SGM News No.4

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No. 4 2013

PUKKELPOP FESTIVAL - sets surprising new standards with 3,300 SGM LT-200 LED tubes See page 4

NorthSide’s LED vision See page 12

Santana’s DVD Recordings See page 18

Bonnie Raitt and the P-5 See page 24

A Blast of SixPacks.... See page 58

P-5s highlight Obama See page 62


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Summer Festival Vibes The last few months has seen SGM play a major role on the worldwide festival scene. We have embraced the broad spectrum of events around the globe that have selected SGM equipment to create outstanding, stateof-the-art, innovative lighting designs — in their desire to set new standards of creativity in technical production within the festival framework. The professional lighting industry has voted almost unanimously to embrace LED lighting as its new benchmark. The advantages of solid state technology runs hand in hand with meeting sustainability targets — a high priority for most forward-thinking event promoters —, while the long lifetime of LED lamps and high brightness simply add to the value. Summer festivals are always unpredictable. While we all hope for the weather to behave, we have to be prepared for the worse. Feedback from the market this summer indicates an overall appreciation of being able to deploy SGM fixtures due to their IP rating. This has led them, on occasions, into violent rain storms and exposed to the large volumes of dust that most festivals are forced to cope with. Making life easier for the lighting architects in the field is one of our main goals. Another feature that we consider immensely important for each new product being developed by our experienced R&D team is the most compact footprint possible. However, for SGM a sleek, Scandinavian design is nothing without being able to provide the lighting designer (and operating crew) general comfort and safety. By designing and developing products that are compact, low weight with a small physical footprint, we are providing them with multiple positional options. At Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium this year, we saw a ‘new age’ within the lighting industry emerge. A high-scale, groundbreaking 3D lighting effect, implemented by 3,300 LT-200 IP65 LED tubes, proved to all that traditional lighting effects are slowly being phased out to make way for innovation. The LT-200 graphic tubes comply with all the above-mentioned criteria: LED based, IP rated and compact … leaving infinite possibilities for the artistic lighting designers to show their craft. I welcome everyone to visit our booth, either at PLASA London or LDI Las Vegas this fall, to experience and be inspired by our ‘next generation’ product line.

Peter Johansen


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

CONTENTS SGM NEWS No. 4 2013 SGM’s rental network pools resources at 4 WORLD PREMIERE - SGM provides animated video in the sky over 8 SGM fulfills NorthSide’s Summer Vision by delivering the ‘wow-factor’ 12 Focus Amsterdam joins the festivties at Champions League Final 14 SGM XC-5 strobes punch their weight with 15 SGM Basel’s new messe hall brought to life with SGM P-5/P-5 16 The P-5 makes green landscape even 17 Santana’s DVD 18 “Wenn die Musi spielt” Summer Open 20 SGM X-5’s wow 27,500 fans at Gothenburg’s 21 SGM in the Open 22 Bonnie Raitt takes the stage with the 24 X-5 strobes in The Wall of 26 Behind the scenes of “Wall of Inferno” 28 SGM at Cats musical in 30 The 32 The 33 The P-5 W and P-5 37 The Q-7 and Q-7 38 The 39 The 42 The 44 48 LT-100 / 49 50 51 52 TLD-612 / TLD-612 A 54 ILD / 55 SGM 56 SGM in the Asian 57 Roskilde Festival - a Blast of 58 P-5s highlight Barack 62 P-5 provides the right chemistry for 63 To blind, to wash, to strobe – Kent was on fire with the 64 X-5s rocks with Kings Of 65 AC-ET Sees LDs Embrace SGM X-5 LED Strobes at Glastonbury Festival’s Other 66 Follow 67 SGM distributors 68

The SGM News magazine is published by: SGM A/S · Soeren Frichs Vej 51-53 · 8230 Aabyhoej · Denmark · Tel: +45 70207400 · Inquiries, correspondence, articles and photographs for consideration should be directed to: © Copyright SGM A/S 2013 · All rights reserved by SGM A/S Editor and editorial text: Executive Assistant, Lene Rix Additional copy: Freelance copywriter, Jerry Gilbert Design and Graphics: Graphic Designer, Franz Fau Front page photos: Jokko All facts, content and stories are collected from SGM end-users, distributors and subsidiaries.


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

SGM’s rental networ

PUKKELPOP Sonoss supplies PRG EML with 3,300 LT-200 3D pixel tubes

LT-200 x 3,300 pcs

TLD-612A x 334 pcs

ILD LED Driver x 454 pcs

Photo: JOKKO

With around 200,000 people attending, and an all-star line-up in prospect, all roads led to Hasselt in Belgium recently for the annual Pukkelpop Festival. This year saw the 28th edition — but more visually stimulating than headliners Eminem, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Franz Ferdinand — or any of the 200 or so other musicians and DJ’s appearing — was the fact that the site was festooned with almost 3,000 LT-200 2-metre 3D pixel tubes in the Boiler Room (the principle electro stage) based on a design by Arf & Yes (see separate feature in SGM News). These were deployed by rental company, PRG EML Productions in Belgium by SGM, while this vast volume of pieces was collated by a growing network of SGM European rental companies, spearheaded by Sonoss’ CEO Philippe Coudyser. Sonoss themselves made a massive investment


of around 2,000 tubes, with SGM’s rental network providing the balance. These were driven by 334 SGM TLD-612A touring pixel drivers and 454 ILD Installation LED drivers — again provided by Sonoss and the network pool. The system to control the tubes themselves required more than 1,000 DMX universes and three media servers all synced. Some 50-metre lines were festooned, with 1m between each in the Boiler Room marquee, which was divided into three spaces each around 100m x 60m long. The two tented areas were bridged by an outdoor, roofless tent, which the LT-200’s (and drivers) also handled with ease since they are IP-65 rated. After the event a triumphant Philippe Coudyser, declared “We have proved that you can now run an entire festival without moving heads.” And other market segments such as TV have also woken up to the fact that 2D visual effects

rk pools resources at

are now old technology. “Everyone took a risk with this ambitious venture but it has paid off magnificently.” And Peter Johansen, head of SGM in Denmark, agreed. “With the support of PRG EML, and with Sonoss taking the lead role, we have succeeded in making the world’s first and largest groundbreaking 3D light effect — which is just the start for true 3D festival light shows. “It is fantastic that Sonoss has seen this potential, and recognised the key role the LT200 will play in future light shows. Already, many international LDs are now starting to integrate this unique effect into their designs to create real 3D and slowly phase out more traditional lighting effects.” Coudyser’s belief in this product — part of a portfolio of SGM game-changers — took on extra momentum after he had introduced it to

visitors at SIEL, in his local French market, back in February. The showcase further consolidated the decision by Régie Lumière and several other Parisbased rental houses to become early adopters of SGM’s new generation LED solutions. But it is the start of the partnership between PRG EML, Sonoss and the rental network, and its potential to spread virally, that is particularly exciting. Philippe Coudyser’s rationale is simple. “The big production companies and rental houses will probably wait to increase the inventory for new technologies like LED until they have a better understanding of how they will get a return on investment. Will it be in six months’ time … one year? Presently they have no idea. “But with SGM’s support our aim is to put pressure on the market to get the attention of


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

the professional users as fast as possible, and thereby establish SGM as a major brand in Europe. At Sonoss, we are convinced Peter [Johansen] is doing a fantastic job and we will grow faster with SGM on board.” Pukkelpop in Belgium was the first step on that journey. “The idea was to generate a huge and immediate interest. The crowds couldn’t believe it and I have never seen so many people with smart phones taking pictures of the LT-200 and just smiling. “I spoke to a number of production companies and also TV lighting designers — one who said he wanted 500 LT-200’s on a TV show in Brussels. There was huge genuine interest and people were talking large quantities.” At the same time Philippe Coudyser has established a firm ethos. “We don’t want to rent to just anyone but we want to support the people who genuinely want to support SGM; this will form the core of the network partnership. “I want to support big shows, whether they are in London or Germany, and take advantage of providing more solutions for the big rental companies.” He already has a close co-operation with Ian Kirby at SGM UK, who is based just the other side of the Channel Tunnel — and on a main arterial motorway to London. He believes that SGM is presently the most innovative company operating in the industry — and this extends way beyond the LT-200 and X-5/XC-5 LED strobes that have already captured the imagination. “The SixPack is also getting great reactions, particularly as they can be used outdoors, and we expect the production companies to invest.” He also argues that if a customer should wish to buy 25 x P-5 [wash lights] the network should

Photo: Stijn Van Minnebrugge


be in a position to support him with 50. “I want to be the go-between and generate a strong relationship between the customer and SGM so that they know there will always be someone at the end to support them,” says Philippe. “Our own strategy is to grow alongside SGM and promote the brand as much as possible.” In terms of sector growth he predicts greater investment from the television and architectural worlds than concert touring in the short term. “We are optimistic for the P-5 in the architectural market — particularly the TW [tunable white] version — and we have several jobs in prospect. “I had no idea about the potential of the architectural market until now — but it has quickly become clear.” Sonoss has sizeable quantities out in the field, including some X-5 and XC-5 for evaluation with Paris rental houses. “And the potential for SixPacks and P-5’s next year is very exciting.” Summing up, Philippe Coudyser says, “Everyone took the risk with Pukkelpop. It was a major leap of faith which was more than successful. The promoter and production teams couldn’t have been more happy.” “Considering that we started from nothing we have come a long way in a year and are getting these products in front of designers and production companies. We have been able to move this fast because SGM have always provided a rapid response to any requests or questions.” And it is because of this level of support they have been able to make such rapid progress. “You know that if you can build a success in difficult markets such as Europe, then you are doing something right!! Putting the products in front of the designers will help us generate a good network in the future.”


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

WORLD PREMIERE SGM provides animated video in the sky over Pukkelpop, with 3,300 LED tubes.

day. The event also hosted 200 groups spanning many music idioms, including grunge, alternative rock, pop, electro and jazz.

In a world first, the creative lighting team of Ignace d'Haese and Philippe Vanderheeren (from design studio Arf & Yes) conceived the crazy idea of hanging from sky tracks around 3,300 SGM LT200 3D video pixel tubes to accompany rhythmic electro dance music at this year’s Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium. The effect was stunning!

