: “The idea for the opening ceremony was to make a very inviting space for the audience that also showcased [Solaris] Plaza and Vail.” The key factor for Stinebrink was to deploy luminaires with an IP rating of 65, as they were to be placed outside in the elements, exposed to snow and sometimes rain — but also the operating temperature was essential. “With being in the mountains, we also had to apply units of a low operating temperature. At that point we really narrowed down the field of available LED fixtures, and the Q-7 and P-5 checked all the boxes.” TMS customised truss and bases for the Plaza, allowing for additional lighting positions to be installed on the second floor. “The wide beam angle of the Q-7 allowed for an excellent coverage of the shops behind, which created a lovely background in the Plaza,” says Stinebrink. The P-5s, fulfilling the same weather requirements as the Q-7s, were installed on top of


Broad application Additional 10 Q-7s formed part of the concert stage equipment, while the 16 P-5s were also utilised for the award ceremonies.

“The P-5 provides a beautiful even field for lighting video. By having RGBW available in the fixture, I was able to colour mix to the proper colour temperature that the camera required. The TV crew was very happy with that and the coverage supplied,” Stinebrink comments. “The Q-7’s output and beam angle made this fixture ideal for lighting the Plaza’s shops. It is a great fixture with a lot of punch. We also included an additional 10 Q-7s as strobe lights for a mobile stage for nightly concerts. The fixture has a high impact and is great as a strobe fixture.” Successful production setup TMS’s role in the Alpine World Ski Championships 2015 has marked a successful journey, and they can now relish the positive feedback in the aftermath of their efforts. Working with the SGM lighting equipment eased the process for Stinebrink. “The ability to have RGBW colour mixing at my fingertips, while at the same time being able to provide proper lighting for TV, is fantastic.”

Nature, Bring It On!



No ingress of dust permitted

Protected against jets of water from all directions

Specialized in IP65 LED luminaires


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM lights up Finnish Ski Championships For this year’s three-day Finnish Cross-Country Ski Championship in Jämi, the organizers were looking for a special starting gate for the sprint day providing a nice visual appearance for the TV transmission.

light set. “This truly put the SGM LED fixtures to the ultimate IP testing, and yet again they passed with flying colours,” he confirmed.

Opo’s Sound delivered a truss gate and used SGM LED luminaires for perfect winter illumination during the dark hours. Thus, four SixPack blinders and two P-5 wash lights were placed at the starting gate, while additional P-5s were used to illuminate Audi’s Promotion Arc. Selected for their powerful output; the SixPack containing six 40W RGBA LEDs and the P-5 with its 44 high power 10W RGBW LEDs, the SGM luminaires also provided that one special feature required for this outdoor winter event: an IP rating of 65. Photo: Jari Vaara

SixPack x 4 pcs

P-5 x 2 pcs

More than 3,000 daily visitors could enjoy the excitement of the ski race in the beautiful cold Finnish winter further brightened in the early twilight by the SGM lights for the ideal atmosphere. During the event, the SGM fixtures were exposed to around 0 degrees Celsius in the daytime, dropping to -5 degrees Celsius at nighttime. Distributor of SGM light in Finland from Noretron Communications Ltd., Timo Kunnas, witnessed the skiing activities and was pleased with the


Photo: Juha Levonen

Photo: Juha Levonen

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

P-5 x 152 pcs

flags of the member states. In a different section, another 64 x P-5s washed the trees and some PVC signs.

P-5 elected for European Parliament When Martin Schulz was re-elected President of the European Parliament and Jean-Claude Junker for the EP commission, DB Video was tasked with illuminating the seat of the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium), indoor for the Hemicycle, Passerelle, Agora set and Forum set as well as outdoor for the main entrance & Protocol entrance at rue Wiertz. Lighting designer Thomas Boets was in charge of the light setting of this event, creating atmosphere in the several venues which also targeted the live broadcast for international television. For the outdoor illumination Boets deployed SGM’s P-5 wash light: 4 matrixes of each 16 x P-5 on scaffold towers and 24 luminaires to uplight the

“The idea was to create an atmosphere in the alley and at the main entrance, where all the Members of Parliament entered during the evening of the election. We made 16 different looks, changing every 8 minutes resulting in a loop of 128 minutes,” inform Boets, who was assisted by lighting operator Joeri Diddens. This was Boets’ first experience working with the powerful P-5 — and he says he was pleasantly surprised. “I was searching for a fixture with the new LED technology, something with a powerful output and not too big, and also with the IP rating for outdoor use. PRG had these in stock, so we conducted a test and I was really surprised by the output,” the designer explains. He continues: “The RGB colours are really nice, but adding the feature of white LEDs gives the fixture so much more potential to use in many different

ways. It is in fact an all-in-one fixture with a high output!” After this deployment and the many positive reactions to his work at the European Parliament, Boets can truly be said to be a big fan of the P-5.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SixPacks as essential ingredient in Indoor Windsurfing World Cup When


As an essential ingredient in the lighting design

Association) Indoor World Cup took place in the




for this project, the two designers chose SGM’s

National Stadium of Warsaw, the games lasted

popular SixPack pixel array with a powerful RGBA

for 3 days and more than 40,000 spectators

LED light source. They allocated no less than 100

came to cheer.

pieces of the fixture in two different locations. The first grouping formed the so-called lineathletes and presentation area on the plate of

SixPack x 100 pcs

the stadium. The second grouping of the SixPacks were located very close to the pool, underlining the advertising space on the stadium disc. “The

Adam Tyszka prepared the hands-on light set-up

IP65-rating was crucial in the decision to use the

for this event, implementing his and Sebastian

SixPacks in such an exposed area”, Pachciarek

Pachciarek’s lighting design vision. Sebastian


Pachciarek elaborates on this vision: “Our goal was

to create a show that displayed the windsurfing

As to the fact that the SixPacks are LED-based

competition in a new and unexpected way. This

rather than conventional, Sebastian Pachiarek is

type of event is most commonly held on coastal

very convinced about the benefits: “They have

areas, but in this case it was in a pool, specially

less power consumption, are more durable and

built for the purpose.”

widens the opportunities for lighting design.”

Check out PWA’s impressive video from the show


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Photos: Sebastian Pachciarek


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM LED screens provide ease and elegance for comedy tour

Lighting designer and technician Malte Hauge

Creative deployment of LS-4.6 When lighting designer and technician Malte

The 45 LS-4.6 LED screens are mounted in 3x5

Hauge became involved in the preparation of

modules (144x240 cm) yet are driven as one

comedian Andreas Bo’s Original set design at

screen from a Mac Pro running QLab, and pre-

an early stage, he was able to participate in the

mounted on three movable podiums for quick

perfect format and scenography; at the same

and easy setup. Through each podium top,

time he could meet the technical challenges in

two vertical aluminium tubes carry the screens

order, to achieve the vision of technical consultant

secured by half couplers. This results in a physical

Thomas Scharling and the artist himself.

slimness, adding a refined option for costume changing behind them.

“I’m a fan of surprising the audiences,” explains Hauge about his refined yet downplayed design.

It is Hauge’s most accomplished task to ensure

“Instead of having one big LED screen, we have

correct light setting on Andreas Bo and add punch

divided the screen surface into three equally large

to his comic timing and the atmosphere of the

segments to generate new opportunities for

show. The integration of the LS-4.6 screens on

interaction between Andreas Bo and the video

stage builds the illusion, effectively adding more

content.” Between the three screen surfaces

persona to the one-man show. Photographer

are beams of light, adding to the depth of the

and editor Per Dreyer has facilitated this illusion


in the finest manner, making the audiences almost forget that only Andreas Bo and a video

With 80 expected performances, it is essential for

projection are in front of them, when met by a

the designer to feel confident in the gear. “These

fully equipped rock band or three opponents in

modules are reliable and solid, making me feel

Greenlandic drum dance.

secure with the product during transportation and execution of the show,” says Hauge.


“My biggest challenge has been to avoid my

LS-4.6 x 45 pcs

other lights being drowned out by the output of the LED screens, when at the same time trying to conceal the lamps. I have reduced the screens’ output intensity to only 35%, and even then the lamps at times struggle to keep pace when the full video surface is brightly lit” notes Hauge. While still aiming for perfection by continuously correcting minor details, Hauge is very satisfied with








accomplished between ease of handling, ‘riderfriendliness’




praise has gone out to the technical skills behind this show, overwhelming the audience with the massive use of video, making the comedian a constant ‘actor and co-actor’ on stage. Hauge has been very satisfied with the SGM LS4.6 LED screens. “It is an extremely lightweight

and elegant LED module, providing space and atmosphere to the scene image. Furthermore, the pixel pitch [of 4.6mm] is ideal even for the first row to have a good image without the use of a canvas in front of the screens”, he concludes.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Impact joins the growing roster of SGM P-5 customers Impact Production Services (IPS) have joined the growing list of top-flight hire companies who have added SGM’s powerful P-5 wash light to their inventory. Owner James Mason, who set up the Milton Keynes-based company 16 years ago, took the decision after sub-hiring in some of the high output heads for a project, which also gave him the chance to evaluate them. As a result, he placed the order for 24 P-5 RGBW fixtures with SGM UK.

“We had been looking at various IP-rated outdoor washes and P-5 had come up a few times on specs,” he explained. “For us it’s the next generation; it’s compact, neat and you can use it indoors, whereas other IP-rated washes are often big and bulky.” In order to get the maximum impact from the

fixtures he purchased 21° and 43° lens options. Mason said the decision to back the Danish brand followed the recognition that SGM’s penetration of the lighting industry was rapidly increasing. “The company has come back as a major force and the P-5 certainly works in terms of our portfolio. We are presently expanding our product range, and the brands we support … and this is one of the keys!"

