SGM News No.2

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No. 2 2013

STROBE THE WORLD XC-5s for majors’ world tours – including P!nk See page 4

Over 2,000 LB-100 See page 6

Petra touches heaven... See page 16

Tower of LED Power.... See page 50

Revealing the G-Spot... See page 58


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

The Coolest in the Market? At SGM, we always listen to feedback and input from partners in the industry. Feedback is highly valued and an essential part of our process of improving our products; be it adding a feature, redesigning a grip or as inspiration for new products. After visiting Mexico a month ago, we received such feedback from LD, Ben Díaz, who had worked with SGM products in the past. The revival of the brand has convinced him that with the new direction SGM “may be the coolest in the market right now” (quote Ben Díaz). That statement came along with feedback and suggestions which we always take to heart and consider, in the respect that the SGM R&D team never ceases to enhance our products. Now, we are facing the launch of the G-Spot; a product so revolutionary and refined that we cannot wait to get the market’s feedback. Already having done preliminary demonstrations to key partners, we are certain though to meet needs and even define needs of the market for moving heads of the future. Also at PL&S, we will launch our new Danish built, ultra hi-res LED screen, the LS-4.6 with a high contrast ratio and fast refresh rate, making it perfect for any high-performance application. Speaking about Denmark, we are proud to reveal that we have started up the process of moving manufacturing to Denmark. By doing so, we wish to continue to enhance the high quality of our products and we have optimized our flexibility to adapt to a constantly changing environment. The SGM activities are extensive and worldwide. With impressive architectural installations, classic festivals, grand world tours, original clubs and creative musicals on the palette, we trust this magazine leaves you with a true SGM experience.

Peter Johansen


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

CONTENTS SGM NEWS No. 2 2013 Silent House backs 4 SGM has an alpine 6 Ministry of sound backs SGM 7 SGM P·5 wash light sets new horizons for Shrek the 8 X-5 LED strobes provide extra flash on One Direction world 10 A fresh perspective, interview of Tim 11 SGM SixPacks punch life into 12 SGM LED Balls provide bounce in 14 SGM LB·100 spells curtains for Ää 15 Petra touches heaven with SGM’s LED 16 Mario is 18 Eye Alert for Bright 19 Desert 20 SGM LT-100 creates ultimate chandelier 22 Motion Light ramps up with 300+ units of SGM’s powerful 23 The 24 The 25 The P-5 W and P-5 29 The Q-7 and Q-7 30 The 31 The 34 The 36 40 LT-100 / 41 42 43 44 TLD-612 / TLD-612 A 46 ILD / 47 SGM 48 The Winner Takes It 49 Tower of LED 50 Game-Changing SGM Strobes at the Grey Cup 100th 52 Turkish 53 ProLight makes immediate impact with SGM in 54 SGM - Maybe the coolest brand in the market right 56 Revealing the 58 SGM 60

The SGM News magazine is published by: SGM A/S · Soeren Frichs Vej 51-53 · 8230 Aabyhoej · Denmark · Tel: +45 70207400 · Inquiries, correspondence, articles and photographs for consideration should be directed to: © Copyright SGM A/S 2013 · All rights reserved by SGM A/S Editor and editorial text: Executive Assistant, Lene Rix Additional copy: Freelance copywriter, Jerry Gilbert and Marketing Manager, Esben Slot Sørensen Design and Graphics: Graphic Designer, Franz Fau Front page photos: Todd Kaplan All facts, content and stories are collected from SGM end-users, distributors and subsidiaries.


XC-5 x 76 pcs

Photo: Kevin Mazur - Wire Image.

SILENT HOUSE BACKS XC-5 FOR MAJOR WORLD TOURS Multiples of SGM’s LED RGB strobes chosen for P!nk. When top production designer Baz Halpin walked past the SGM booth at the LDI Show in Las Vegas last November he was stopped in his tracks by the Danish company’s new XC-5 colour strobes. Responding to an invitation from the lighting manufacturer’s US head, Randy Wade, he and Chris Nyfield, along with other members of the Silent House Productions team would probably have given little more than a cursory glance, as seeking out new strobes was probably furthest from their mind. “I was actually quite happy with the strobes we had been using — but as we walked past the SGM booth we were really taken by the strobes.”