But it was the marquee known as the ‘Boiler Room’ where ten electro groups appeared daily, that this mesmerising video effect was used on a grand scale over the heads of the dance enthusiasts. Three separate tracks were used — one under the main tent’s big stage, featuring the artists, followed by an outdoor track and a second covered area. These three tracks spanned a total 7,000 sq. metres of ‘sky’.

Held over 3 days each summer Kiewit (Hasselt) Pukkelpop is one of the biggest festivals in Europe with eight separate stages, covering 25 hectares, and welcoming 65,000 visitors per

Photo: Monique Cussigh, SoundLightUP


Never before had a lighting design been adapted in such a way for an electro dance event with 3D

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

video vertically distributed over 2-meter lengths, formed a well ordered and animated cloud, keeping the audience raving as if in a trance. When Philip Coudyser (CEO of Sonoss, the SGM distributor for France and Belgium) first approached Arf & Yes with the idea of introducing the LT-200 it was Philippe Vanderheeren who first saw the potential. Following a successful test to evaluate the idea, both he and Ignace d'Haese conceived this grand design for Pukkelpop. "The essence of our profession as designers,” says Ignace, “is to use all available technical means to express ourselves. We love producing original creations in which the design team can

participate — whatever the level of complexity and implementation. “Here, the effect is amazing — it creates a unique emotion. The combination of visual and music stimuli to the audience is as if they are in a dream, without the need to take pills or smoke a joint.” he laughs. “It’s like abandoning all thought and jumping on a cloud that will take you to infinity. At the same time, however important it was to be original, we had to keep our own feet on the ground and stay within the budget determined by the festival.” Since an installation of this type had never previously been undertaken, the design team


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

first had to carry out a thorough feasibility study before proposing the idea to the festival production team. "We assembled our network of expertise,” explains Philippe Vandenheeren, “starting with Walter D'Haese, the production manager of EML-PRG, who have historically been responsible for providing and installing all sound, light and video equipment as well as the structure of Pukkelpop’s five largest stages. Bart van Stiphout, a particularly gifted network freelance, Kristof Devriese, chief of lighting operation, and Toon Servaes, technical support manager of ArKaos, as well as Timothy De Mets and Jonas Weyn the Arf & Yes operators, jointly considered all the problems and came up with solutions. The challenge The questions came in batches: what kind of fixing to optimize installation of the tubes in the time available, since there were 3,300! Which network to connect and what system to control that volume of pieces in 3D. That final decisive question — where to source 3,300 tubes —was

Photo: Monique Cussigh, SoundLightUP


regulated by CMS and Sonoss who decided to combine their efforts to develop a large fleet of LT-200 (with drivers and flight cases) which would be available for rent (see separate story). The fixing assembly It was Walter D'Haese, who is also general manager of the festival, who came up with the solution — which concerned him directly as service provider. "The tubes themselves are light (about 500g each), and the best (and fastest) solution we came up with was to hang the tubes on slings. For this, we developed extensions to stretch a steel cable on both sides of each beam (300 mm) with a spacing of 35 cm, in parallel with the entire length of the bridges (50 m). They are self-hung on a self-supporting structure. " “The tubes thus form separate ‘cages’, measuring 1m x 1m x 2m high, following the arc formed by the bridges. “The main run, which adjoins the stage, has 16 bridges and the two secondary tracks have eight each. There was no problem in one of

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

these tracks being exposed to the open air since the LT-200’s are IP-65 rated.” 1000 DMX universes Certainly, this installation should find a place in the record books. Since each polycarbonate tube contains 54 RGB pixels, a quick calculation shows that this adds up to 162 channels per tube. But SGM has everything planned and their touring pixel drivers (TLD-612A) can manage all six tubes by integrating ArtNet/DMX converter, which ‘simplifies’ the installation, except that the distances are long and it is necessary to multiply switches, manage latency and ensure synchronization between the media server and the network. To oversee this, SGM sent one of its onsite software development engineers over from Denmark for the week to generate an immediate response in the event of any compatibility issues. Control Since media servers have not yet been developed that will work quickly and process such a volume of 3D video tubes, the team at

Arf & Yes created the video media in 3D (black and white) in After Effects, brought in 2D into Arkaos and broadcast in 3D via the pixel-mapper output. The programmers managed the colours at the control console, creating sequences and mixing live video so that the synchronisation between music and video was simply perfect. Bravo! This completely unique installation, realised by a prodigious investment of all the teams involved, owes its success to the festival, designers, contractors, SGM and its distributor Sonoss, whose passion and desire to meet this great challenge throughout was pivotal. On the evidence of this we immediately realised how lighting design will now change in all types of market segments — television, concerts, events and of course fixed installations. A new format of lighting reinforcement has been born and already 2D screens seem to belong to the last century. Monique Cussigh, SoundLightUP


LD-5 x 820 pcs

P-5 x 45 pcs

SixPack x 140 pcs

Photo: Morten Rygaard

SGM fulfills NorthSide’s Summer Vision by delivering the ‘wow-factor’ NorthSide in Denmark recently held its fourth successful festival — this year bigger than ever before. With nearly 27,500 visitors each day, the three-day event, which has a high focus on sustainability, really achieves the ‘wow factor’. With an LED vision in mind, NorthSide’s production manager, Jesper Philbert, approached SGM to discuss his ideas. Says Philbert, “Being neighbours with SGM [in Aarhus], it was obvious for us to present our initial ideas and outline sketches to SGM CEO, Peter Johansen. He immediately replied ‘Yes’ … such is his innovative personality!” The cooperation caused much media coverage, as one of the outline ideas brought to reality consisted of an impressive 18 meter wide NorthSide sign (inspired by the famous Hollywood sign) designed for the main entrance, which was made from no fewer than 820 LD-5 LED domes.


Philbert comments, “We were looking for the ‘wow-factor’ in terms of the scale of our sign,” while another objective was to create the right atmosphere, giving the audience the feeling that a major effort had been made in making the site look nice, cosy and stylish. Installation was also carried out in positive collaboration by NorthSide’s LD, Jacob Baekmand, Jesper Philbert, two product managers from SGM and a small team of six volunteers from the festival. According to Baekmand, the entire process — from idea to reality — was dynamic. “From the very first meeting, we were met with enthusiasm and professionalism from everyone involved, making this project proceed smoothly and resulting in a finished installation well ahead of schedule”, he adds. Besides the effect-rich LD-5 installation, SGM also supplied 45 bright P-5 wash lights and 140

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NorthSide’s COO, Jesper Philbert will now be touring for two months with Danish no. 1 pop-star, Thomas Helmig.

Lighting Designer, Jacob Baekmand, is well established in the Danish music industry from working with the DR Concert Orchestra, rock and pop artist Tim Christensen, pop band Michael Learns to Rock, rapper L.O.C. and many more.

NorthSide is an innovative Danish music festival with a key focus on sustainability and a target of achieving a zero CO2 levels in the near future. Initiatives include organic material and low consumption LED light.

SixPack halogen emulation blinders for entrance areas and tents. “Of the more than one thousand SGM products being put to use, not a single one buckled in the face of, at times, violent rain, the sizzling direct sunlight or the large volumes of dust we experienced on the site. There was not a single faulty unit, which I find extremely impressive”, Baekmand appraises. He continues, “SGM’s products met our full expectations of effect-rich lamps capable of resisting a festival environment of all these different elements. Besides the smart design, all products seem very robust and have been thoroughly tested by SGM.” Many of the P-5 wash lights were placed at emergency exits and escape routes. “The P-5 is perfect for this purpose, as these areas require bright illumination in case of evacuation,” Baekmand explains, predicting a great future, in

particular, for this fixture. “I really look forward to using SGM’s products for other future projects, especially the P-5, which is an amazing lamp for lighting up large surfaces or as an effect light, both for indoor and outdoor use.” With an extensive résumé, this LD has worked with many industry fixtures over the years. Still, SGM was able to dazzle and invigorate Baekmand, inspiring his creativity to team up for more projects. “I have been exceptionally pleased with the cooperation with SGM and hope this is just the beginning,” he says. “Already we are playing around with ideas for next year’s festival which will go way beyond what we have done this time.” At this point Jesper Philbert cuts in: “We are looking for ways to make big scale use of the SGM LED-tubes [LT-100/200] in a way that would grab everyone’s attention and amaze our audience,” he promises. Watch this space!


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Focus Amsterdam joins the festivties at Champions League Final 2013 It may well have been a German celebration in London after Bayern Munich lifted this year’s Champions League Trophy at Wembley in May — but it was still the Dutch that laid on the best party. Commissioned by production company, oil for live communication, Focus Amsterdam helped rig a VIP Room for 1200 invited guests of the sponsor in the famous stadium’s Great Hall — creating a spectacular and highly original hospitality environment. Focus provided rigging, video and supporting production — but the real challenge was with the lighting. The company lined the walls with white voile truss and turned to 110 of SGM P-5 wash lights for illumination. In the centre was suspended a massive a black cloth coated circular truss measuring 20 meters in circumference, using 528 SGM 1-meter LT-100 LED tubes, along with other lighting fixtures and four Panasonic projectors. Here it was possible to send all live Twitter messages during the game, The globe was then replaced with a specially made 3.5m mirror and L-Acoustics speakers and subs were rigged for the DJ set.