“The P-5 has many advantages, not least being the ease of transportation and ease of set up and address — plus the colour is great and it operates flicker-free.” IPS’ MD anticipates that the addition of SGM’s premier wash light will lead to more work. In fact the new head is already in high demand, and has been earmarked for several film premieres in London’s Leicester Square prior to Christmas.

IPS Managing Director James Mason (left), with Senior Technician Ian Brown … and the new P-5s


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM conquers the elements at Osnabrück Moonlight Shopping Finale G-Spot x 12 pcs

Q-7 x 4 pcs

X-5 x 2 pcs

The recent SGM Demo Tour in Germany enabled Vorlights, the nationwide multimedia production company, to test some of the products at the conclusion of the annual Moonlight Shopping Show. Tens of thousands of customers and visitors enjoyed the event in the Osnabrück indoor and Old Town areas. The Vorlights team ensured once again a spectacular finale against the beautiful backdrop of the historic City Hall lasting 13 minutes.

"Despite the very limited budget, we try each year to create a completely different look with the staging," said Thorsten Vorkefeld, the creative head and owner of Vorlights. Therefore, the team of lighting, sound, video projection and fireworks specialists consists of just six employees. A stunning show like this generally requires weather protection for the respective devices, as well as the use of domes for the lighting. Alternatively, some things are just not possible under certain conditions.

"And so we were extremely impressed from the very beginning with the performance of the SGM products,” states Michael Flottemesch, who was responsible for the lighting design and video content. "We were able to freely position the fixtures and they delivered a full-on performance, despite the adverse weather conditions — and the enormous light output was just great!" Thorsten Vorkefeld provided his own endorsement, adding that in the company’s upcoming AQUApro Watershows the IP65-rated G-Spot would be a great addition. In fact for the Moonlight Shopping finale Vorlights knew they were able to fall back on 12 of the G-Spots, along with four Q-7 and two X-5 strobes,

which harmonised perfectly with the two video projection screens. The G-Spots lit the façades of the historical area with powerful abstract colours, while the City Hall façade was also treated to panoramic projections. While the SGM fixtures demonstrated an outstanding performance, the fact remains that the show would have been exactly the same had it been pouring with rain — since all SGM gear is fully weather proofed.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM announces stronger presence in the AMERICAS at LDI SGM was not only able to introduce a number of new products at the years LDI Show in Las Vegas but attracted equal interest by announcing the restructuring of their sales and service operations in the Americas. The opening of SGM Inc. in Orlando, FL. highlighted this fact.

Thus, SGM presented not only a new portfolio of ETL-certified, IP65 LED products but also the new Technical Support Team and established sales force. At the same time, well known Spanish lighting designer Ben Díaz, has been appointed SGM’s new Area Manager for South America, and he will also be handling product training.

CEO Peter Johansen and Business Development Manager of SGM Inc. Filippo Frigeri.


Photos: Todd Kaplan

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

As a result, the SGM booth proved to be one of the hottest destinations at this premier expo. The show floor was permanently busy and they reported incredible interest in both the nowestablished G-Spot and new G-Profile (with framing shutters), the world’s first and only IP65-rated, maintenance free moving heads.

Also (literally) turning heads were the new P-2 and Q-2, compact versions of the big selling, high output and IP65-rated P-5 and Q-7 respectively. SGM CEO Peter Johansen underlined his commitment to the US market by announcing that he will be steadily expanding the team going forward. “We are looking to hire industry professionals as we have many open positions.” Candidates are invited to send in their resumes.

Technical Support The US Technical Support Team will be based in Florida and led by Matthew Huffman, who brings several years’ experience in the entertainment lighting industry and in management.

Contact details:

Matthew Huffman Phone: +1 (561) 213-7622 Email: Skype: UStechsupport.SGM SGM US Technical Support 24/7 Hotline: Phone: +1 877 225-3840 Email:


SGM Launches New Intelligent Rail & Down Lights Revolutionizing the rail and down lights as we know them today, SGM is now launching an innovative series of dimmable and intelligent lights. With this new lighting concept, the user has full control to create a personal and unique lighting design via an exceptional piece of software from SGM; the C-5 Wireless DMX Controller using LumenRadio.

Product presentation The series include a variety of product types to meet the exact need of any installation. LED Rail Lights (available in both white and black housings):

• R-2 RGBW • R-2 W, 3000K • R-2 W, 4000K

The R-2 series consists of a track adapter system, making it ideal for retrofitting your entire setup in most commonly used tracks available on the market today. This can be done in a few easy steps, as it is unnecessary to pull new cables. The unit weighs only 1 kg/2.2 lbs, comes in different beam angles and offers impressive light outputs in RGBW colours or pure white light of 3000K or 4000K.


LED Down Lights (available in both white and black housings): • D-2 RGBW, round housing or square housing • D-2 W, 3000K, round housing or square housing • D-2 W, 4000K, round housing or square housing The D-2 series consists of low profiles that are easy to install, recessing them into a flat surface, or a junction box, by means of spring fasteners. The external driver is included wired to the fixture, to be separately mounted with screw terminals. D-2 comes in different beam angles depending on type and configuration to fulfil the requirements for most applications as well as different versions with pure white light output; all carrying the same intelligent dimmable features.

Wireless DMX Controller: The C-5 Wireless DMX Controller is a uniquely developed piece of software intended for Windows tablets offering the user a variety of control and programming possibilities related to SGM luminaires. This tool gives the user the advantage of preprogramming several lighting sequences and modes or even controlling the luminaires remotely via wireless DMX from LumenRadio. Examples include alternation in light setting per the hour, the day, the week, the month, as well as seasonal light settings, day vs. night settings, division of fixtures into groups, uniform branding of retail shops globally, etc. This ensures a very dynamic visual expression – even outside normal opening hours in for instance shop windows. With a user-friendly interface, the opportunities to create vibrant and dynamic environments just became simple and straightforward. All preferred modes can be pre-scheduled so that you do not have to worry about turning your light system on or off in the future. Of course you can also make alterations manually, if needed to have sudden change from the regular pre-scheduled program. All of this can be done from a distance. Broad Applicability Only your creativity sets limits for the usability of this new lighting concept. With ease and remote preparation, any lighting environment can be set for countless installations.

• Museums • Exhibition centres • Clubbing environments • Store designs • Display lighting • Interior decorations • ….

Set the Right Mode As user, you have full control of the light setting. This means that dimming the light up and down to change the mood, changing the colour settings or even adjusting it according to the season of the year can be carried out in an instance - even from a distance. An automatically programmed schedule or alterations can all be done manually, providing endless possibilities. You can for example change your environment according to:

• Time of day • Day and night hours • Different seasons • Special occasions and events • Uniform global branding • Grouping of luminaires • ….

Day mode: Here your operation can be lit to your exact specifications. You can even set your light accordingly to the nature of the items on display. For instance, for shop environments, a warm light for shoes and leather goods and a cold and crisp light for silver and jewelry. Eco mode: Being LED-based, the D-2 is of course in nature very eco-friendly and economic in terms of energy consumption. Taking it a step further, it is possible to type in your energy budget for the day and the system will adjust accordingly. You can even set the system to “look” at the lighting level coming from natural light and increase or decrease the lighting accordingly; i.e. this mode is a cost-conscious selection, driving down the power budget. Night mode: This is how you want your operation to look and act after opening hours. Through different sensors and displays, the lighting can be adjusted to attract attention when people pass by.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

LT-100 x 72 pcs

Kongsted’s dimensional universe - SGM’s LT-100 for a massive visual impact At Danish DeeJay Awards this year, he took home three awards among these the muchcoveted title as Danish DeeJay Favourite of the Year. Kongsted has indeed been on a roll the last few years. As a DJ/producer he is also the lighting designer of his own shows – most recently introducing a new concept “Kongsted in Koncert”, where his new hit track R.E.D. was recorded as a music video.

“With ‘Kongsted in Koncert’ we are creating an experience for the crowd that is different from my other shows,” the artist explains. “Here we can control more parameters – light, sound,


visuals, production design, décor etc. – in a way that is not possible on my more standard live shows. This gives us the opportunity to create a very unique experience linking together my music and playing style in perfect harmony.” To match his vision of creating an environment around electronic music, to provide an escape from reality for a few hours, Kongsted chose to add SGM’s one meter LED tubes (LT-100) to his design. “It was very important to generate a massive visual impact, where the LED screens, in conjunction with the SGM LED tubes, create a more dimensional universe,” he informs.

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Music video

Photos: Morten Rygaard

Working against time, the huge set production proved difficult to achieve, for which reason the number of LT-100 tubes hanging from the ceiling was cut from 100 pieces to 72 pieces for the show. However, this was still sufficient to create an overall impression – and to compensate, some of the remaining tubes were added into the production on stage. “It really made the whole production blend very well. But my mission for next time is to have as many SGM LED tubes in the ceiling as possible to create a unique universe,” he says. Kongsted is very focused on designing a coherent expression for his shows and the LT100 added a more three dimensional appearance to the production. “The things you can create visually with these tubes are really amazing. It gives the whole experience a sense of being alive.” He continues: “With the 3D

effect, it can be seen from every angle, and this is a very strong feature in my opinion. Another thing that makes it unique for me is that it is controlled by Art-Net, giving more opportunities from a visual standpoint in creating a strong visual expression.” In general, Kongsted is a proponent of LED lighting in the sense that it adds to the creative possibilities. And though the result speaks for itself, Kongsted has been delighted by the positive feedback. “By having the SGM LED tubes, we have created something above and around people, which in my opinion has a greater impact on the senses and the overall experience. People were really blown away with the whole light setup and the production. They felt it was a very international production — not seen that often on Danish soil,” he concludes.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

BEN DÍAZ TO HEAD UP SGM IN SOUTH AMERICA SGM has appointed one of Spain’s most prominent lighting designers as its new representative in South America. Ben Díaz takes up the position of Area Sales Manager with immediate effect, in a role that also includes product training on the Continent. Since 2000 Díaz has been involved in many creative roles within the entertainment industry, including lighting / production design and operation, video programming for media servers, cinematography and technical education. He has worked in 16 countries as a crew member, including Europe and America, and has a deep and comprehensive understanding of all technical matters relating to show business worldwide. Ben Díaz has spent the last ten years touring as a lighting designer, programmer and operator, and creating visual shows for TV.