“I instantly loved the quality of the colors, the intensity, size and the low power consumption … not to mention that the fixture could be more versatile than just a strobe,” remarked the Irish born designer. The timing could scarcely have been better, with a major world tour by P!nk ramping up. “We decided to take the gamble,” he said. “We loaded them into Phoenix for the P!nk rehearsals where they exhibited a really beautiful quality of light, and they have proved very reliable ever since.” Helping to make the judgment was a top lighting crew, for in addition to Halpin was Silent House

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Design Director, Chris Nyfield, and highly experienced LD, Bryan Barancik (associate lighting designer). “Both Chris and I felt strongly about using them after LDI so we decided to ‘put all our eggs’ in the SGM basket — and I’m happy to say it paid off.” Production has 34 XC-5s out with P!nk and a further 42 integrated into the Taylor Swift set — all supplied by Production Resource Group (PRG). While all Silent House productions go out to bid, Baz Halpin’s experience with PRG has always been excellent. “Mickey Curbishley [President, Concert Touring] is one of the best in the business. His professionalism and attention to detail have always been first rate. Their equipment is well maintained and their crews top class,” praises the designer. Curbishley himself remembers, “We all knew there was an LED strobe coming to the market and this is the one that everyone fell in love with; Baz wanted it and it came at us really fast. There wasn’t the facility to let someone else be the guinea pig!” “They have immense power and you can see how bright they are while drawing very little power. Old strobes pull such a lot of wattage — plus these can travel in the truss. They offer more creativity as the only way you can change colors on a traditional strobe is with a scroller. This makes them more consistent and reliable.”

observes: “They can be used in multiples, and they allow you to have a real strobe effect with no color scrollers breaking down, or white light leakage through the vents etc. Other benefits are the fact the XC-5s don’t need to ramp down / cool down and can be used as a scenic fixture also.” And creatively they offer a ton of options, he says. “That is one of their most valuable features. The fact that we can run color chases along with strobing patterns is a great new effect in the arsenal. The color versatility is fantastic and allows you to use them in more varied ways. They provide more of a scenic detail, creating shape along with dynamic punch.” Finally, he notes that shows are moving inexorably towards more eco-friendly LED-type presentations (or latest generation discharge). “We have already received comments about the low power consumption relative to the size of the rig,” he reveals. So have the XC-5s met the demands that Silent House Productions imposed on them in terms of output and creativity? “Absolutely,” comes the immediate reply. “In fact they are delivering more than we expected. They are a very reliable, consistent, bright fixture with none of the usual glare associated with LED fixtures. They are a great addition to the rig!”

So how are these fixtures being deployed? The P!nk set features the XC-5s, strategically placed on ladders of trussing upstage left and right, for use as an audience blinder, and also on the roof and side trussing to provide more traditional strobe lighting onto the stage and performers. “In other words we use them both as a strobing feature, a hyper-flash blast and as a color bump for some more regular musical dynamics,” Baz Halpin explains. He describes the set as “a sort of grungy Pulp Fiction game show world” with a lot of different types of performance within the show. “Therefore the set had to be as versatile as possible,” he continued. “It is an asymmetric design with a lot of moving video screens which constantly change the shape and feel of the set depending on the act within the show and the visual we try to create for an individual song.” The advantages of a low-profile, lightweight LED strobe, such as the XC-5, are manifold. Baz

Photo: Todd Kaplan


LB-100 x 2,000 pcs

SGM HAS AN ALPINE BALL Over 2,000 LB-100 360° strings line VIP Tent at World Ski Cup. A staggering 14,000 SGM LB-100 360° LED Balls — the largest deployment ever — recently combined to produce two giant circular overhead displays up in the Austrian Tyrol. The occasion was the annual Kitzbuehel World Ski Cup — a major event in the Alpine ski calendar. Production company Light and has been servicing the event every year since 2001 — providing reinforcement on the main stage in the medieval town centre, as well as the VIP tent. It was in the VIP tent that the production company was seeking a unique solution. Familiar with SGM’s LED products having used the LED Par Zoom, they already had the concept of using 360° balls festooned on strings when they were introduced to Thorsten Sattler, co-MD of SGM Germany. “We wanted to produce a very special show for the guests in the tent, and at the stage in town. As soon as Thorsten introduced us to the SGM balls we were hugely excited about this product,” said Light and Sound project manager, Günter Dorfer. “The idea was to create a giant chandelier to provide a luxury ambience during the day and a perfect light source placed over the audience for the show event itself.” Responsible for the design were Markus Klotz, Light and Sound’s MD, in conjunction with the