P-5 x 110 pcs

LT-100 x 528 pcs


Focus used a GrandMA light controller working with a d3 media server, so that the video content could be operated from the lighting board. All in all this was an extremely imaginative production — thanks to the efforts of the 10man Focus crew. The rig went up in five days, was used for four hours and was dismantled in just 12 hours. Project Manager: Jacco van der Voort Account Manager: Gerard Koster Crew: Peter-Jaap, Tjeerd, Marco, Jolle, Niek, Richard, Maarten, Jesse, Wouter, Remco, Dave, Johannes

X-5 x 6 pcs

SGM XC-5 STROBES PUNCH THEIR WEIGHT WITH FGL Scott Cunningham gains full RGB benefit from LED floor package When lighting designer Scott Cunningham first saw SGM’s revolutionary XC-5 LED RGB strobes, designed into Taylor Swift’s touring set by Baz Halpin, he knew he had to have them for fast emerging country duo Florida Georgia Line (FGL). The duo, who broke through late last year with their smash single Cruise, had been doing some support dates on Swift’s Red tour. Recalls Cunningham, “Steve Richards, who is out as LD on the Taylor tour, introduced me to the fixtures, and gave me the inside scoop.” Having also watched the Beyoncé videos, showing heavy use of the X-5 (white strobe) he immediately became convinced by the technology. But it was the colour function that he could envisage working on the FGL tour, and he wasted no time requisitioning six from Theatrical Media Services (TMS) of Omaha. Owing to supply and demand this was the maximum that could be accommodated in a scaled down production — but Scott has certainly made the most of them. The XC-5s have been placed inside the floor package, transported within handy Truss Carts, and have met all the requirements for Scott, who was able to replace his traditional power hungry xenon strobes with these far more diet conscious low wattage alternatives. “We carry six truss towers that feature several fixtures, and the XC-5s live inside those,” he says. “As we are playing a range of venues from 2,0005,000 capacity amphitheatres and clubs, the ability to be able to say that our lighting package

draws 100 amps is huge. Also, the colours the fixture can provide are great — from white to a deep saturated red.” And at the summer fairs and festivals those capacities have risen to 8,000-10,000. “I think it has been pretty safe to say that our summer headline shows have all been sold out — which has been awesome to see.” Yet the adoption of the XC-5s still represented something of a leap of faith, since playing outdoor festivals in high summer, the strobes would need to hold their own in all conditions. “They function in the set as a solid LED visual source,” states Scott, “but the majority of the time I am using them like a typical strobe, for hits and accents.” Another major factor in choosing the XC-5 was the fact that it has the same personality functions as his conventional strobe. “I love the fact that I can use the fixture to burst, flash, or even just as eye candy. With such a similar profile this made them super simple to programme and operate from the GrandMA2 Lite, knowing which attributes I wanted.” Summing up, Scott Cunningham says he is already looking to incorporate further XC-5s with FGL come the fall. “These have been great fixtures to use; the price point was excellent and they seem incredibly durable. After having them ride in our truss — loaded in and out of bus trailers every day — they are showing little signs of wear and tear.”


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

BASEL’S NEW MESSE HALL BROUGHT TO LIFE WITH SGM P-5/P-5 TW Messe Basel’s breathtaking new Event Hall, designed by internationally-renowned architects Herzog & de Meuron, features versatile and natural lighting provided by SGM’s high brightness P-5 and P-5TW LED wash lights. These were specified by installers, Winkler Multi Media Events (who are a subsidiary of MCH Messe Schweiz AG). Winkler won the contract on the strength of their creative proposal for maximising the pillarfree space. They undertook the complete rigging installation with truss, chain hoist, cabling, hoist control — and the ground lighting, using 35 of the P-5 RGBW fixtures and 30 P-5 TW (tunable white) fixtures. Although another brand had previously been specified, after comparing the fixtures Winkler reverted to the P-5. Said Winkler technical manager and light designer, Roni Huber, who masterminded the project, “The P-5 is brighter and the design is nicer because it’s much smaller. We really loved its sleek and straightforward design — its weight was half that of the competitor and the low power consumption, brightness and even light distribution were all important factors.”

with fluorescent tubes and the P-5s, the TW was particularly important.” This architectural fixture combines the unique features of adjustable colour temperature, precise colour control and superior light quality. Roni Huber said another advantage of the P-5 series was that the product is distributed by ASL with whom Winkler has collaborated closely over a long period. Since they are the base lighting for the entire space, the SGM LED lights will now be used on most events taking place in the Event Hall. In summary, Winkler’s designer praised the support received from SGM and ASL in providing advanced P-5 TW’s for testing — and then shipping the order before the products were actually launched. “ASL came in the day before the installation to make the new firmware update on the fixture and remained at our side until the installation was complete. The result is a very satisfied client.”

“The possibility of having a tuneable white version was also relevant to the decision making,” he confirmed. “Since the hall is only equipped

P-5 x 35 pcs

P-5 TW x 30 pcs


P-5 x 100 pcs

The P-5 makes green landscape even greener

Photo: Helle Arensbak

Providing an output of more than 2.5 million lumen in the beautiful atmosphere of scenic forest surroundings, SGM’s P-5 RGBW wash light made the green landscape even greener at Smukfest2013. This summer festival is characterised by its location — in a forest by the lake — and thus justifies the description as being ‘the most beautiful music festival in Denmark’. As a part of sustainability initiatives, the 100 P-5s were chosen to replace conventional lighting fixtures in the illumination of the tree crowns around the stages and the audience sites. This replacement enabled the number (and variety) of fixture to be substantially reduced from three or four types used previously, and a total of nearly 250 pieces, to the sole use of 100 P-5s. Danny Tranekaer of Future Production, the person behind the design, was more than satisfied with the performance of the powerful wash light. “The cost reduction of generator power has been significant,” he noted. “With the previous equipment, mainly Par 64 fixtures, we had the light running 24/7 to keep the lamps warm for evaporation of water and mist.” But using the IP-rated P-5 this is no longer necessary and an energy saving of around 140.000 watts per hour made an enormous impact on the festival’s sustainability targets.

cases illuminate the trees from ground level, easing the tasks of both the production and electrical teams, with far less cabling required. The communication with the P-5 through RFID was a feature that the designer highlighted as a clear benefit for quick and easy modifications. “We used the RFID app to programme standalone mode for the full range, making it possible to change colour and modify the programming during the night for each individual lamp in just seconds.” Tranekaer concludes, “The P-5 has all the features I was looking for. The light output is extremely efficient, so powerful that I actually needed to dim it for the illumination behind the stages. The SGM team instantly developed new software for this particular purpose, and the result was stunning. We gave the audience a true summer experience!” Danny Tranekaer - Future Production

The old concept and design had provided many challenges during installation. However the P-5, with a 43 degree spread, could now in many

17 Photo: Ole Lauritsen

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Santana’s DVD Brazilian singer Luan Santana’s breakthrough came in 2010 with a best-selling album, and the follow-up saw him climb the Billboard charts. Already known for presenting some of the most expansive concerts, there was no doubt that for the recordings of his “Luan Santana DVD” the show would again be over the top. Consequently, lighting designer, Marcos Olivio, was presented with one of the challenges of the year. With the intention of doing a live concert and subsequently an electronic Rave ballad with Santana’s band for recordings, the location Arena Maeda was selected in São Paulo to best accomplish this project. “We believed that an audience of 10,000 people would be a great number for a ‘comfortable’ party”, he smiles.

SixPack x 40 pcs

P-5 x 64 pcs


The Spectrun Design e Iluminação supplies complete solutions for large-scale projects, and for Luan Santana’s DVD recordings, the company excelled with an unprecedented innovative lighting design by Olivio. Included in the setup were more than a hundred SGM fixtures (40 SixPack blinders and 64 P-5 wash lights) as well as 24 Ribalta and 24 Synthesis Wash 700 added for the Rave event. Olivio has worked with SGM products for many years and cooperated closely with SGM’s Brazilian distributor, L.B.O., but this was his first handson experience with the new LED product range from SGM. The lighting designer noted many positives about the LED products, commenting that “the power output is truly optimized on

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

D Recordings the new line of LED products produced by the regenerated SGM”.

IP65 fixtures, I did not have to worry about that. The overall result was excellent as expected.”

The SixPacks were used as lateral lighting effects, beamed towards the audience, while the P-5s were mounted to circumvent the walkways — and the result was excellent according to Olivio. “Another important detail is that these units were unprotected from rain, but working with

With many more projects in the pipeline contemplating SGM’s new range, L.B.O.’s MD, João Alonso, is very happy with the success of the DVD recording of Luan Santana and the popularity of the SGM products on the Brazilian market.

Lighting Designer Marcos Olivio

Set Design: Ludmila Machado Lighting Design and Direction of Photography: Marcos Olivio Executive Producer: Gisa Locatelli and Marcio Canella Director: Joana Mazuchelli

19 Photo: · Direction of Photography: Marcos Olivio · Design e Iluninação: Spectrun

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

“Wenn die Musi spielt” Summer Open Air - the Mecca of folk music in Germany With around 20,000 visitors on site, and with live broadcast on Austrian ORF and Germany MDR, millions saw stars such as Die Edlseer, Marc Pircher, Andy Borg, Francine Jordi, Semino Rosso and local heroes Nockalm Quintet, Nik P and Andreas Gaballier performed at the open air concert “Wenn die Musi spielt”. The specification of the set designer was an open-sided, open-air stage, against a backdrop of the Nock Mountains by day, converting to a modern stage show after dark. By using the SGM LB-100 LED Balls driven by 18 TLD-612 Touring LED Drivers, the 840 chains functioned as an impressive backdrop for the stage with a total of 5,880 pixels. Pixel mapping and control was managed via Catalyst. Providing ambient light, 12 SGM P-5 wash lights, with 21° degree lenses, were employed. Their brightness and colours were key for the TV production, while the endurance of the outdoor lamps enabled free positioning. The technical implementation of this major event was carried out by the BMS Production Group under the technical supervision of Ing Fritz Staudinger.