It was during one such tour — with Latin pop-rock artist Rosana — that he first met SGM CEO Peter Johansen in February 2013. The tour’s arrival in Mexico coincided with a seminar held by SGM in conjunction with their Mexican distributor, Representaciones de Audio, which the LD took the opportunity to attend. By this time Díaz had already clocked up several years of experience with SGM products, and following the seminar he reviewed the rejuvenated brand and new product portfolio as “maybe the coolest in the market right now.”

“We are fortunate to be able to recruit someone with Ben’s experience who already had a working knowledge of our fixtures and was committed to the brand,” stated Peter Johansen. “He has the perfect credentials for representing us in this strategically important and fast developing part of the world." Ben Díaz speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese, and has a profound knowledge of the different Latin American cultures. As of January 2015, he will be based in Mexico City where he can be contacted at +52 55 19 488 485 or on Skype as bendiaz_sgm.

G-Spot Testimonials PLASA Award panel: ”[G-Spot] is the first fully weatherised automated profile spot. It’s an elegant and aesthetically pleasing fixture that will be able to withstand any show in any environment, and be able to withstand even the British festival season.” Hew Llewellyn, National Theatre: “We certainly put it through its paces as we had torrential rain the night after we put it up. But I needn’t have worried about that, or the output, as it was certainly bright enough. This is perfect for outdoor theme parks; you don’t need expensive domes and it will handle proper architectural lighting.” Andrei Popea, FIVE’S: “We mainly selected the G-Spot for its IP65 rating, taking the opportunity to place them safely on the downstage. We have been searching a long time for a fixture like this, that brings together a high output and an optical system capable of covering a broad spectrum of angles – from a narrow spot to a wide even wash.”


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

LS-6.67 x 117 pcs

Jaime Dussán


SGM LED screens provide perfect definition for Foo Fighters American rock legends, Foo Fighters, recently visited Colombia on the South American leg of their Sonic Highways World Tour. At the Estadio Nemesio Camacho, commonly known as ‘El Campín’, in Bogotá, they were greeted by a crowd of 40,000 fans for what was to be an amazing concert. Prior to the concert, event production company Iluminación Jaime Dussán had been contacted to supply the roof structure as well as LED screens. Dedicated to providing technical services for large scale events such as this, they had the inventory to fulfill the requirements — including big screen reinforcement. “The client required an outdoor screen with a 6mm pitch from a European manufacturer,” informs the company spokesperson, Ms. Andrea Dussán. The SGM LS-6.67 is IP65-rated and ideal for the job, with its pixel pitch of 6.67mm and a brightness of

5,000 nits per sqm. It comes in a robust but sleek display design, which is easy to install and offers a superior viewing angle of 140˚ - still providing the observer with a complete focused display even in extreme viewing angles. Side panels surrounding the concert stage each consisted of 7 x 11 low-weight modules, offering a high picture resolution for this huge mass of fans. Another 5 x 8 modules were mounted in delay positions, close to the FOH technical control platform, from where they provided enhanced viewing for the audience behind the mix tower.

“The band has a very visual show so video was of high importance to them,” says Andrea Dussán, who reports the client’s full satisfaction with their services and show results. “They congratulated us for the perfect image and excellent definition,” she says in conclusion.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015


"If you want colours, the G-Spot gives you the brightest and most saturated ones." Nabil Bourgeili, CEO of TechnoPro


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

SGM brings Cambridge e-Luminate Festival to life

G-Spot x 11 pcs

P-5 x 6 pcs

SGM were again one of the major sponsors at the third e-Luminate Cambridge Festival — occupying two iconic sites, St John's College Tower and King's College Chapel, and bringing them to life with their powerful IP65-rated LED fixtures. While Jack Beccegato from Zero Kb designed the set piece for King's College Chapel, Daniel Kirby from SGM UK created the concept for the St John's College Tower lighting. Six G-Spots were used by Beccegato to illuminate the front of the Chapel, while the St. John’s Tower was animated with the stunning use of 11 P-5 RGBW wash lights. Also playing a central role in the Festival was SGM customer, Hawthorn, under the coordination of the company’s Cambridge based head of sales and marketing, Rachel Waterfield. Hawthorn also supplied all the power and rigging for the SGM lights. The Festival, co-founded by Alessandra Caggiano and Hugh Parnell in 2012, was a key event in the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Light — and according to Caggiano, the event’s director/curator, was their most successful event yet.

"It was really exciting to work with SGM again on two of Cambridge's most iconic buildings,” she said. This was especially true of St John's Tower. “This is such an imposing building, visible from almost anywhere in Cambridge; lighting it up with the SGM fixtures immediately changed the landscape of our city," she said. And Ian Kirby, who heads SGM UK, added, “We have already made a commitment to support next year’s festival where we are hoping to create something even bigger and better.”

Photos: Lucinda Price


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

P-5 x 90 pcs

The P-5 is Dreamfields’ dream scenario come true At the festival terrain Rhederlaag, nearby Arnheim, Dreamfields Festival Holland was held for the fourth consecutive year and has become the fastest growing EDM festival of Holland. More than 25,000 people were gathered in five different areas with each their specific music style. And SGM fixtures were used on all the five stages of the Dreamfields Festival. Lightning and stage designer Joris Schenk explains: “The weather in Holland can be very unstable and it rains quite a lot, making the installation for a

festival rather difficult. That’s why I choose to use the P-5.” The IP65-rating of the SGM range is essential to Joris. “The rain during the installation was no problem due to the IP65-rating of the fixture. Every time I


use the P-5, I’m surprised how great the output is. Decorations in the structures at 20 meters’ height are no problem to light up with the P-5. I used 90 pieces of this wash light on the two biggest outdoor stages and the result was spectacular,” he states. Not only was the P-5 wash light deployed for the festival in each of its three lens versions (15°, 21° and 43°), but also the SixPack LED blinder and the two powerful strobes; X-5 and XC-5. For next year, Joris now hopes to add the newest product from SGM, the compact and robust P-2, to his design for all the ambience lights as replacement for this year’s conventional lights. “With the new P-2, which is also IP65, I’m much freer to use different colours – while lowering the power consumption which is a great benefit,” Joris concludes.

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Video Photos: Courtesy of Dreamfields Festival Holland


P-5 x 12 pcs

Enlightened makes immediate impact with new SGM P-5s Long-established UK lighting production company, Enlightened Lighting, has joined the fast-expanding army of companies investing in SGM’s ground-breaking P-5 LED wash light. The Bristol-based company, originally set up around 40 years ago, but operating in its current guise since the eve of the new millennium, has purchased 12 of the RGBW IP65-rated wash lights, and wasted no time in putting them out on several high profile events around their native Bristol area.


According to production manager Dave Thorpe; “I had seen these fixtures on demo and liked them very much — aside from being stylish and clearly well engineered, I could see how productive they were, with their ratio of high output to low mass and power requirement.”

“Although we have other outdoor effects in our inventory we didn’t have anything sufficiently large to light large buildings such as abbeys — or anything as stylish and low profile.” A visit from SGM UK’s Clive Bailey convinced them that this

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Photos: Sense Media Photography

was their best option, and while Enlightened are initially using this with the wide 43° lens they plan to add further versatility by investing in the 15° aperture lens. In addition to providing dramatic floods outdoors, the company also undertakes a lot of outside television work in temporary venues where they also provide rigging and power. The P-5, they say, “will also provide a saturated wash without any of the flicker.” Finally, Dave Thorpe notes that they are extremely user friendly. “I have the SGM Tool app on my phone to be able to configure them wirelessly.” Working with fellow Bristol lighting company (and SGM P-5 users), Utopium Lighting, they

recently supplied all 12 of the fixtures to enable LD James ‘Judge’ Loudon to provide a green flood at the Bristol 2015 European Green Capital launch event (to celebrate Bristol being elected European Green Capital). Here a pair of Cirque Bijou stunt performers, crossed a tiny wire 100ft feet above the ground with no safety harness, running between the CREATE Centre and a nearby bonded warehouse. The P-5s have already established themselves on other high profile work — including dramatically washing a Bath Rugby Club logo onto the local Pulteney Bridge — while at the Glastonbury Festival this June they will make another eyecatching statement at the landmark Ribbon Tower, the site’s focal point, which will be dramatically lit with Enlightened Lighting’s P-5s.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

Light Is Everything Freelance photographer Robert Irving visits SGM HQ

Light is everything to me. It creates the look and feel of everything I do, so to be invited to SGM’s state of the art production facility was an interesting prospect indeed. Being a commercial photographer within both the architectural and entertainment industries, I have certainly seen SGM’s lighting systems in action, helping to bring both texture and vibrancy to my work. So, I was very keen to see what lay behind the scenes of this respected Danish company.