LD Freddy “Rock Freddy” Oberlassnig. No fewer than 1,008 1-metre strings (each containing seven 34mm balls) were used to construct each circle … making a total of 14,112 tiny spheres distributed across 2,016 strings. In addition to the vast consignment of LB-100’s Light and Sound fielded 140 moving heads, 100 par cans, video and audio, with media server (to control the Balls) requiring a total of 128 DMX lines (over Ethernet). Markus Klotz says the LED Balls proved hugely popular. “The customer reaction was amazing and the impact of the LED Balls exceeded everyone’s expectation. Also our lighting designers and crew were extremely impressed.” “This is a very versatile and deployable system and we really enjoy creating new forms and structures with the SGM Balls. We have also designed special cases for the dry hire market, which allows us to pack the system ‘ready to go’ — with easy transportation and fast setting up and demounting.” Light and don’t expect to see these strings languishing long in the warehouse. “We have already experienced some very good shows with the LED Balls — for example the Austrian Media Awards, Tirolissimo, and we are looking forward to have many exciting shows with this amazing system,” they say.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

MINISTRY OF SOUND BACKS SGM STROBES Ministry of Sound in London has made its first investment in SGM’s revolutionary XC-5 LED strobes as part of the club’s major annual upgrade. Chris Thoms, production manager at the world famous venue, placed the order for ten units with SGM UK after seeing a dazzling demonstration at the 2012 PLASA Show in London. The strobes were installed in the venue’s two main club rooms, the Box and 103, during the three week closure for refurbishment in January. This year Thoms and his team focused their attention largely on reconfiguring 103 (effectively Ministry of Sound’s second dance room), adjacent to the Box — deploying four strobes in the former space and six in the main club. “We wanted to bring the clubbing experience in 103 in line with that of the main room and create a party atmosphere,” explained the production manager. “At the same time we needed an adaptable space that we could put a headline act in.” If the XC-5s had created a strong impression at PLASA, he was soon able to work with them in a real world environment — as a consultant with ZEROdB Live, who use these strobes regularly on their major club events. “Having come from a club background strobes are de rigueur,” he continued. “However, at Ministry of Sound, we are quite limited on power and only have three phases of 200A to run the whole club — and conventional moving heads and strobes draw a lot of power. These seemed an ideal solution.”

Evaluating the XC-5s, Thoms says he was initially intrigued that so much brightness could be generated from an LED source. “I realised we could use them in multiples without having to worry about gels and colour filters as you would with conventionals. There is nothing else that competes with them — they are brilliant.” His house technical team — comprising Jonathan Aloia, Tom Cull and freelance light engineer Dean — equally love the new strobes for the creative options they present. “With these RGBW strobes it means we can achieve looks we simply couldn’t get before.” The combination of weight, size and power advantages have enabled Chris Thoms to specify more than he would have thought possible. “These have been easy to install on flown motorized trusses — four facing towards the centre of the dancefloor and two rear facing in the Box, with the remaining four in 103.” This year’s upgrade and injection of new technology is already paying dividends — and in addition to the strobes, Ministry of Sound has also reconfigured some of the spaces, including the VIP Room, beefed up the sound (including purchasing a new digital console) and installed CO2 cannons. “This has been a substantial investment designed to keep us ahead of the game and the SGM strobes are an important part of the overall refit,” he confirmed. “The plan now is to try and incorporate the technology brands we have here in our touring concepts around the world.”