LB-100 x 840 pcs

TLD-612 x 18 pcs

P-5 x 12 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

SGM X-5’s WOW 27,500 FANS AT GOTHENBURG’s WOW The recent three-day Way Out West Festival (WOW), which attracted over 27,500 people to Gothenburg’s Slottsskogen Park, disappointed fans of headliner Neil Young, who cancelled at the last minute due to his guitarist breaking two fingers backstage, just hours before they were due to go on. But in every other respect it was a major success. SGM X-5 white strobes, used on two of the main stages, became one of only two major lighting brands on view, and helped to accentuate performances by Public Enemy, Alicia Keys, Håkan Hellström, The Knife, Haim, Local Natives, Bat For Lashes, Grimes, Graveyard, Ingrid, Iris Dement, GOAT, Phosphorescent, Cat Power, James Blake, Kendrick Lamar, Junip and many more. The switch to LED lights showed Way Out West’s attempts to become resource-efficient, with the promoters carefully choosing which type of energy they use — including LED lighting. Its green credentials are further demonstrated by the fact that it is the first festival in Sweden to be certified by KRAV, an organisation that develops and maintains regulations for ecological sustainable agriculture. So where did the 30 SGM X-5’s fit into the equation? Major rental company Starlight provided the technical infrastructure and their project manager, Hakan Axlid, confirmed that "we have made the investment in 30 X-5s because of the demand from within the industry for this fixture.” He confirmed that he was more than happy with the decision. Also singing his praises was experienced LD

Calle Brattberg, who would have used the LED strobes most recently as one of the operators at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö. "What's great about the X-5,” he says, “is that when you're in seven-channel mode, you can split the cells. This means you can have a real play around with its capabilities, make a little chase here and there, stuff like that."

Calle Brattberg

“On top of that, of course, it's a tremendously efficient fixture with regard to power consumption. You can also load more strobes onto each circuit — far more than you can on a traditional strobe in my experience.” He also highlights the incredible brightness of the X-5. “I mean, we only had 15 in use per stage here at Way Out West, but it was more than enough. “These [X-5’s] are becoming very popular, and for good reason. We get less and less time on stages these days but our post-production time is longer — and products like this mean the industry is going in the right direction. New gear, like the X-5, is getting much more efficient, and as a result, we operators are no longer having to do the graveyard shifts. Also, the better the kit gets, of course, the more creative possibilities we will continue to have." And so WOW recorded another successful event. Even the disappointment of Neil Young’s cancellation was mitigated by the fact that as a gesture of goodwill, the festival turned all Thursday tickets into full weekend passes.

X-5 x 30 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

SGM in the German summer festivals masterminded by Go Audio Rental Go Audio Rental GmbH has managed to have its hands in practically all major festivals in the German speaking territories this summer. Managing Director, Bernd Wittenberg, and his team has been travelling all over Germany and Switzerland during the festival season — including Greenfield, Southside, Hurricane, Highfield and M’era Luna — following their successful Billy Talent and Toto indoor tours earlier this spring. And SGM equipment has been close at hand, as Michael Herweg, MD of SGM Germany, explained. “Bernd, whom I already knew from my days as a sound guy, came into our office in early 2013 and asked if we would be interested in teaming up for the major festivals in the German speaking areas. We then put together a suggested inventory – almost by cherry picking

Michael Herweg MD of SGM Germany


from the SGM portfolio – that could be used by Go Audio throughout the summer.” A special challenge came on the rider of The Prodigy’s designer at Greenfield Festival in Switzerland. “To complement the band’s highly energetic, electronic dance music, he wanted to use a large amount of colour [XC-5] strobes and flank the entire stage with SixPacks [SP-6] as colourful banners on each side. The superfast colour change and the energy efficiency of the XC-5, in particular, is absolutely world class and sets it apart from any other product on the market,” stated Bernd Wittenberg. Immediately after the festival, all SGM equipment was shipped to the two upcoming festivals —Southside and Hurricane in Germany; this amounted to a total of 44 XC-5 colour strobes, 24 X-5 white strobes, 24 SP-6 SixPack pixel blinders and 7 P-5 RGBW wash lights. The X-5 and XC-5 strobes, SixPack blinder and P-5 wash light all provided unique effects on the stages of both festivals and SGM products were also to be found in the setup of many headliners’ own tours – among these Billy Talent. Their lighting technician, Dara Guiney, was so excited about the XC-5 colour strobes that he did not want to return these units — in fact Billy Talent continues to tour – with even more strobes from SGM.


e Open Air




SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Bonnie Raitt Takes the Stage with the P-5 When legendary American blues singersongwriter, Bonnie Raitt, visited Denmark at the end of July, The Concert Hall Aarhus had a challenge on its hands to create the perfect setting for her performance before an audience of 1300 fans. The Grammy Award-winning star had given prior indication of her dislike for any type of smoke on the stage, and therefore the production manager of The Concert Hall Aarhus, Jonas Knive, set out to ensure a backdrop illuminated by impressive lighting and effects. “For this purpose, SGM’s P-5 is a great fixture”, Knive commented. Errol Reinart, the artiste’s lighting engineer, was also highly impressed by the features of the 12 x P-5’s that were deployed, in relation to spread, saturation and colours; he compared it favourably with the larger-sized wash light fixture he had employed at previous events. As a first ‘hands-on’ experience with SGM’s LED products, Knive predicts this show as being the first of many steps towards developing a close working relationship. “We now look forward to building a deeply rooted local cooperation with SGM,” he said.

Production manager Jonas Knive

The Concert Hall is home to the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, the Danish National Opera and the Concert Hall Aarhus, which hosts a wide variety of artistic activities all brought together in a unique architectural building with a 2,000 m2 glass foyer as entrance.


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

P-5 x 12 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

X-5 strobes in The Following the prominent feature in SGM News #3, we have had dozens of requests on how The Mrs. Carter Show was designed and executed. No doubt that a great mind is behind, so we

persuaded award-winning lighting set designer, LeRoy Bennett, to take us behind the scenes of his “Wall of Inferno”.

ttaglia By Steven Ba

er Show The Mrs. Cart ’s cé n o y e B design for ames of stacked fr azes with his m a tt e n g of columns n e B rtical ve e th wall consistin ith ptember started in Se for the tour ns io at volving ar re ep t Pr gn concep e show’s desi “The ed m na 2012, with th ing, nick t wall of light the of t os m around a gian , ow t the Revel sh “A ” o. rn cé fe on In Wall of nnett. “Bey ens,” says Be re sc e D Th LE as set w different.” y something tr g to in ht d lig te wan om-designed upstage cust an is lt su re

X-5 x 500 pcs

“Beyoncé basically has more strobes than anyone has ever had before”.

Photo: Frank Micelotta


ers, w ith six light ladd ame intermixed w between a fr g in at rn te al y bl m se d a frame as r column—an e frames pe re th s— per be es ro of st s—four fram g mirror head in ov tal m to of g e rin fram es a stagge lighting wall us e es Th am n. fr m lu be co d the stro 5 strobes an of 426 SGM X-

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

he Wall of Inferno

X-5 consist of SGM e. id w ur by fo

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Used with permission by LeRoy Bennett.

Photo: Frank Micelotta

Photo: Frank Micelotta



SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

SGM at Cats mu ‘Cats’ is a musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and today one of the most important musical stage playsin the world, along with ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Les Miserables’. As the second longest-running show in Broadway history and the fourth longest-running West End musical, it has been performed in numerous locations throughout the world and translated into more than 20 languages. After more than 20 years’ absence on the national stage, Gerardo Quiroz, a well-known Mexican actor, broadcaster and theatre producer, is once again presenting this spectacular production. The Mexican version of ‘Cats’ is staged in Mexico City at Teatro San Rafael, which features all the technological advances to improve production, and provides great comfort to the audience as well as the actors. The musical tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles and the night they make what is known as “the Jellicle choice”, where it is decided which cat will ascend to the Heaviside Layer and be reborn into a new life. The show is entirely told through music and dance with virtually no spoken dialogue between the songs. This increases the demands for the stage set, and in particular the lighting, to ensure that the audience can identify with the characters and the tale of the musical. In order to fulfill the technical demands of this renowned production, Quiroz, together with lightning designer, Manolo Toledo, entrusted SGM’s distributor in Mexico, Representaciones de Audio S.A. de C.V. (RDA), with providing the lighting equipment. This consisted of a total of 40 SGM moving heads – 14 x Idea Moving LED 300, 14 x Idea Beam 300 and 12 x Giotto Spot 400 – together with 8 x P-5, SGM’s new generation LED fixture. Toledo has been working with SGM products since the 90s and therefore felt confidence in the brand itself, which he describes as one of the most reliable on the market. He recalls a beach festival in Acapulco years ago, where he employed 12 SGM Galileo 4. “There was a storm overnight and all the lighting fixtures got soaked. The following day, we had to make a damage report and only five lamps from the 24 other brands were functioning, while surprisingly all the 12 Galileo 4’s ran without problems - SGM has been one of my favourite brands since then.”


Based on musical producer Quiroz’ desire for a renewed and different design from his first Cats musical 20 years ago, and the great scenery of Salvador Nuñez, Toledo was able to create atmosphere, depth, volume, contrast and appropriate textures for each musical number with the SGM products. “The high quality LEDs helped me refine the costumes and create the right atmosphere,” he says. SGM Sales Manager of RDA, Estuardo Zarate, was excited to be chosen as supplier for a musical with such a global pedigree. “We knew immediately that we had the right equipment to enthrall the audience at this award-winning musical. The P-5, in particular, provided a highly effective glow over the entire staging,” explains Zarate. “With the SGM portfolio, RDA can influence the production values of leading mainstream artists, along with our new concept Global Solutions for Great Stages.” The SGM P-5 wash light, with its 44 high power RGBW 10W LEDs, offers an extremely high output

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

usical in Mexico with low power consumption, and together with the SGM Idea Moving LED 300 it provides the setting with a great atmosphere and creates an outstanding colour combination between the audience seating and the stage. The SGM Idea Beam 300 and the SGM Giotto Spot 400 are used to illuminate the actors and enhance the interpretation of each of the characters. Toledo has become a big fan of the latest addition to the portfolio and states: “The P-5 is the crown jewel, the most powerful LED wash in its class. The power and quality of the LEDs in this lamp is just amazing!”

of using SGM products and creating quality shows with quiet equipment – and now with the benefits and economics of the LED – made me create what you see. You judge the result!” “This was certainly a professional set of equipment for an amazing high-end show,” concludes Zarate.