Déjà vu Visiting the building I was overcome by a sense of familiarity. Being surrounded by neat design and simple colours, all complemented by attractive lighting, it was like entering a Danish interiors magazine. Everything seemed perfectly positioned.

“We do not have anything out of place which would distract our attention from what we need to focus on in our daily work,” Lene Rix, SGM’s executive assistant, pointed out.


Satisfy the Customer’s Needs Denmark’s second largest city is considered to be the nation’s Silicon Valley for the lighting industry due to Aarhus’ concentration of lighting experts. It was to become obvious to me that SGM had much to do with this reputation. SGM’s employees have been carefully chosen for their experience and qualifications and form a highly ambitious, tight-knit team. I was instantly impressed by their positive and open manner. These people were pros, and they had that instant knack of making you feel special.

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“We demand a lot from our employees, who often put in long hours,” CEO Peter Johansen explained, pointing out that “they are well rewarded for their efforts.” Peter is keen to tell me that the workforce is certainly an important asset but will always come second to his customers. “If required, we will all work 24/7 to satisfy the customer’s needs.” And SGM do whatever it takes to satisfy their customers, if not exceed their expectations. Their motto could well be “It is not possible to give too much service.”

impress the end user, all whilst keeping SGM and the customer ahead of the competition. They were careful to stress that they would never frustrate the market with a constant flow of new products, Peter confirming: “Once a product is developed we keep it, and simply finetune its performance.” Obvious that R&D’s levels of technical expertise are unsurpassed, Peter cheekily hinted that with his long history within the industry he knew exactly who should be on the team.

Dancing To The Same Beat Visiting the heart of the operation, the production facility, it was clearly beating to the same measured rhythm as the rest of the company. It is organized to quickly respond to market demand and changes in product design. I was not surprised to find that both R&D along with product testing were located right next door; the communication between them could not have been more effective.

World Class Operation Wow The End User R&D explained the importance of implementing emerging technologies in response to market demand, and how these unique solutions truly

Clever product development results in marketleaders such as SGM’s LED moving head, the G-Spot, complete with silent operation and ultralow power consumption, with a simple but clever


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

electronic dehumidifier for added reliability. Further to this, and in the same product family, the G-Profile offers perfect internal framing. The G-Spot is perhaps best defined by its IP65rating, meaning it is impervious to liquid or particle contamination, and so super reliable whilst requiring no maintenance. I mean, after all, the G-Spot has been designed to sit outside all year around, regardless of the environment, or operate faultlessly during an entire concert


tour, impressive by any standard. By this point, being seriously impressed by the world-class operation SGM is running, and feeling slightly overwhelmed, I welcomed the suggestion of a break.

Mind, Body and Spirit Having noticed fresh fruit in all departments, I wasn’t surprised when I found SGM’s restaurant

SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

serving up a healthy balanced, whilst extremely tasty meal. It reconfirmed what Peter mentioned earlier about keeping the workforce healthy; mind and spirit catered for by the environment, the body by this fine restaurant, all at the disposal of the employees.

Rare Combination Quality products, organised structure, enviable aftersales and an established distribution

network - no wonder SGM is experiencing such rapid growth. I left the facility with the feeling that SGM had encompassed that rare combination of creating a working environment that felt as much as a community as a business, whilst producing world class products that are not only technologically advanced, but true objects of beauty.

Robert Irving

Photos: Robert Irving


NEW LAUNCH R·2 RGBW R·2 W, 3000K R·2 W, 4000K RAIL LIGHTS • • • • • • • •

Shop environments Museums Exhibitions Malls Halls Trade shows Clubs Etc.

With the introduction of the innovative R-2 LED rail light series, SGM has revolutionized rail lights, as we know them today. The new lighting concept gives the user full control and offers a unique and personal experience. It is possible to control your complete light setup via wireless DMX. This means that dimming the light up and down to change the mood, changing the color settings or even adjusting it according to the season of the year can be carried out in an instance - even from a distance. Automatically programmed schedules or alterations can all be done manually, providing endless possibilities. This opens up for many new opportunities to create dynamic and vibrant environments. The R-2 is extremely intelligent in terms of adapting to a specific environment. As people stop by a sensor connected to the system, it is possible to activate a preset light sequence that will attract attention to a specific highlighted area. Interaction is possible via a displayed QR code that R-2 advantages when scanned with a smart phone • Gives the user full control will allow the user to gain control with predefined areas. • Endless possibilities to create dynamic and vibrant environments The track adapter system makes it ideal • Preset programs and make alterations for retrofitting your entire setup in most from a distance via SGM's C-5 Wireless commonly used tracks available on the DMX controller market today. This can be done in a few • Easy retrofitting easy steps, as it is unnecessary to pull new cables etc. • Weighs only 1 kg/2.2 lbs R-2 comes in different beam angles depending on type and configuration to fulfill the requirements for most applications. (Please refer to the product specifications). With the application software C-5 Wireless DMX Controller developed by SGM, it is now possible to set up different customized modes to fit your specific needs. These can be pre-scheduled so that you do not have to worry about turning it on or off in the future.


C•5 WIRELESS DMX CONTROLLER The C-5 Wireless DMX Controller is a uniquely developed piece of software intended for Windows tablets offering the user a variety of control and programming possibilities related to SGM luminaires. This tool gives the user the advantage of pre-programming several lighting sequences and modes or even controlling the luminaires remotely via wireless DMX from LumenRadio. Examples include alternation in light setting per the hour, the day, the week, the month, as well as seasonal light settings, day vs. night settings, division of fixtures into groups, uniform branding of retail shops globally, etc. This ensures a very dynamic visual expression – even outside normal opening hours in for instance shop windows. With a user-friendly interface, the opportunities to create vibrant and dynamic environments just became simple and straightforward. All preferred modes can be pre-scheduled so that you do not have to worry about turning your light system on or off in the future. Of course you also make alterations manually, if needed to have sudden change from the regular pre-scheduled program. All of this can all be done remotely. Download the software at

Light Output R-2 RGBW: 1,700* lumens R-2 W 3000K: 3,000* lumens R-2 W 4000K: 3,900* lumens LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection R-2 RGBW: 13°/35° R-2 W 3000K/R-2 W 4000K: 25°/35° Max. Power Consumption R-2 RGBW: 37 W/R-2 W 3000K: 28 W R-2 W 4000K: 33 W Wireless DMX LumenRadio with RDM Controller C-5 Wireless DMX Controller Weight 1 kg/2.2 lbs Dimensions (L x W) 224 x 187 mm (8,8 x 7,4 in) * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


The Q·2 & Q·2 W RGBW LED COLOR/ WHITE LED FLOOD BLIND STROBE Based on the groundbreaking Q-7 and Q-7 W technology, the Q-2 and the Q-2 W come in a very compact and robust chassis, each weighing only 6 kilos/13.2 lbs. Taking it a step further, the Q-2’s 864 LEDs are divided into 3 individually controllable segments with RGBW colors. The Q-2 W is divided into 12 individually controllable segments – revolutionary for such a compact device. So implementing the Q-2/Q-2 W in your light design generates wide-ranging color and effect combinations.

Q-2 & Q-2 W advantages


• High performance LED fixtures with low power consumption • Lightweight construction • True LED alternative to traditional flood lights and strobes • User friendly setup via simple control button and OLED display • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • Individually controllable segments

The Q-2 has a light output of 12,000 lumen – 2,000 lumen per kilo – and an efficacy of 60 lm/W. The Q-2 W has a staggering cool white light output of 26,000 lumen – 4,333 lumen per kilo – and an efficacy of 130 lm/W. Naturally, the Q-2 and Q-2 W are IP65-rated. With an unprecedented small physical footprint for these types of products, the extremely compact units ensure easy and quick setup. Both fixtures come with a fixed beam angle of 110°.

Light Source Q-2: 864 x RGBW SMD LEDs (5,700K) Q-2 W: 432 x Cool White LEDs (5,700K) Light Output Q-2: 12,000* lumens, Q-2 W: 26,000* lumens Efficacy Q-2: 60 lm/W Q-2 W: 130 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 110° fixed Typical Power Consumption 200 W Weight 6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs Dimensions (L x H x W) 334 x 223 x 105 mm / 13.2 x 8.8 x 4.1 in IP Class IP65 LED Panel Q-2: 3 individually controllable segments Q-2 W: 12 individually controllable segments * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


The P·2 LED WASH LIGHT Based on the groundbreaking P-5 technology, the IP65 rated P-2 comes in a very compact and robust chassis weighing only 6.1 kilos/13.4 lbs. Taking it a step further, the 18 lenses in the P-2 are divided into 3 individually controllable segments with RGBW colors. So implementing the P-2 in your light design generates wide-ranging colour and effect combinations. Containing 18 high power 10W RGBW LEDs, the P-2 has a staggering light output of 10,100 lumen – 1,656 lumen per kilo - and an efficacy of 51 lm/W. With an unprecedented small physical footprint for this type of product, the extremely P-2 advantages compact unit ensures easy and quick • High performance LED fixtures with setup. low power consumption The P-2 offers a variation of beam angles • Lightweight construction with 15°, 21° and 43° interchangeable • True LED alternative to traditional lenses. wash lights • User-friendly setup via simple control button and OLED display • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • Individually controllable segments


Light Source 18 x High Power 10 W RGBW LEDs Output / 43° 10,100* lumens Efficacy 51 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15°, 21°, 43° Typical Power Consumption 200 W Weight 6.1 kg / 13.4 lbs Dimensions (L x H x W) 334 x 223 x 105 mm / 13.2 x 8.8 x 4.1 IP Class IP65 LED Panel 3 individually controllable segments * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio



• • • • • • • • • • •

Television Theatre Opera Touring Architectural installations Circus arts Stadiums Theme parks Cruise liners Outdoor events Etc.