XC-5 x 10 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

SGM P·5 WASH LIGHT FOR SHREK THE MUSI Shrek The Musical, which has enjoyed an extended three-month run at the Amsterdam RAI Theatre, has been playing regularly to full houses in the 1750-capacity venue. Giving increased realism to the friendly green ogre has been SGM’s new super-bright P-5 wash light, from the inventory of lighting rental company, Focus Amsterdam. The technical production specialists were invited by theatre producers Albert Verlinde Entertainment to provide lighting equipment — and just as they have for one of the promoters’ other musicals, Annie, found the P-5 to provide a compelling solution. Taking the popular Palco 5 as its design base, the low-profile rectangular, full-colour LED wash light, with interchangeable lenses, incorporates 44 high power RGBW 10W LEDs outputting a total of 23,666 lumens (at just 450W). This stretches the output-to-consumption envelope by providing an overall efficacy factor of 52 lumens per watt (channeled through lens options of 12°, 23° and 37°). Focus account manager, Marijn Muilenburg, said that although the show producers had purchased the rights to Shrek from Dreamworks, there was enough creative freedom in the agreement for them to introduce complete new décor, light and costumes. He explained, “About one week before the load-in no decision had been made about which fixtures would light the different horizons. We knew that Rent-All had ordered the SGM P-5, and that the first shipment was on its way.” “However, we had one P-5 for demonstration purposes which I took to the rehearsal studio to show lightning designer Marc Heinz. He was really impressed with the output and so we immediately decided to go with it; this gave us just four days between the products arriving in Holland and the load-in at the RAI Theatre.” Heinz has used 34 of the wash lights — 17 on the ground and 17 overhead — in his set. He explained, “I had to light five different backdrops — not only static light images but sunsets, sunrises and all kinds of effects. In many scenes the set was one of these backdrops.” “I knew that with conventional cyclorama lights


this would not have the impact I was looking for so I asked Marijn to see what LED fixtures we could use to achieve my goal.” “I was impressed by the output and the colours achievable with the SGM P-5, since in my opinion the look of a production should be luminous and bright. I felt this was the fixture to use and it looks like we were right, since it has proved to be a ‘show winner’.” “I think we are looking at a stunning lighting tool which I, for sure, will use in future productions.” This is one of a number of SGM’s new generation LED fixtures in Focus’s rental fleet — others being the SP-6, X-5/XC-5 strobes and Genio. When the show finishes at the RAI in March, it will relocate to Antwerp’s Stadsschouwburg in Belgium.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013


Photo: Joris van Bennekom


X-5 x 30 pcs

X-5 LED STROBES PROVIDE EXTRA FLASH ON ONE DIRECTION WORLD TOUR Paul Normandale builds 30 fixtures into cityscape arena design. As boy band sensations One Direction (1D) embarked on the much anticipated 117 date Take Me Home world tour, the tried and trusted production team of Production North, Lite Alternative and Wigwam were brought in to turn the cityscape arena concept of creative designer, Elizabeth Honan, into reality. Lite Alternative’s highly creative production designer Paul Normandale used 30 of SGM’s new X-5 white LED strobes for the first time, replacing conventional xenon-driven devices. And after evaluating them over the first leg of 34 shows stretching across the UK and Ireland, he vowed that it certainly won’t be the last. Supplied by SGM’s UK and Ireland distributor, A.C. Entertainment Technologies (AC-ET) Ltd., the strobes are largely mounted on vertical pipes and bases, positioned under two special ramps, stage left and right, and used mostly for “impact and accent”, according to Normandale. “They had to be sufficiently bright to register over a big LED wall situation,” he said. The two-layered LED wall sections themselves comprise an 84ft x 30ft back screen and a moving LED 70ft skyscraper in front, with a flying bridge. The show is flashy in every sense of the word. In order to prove the X-5 strobes had not only the power output, but all the attributes that the designer was seeking, AC-ET travelled north to


demo several new effects to the designer at Lite Alternative’s base in Lancashire ahead of the tour. “Although there is nothing wrong with the industry standard strobes when suddenly something like this comes along you have to sit up and take notice,” said Normandale. “From production rehearsals onwards, we have really put these strobes through their paces. They have plenty of power and it’s great to have a strobe that doesn’t thermal out at all and just doesn’t stop running.” Programmer and board operator Dave Hill has been developing a new personality for the fixture on his Hog 3 desk enabling maximization of the full potential of the fixture’s three individually controllable LED segments. These are derived from nearly 3,000 pure white LEDs, making it possible to create effects never delivered before by a strobe. The strobes are one of the features of an LED set split across three sections conceptually — and broadly based on a London theme. At one point the band is transported aerially to a second stage via a tracking platform (that resembles London Bridge). After Europe 1D will tour two of its major markets US and Australia through the summer before finishing up in Japan.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