Lighting designer, Manolo Toledo, began his career 24 years ago at Televisa, learning to illuminate television shows and concerts. In 2001 he decided to make a

The biggest challenge for Toledo was the time schedule and the height of the stage. “I had to make many alterations to the original concept because things were changed on a daily basis and the premiere was coming up; but I had reassurance from the SGM team and the technical support of the theatre, so at the end of the day they were the heroes that created the magic.” Pleased with the result, the designer adds that “the confidence gained from years

career for himself within his passion for theatre and has since worked with shows such as The Graduate, in Mexico and Argentina, Cabaret, Ella, Los 39 Escalones and Pedro y El Capitan as well as operas for the National Opera Company of Colombia including Romeo and Juliet, Turandot and Don Pasquale. Meanwhile, Toledo is involved in many live concerts, designing for Manuel Mijares, Eugenia Leon, etc.

Idea Wash 300 x 14 pcs Idea Beam 300 x 14 pcs

Idea Spot 400 x 12 pcs P-5 x 8 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013


• IP 65 ingress protection rating • 850W high power RGBY LED light source • Optical zoom 43° - 8° Pseudo zoom 43° - 1° • Dynamic CT Correction (3,000K to 12,000K) Linear CTO (Color Temperature Orange) Linear CTB (Color Temperature Blue) • Ultra smooth color mixing between virtually any color; ability to create the fastest color snaps or completely seamless fades; ability to configure between different color mixing models • 2 independent rotating gobo wheels: Gobo wheel 1:5 indexable gobos + open Gobo wheel 2:5 indexable gobos + open • 2 independent effect wheels: Effect wheel 1:1 semi continuous effect Effect wheel 2:1 semi continuous effect • RFID for easy configuration and data readout • Wireless DMX


• Fast and accurate iris with built-in dynamic effects for maximum creative control • 2 x 3 axis accelerometer • Internal active humidity controller • High-speed and precise focus control for crisp beam quality or soft de-focused effects • 4-facet rotating prism for crisp clear beam separation, and precise beam separation control • Soft high-quality frost filter • Ultra-high-speed strobe effect (1-50hz) with instant color change control and possibility to strobe between 2 or more colors at any speed • High-precision, fast, 16 bit pan control 540 degree movement with feedback


Light Source 44 pcs. of high power RGBW 10W LED Light Output / 21掳 25,800* lumens Efficacy 51,2 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15, 21, 43 degrees Power 405 Watt / 230V Weight 8.9 kg Ingress Protection rating of fixture IP65 Ingress Protection rating of fan module IP55

* Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio



Brighter An extremely high luminous output of the LED modules with an efficacy of 51,2 lm/W combined with a flicker free operation suitable for any application and approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting. Lighter Only 8.9 kg Whiter Apart from the large variety of saturated colors that can be created due to the RGBW, the high-performance LEDs produce a very bright white, which provides a full palette of pastel colors and the most powerful and pure white light.

With the P-5 we had a mission... • to develop a cutting-edge, high performance product, doubling the output

while reducing the cost

• to create an intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities

featuring high-efficiency, low-noise modes

• to produce a user friendly setup with a simple control-button display • to ensure easy support by means of a patented RFID implemented interface

allowing for easy warehouse control and remote diagnostics, updating and

uploading of DMX settings even when in off-mode

• to programme a standalone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated con- troller • to implement a standard built-in wireless DMX receiver facilitating seamless

and individual integration into any environment or location solely requiring

the presence of power

• to allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • to accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology We did it!



-lights up your day as well as • Monuments and attractions • Architectural buildings • Shopping centers and retail • Bridges • Piers • Interior and exterior concerts • TV shows • Staging • Rental • Etc.


The P·5 BEAM ANGLES AND COLORS Narrow spread lens of 15° Medium spread lens of 21°




Wide spread lens of 43° Black colored housing White colored housing

Lumens per RGBW 15° 23,000 lumens R: 6,100 lumens G: 7,500 lumens B: 4,300 lumens W: 10,100 lumens

21° 25,800 lumens R: 6,200 lumens G: 8,200 lumens B: 2,900 lumens W: 10,900 lumens

43° 23,500 lumens R: 5,000 lumens G: 7,200 lumens B: 2,500 lumens W: 10,200 lumens

The P-5 patents The P-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product. The P-5 is protected under the following patent: MI2011A001631. Furthermore, the P-5 is registered for design patent in Europe, United States and China.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/02


The P·5 W & P·5 TW BRIGHTER - LIGHTER - WHITER They might not look as much, but do not let their size fool you. The compact and light fixtures pack a big array of features that will suit any purpose where white “P-5 W” or tunable white “P-5 TW” light is required. They are both effective fixtures for making spectacular and vivid lighting designs upon facades, structures and large buildings with pure white and tunable white light. P-5 TW has a high luminous output of the white with an efficacy of 75 lm/W, while the P-5 W has 79 lm/W. Both units run a flicker free operation approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting, weigh only 8.9 kg and are IP65 rated. P-5 W contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a stunningly white and bright light with a powerful output of more than 30,000 lumens. P-5 TW contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a large array of possibilities to tune the high quality light between 2,200 and 5,300 Kelvin with a lumen output of 26,000 lumens at 3,500 Kelvin.

The P-5 W and P-5 TW advantages: • Intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities featuring high efficiency and low noise modes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Interchangeable lens kit of 15, 21 and 43 degrees • Built-in wireless DMX receiver • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • IP65 rating for exterior lighting designs


The Q·7 & Q·7W WHITE AND RGB COLOR LED FLOOD LIGHTS The Q series consists of 2 powerful LED flood lights. The Q-7 is a low-profile and compact RGB flood light, which contains over 1,000 powerful RGB LEDs, while the Q-7 W contains almost 3,000 cool white LEDs. Both units perform as powerful adjustable wall washers with a spread angle of 120°. The IP65 rated flood lights have a small physical footprint, which makes them ideal fixtures for outdoor use to light up buildings, facades, architectural structures and attractions. The Q-7 has a high output of over 12,000 lumens, while the Q-7 W has a staggering output of 30,000 lumens. As versatile as these units are in outdoor applications, just as suitable are they for indoor applications such as TV studios, theaters and other applications were a wide flood of colored or crisp white light is applicable.

The Q-7 RGB and Q-7 W advantages: • High performance LED flood lights with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • Lightweight construction • True LED alternative to traditional flood lights • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • Elegant Scandinavian design • LED source life rated at 50,000 hours • Weight 8.1 kg


Technical University of Denmark


PIXEL CONTROLLABLE Specifications • Light source

2970 white LEDs

• LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours

• Power


• LED panel

Three individual controllable LED segments

• Weight

5.8 kg



Experience extremely high luminous output of nearly 3,000 pure white LEDs placed into three individually controllable LED segments. The X-5 makes it possible to create unique effects never delivered before by a strobe. The X-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 4A. The X-5 is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing an alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. Use of the X-5 will result in advantages such as the utilisation of less cabling, fewer Gen-sets and lower maintenance cost. The X-5 delivers maximum effect at a lower life cycle cost compared to traditional strobes.

With the X-5 we had a mission to...

• develop a cutting-edge, high performance strobe with low power consumption • implement a strobe consisting of three individually controllable LED segments • transform the strobe from being secondary and fragile, to being primary and robust • include an intuitive user interface • implement a stand-alone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated controller • produce a noiseless strobe • allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology And we did it!


The X·5 THE WORLD’S FIRST PIXEL CONTROLLABLE STROBE Never before have lighting designers seen strobes that offer pixel control. With the X-5 we have re-written the rules on the stroboscope concept. We have conceived the brightest LED Strobe ever and produced a fantastic pixel product. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with a pixel blinder and you will have some idea of the concept. Each X-5 strobe has three cells that can be operated independently of each other and when fitted to either the twin BCC-2 or quad BCC-4 this creates a ready-made, perfectly spaced pixel blinder.

The X-5 patents The SGM X-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice. Publication Number: 2013/06


The XC路5 THE BRIGHTEST COLOR LED STROBE With the X-5 we conceived the brightest white LED strobe ever and with the same technology we developed the XC-5 with a high luminous output of over 1,000 power RGB LEDs. The XC-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED RGB color strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 360 Watt. It is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing a true alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. With the XC-5, the rules of the stroboscope concept have completely been re-written. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with RGB capabilities; it revolutionizes lighting design. Housed in a black, slim aluminum chassis, the XC-5 contains a 120掳 lens as standard, and set up is via the OLED 5-button graphic display.


The XC·5 ADVANTAGES • High performance LED RBG color strobe with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • True alternative to traditional strobes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Stand-alone mode eliminating the need for dedicated controllers • Noiseless LED RGB color strobe • Numerous mounting and position options • Lightweight and aesthetic Danish design

Specifications Light source

1080 RGB color LEDs

LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours




5.8 kg



Our R&D team did the workout so you don’t have to. Imagine a fixture that has: • the power to illuminate a building and blind audiences • the finesse to wash a cyc with even colour • the flexibility to create simple or complex colour matrix designs • the creativity to display graphic content • the technology to emulate a halogen lamp • the convenience of RFID for easy configuration and data readout • the lightness provided by a mere weight of 8 kg



When rigged together, SixPacks create a perfect low resolution and extremely powerfull video wall. Animated graphics can subsequently be laid over the display to create stunning high powered images. One SixPack fixture contains six individually addressable 40 watt RGBA lamps creating a staggering output of 7,300 lumens pr pixel. Why halogen emulation? Each SixPack features a Halogen Emulation Mode (SGM unique feature) which is designed to mimic the rise and decay of a traditional halogen lamp. This mode creates a retro look allowing designers to add more flexibility to their constructions.

With the SP-6 we had a mission to... • develop the world’s first RGBA LED fixture with a halogen emulator • create a high-power, low-resolution video pattern • create a stylish design utilising the latest LED technology • combine six outputs of powerful 40 watt colour mixing with build-in electronics and individual DMX control of each pixel • produce an advanced LED fixture with multiple functionalities for the LD to oper-

ate (e.g. to display animated text or programmed patterns)

And we did it!