Today more and more moving heads are being exposed to wet and humid conditions. The consequences of such conditions are comprehensive, compromising the cooling effect, luminous intensity and projection quality, while dirt accumulates inside. Based on the revolutionary P-5 technology which includes the highest luminous output and an IP rated fixture, we have overcome these challenges. The G-Spot is a maintenancefree product with an IP rating of 65, water, dirt and sand proof.


G-Spot advantages • No accumulation of dust or externally induced impact on internal optics, gobos or the light source unit • No smoke fluid build-up inside • Integrated dehumidifier • Perfect inner cleanness of the luminary • Excellent performance in any conditions

Worst case scenario in a turbulent environment, the front lens must merely be wiped off, which is a huge time and cost saver effectively eliminating the need for cleaning and maintenance. The applicability of the G-Spot is unlimited; the IP65 moving head can replace any lighting products in any environment. Due to the revolutionary product features the G-Spot won the prestigious top industry PLASA Award for Innovation, 2013.

Light Source High Power RGBY LED Light source Light Output / 43° 17,000* lumens Color Temperature Range 2,000K-10,000K LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Zoom Range, 16 bit 8°-43° + pseudo zoom 1°-43° Prism 4-facet rotating prism Max. Power Consumption 1100 W IP Class IP65 Wireless DMX LumenRadio with RDM Gobo Wheels 2 independent rotatable gobo wheels Gobo wheel 1:5 indexable gobos + open Gobo wheel 2:5 indexable gobos + open Effect Wheels 2 independent effect wheels with semi-continuos effect * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


No noise, no stray light With the G-Spot comes the benefit of a silent unit valuable for any stage installation. The integrated fan provides variable fan control through four fan settings for quiet operation: Silent, Standard, Max and Full Fan Speed. Meanwhile, the exterior design of the moving head has been constructed to prevent stray light scatter causing the fixture to illuminate itself.

Humidity elimination SGM has introduced a patent-pending solution to ensure the complete IP65-rating of the G-Spot; a Pressure Relief Valve fitted to equalize the air pressure. Through this membrane, air is allowed to pass through the membrane, while humidity cannot. The air humidity will be maintained at a constant level by the electrolysis process of hydrogen extraction which eliminates humidity – thereby creating the ideal environment for electronic circuits.





Stray light






Low power consumption



Power consumption during breaks



Heat radiation during breaks



Lifetime of 50,000 hrs



Constant CRI



Color calibration



Strike time



Cool down time



Lamp replacement



Risk of lamp explosions



Operation in wet environments



RFDI interface



Need for a dome




* G-Spot compared to a market conventional discharge moving head utilizing an Osram HTI 1000/PS Lok-it at 240v


G-Spot Photometric data




Light output 4270 lm Power 270 W Efficiency 15,8 lm/W

Light output 9090 lm Power 358 W Efficiency 25 lm/W

Light output 3500 lm Power 330 W Efficiency 10,6 lm/W

LUX diagram 8째


Gobos Gobo wheel closest to optics






Gobo wheel closest to light source







The G·Profile LED MOVING HEAD The moving head product range is now expanded with a new, exclusive framing version named G-Profile. Alternatively, an add-on framing shutter module is interchangeable with the gobo module of the original G-Spot. The framing allows the G-Profile to perform beam-shaping images and projections via four individually controllable blades, each adjustable ±30 degrees while the module is rotatable through ±45 degrees. The G-Profile still provides the option of combining framing techniques with 5 rotating gobos and opens for gobo animation and interaction when framing is used. This is a perfect appliance for enhanching performance for television productions, theatres G-Profile advantages and architectural installations. The set of SGM designed gobos allows for the creation of usercontrollable soft framing and the effect wheels function as an extension to one another for achieving continuous dynamic animation effect in a stepless manner.


• Advanced and adjustable framing shutters • No accumulation of dust or externally induced impact on internal optics, gobos or the light source unit • No smoke fluid build-up inside • Perfect inner cleanness of the luminary • Excellent performance in any conditions

The G-Profile is a maintenance-free product with an IP rating of 65, water, dirt and sand proof.

Light Source Light Output / 43° Color Temperature Range LED Source Life Expectancy Zoom Range, 16 bit Prism Max. Power Consumption IP Class Wireless DMX Gobo Wheels Framing Effect Wheel * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio

High power RGBY LED Light source 17,000* lumens 2,000K-10,000K 50,000 hours 8°-43° + pseudo zoom 1°-43° 4-facet rotating prism 1100 W IP65 LumenRadio with RDM 1 rotable gobo wheel: 5 indexable gobos + open Rotatable framing module, +/- 45°, 4 controllable shutter blades, individually adjustable +/- 30° Continuous rotation with variable speed/direction


G-Profile Photometric data




Light output 4270 lm Power 270 W Efficiency 15,8 lm/W

Light output 9090 lm Power 358 W Efficiency 25 lm/W

Light output 3500 lm Power 330 W Efficiency 10,6 lm/W

LUX diagram 8째










The P·5 LED WASH LIGHT The P-5 has an extremely high luminous output of the LED modules with an efficacy of 58lm/W. The flicker-free operation of the P-5 makes it suitable for any application. The IP65-rated fixture will outshine its competitors both inside and outside with its stunning light output of more than 20,000 lumens. With a featherlike weight of only 8.9 kg the P-5 can be mounted on any surface without worrying about use of special surface anchors. The 44 pcs. high power RGBW 10W LEDs will produce a large variety of saturated colors, while the high-performance LEDs produce a very bright white light, which provides a full palette of pastel colors and the most powerful and pure white light. Brighter An extremely high luminous output of the LED modules with an efficacy of 58 lm/W combined with a flicker-free operation suitable for any application and approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting. Lighter Only 8.9 kg

P-5 advantages • High output and low energy consumption: eco-friendly and economically operation. • Easy mounting - no tools required • Huge variety of saturated colors and a very bright light • High applicability • Patented RFID implemented interface and a standard built-in wireless DMX receiver


Whiter Apart from the large variety of saturated RGBW colors, the high-performance LEDs produce a very bright whiteness, which provides a full palette of pastel colors and the most powerful and pure white light.

Light Source 44 x High Power 10 W RGBW LEDs Light Output / 43° 23,500* lumens Efficacy 58 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15°, 21°, 43° Power 420 W / 230V Weight 8.9 kg (19.6 lbs) Dimensions (L x H x W) 497 x 268 x 122 mm / 19.6 x 10.6 x 4.8 in IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


BEAM ANGLES AND COLORS Narrow spread lens of 15° Medium spread lens of 21° Wide spread lens of 43° Black colored housing White colored housing

Lumens per RGBW 15° 23,000 lumens R: 6,100 lumens G: 7,500 lumens B: 4,300 lumens W: 10,100 lumens

21° 25,800 lumens R: 6,200 lumens G: 8,200 lumens B: 2,900 lumens W: 10,900 lumens

43° 23,500 lumens R: 5,000 lumens G: 7,600 lumens B: 2,500 lumens W: 10,200 lumens





The P·5 W & P·5 TW WHITE WASH & TUNABLE WHITE They might not look like much, but do not let their size fool you. The compact and light fixtures pack a big array of features that will suit any purpose where white “P-5 W” or tunable white “P-5 TW” light is required. They are both effective fixtures for making spectacular and vivid lighting designs upon facades, structures and large buildings with pure white and tunable white light. P-5 TW has a high luminous white output with an efficacy of 74 lm/W, while the P-5 W has 81 lm/W. Both units run a flicker free operation approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting, weigh only 8.9 kg (19.6 lbs) and are IP65-rated. P-5 W contains 44 x 4 pcs. high power 10 W LEDs that will produce a stunning white and bright light with a powerful output of more than 33,000 lumens. P-5 TW contains 44 x 4 pcs. high power 10 W LEDs that will produce a large array of possibilities to tune the high quality light between 2,200 and 5,300K with a lumen output of more than 30,000 lumens at 3,5000K.

P-5 W & P-5 TW advantages • Intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities featuring high efficiency and low noise modes • User friendly setup via simple control button and OLED display • Interchangeable lens kit of 15°, 21° and 43° • Built-in wireless DMX receiver • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight


• IP65 rating for exterior lighting designs

Light Source P-5 W: 44 x high power 10W Cool White LEDs P-5 TW: 44 x high power 10W White LEDs Light Output / 43° P-5 W: 33,100* lumens P-5 TW: 30,400* lumens Efficacy P-5 W: 81 lm/W / P-5 TW: 74 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15°, 21°, 43° Power 420 Watt / 230V Weight 8.9 kg (19.6 lbs) Dimensions (L x H x W) 497 x 268 x 122 mm / 19.6 x 10.6 x 4.8 in IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


The Q·7 & Q·7 W WHITE AND RGBW COLOR LED WASH, BLIND, STROBE The Q series consists of 2 powerful LED lights with the ability to wash, blind and strobe. The Q-7 is a low-profile and compact RGBW fixture, which contains 2,000 powerful RGBW LEDs, while the Q-7 W contains 1,000 cool white LEDs. Both units perform as powerful adjustable wall washers with a spread angle of 110°. The IP65rated fixtures have a small physical footprint, which makes them ideal for outdoor use to light up buildings, facades, architectural structures and attractions.