A FRESH PERSPECTIVE Jerry Gilbert interviews PRG VP, Tim Brennan

One man, for whom Peter Johansen’s return to the industry has been a breath of fresh air, is Production Resource Group (PRG’s) Las Vegas based Vice President, Tim Brennan. Brennan, whose association with the SGM CEO dates back to the early ‘90s, said, “He’s returned with a fresh perspective; stepping away from the industry for a while has given him the opportunity to apply some really serious focus.” So seriously are Tim — and the world’s largest supplier of entertainment and event technology — taking the Dane’s return that he immediately flew to Aarhus to meet up with Peter and his senior development manager Finn Kallestrup to see the new portfolio at close quarters. The verdict? “Peter Johansen is clearly on his way again and he’s breathing new life back into the industry.” “He is a very dynamic man; being constantly on the move is in his DNA and he is highly focused on being the LED company of the future.” He was referring in particular to the new IP-rated G-Spot. “People have talked about this [idea] for years but no-one has actually developed it. This is an indication of where he’s at. He’s done the whole gaslamp / discharge thing, changing the industry with products like the Mac 600 and now he’s attacked the hottest new thing.” Tim Brennan joined Martin Professional, the

company originally founded by Peter Johansen, in May 2000 … remaining nearly six years as general manager and North American rental sales manager of their Las Vegas office. Although Peter himself had left the company two years earlier, Tim inherited a rich legacy and had recalls the Martin supremo’s “brutal sense of humour” from his earlier time with Towards 2000 and Matthews Studio Group — both Martin Pro customers. In fact his first encounter had been much earlier, when he was working for the family business Cinema Services. Fast forward … and today PRG are already investors in SGM’s new generation XC-5 LED strobes, which leading designer Baz Halpin presently has out with Taylor Swift and Pink — two of the hottest tours on the planet. These, he believes, will eventually render the traditional strobes obsolete. “It won’t be too long before we stop sucking 25A and using extra generators to run strobes.” Moving sideways, as a former nightclub LD Brennan is also in awe at the speed with which Peter Johansen has identified himself with major dance spectaculars, like Sensation – which is redefining old-school clubbing. “It is companies like them that are driving our industry and moving the technological boundaries internationally. It’s no surprise to me that Peter has jumped onto that.” Summing up, he confirms that PRG would consider adding to inventory any products that Peter’s name was attached to. “[PRG chairman and CEO] Jere Harris always wants to know what’s going on and he respects Peter and Finn a great deal — which is why it was an easy decision for me to jump on a plane and go see them. We would not do that for everyone.”

<< Peter Johansen really was the Henry Ford of our business — which means everyone gets to have an affordable, working, automated fixture >>


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

SGM SIX PACKS PUNCH LIFE INTO SANREMO RAI LD Ivan Pierri uses 30 SP-6 LED blinders for famous song festival. The Sanremo Music Festival 2013 recently took place at the Teatro Ariston, in the picturesque Ligurian town on the Mediterranean, and was broadcast by Rai 1, Italy’s national broadcaster.

high impact from the floor of the set, although of course the possible applications of a lighting bar with these characteristics are manifold.” Ivan Pierri set the Six Packs in five horizontal rows of three under the orchestra platforms to the left and right of the stage. “This enabled them to be used as a conventional blinder but with the wonderful ability of being able to change colour in keeping with the rest of the scene. In future I will use individual lamp control which will enable me to exploit the full potential and features of this great product,” he said, adding that the fixture was very easy to control and programme. The LD realised the creative options afforded by replacing the traditional halogen source with RGBA LED source. The fixture itself combines six outputs of powerful 50W colour mixing with built-in electronics, and individual DMX control over each lamp, allowing individual light canvasses to be ‘painted’, displaying animated text or programmed patterns.