The trapezoidal design of the SixPack enables the fixture to be rigged into curved shapes such as a speaker line array. This also makes it perfect for outof-the-box and unique installations while maintaining an easy rigging system for quick and safe setup and dismantling. Unlike any others fixture, the SixPack has all its control features on the rear for easy access on stage allowing it to be placed in e.g. stage stairs. With an IP rating of IP65, the SixPack is designed to be used in an outdoor environment allowing it to be used as a uplighter on building facades.



All On Light output

7300 lm


240 W


30 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Red Light output

3300 lm


59,4 W


56 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Green Light output

2600 lm


72,4 W


36 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Blue Light output

1600 lm


77,7 W


21 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Amber Light output

2500 lm


60,5 W


42 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

The SP-6 patents The SGM SP-6, also going by the name the SixPack, is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

* Goniometer Scan / Ocean optics / Viso Systems Light Spion™ ©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/06


LB·100 LED Ball Multiples of LB-100 LED Balls are designed to form a video light curtain with 120mm pixel pitch. The curtain is made up from 0,85m long strings, each containing seven white LED Balls. Each 34mm sphere contains two powerful RGB LED’s (rated at 42mW per pixel) built into the white plastic moulding. These can extend to a maximum length of 6,8 meters (using 56 balls) and total power consumption is just 60W. The system can be controlled via DMX as well as with a dedicated video server or ordinary PC with Artnet™ (the Artnet signal is then distributed by the A-4 to DMX Converter). These semi-transparent IP65-rated LED Balls can be viewed in 360° and be used to create alluring 3D spatial effects. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, including TV scenography, theme parks, exhibitions, video art, clubs, shopping malls … and just about any fixed installation.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions LB-100 DMX Control 21 channels Diameter 34mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 A Pixel pitch 120mm IP 65 Base Length 715mm (28,15inches) Base Width 80mm (3,15inches) Connections Base Height 120mm (4,72inches) /with Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 bracket 152,5mm /6inches socket Ball/Pixel Diameter 34mm (1,34inches) Data output Female locking 4-pin RJ765 Pixel Pitch 120mm (4,724inches) socket


Installation Orientation Any

Electrical specifications Power Consumption is 7.4W per 7 Pixels

Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 50° C (122°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -30° C (-22°F) Operating humidity 98%

Accessories C-1, Power adaptor cable Part # 830060201 TLD-612 Touring LED driver Part # 80070201 ILD Installation LED Drive Part # 80070216 TLD-612 A Touring LED driver - ART Net Part # 80070221

LT·100/200 3D Graphic Tube The LT-100 comprises a series of one-metre long pixel sticks, loaded with RGB LED’s at 35mm pixel pitch — all DMX drivable via any proprietary media server, or pixel mapping DMX consol. This 3D graphic tube was demonstrated at Frankfurt’s prolight+sound 2012 via 300 sticks, suspended from the ceiling. However, it made its nightclub debut at Home, in Lincoln, UK where it provided a staggering overhead 3D vertical and horizontal zip effect. The theory of pixel mapping is that two dimensional objects are transformed into three dimensions with the help of advanced programming techniques; thus each LT-100 LED pixel can be addressed individually enabling the LJ to create genuine 3D lighting effects, such as 3D waves or 3D bars which can be easily manipulated in terms of speed, colour, brightness, direction, and much more. This creativity will be extended further by the future release of 2-metre and ½-metre lengths (LT-200/LT-50). SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Signal source LT-100 Diameter 25mm LT-100 DMX Control 81 channels LT-200 Diameter 34mm LT-200 DMX Control 162 channels Pixel pitch 35mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 Connector cable length 1000mm IP 65 LT-100 Length 1006mm LT-200 Length 1951mm Connections LT-100 addressable pixels 27 pixels Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 LT-200 addressable pixels 54 pixels socket LT-100 Weight 280g LT-200 Weight 514g Electrical specifications Optics 2x170° view angle Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 98%

Power supply voltage 12V Power consumption per LT-100 (27 pixels) 20W Power consumption per LT-200 (54 pixels) 40W Accessories C-1, Power adaptor cable Part # 830060201 TLD-612 Touring LED driver Part # 80070201 ILD Installation LED Drive Part # 80070216 TLD-612 A Touring LED driver - ART Net Part # 80070221



Photo: Morten Rygaard

LED Dome These LED domes can be used in any orientation, with a maximum number of 35 domes in a single PSU chain. The outer diameter is just 80mm (ceiling cut-out diameter of 70mm), with a total depth of 53.3mm (depth below ceiling of 35mm). The LED domes can function in maximum ambient temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10° C. Control is via three-channel DMX.

SPECIFICATIONS Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature LD-5 dimensions (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Outer diameter 80 mm Minimum ambient temperature Ceiling cutout diameter 70 mm (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Total depth 53.3 mm Operating humidity 98% Depth below ceiling 35 mm Signal source Weight 82 g DMX Control 3 channels According to standard USITT DMX 512 Installation Orientation Any Connections Max. number of LD-5 on one PSU Data / Power input RJ 45 (Cat 5) connector chain 35 Data / output (loop through) RJ 45 Electrical specifications (Cat 5) connector max. 3m cable Power supply voltage 24V Power consumption per LD-5 1.4W Accessories IP 65 at front LD-5 Power injector Part # 83062010 Signal source LD-5 Data + Power injector LB-100 DMX Control 3 channels Part # 83062009 According to standard USITT DMX 512 A4 ART Net to DMX Converter IP 65 Part # 80070217


LP·700 LED Pix The LP-700 comes in chain lengths of 6.75m (including connector). With a pixel pitch of 120mm, and individual pixels measuring 40mm x 40mm x 17mm (LWH) each length has 56 addressable pixels. Installable in any orientation, it is IP65-rated, with maximum ambient operating temperature of 50°C and minimum of -40°C. Signal source is DMX512 A (with 168 controllable DMX channels). The power consumption of each pixel line is just 62W.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions DMX Control 168 channels LP-700 Chain Length (incl. connector) According to standard USITT DMX 512 6.75 m Individual Pixel Length / Width / Height Connections 40 x 40 x 17 mm Data / Power input Waterproof male Pixel pitch 120 mm connector TE 2106136-2 Addressable pixels 56 pixels Data output Waterproof female conLP-700 Weight 1.2 kg nector TE 2106135-4 Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 50° C (122°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -40° C (-40°F) Operating humidity 98% IP rating IP 65

Electrical specifications Power supply voltage 18V +-0.5V Power consumption of LP-700 Chain 62W Accessories LP-700 Power supply, Part # 83061701 LP-700 Power injector, Part # 83062008 LP-700 Data + Power injector, Part # 83062007


Made in Denmark

LS路4.6 ULTRA HIGH RESOLUTION LED SCREEN The SGM LS-4.6 is a Danish built, ultra hi-res video panel capable of displaying detailed video from a high-resolution digital video source. The screen comes with two different LED source options: A white-faced high-output version with contrast ratio of 1,000:1 and a light output of 1,500 cd/m2. And a black faced version with a contrast ratio of 7,000:1 and a light output of 1,000 cd/m2. The LED chips are 3in1 SMD, which makes them suitable for applications where picture quality and brightness are important. The screen has no fans, so it is completely noiseless, and has a high refresh rate of 2,000 Hz making it perfect for applications such as television, theatre, exhibitions, show production and concerts. The SGM LS-4.6 features 4.6mm pixel pitch, which is suitable for applications where the absolute best picture resolution and quality are required. It is recommended for applications where the viewing distance is 3 meters or more. The long-life LED system and very low pixel failure rate renders the SGM LS-4.6 very suitable for permanent installations, yet the 8.5 kg low weight easy-to-assemble units also provide a very attractive system for touring and rental use. The display can be installed quickly in a suspended mode or floor-mounted using an assembly frame.



166 LS-4.6 panels on the Ferrari stand, Geneva 2013

126 LS-4.6 panels divided into 5 screens at Unica Video Studio, Italy


TLD·612 TOURING LED DRIVER The TLD-612 Touring LED driver has specifically been designed for powering and driving the LB-100 LED balls and the LT-100/LT-200 graphic tubes. The driver’s six outputs can control up to 6 x 8 pcs. LB-100 strings or 6 pcs. of LT-100 or 6 pcs. of LT-200. Maximum total power consumption is 360W and each LED pixel uses 3 DMX channels. The TLD-612 is IP65 rated for both indoor and outdoor application, and uses 2 DMX universes in 5pin XLR.

TLD·612 A TOURING LED DRIVER - ART-NET The TLD-612A offers all the same features and driving capabilities as the regular TLD-612, with the variation of offering an Ethernet EJ45 Artnet interface instead of regular 5-pin XLR DMX interface. The output of the TLD-612A is completely individually configurable by software, which makes it possible to send any channel range in any universe to each output. The Art-Net interface is especially designed for high-speed / high-flow DMX, and thereby making it a perfect match for pixel mapping. This makes the TLD-612A suitable for applications that require numerous DMX universes, at a cost-efficient level. This driver ensures quick and easy installation for touring.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 715 x 80 x 182mm Weight: 4 kg Installation Orientation: Any IP Rating IP65 Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Maximum Power Consumption: 360 W (max)


Connections / Signal source (TLD-612) Signal source: USITT DMX 512A DMX Data input: locking 5-pin XLR male sockets Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets Connections / Signal source (TLD-612A) Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets

ILD INSTALLATION LED DRIVER The ILD, Installation LED Driver, shares the majority of the features of the TLD-612A, but has a smaller and more compact power supply, which makes it suitable for permanent installations, where a small physical footprint is required. The ILD is capable of driving either 6 pcs. of LT-100 tubes, 3 pcs. of LT-200 tubes or 3 pcs. of full length LB-100 strings (8 pcs. of LB-100 per string). The ILD is also IP65 rated and has daisy-chainable Ethernet for Artnet input, and it has a power consumption of maximum 120W. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 258 x 65 x 116 mm Weight: 2.1 kg Installation Orientation: Any Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Power Consumption: 120 W (max)

IP Rating IP65 Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Artnet Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RS765 sockets