Q-7 & Q-7 W advantages • Low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • Lightweight construction • True LED alternative to traditional flood lights and strobes • Excellent performance in any conditions • IP65-rated

The Q-7 has a high output of 28,000 lumens, while the Q-7 W has a staggering output of 60,000 lumens. As versatile as these units are in outdoor applications, just as suitable are they for indoor applications such as TV studios, theaters, exhibition stands and other applications were a flicker-free wide flood of colored or crisp white light is desired, meanwhile providing the entertainment designs with a flashing bright color strobe effect.

Light Source Q-7: 2,000 x RGBW SMD LEDs Q-7 W: 1,000 x Cool White LEDs Light Output Q-7: 28,000* lumens Q-7 W: 60,000* lumens Efficacy Q-7: 60 lm/W / Q-7 W: 130 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 110° fixed Power Q-7: 450 Watt/230V / Q-7 W: 455 Watt/230V Weight 8.1 kg (17.9 lbs) Dimensions (L x H x W) 497 x 268 x 122 mm / 19.6 x 10.6 x 4.8 in IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


The X·5 WHITE LED STROBE Experience extremely high luminous output of nearly 3,000 pure white LEDs placed into three individually controllable LED segments. The X-5 makes it possible to create unique effects never delivered before by a strobe. The X-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 4A. The X-5 is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing an alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. Use of the X-5 will result in advantages such as the utilisation of less cabling, less energy consumption and lower maintenance costs. The X-5 delivers maximum effect at a lower life cycle cost compared to traditional strobes.

X-5 advantages • High performance strobe with low power consumption. • Includes an intuitive interface • Noiseless operation • Three individually controllable segments • Easy mounting - no tools required

Light Source 2,970 x White LEDs LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 120° fixed Power 4A/208-240V/50-60Hz Weight 6.7 kg (14.8 lbs) Dimensions (L x H x W) 500 x 270 x 90 mm / 19.7 x 10.6 x 3.54 in LED Panels 3 individually controllable LED segments * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio



With the X-5 we created the brightest white LED strobe ever and with the same technology we developed the XC-5 with a high luminous output of over 1,000 power RGB LEDs. The XC-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high-performance LED RGB color strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 4A. It is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing a true alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. With the XC-5, the rules of the stroboscope concept have completely been re-written. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with RGB capabilities; it revolutionizes lighting design. Housed in a black, slim aluminum chassis, the XC-5 contains a 120° lens as standard, and set up can be performed via the OLED 5-button graphic display.

XC-5 advantages • High performance LED RBG color strobe with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • True alternative to traditional strobes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Stand-alone mode eliminating the need for dedicated controllers • Noiseless LED RGB color strobe • Numerous mounting and position options

Light source LED source life expectancy Lens Selection Power Weight Dimensions (L x H x W)


1,080 RGB color LEDs 50,000 hours 120° fixed 4A/208-240V/50-60Hz 6.7 kg / 14.8 lbs) 500 x 270 x 90 mm / 19.7 x 10.6 x 3.54 in

The SixPack PIXEL BLINDER When rigged together, SixPacks create a perfect low-resolution and extremely powerful video wall. Animated graphics can subsequently be laid over the display to create stunning high-powered images. One SixPack fixture contains 6 individually addressable 40 watt RGBA lamps creating a staggering output of 7,200 lumens in total. Each SixPack features a Halogen Emulation Mode (unique SGM feature) which is designed to mimic the rise and decay of a traditional halogen lamp. This mode SixPack advantages creates a retro look allowing • The power to illuminate a building or designers to add more flexibility provide a blinding effect for concerts to their constructions. The • The finesse to wash a cyc with even color trapezoidal design of the • The flexibility to create simple or complex SixPack enables the fixture to color matrix designs be rigged into curved shapes • The creativity to display graphic content such as a speaker line array. • The technology to emulate a halogen lamp This also makes it perfect for • RFID for easy configuration and data out-of-the-box and unique readout installations while maintaining • A lightweight fixture, weighing only 11 an easy rigging system for quick kg/24.2 lbs and safe setup and dismantling. • IP65-rated


Unlike any others fixture, the SixPack has all its control features on the rear for easy access on stage allowing it to be placed in e.g. stage stairs. With an IP rating of 65, the SixPack is designed to be used in an outdoor environment allowing it to be used as a uplighter on building facades.

Light Source 6 x 40W RGBA Light Output 7,200* lumen (total) Efficacy 30 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 13° fixed Power 250 Watt / 230V Weight 11 kg (24.2 lbs) Dimensions (L x H x W) 750 x 107 x 175 mm (29.5 x 4.2 x 6.9 in) IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


LB·100 LED BALLS Multiples of LB-100 LED Balls are designed to form a video light curtain with 120 mm pixel pitch. The curtain is made up from 0.85 m long strings, each containing seven white LED Balls. Each 28 mm sphere contains two powerful RGB LED’s (rated at 42 mW per pixel) built into the white plastic moulding. These can extend to a maximum length of 6.8 m (using 56 balls) and total power consumption is just 42W. The system can be controlled via DMX as well as with a dedicated video server or ordinary PC with Artnet™ (the Artnet signal is then distributed by the A-4 to a DMX Converter). These semi-transparent IP65-rated LED Balls can be viewed in 360° and be used to create alluring 3D spatial effects. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, including TV scenography, theme parks, exhibitions, video art, clubs, shopping malls and just about any fixed installation.


LB-100 advantages • The uniqueness of a full view angle of 360� • The creativity to display 3D effects and content • The flexibility of extending the lenght of a string (up to 6.8 m) • IP65-rated

Light Source 7 x 2 RGB LEDs Pixel Pitch 120 mm Light Output 77* lumens (total) Efficacy 1.3 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Power 7.4W (7 pixels) / 12V ±0.2V Dimensions (L x D) 850 x 28 mm / 33.46 x 1.1 in Weight 141 g / 0.31 lbs IP Class IP65


* Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio

LT·100/LT·200 3D GRAPHIC TUBE The LT-100/200 comprises a series of one/two-metre long pixel sticks, loaded with RGB LEDs at 35 mm pixel pitch — all DMX drivable via any proprietary media server, or pixel mapping DMX console. The LT-100 comprises a series of 1-metre and 2-metre long graphic tubes, loaded with RGB LEDs at 35 mm pixel pitch – all DMX drivable via any proprietary media server, or pixel mapping DMX console. This 3D LED graphic tube can be suspended from the ceiling, providing a staggering overhead 3D vertical and horizontal zip effect. However, it is not limited to a suspension mode, as it can be floor-mounted or integrated into a scenery in creative ways.

LT-100 & LT-200 advantages


• The creativity to display 3D effects • The flexibility in direction of lighting effects • Weighs only 350 g • A comprehensive viewing angle (2 x 130�) • IP65-rated

The theory of pixel mapping is that two dimensional objects are transformed into three dimensions with the help of advanced programming techniques; thus each LT-100 LED pixel can be addressed individually enabling the lighting designer to create genuine 3D lighting effects, such as 3D waves or 3D bars which can be easily manipulated in terms of speed, color, brightness, direction, and much more. This creativity future release (LT-200/LT-50).

will be extended further by the of 2-metre and ½-metre lengths

Light Source LT-100: 27 x 2 RGB LEDs LT-200: 54 x 2 RGB LEDs Pixel Pitch 35 mm Light Output* LT-100: 510 lumens/LT-200: 1,020 lumens Efficacy 25 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Power LT-100: 20W (all LEDs on) / 2V ±0.2V LT-200: 40W (all LEDs on) / 2V ±0.2V Dimensions (L x D) LT-100: 1006x27 mm/ LT-200: 1951x27 mm Weight LT-100: 330 g / LT-200: 560 g IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


LD·5 LED DOME These LED domes can be used in any orientation, with a maximum number of 35 domes in a single chain. The outer diameter is just 80 mm (ceiling cut-out diameter of 70 mm), with a total depth of 53.3 mm (depth below ceiling of 35 mm). The LED domes can function in maximum ambient temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10° C. Control is via 3-channel DMX.

LD-5 advantages • The powerful effect combined with a small physical footprint • The flexibility of a broad viewing angle of 180� • IP65-rated (front of product)

Light Source Pixel Pitch LED Source Life Expectancy Power Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight IP Class (front/rear)


* Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio

4 x RGB SMD LEDs 120 mm 50,000 hours 1.5W / 24V ±0.5V 80 x 80 x 52 mm / 3.14 x 3.14 x 2.04 in 82 g / 0.18 lbs IP65/IP20

LP·700 LED PIX The LP-700 comes in chain lengths of 6.75 m (including connector). With a pixel pitch of 120 mm, and individual pixels measuring L: 40 x W: 40 x H: 17 mm each length has 56 addressable pixels. Installable in any orientation, it is IP65-rated, with maximum ambient operating temperature of 50°C and minimum of -40°C. Signal source is DMX512 A (with 168 controllable DMX channels). The power consumption of each pixel line is just 62W.

LP-700 advantages


• The creativity of displaying graphics and low-res video content • The flexibility of adjusting pixel pitch through spacers (60, 80, 100, 120 mm) • IP65-rated

Light Source 56 x 4 RGB Light Output 1,008* lumens Efficacy 15 lm/W Pixel Pitch 60, 80, 100, 120 mm (standard) LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Power 62W (56 pixels) / 20V ±0.5V Dimensions (L x W x H) 40 x 40 x 17 mm / 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.7 in Weight 1.2 kg / 2.65 lbs IP Class IP65 * Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio


LS·3.75 LS·4.6 ULTRA HIGH RESOLUTION LED SCREENS The LS-3.75 and LS-4.6 LED screens are designed around the same, robust however slim and sleek display cabinet, while the modules diverse to meet the exact requirement of each installation. Both the LS-3.75 and the LS-4.6 screen come with a high light output (950 cd/ sqm for LS-3.75 and 900 cd/sqm for LS-4.6), and a contrast ratio of 1,600:1. The LED chips are 3in1 SMD, which makes them suitable for applications where picture quality and brightness are important. The screen has no fans, making it completely noiseless, and the high refresh rate of 2,880 Hz makes it perfect for applications such as television, theatre, exhibitions, show production and concerts. The SGM LS-4.6 features 4.6 mm pixel pitch, while the LS-3.75 features 3.75 mm pixel pitch, suitable for applications where the absolute best picture resolution and quality are required.