A路4 ART-NET TO DMX CONVERTER The A-4 is a universal high-speed 4 port Art-Net to DMX converter. It is designed to be a very cost-effective, but high quality product, which can compete with the best performing products on the market today. The A-4 Art-Net to DMX converter is 100% configurable by software to listen to any Art-Net universe on any subnet, and output this to any of the 4 DMX ports. Furthermore, the A-4 is designed especially for high-performance pixel-mapping applications, which makes it perfect for use in applications where many Art-Net universes are required. The housing of the A-4 is extremely compact and rugged and is designed for touring as well as fixed installations.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 95 x 65 x 115mm Weight: 0,7 kg

Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Power Consumption: 10 W (max)

Installation Orientation: Any

Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors DMX Outputs: 5-pin neutrik locking-DMX

IP Rating IP20


SGM ACCESSORIES MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE X, P & Q SERIES The BCC mounting brackets, which can be ordered as an accessory, adds a whole range of rigging, hanging and suspension opportunities to the fixture. The simple and clever use of quarter turn brackets makes the mounting of the fixture easy. After the mounting of the fixture, it can be hung from the ceiling, wall or floor via wires, truss or fixed to a pole in almost any desirable position. The BCC-2 and BCC-4 is an accessory for all the following products: X-5, XC-5, P-5, P-5 W, P-5 TW, Q-7, Q-7 W. The BCC-2 dual bracket will hold up to 2 fixtures

The BCC-4 quad bracket will hold up to 4 fixtures

MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE SIXPACK The horizontal hanging bracket is an accessory for the SP-6, SixPack, which enables you to mount up to 8 pcs. of SP-6 horizontally hanging from beneath each other. The horizontal bracket features 2 pcs. of adjustable brackets for holding any standard G-hook or any type of half coupler clamp for mounting on any truss size. The SP-6 horizontal bracket will hold up to 8 fixtures


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

SGM in the Asian Region With effect from August 1st, SGM has placed

manufacturers in the world. The interest in

Hanslee Lim under contract as Senior Area Sales

SGM’s products has been increasing rapidly, and

Manager for the Asian region.

by receiving support directly from the factory it will enable me in return to support SGM’s

Hanslee is no new face at SGM. He initially arrived

customers in Asia more efficiently.”

in June 2012 to distribute SGM products through former local subsidiary, SGM Asia. However, the

CEO of SGM, Peter Johansen comments, “We

SGM management has now taken the strategic

welcome Hanslee as part of our dedicated sales

decision to manage the region from HQ in

force. Together we are ready to take on new


challenges in the Asian region, and we have many opportunities to assess.”







states: “I am very pleased to be working closer with the team at SGM. Led by Peter

Contact details for Hanslee Lim:

Johansen, and supported by an experienced


team of professionals, I am confident that

Mobile: +65 9225 7428

SGM will become one of the leading lighting

Skype: hanslee1


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Roskilde Festival Denmark’s historic Roskilde Festival, which dates back to 1971, is the largest culture and music festival in Northern Europe. Each year it provides a remarkable musical fusion of up and coming artists mixed with famous international acts.

This initially took shape when Head of Stage Technology at Roskilde Festival, Paul Jensen, contacted SGM to test the X-5 strobe. “Shortly after the tests, we decided to go wild — adding 250 SixPacks and some other nice SGM stuff to the production,” he recalls.

With 195 performing bands playing on eight stages over eight consecutive days, the event was high on anticipation, with audience pitching their tents to compete for the Camp of the Year.

Thomas van Nord, from the company Victory Tour Production, the LD of Pavilion and supplier of the light production to Pavilion and Odeon, specified 14 X-5 white LED strobes for Pavilion and 100 SixPack blinders, as well as 16 X-5 and 20 P-5 LED wash lights for Odeon. “Roskilde Festival has always been a ‘first adopter’ in respect of new technical equipment in the Danish music industry, and the festival set a high technical standard on all stages this year.” he says.

Renowned international names such as Rihanna, Metallica, Volbeat, Queen of the Stone Age, Slipnot and Kraftwerk ensured that Roskilde Festival 2013 lived up to its reputation with regards to performance, while lighting designers and suppliers ensured maximum dynamics, to bring the best out of the performances. A first adopter Three of the stages were awash with premium LED fixtures from SGM: Odeon, Pavilion and Apollo.

Paul Jensen Head of Stage Technology at Roskilde Festival. Operates with light, sound, screens, stage equipment and stage tents. Michael Rahr Lighting Designer. A true Roskilde veteran, who has worked with design and production for many years. Thomas van Nord Sales and Communications Manager of Victory Tour Production. Involved in several upcoming tours such as Volbeat, Medina, Tim Christensen and Burhan G. Søren Peglau Lighting Designer and owner of Imagination. Designing for Medina and Burhan G.


Jensen cuts in, describing Roskilde Festival 2013 as a “festival of light”. He explaines, “We’ve given special attention to stage lighting this year with the help of SGM providing a large number of SixPacks.”

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

a Blast of SixPacks Lighting designs to blow people’s minds While Pavilion’s stage was intended to embrace a full festival setup to accommodate a versatile programme over the eight days - from soloists to hardcore metal - the Odeon stage was provided a uniquely visual appearance. LD of Odeon, Søren Peglau, designed a lighting set in which the fixtures on the sidewalls all pointed towards the centre of the stage, guaranteeing that the artists were the focus of attention. At the same time, they broadened the stage’s natural limitations creating a visual impression of a massive stage area, and a lighting impact visible from afar.

The SixPacks were used as a huge blinder as well as for graphics and text. We used pixel mapping as a display technique but we also drove some fixtures as normal LED cells through the effect generator of the lighting console.”

Peglau explains, “The equipment used at Odeon comprised exclusively of LED products as a part of the sustainable strategy of Roskilde Festival. In the design phase, I emphasised a solution that embraced the entire edge of the tent visually, and for this purpose I used LED strips for the sides and a width of 100 SixPacks for the top.

“I wanted to blow people’s minds,” he says. “I wanted people to look and just say ‘wow’!” Rahr achieved precisely that effect and basked in the audience’s positive reaction: many came by afterwards expressing their excitement, which made all the long hours of designing, planning and execution worthwhile.

Meanwhile, at Apollo’s stage the LD, Michael Rahr, wanted to encircle the audience in light and sound, blending together the two effects by using a multitude of bright SixPacks – a total of 150 pieces – and a very powerful sound system with focus on the bass. These SixPacks were fixed to poles, elegantly spreading out as wings to surround and welcome the audience.

SixPack x 250 pcs

X-5 x 30 pcs

P-5 x 20 pcs

Giotto Spot 700 x 12 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

Which was the favourite? According to van Nord, SGM’s P-5, in particular, had provided the real surprise. “The P-5 was an eye-opener for me,” he admits, “and a very pleasant experience to work with. We used this wash light as a blinder and it was very bright and mixed the colours nicely.” As for the impact of the other SGM fixtures, he only had positive feedback: “The SixPack is a great lamp, providing good colour mix and it adds a fun effect with its halogen mode, while the X-5 proved extremely powerful used in four-channel mode”. Jensen adds that from his perspective “… the SixPack was indeed the talk of the town.” Rahr agrees. “I must say that the output of the SixPacks was impressive. Prior to Roskilde Festival, I had one unit for testing and yes it was bright, but when you put up 150 SixPacks it becomes spectacular. One of the main features was their performance in bright daylight.” All parties involved are eager to work with SGM products again in the near future. “Finally, we have met a company – SGM – that wants to work with us at the festival for the benefit of both parties. The SGM light enhanced the concerts, the bands were amazed and the audience went wild! “I’m now looking forward to having a number of G-Spots [the new IP rated moving head from SGM] in rainy weather at Apollo stage next year and I presume that Michael Rahr already has some unique ideas for the design,” Jensen concludes.


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013


P-5s highlight Barack Obama P-5 x 17 pcs

Copyright image: Joachim Dennemann, POOLgroup

Huge lux levels achieved in the face of bright sunshine

Barack Obama recently visited Berlin for the first time since his election as US president. The highlight of his 25-hour stay in Berlin was his speech before an invited audience of 5,000 people at the Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate. The technical planning and equipment necessary to transmit his speech to the world media was undertaken by event production company, POOLgroup on behalf of the German Foreign Office and the Federal Press Office. At first glance, it may seem absurd for an event taking place under a cloudless blue sky to require artificial outdoor lighting. But it was feared that such was the positioning of the stage on the Pariser Platz and the Brandenburg Gate, while intense sunlight would be expected on one side the other might be plunged into semi-darkness. The production team also had to consider that a pure illumination from the front would have reflected from the centimeter-thick, bulletproof armoured glass, placed in front of the lectern, to safeguard the President. Equally, any illumination from conventional angles would have triggered massive reflections on the glass and blinded both press and public. The solution was to place a total of 17 x SGM P-5 RGBW wash lights directly behind the glass


on the floor as spotlight illumination of the lectern, working alongside the TV cameras. To compensate for the differences in brightness and create uniformity, six P-5 were placed right of the lectern, a further three floor-mounted at the bottom centre and eight fixtures on the left. This resulted in a powerful, balanced and controllable illumination from the front and both sides. A remarkable, technical detail was the lux values that this achieved. The incident light intensity from the sun was 120.000 lux. The levels achieved using the P-5 were: two sides of 40,000 lux (sunlight originally 9,000 and 37,000 lux) and 28,000 lux (sunlight originally 13,000 lux) from the front! In order to make the teleprompter easier to read, the front light focused on President Obama was reduced to ‘only’ 22,000 lux! The POOLgroup had earlier invested in a considerable number of P-5 wash lights, since they are flexible, very light and easy to control. During the subsequent gala dinner at Charlottenburg Palace a further 12 SGM P-5’s were used to illuminate the façade in colour changing lighting.