LS-3.75 & LS-4.6 advantages • Simple construction with focus on a robust and sleek design • SGM developed software for control and configuration providing the ultimate simplicity for the user • Advanced mechanical design allowing for easy servicing • Low-weight modules attractive for touring and rental use (8.5 kg) • Completely fanless modules create an intelligent, noiseless system • Neutrik Power Connectors for safe connection • Various pitching possibilities with the comfort of a uniform display • High refresh rate of over 2,800 Hz for a flicker-free operation • Cost-effective and sustainable solutions based on SGM’s advanced LED technology • Easy-to-assemble panels for suspension or mounting

Pixel Pitch LS-3.75: 3.75 mm / LS-4.6: 4.615 mm Light Source LS-3.75: 128 x 128 pixel 3in1 SMD 2121 LEDs LS-4.6: 104 x 104 pixel 3in1 SMD 2427 LEDs Light Output LS-3.75: 950cd/nits per sqm LS-4.6: 900cd/nits per sqm Typical Power Consumption LS-3.75: 54W pr. panel / LS-4.6: 60W pr. panel Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Viewing Angle 140° Weight per panel 8.5 kg/18.7 lbs Dimensions (L x H x W) 480 x 480 x 80 mm / 18.9 x 185.9 x 3.1 in. IP Class (front/rear) IP43/IP40 Refresh Rate 2,880 Hz


LS·6.67 & LS·10 IP65 LED SCREENS The LS-6.67 & LS-10 are part of SGM’s series of high-quality LED screens. The LS-6.67 an LS-10 offer the uniqueness of IP65 rating, making this the perfect solution for outdoor events or events exposed to a high humidity level. The compact and light-weight modular design guarantees for an easy and quick installation where no tools are required. SGM developed software for configuration provides the ultimate simplicity for the user. Both LS-6.67 and LS-10 include a test button facility on the backside of the panel. The LS-6.67 features a pixel pitch of 6.67 mm, while the LS-10 features a pixel pitch of 10 mm. They both offer a high picture resolution and quality, with a brightness of 5,000 nits per sqm.

LS-6.67 & LS-10 advantages • IP65 rating for temporary or permanent outdoor events • Neutrik power and data connectors for reliable performance and high quality • Simple construction with focus on a robust and sleek design • Low-weight panels attractive for touring and rental use • Easy-to-assemble panels for suspension or mounting, NO tools required • Advanced mechanical design allowing for easy servicing • Completely fanless modules create an intelligent, noiseless system • Hi-res picture quality providing exceptional brightness and contrast levels together with a unique color uniformity • Cost-effective solutions based on SGM’s advanced LED technology • Long-term commitment to the sustainability of the environment by using energy-efficient, long-life LEDs • SGM developed software for control and configuration providing the ultimate simplicity for the user


Pixel Pitch LS-6.67: 6.67 mm / LS-10: 10.0 mm Light Source LS-6.67: 96 x 96 pixel 3in1 SMD 3030 LEDs LS-10: 64 x 64 pixel 3in1 SMD 3528 LEDs Light Output 5000 cd/nits per sqm Typical Power Consumption 200 W per panel LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Viewing Angle 140° Weight per panel 12.5 kg/27.56 lbs Dimensions (L x H) 640 x 640 mm / 25.20 x 25.20 in. Ingress Protection rating of fixture IP65 Refresh Rate 2,300 Hz



Do you want to achieve the full potential of your SGM fixture? We offer an extensive portfolio of accessories that adds even more possibilities for controlling the light output and easy mounting of several items with high precision intervals.

Modules Item no. 83061405

G路Profile Module Add-on framing shutter module

The G-Profile Module is an add-on framing shutter module, which is interchangeable with the gobo module of the original G-spot. By making the switch, you actually transform the functionality of the G-Spot into a G-Profile, achieving all the benefits known from the G-Profile. The G-Profile Module allows the G-Spot to perform beam-shaping images and projections via four individually controllable blades, each adjustable 卤30 degrees while the module is rotatable through 卤45 degrees. When the G-Profile Module is added, the option of combining framing techniques with five rotating gobos and gobo animation/interaction is still maintained. This is a perfect appliance for enhancing performance for television productions, theatres and architectural installations. The set of SGM designed gobos allows for the creation of user-controllable soft framing. This combined with the effect wheel act as an extension to one another for achieving continuous dynamic animation effect in a stepless manner. Item no. 83061407

G路Spot Module Add-on gobo module

The G-Spot Module is an add-on gobo module, which is interchangeable with the framing shutter module of the G-Profile. Transforming your G-Profile into a G-Spot moving head is easily and quickly carried out with the G-Spot Module. Simply replace the integrated framing shutter module from your G-Profile with the G-Spot Module and you will achieve the exact same benefits known from the renowned G-Spot. Your gobo selection will double from five to ten, as the framing shutter module will be replaced with an extra gobo wheel, offering a variety of performance possibilities e.g. for the clubbing and entertainment segment. The set of SGM designed gobos allows for the creation of user-controllable soft framing. This combined with the effect wheel act as an extension to one another for achieving continuous dynamic animation effect in a stepless manner.


Brackets Item no. 83060611

SixPack Hanger Bracket Set The SixPack Hanger Bracket Set that gives you the possibility to mount multiple SixPacks very accurately while maintaining the pixel pitch of 120mm, both vertically and horizontally. • • • • • •

No tools required Easy and convenient mounting; preparations can be made beforehand Maintains an aligned pixel pitch of 120 mm Already applied U-brackets do not need to be dismantled Mounting is possible both vertically and horizontally Can be angled up to 30°

Item no. 83060606

SixPack Horizontal Bracket The Horizontal Bracket is an accessory for the SixPack, which enables you to mount up to 8 fixtures horizontally hanging from beneath each other. The SixPack Horizontal Bracket features 2 of adjustable brackets for holding any standard G-hook or any type of half coupler clamp for mounting on any size truss. Item no. 83060603

BCC·2 Dual Bracket The BCC-2 Dual Bracket adds a whole new range of rigging, hanging and suspension possibilities to the P-5, Q-7 and X-5 series. The simple and clever use of quarter turn brackets makes the mounting of the fixture or bracket easy. This is a dual bracket that mounts 2 fixtures. After mounting the fixtures on the bracket, it can be hung from the ceiling, wall and truss or be fixed to a pole in almost any desirable position. • • • •

Multiple mounting possibilities Easy rigging: pre-mount on the bracket beforehand Applicable for the entire P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Ideal for truss mounting, but has multiple possibilities with eyebolts

Item no. 83060604

BCC·4 Quad Bracket The BCC-4 Quad Bracket adds a whole new range of rigging, hanging and suspension possibilities to the P,-5 Q-7 and X-5 series. The simple and clever use of quarter turn brackets makes the mounting of the fixture or bracket easy. This is a quad bracket that mounts 4 fixtures. After mounting the fixtures on the bracket, it can be hung from the ceiling, wall and truss or be fixed to a pole in almost any desirable position. • • • •

Multiple mounting possibilities Easy rigging: pre-mount on the bracket beforehand Applicable for the entire P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Ideal for truss mounting, but has multiple possibilities with eyebolts

Item no. 83060602

Omega Bracket With 1/4-turn fasteners For fastening a wide range of SGM lighting fixtures to a surface. In combination with a half coupler it is ideal for truss mounting. Easy and fast mounting - no tools required. Item no. 83061124

Hanging Bar 636 mm The Hanging Bar is for mounting one vertical column of LS-6.67 / LS-10 panels.


Barndoors & Accessory Holders Item no. 83061120

Barndoor 4-way Traditional 4-way Barndoor with 4 adjustable flaps for precise light control. • • • •

Easy and fast mounting: No tools required Applicable for the P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Suitable for theatres, concerts, amusement parks, TV/broadcasting etc. Many options combined in one product

Please note that the Accessory Holder is mandatory for mounting the Barndoor. The Accessory Holder features a safety wire to be fixed to the bracket of the fixture. Item no. 83061121

Barndoor 8-way Similar to the traditional 4-way Barndoor, the 8-way features 8 adjustable flaps for even more precise control. • • • •

Easy and fast mounting: No tools required Applicable for both the P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Suitable for theatres, concerts, amusement parks, TV/broadcasting etc. Many options combined in one product

Please note that the Accessory Holder is mandatory for mounting the Barndoor. The Accessory Holder features a safety wire to be fixed to the bracket of the fixture. Item no. 83061123

Accessory Holder For the X-5 & Q-7 Series

The Accessory Holder is a mandatory base for holding Barndoors and Color Frames to the fixture. It has a side loading slot that allows any orientation of the fixture. Additionally, it features a safety wire to be fixed to the bracket of the fixture. Item no. 83061119

Accessory Holder For the P-5 Series

The Accessory Holder is a mandatory base for holding Barndoors and Color Frames to the fixture. It has a side loading slot that allows any orientation of the fixture. Additionally, it features a safety wire to be fixed to the bracket of the fixture.