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

P-5 x 140 pcs

P-5 provides the right chemistry for Clariant Neumann & Müller sets the scene in Nürnberg The European Coatings Show is an international trade fair covering the production of high quality paints and coatings, sealants, construction chemicals and adhesives. Taking place every two years at the Exhibition Centre Nürnberg, around 1,000 exhibitors from 43 countries presents their innovations before more than 25,000 visitors. The Berlin office of German production company Neumann & Müller was commissioned to plan and execute the rigging, sound, lighting and media technology on the stand of Swiss speciality chemicals group Clariant. The requirement was for a homogeneous and extremely bright illumination of the ceiling panel — which became the concept for the lighting design and therefore the highlight of the booth. At the same time the

colour temperature had to be adjustable to the 120 square meter luminous band encircling the stand. This concept was implemented with the use of 140 SGM P-5 LED wash lights, which allow for controllable colour temperatures. For an overall consistent output, diffusion film was drawn in between the canopy and the LED fixtures. Michael Herweg, MD of SGM Deutschland, comments: "If you look at the pictures, you would think that you are being presented with a rendering, due to the brightness and the smooth and even distribution of the light output. Here you can see immediately why such high-cost materials were utilised - the result is perfect."


XC-5 x 36 pcs

Earlier this year, lighting designer Uffe Jansson worked as LD for the grand opening of The Abba Museum in Stockholm, while also having TV productions such as Swedish IDOL and The Voice Sweden on his resumé, working as lighting programmer/ operator for Swedish TV Lighting Designer Per Ax.

To blind, to wash, to strobe – Kent was on fire with the XC-5 When Stockholm’s Tele2 Arena held its opening concert on August 24th, it turned into a major celebration with true festival atmosphere. With a programme of daytime activities, family fun, concerts and after-party, Swedish band Kent was the headline act for a sold out concert, much appreciated by the 40,000 guests.

Jansson had previously worked with the old SGM product line (Palco, Ribalta, etc.), however, this was his first opportunity to deploy any of the new LED based fixtures and it certainly aroused his interest. “I now look forward to checking out the P-5 [LED wash light] and the G-Spot [IP65 moving head],” he said.

Kent’s lighting designer, Uffe Jansson, brought 36 SGM XC-5 colour LED strobes on set to fulfil his vision of a combined strobe effect with a powerful blinder and wash light. “This combination turned out really well,” he says, reporting a positive experience working with the fixtures, which he found both elegant and robust in their design and simple to use via the menu.

The excellent light show captured the attention of the crowd and the entertainment industry partners, while also receiving special mention in the three largest newspapers in Sweden.

With only 20 minutes to change the set inbetween the acts, the floor based additional lighting for Kent had to be extremely wellprepared and thus Jansson designed eight portable towers of moving heads and strobes. Kent’s lighting crew, Tobias Winerdal and Mathias Hansen, made the set change in just 11 minutes!


“Kent sound like they have rehearsed for months for this, and they have brought with them a light show that definitely reinforces that impression.” – Aftonbladet “…As the band moves into their synth rock hit ‘Ingenting’ [Nothing] they invite a powerful light show to take the lead role. Long white spotlight beams dance and form a net of fluffy lights, while the scenography is coloured blue.” – Expressen “Kent … has evolved into a band that is made for arena rock. With a magical light show dressing every song in a different coloured suit, they light up the entire arena.” – SVD

X-5 x 32 pcs

Photo: Zoe Mutter / TPi Magazine

X-5s ROCK WITH KINGS OF LEON American rock band, Kings of Leon has raised the bar to new levels of production for their latest tour, incorporating visually stunning effects and advanced automation within an inspired set conceived by Lite Alternative’s Paul Normandale.

the high output and the fixture’s non time-out capabilities. He spoke of their “intensity and duration”, adding that “the 3-cell nature of the design is a unique effect, and through this tour the strobes have once again proven very reliable and durable.”

As one of the UK’s in-demand and creative production designers, Paul became an early adopter of SGM’s LED strobe platform, originally purchasing 30 for use on the One Direction world tour. Since then the inventory has grown to more than 40 heads, with 32 being deployed on the latest arena and festival tour by the four members of the Followill family.

In terms of scalability, production has been touring three different systems to fulfil the logistics, conceived around a tower-based lighting system, set in front of hi-res video screens, along with custom fixtures – such as surgery lights made by Specialz.

Having worked with Kings of Leon for the past seven years, the LD explained, “This time around we went very much for a festival-based design, so lighting was based on ease and speed of deployment and a low downstage presence; for festival sets you need to contain the lights and video in the rear 10ft of the stage to allow the rest of the festival to function.” The show is operated by programmer Ali Bale, using two MA grandMA2 consoles. From his experience using the X-5 LED Paul Normandale was immediately impressed with

The strobes themselves are mounted on the upright towers — used regularly throughout the performance as conventional stabbing effects and in a more creative fashion, using the threecell structure. “In fact we explored the 3-cell possibilities a good deal more this time, as the orientation of the strobes was towards the crowd,” states the designer. Finally, Paul also acknowledged that the low power requirements of the LED strobes made them extremely valuable when the production scaled down for smaller venues on the itinerary with more restricted supplies.


SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

AC-ET Sees LDs Embrace SGM X-5 LED Strobes at Glastonbury Festival’s Other Stage By James Molony A.C. Entertainment Technologies (AC-ET) Ltd’s Lighting division has supplied a significant quantity of SGM X-5 Strobes to respected lighting hire company Neg Earth for use on Glastonbury Festival’s famous ‘Other Stage’. As the sun made its debut at Pilton Farm so too did the SGM X-5 Strobes, the industry's first high output professional LED strobe light. Revellers ditched their wellies to see top class, headline acts including: Portishead, Chase and Status and The XX play to fever pitch crowds under the pulsing super-bright SGM Strobe. X-5 x 28 pcs Tom Lesh, house LD for The Other Stage chose to rig 28 SGM X-5 Strobes across three trusses as he explains: “We rigged 28 of them across three trusses – and kept two spare - to add some visual depth to the stage both for the audience and of course for the TV cameras. We also needed something that would cut through in the bright summer sunshine and these strobes were ideal. They were a big hit on the Other Stage during the festival, being used by LDs for the three high-profile headline acts, as well as many others further down the bill. For those bands that played in the daylight the SGM X-5s were also welcome additions. Bands including: the Foals, Alt J, Tame Impala, The Lumineers, Enter Shikari, Amanda Palmer, The Hives and Beady Eye, Example, Two Door Cinema, Alabama Shakes Noah and The Whale, Azealia Banks, Dry The River The 1975 & The Staves, Smashing Pumpkins, Editors, Of Monster & Men, PiL, I Am Kloot, Stornoway, The Heavy and Zulu Winter. LDs programmed either from the house consoles or their own touring consoles. “They either cloned or fixture swapped using the fourchannel mode to replicate their own strobe effects” explains Lesh. “This worked every time and the SGM X-5s slipped seamlessly into shows without any hassle.” According to Lesh the most common comment from visiting LDs was how blown away they were that the X-5s don’t ‘thermal out’ and die. “When


you have the strobe duration at full, you can keep your finger on the flash button and they will just keep running,” says Lesh. “Brilliant!” In fact Lesh liked them so much that he decided to take them to The House Festival where they were used for bands including the Kaiser Chiefs, Bastille and Primal Scream. And, as a respected lighting designer himself Lesh says he would definitely specify them again for his own productions. AC-ET's UK Sales Director, Jonathan Walters, concludes: “We are delighted with the outcome. The SGM X-5 LED High Output Strobe is an environmentally friendly, compact fixture that can deliver around the same output as conventional high wattage xenon strobes at up to a fifth of the power! The X-5 white LED strobe uses 3,000 Welly Power LED’s. Its low power consumption would allow running 100 X-5's on only 400 amps, when compared to the 1600 amps required to power 100 conventional strobes.” The X-5 white LED strobe also features 160° lenses as standard, tilts from 0° - 110°, offers 1, 3, 4, 6 or 7 DMX channel modes of operation and is easily set up via OLED 5-button graphic display. In seven-channel mode, the panel can be split into three controllable settings. Both duration and rate can be adjusted to create various burst and flash effects. Other features include: Simple Menu structure; Upgradable software (via DMX); IP20 rated; standard Neutrik powerCON connectors for in and pass through, and standard 5-pin XLR DMX In/Out. Julian Lavender, Neg Earth’s project manager at Glastonbury, where the company supplied lighting equipment not just for The Other Stage but for The Pyramid as well, concludes: “The SGM X-5 strobes worked out brilliantly - they really did make a big impact.”

UK Sales Director

Jonathan Walters

SGM NEWS No. 4 2013

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SGM distributors North America

Czech Republic - Dancefloor S.R.O

Canada - S.F. Marketing Inc.

Finland - Noretron Communication Oy


France - Sonoss

USA - PRG Global

Germany & Austria - SGM Deutschland GmbH

USA - Upstaging Inc.

Hungary - Zaj System House Trading Ltd Co

USA - Creative Stage Lighting Co., Inc.

Italy - SGM Technology for Lighting S.r.l.

USA - Legend Theatrical

Norway - AVAB CAC AS Poland - PROLIGHT sp. z.o.o.

Latin America

Portugal - LightSet

Argentina - Prind-co

Romania - PSI, Professional Sound Impact

Brazil - LBO Lighting Commercia e Importacao e


Exportacao Ltda

Russia – Show Atelier

Cuba - Beta Music SA

Spain – Lexon SA

Dominican Republic - All Tradig Worldwide Inc.

Sweden - SGM Sweden AB

Mexico - Representaciones de Audio S.A. De C.V.

Switzerland - ASL Electronic AG/SA The Netherlands - Sales-all BV


Turkey - Asimetrik Ses Isik Ve Goruntu Sistemleri

India - Modern Stage Services Pvt. Ltd.

UK - L.E.D. (Projects) Ltd.

Indonesia - Goshen Electronics Indonesia

UK - A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd.

Korea - C&C Lightway, Inc.

Ukraine - Art-R Sergey Rusnak

Malaysia - Octodecim Akustik Sdn. Bhd. Japan - Technical Supply Japan Co., Ltd.


Singapore - Synergy AVL Pte. Ltd.

Australia - Entertainment Technology Australia

UAE (Middle East Region) - TechnoPro Ltd.

New Zealand – Direct Imports



Bulgaria - Music Center Ikonomov Ltd

Egypt - Egyptian Engineering Projects Co., (QUALITY)

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