Frames Item no. 83061122

Color Frame The Color Frame is suited for the of P-5/Q-7/X-5 series. Insert either a color gel or a diffuser filter into the frame to achieve customized solutions. The Accessory Holder is mandatory in order to apply the Color Frame to a product.


Floor Stands Item no. 83060610

Floor Stand With 1/4-turn fasteners

The purpose of the Floor Stand is to ensure a stabile and secure base. • • • •

Easy and fast mounting: No tools required Can be applied for the P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Ensures stability Is only available as an accessory

Rigging Booms Item no. 83060602

Rigging Boom Rigging Boom for LS-3.75 and LS-4.6 LED panels.

Item no. 83060607

Rigging Boom With Half Coupler Rigging Boom with Half Coupler for LS-3.75 and LS-4.6 LED panels.

Test Kits Item no. 83061136

Vacuum Test Kit The Vacuum Test Kit is suitable for IP65-rated fixtures from SGM for testing that the IP65 validity is still functioning after having reassembled the fixture.


Flight Cases Item no. 80021002

Single Flight Case G-Spot Suitable for transporting 1 G-Spot. Additionally, this flight case has room for containing a bracket/safety wire and a power cable. Dimensions: L: 60 cm x H: 87 cm W: 74 cm / L: 26" x H: 21.7" x W: 28" Weight: 51 kg / 112 lbs. Item no. 80021011

Single Flight Case G-Profile Suitable for transporting 1 G-Profile. Additionally, this flight case has room for containing a bracket/safety wire and a power cable. Dimensions: L: 60 cm x H: 87 cm W: 74 cm / L: 26" x H: 21.7" x W: 28" Weight: 51 kg / 112 lbs. Item no. 82051501

Flight Case

For 4 pcs of P-5/Q-7/X-5 series Suitable for transporting up to four P-5/Q-7/X-5 fixtures. Additionally, this flight case has room for a bracket/safety wire. Dimensions: L: 61 cm x H: 72 cm W: 60 cm / L: 24" x H: 28.5" x W: 23.5" Weight: 38 kg / 83 lbs. Item no. 82051502

Flight Case

For 4 pcs of P-5/Q-7/X-5 series incl. barndoors Suitable for transporting up to four P-5/Q-7/X-5 fixtures incl. mounted barndoors. Dimensions: L: 81 cm x H: 72 cm W: 61 cm / L: 32" x H: 28.5" x W: 24" Weight: 48 kg / 105 lbs. Item no. 82051503

Flight Case

For 4 pcs of P-2/Q-2 series incl. barndoors Suitable for transporting up to four P-2/Q-2 fixtures incl. mounted barndoors. Dimensions: L: 81 cm x H: 56 cm W: 61 cm / L: 32" x H: 22" x W: 24" Weight: 40 kg / 88 lbs


Lens Kits Item no. 83061134

P·2 lens kit 15° Interchangeable 15 degrees lens kit for P-2 wash light.

Item no. 83061133

P·2 lens kit 21° Interchangeable 21 degrees lens kit for P-2 wash light.

Item no. 83061132

P·2 lens kit 43°

Interchangeable 43 degrees lens kit for P-2 wash light.

Item no. 83061118

P·5 lens kit 15°

Interchangeable 15 degrees lens kit for P-5 wash light.

Item no. 83061117

P·5 lens kit 21°

Interchangeable 21 degrees lens kit for P-5 wash light.

Item no. 83061116

P·5 lens kit 43°

Interchangeable 43 degrees lens kit for P-5 wash light.


Controllers VSP-550DS Video Scaler Processor

The SGM VSP-550DS is a very compact multi-input video scaler processor, which works as a perfect companion for the LS-series of video screens. It features 9 selectable inputs, built-in scaling of output, Picture-in-Picture (PIP), multiple transmission modes (cut, fade, iris) and up to two optional transmitter-cards for direct LED screen output. The VSP-550DS has a compact 1U 19” rack design and easy-to-operate front panel switches. The video scaler processor accepts a large range of different signals such as: Composite, VGA, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort 1.1, SDI, 3G HDSDI. Also, the VSP-550DS supports oversized LED screen with seamless splicing technology, through a DVI loop out interface for non-destructive digital signal transmission while also supporting multi-device cascade splicing. Similarly, the DVI signal can be gen-locked to the output. Additionally, the VSP-550DS also features remote-control, monitoring and LAN configuration.

MCTRL-300 LS-Series controller The MCTRL-300 is a controller for the SGM LS-series LED screens. It features one DVI signal source input and two RJ45 pixel-data outputs. The controller is set-up via USB and supports the entire range of SGM LS LED screens. The MCTRL-300 is able to drive up to 1.3 million pixels supporting the following resolutions: 1280 x 1024, 1024 x 1200, 1600 x 848, 1920 x 712, 2048 x 668. The controller also supports input from an external light sensor, making it possible for the LED screen to adjust the brightness according to the ambient light. This feature is especially beneficial for outdoor use of LED screens to compensate for sunlight or darkness. The MCTRL-300 is an essential accessory for all LED screens in the LS-series.

MCTRL-610 LS-Series controller The MCTRL-610 is a controller for the SGM LS-series LED screens. It features one DVI signal source input and two RJ45 pixel-data outputs.

 The controller is set-up via USB and supports the entire range of SGM LS LED screens. The MCTRL-610 is able to drive up to 2.3 million pixels supporting the following resolutions: 1024x1200, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x848, 1920x1200, 2048x668, 2048x1152, 2560x960. 

 The controller also supports input from an external light sensor, making it possible for the LED screen to adjust the brightness according to the ambient light. This feature is especially beneficial for outdoor use of LED screens to compensate for sunlight or darkness.

 The MCTRL-610 is an essential accessory for all LED screens in the LSseries.


DMX & Artnet A-4

Art-Net to DMX Converter The A-4 is a universal, high-speed 4 port Art-Net to DMX converter. It is designed to be a very cost-effective, but high-quality product, which can compete with the best performing products on the market today. The A-4 Art-Net to DMX converter is 100% configurable by software to listen to any Art-Net universe on any subnet, and output this to any of the 4 DMX ports. Furthermore, the A-4 is designed especially for highperformance pixel-mapping applications, which makes it perfect for use in applications where many Art-Net universes are required. The housing of the A-4 is extremely compact and rugged and is designed for touring as well as installations.


Touring LED Driver - Art-Net The TLD-612A offers all the same features and driving capabilities as the regular TLD-612, with the variation of offering an Ethernet EJ45 Artnet interface instead of a regular 5-pin XLR DMX interface. The output of the TLD-612A is completely individually configurable by software, which makes it possible to send any channel range in any universe to each output. The Artnet interface is especially designed for high-speed / high-flow DMX, and thereby making it a perfect match for pixel mapping. This makes the TLD-612A suitable for applications that require numerous DMX universes, at a cost-efficient level. This driver ensures quick and easy installation for touring.


Installation LED Driver The ILD, Installation LED Driver, shares the majority of the features of the TLD-612A, but has a smaller and more compact power supply, which makes it suitable for permanent installations, where a small physical footprint is required. The ILD is capable of driving either 6 LT-100 tubes, 3 LT-200 tubes or 3 full length LB-100 strings (7 LB-100 pr. string). The ILD is also IP65-rated and has daisy-chainable Ethernet for Artnet input, and it has a power consumption of maximum 120W.


SGM NEWS No. 8 2015

G路Spot The maintenance-free LED moving head


SGM SGM NEWS NEWS No. No. 8 8 2015 2015

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SGM distributors North America

Finland - Noretron Communication Oy

USA - SGM Inc.

France - SGM bfl Germany & Austria - SGM Deutschland GmbH

Latin America

Hungary - Zaj System House Trading Ltd Co

Argentina - DistriSur Argentina S.A.

Italy - SGM Italy S.r.l.

Brazil - LBO Lighting Commercia e Importacao e

Kosovo - Sky Corporation

Exportacao Ltda

Luxembourg - SGM bfl

Colombia – Iluminación Jaime Dussán

Macedonia - Sky Corporation

Cuba - Beta Music SA

Montenegro - Sky Corporation

Dom Rep - ATW Lumen

Norway - Bright Norway AS

Mexico - Representaciones de Audio S.A. De C.V.

Poland - LTT Sp. z o.o.

Peru - Garabán Studio SAC

Portugal - LightSet Romania - FIVE’S International

Asia China - Kupo (TV segment)

Russia - SGM Russia Serbia - Sky Corporation

India - Modern Stage Services Pvt. Ltd.

Slovakia - City Light Slovakia S.R.O.

Indonesia - Goshen Electronics Indonesia

Slovenia - Sky Corporation

Hong Kong & Macau - Dino Technology Limited

Sweden - SGM Sweden AB

Korea - C&C Lightway, Inc.

Switzerland - ASL Electronic AG/SA

Japan - Technical Supply Japan Co., Ltd.

The Netherlands - Sales-all BV

Malaysia - Octodecim Akustik Sdn. Bhd.

Turkey - Benart Ses Is ş ık Görüntü ve Sahne Sistemleri

Singapore - SGM Asia


UAE (Middle East Region) - TechnoPro Ltd

Ukraine - ART-R Sergey Rusnak



Azerbaijan - Mamedia Group

Australia - Entertainment Technology Australia

Belgium - SGM bfl

New Zealand - Direct Imports

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sky Corporation Bulgaria - Music Center Ikonomov Ltd


Croatia - Sky Corporation

South Africa – S.E.T Africa

Czech Republic - Dancefloor S.R.O

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