Presented by Fabio Fazio and Italian comedy actress Luciana Littizzetto this famous event, now in its 63rd year, has always enjoyed high production values, and working in cooperation with the scenic director, the RAI’s experienced lighting designer (and DoP) Ivan Pierri created different looks and stage personalities for each of the main performers, using 30 of SGM’s new SP-6 (‘Six Pack’) LED blinders to bring the 1900-capacity venue to life. The lighting was supplied by Di.Bi. Technology Srl of Rome. “Each individual scene had its own identity and the lights needed to be in complete harmony,” said the LD. “I tried hard to realise a three-dimensional feeling, working with the contrasting chiaroscuros of each performer.” The SP-6’s had first been introduced to him by Claudio Zampini, SGM’s Italian area manager. “He let me have some to demo — and I liked them a lot. They seemed perfect for creating


Already familiar with SGM technology, the challenges facing Ivan Pierri were to create a look that would translate for both the live and broadcast audience — and creating this in 360°. The SP-6’s made a huge contribution in that regard, he confirmed. Summing up, Pierri said, “The SP-6 really helped me make the festival more ‘joyful’ — they introduced technology and fun! The fixture responded to all my expectations and I consider them to be an excellent product for both live and TV use.” The Festival was again directed by Duccio Forzano, and Ivan Pierri was assisted by lighting colleagues Quintino Caci and Fabio Gallotta at the console. The competition itself was divided into two different sections. The major event, featuring 14 established Italian artists, was won by Marco Megnoni. The newcomers’ section featured eight songs performed by debuting or little known artists — and the eventual winner was Antonio Maggio.

SP-6 x 30 pcs


LB-100 x 550 pcs

TLD-612 x 20 pcs

LB-100’s in action at the Siemens booth at Expert Expo 2012 Exhibition, Helsinki Exhibition Center Helsinki Winner International Dog Show

SGM LED Balls provide bounce in Finland SGM has made an important breakthrough with its revolutionary LED products in Finland, notably with Jaakko Peltomäki Ltd. After the Helsinkibased events company saw the Danish company’s impressive display at Prolight+Sound 2012 Jaakko Peltomäki himself made the decision to invest, after being particularly impressed by the LB-100 LED Balls. “We were looking for some new ideas for our productions — and these were perfect,” he said. Seeing how they could be formed into curtains to deliver alluring 3D spatial effects, they invested in 550 strings, each containing seven 34mm Balls, 20 TLD-612 pixel drivers to run it … and some extension cords.


tent mainly driven from a Green Hippo media server. An LB-100 display is made up from 0,85m long strings, each supporting seven white LED balls. These in turn contain two powerful RGB LEDs (rated at 42mW per pixel) built into the white plastic moulding and enabling the semi-transparent IP65-rated LED Balls to be viewed in 360°. The strings can extend to a maximum length of 6,8 meters (using 56 balls) while the total power consumption is just 42W.

The 21-year-old company has a versatile work roster, ranging from fashion shows to retail, and they have full turnkey capability, with sound equipment, trussing, video and LED screens. “In fact I was looking for the LED screens when I happened to see the LED Balls — so it was kind of impulse shopping,” said Jaakko.

Jaakko Peltomäki uses his creativity to deliver maximum impact from this stunning feature, generating colour chases or passing lo-res video, depending on the event. “Sometimes it’s just one single colour, but strings used behind gauze makes for some very beautiful and precious impressions,” he said. “There have also been also couple of events where the video content is extended from the main LED screens to surrounding LB-100s — enabling us to make a large composite canvas.”

Helping these products to animate the sets has been the company’s lighting designer, Teemu Pietiläinen. He was soon creating a ‘moving’ 9m x 6m LED canvas for a Helsinki fashion house, with the 12cm pixel pitch display.

The event company’s clients are systematically realising the potential — whether major blue chip corporations like Finnair or Finnish rock bands such as Apulanta who used these festoons during their last autumn tour.

“This was the largest canvas to date, which was made purely for demo purposes,” he said. “We also used the LB-100’s at Helsinki Winner International Dog Show in December; that canvas was about 100m wide — but the gap between each string was approximately 1.2 metres.” All were controlled off SGM’s TLD-612 Touring Pixel Driver via Artnet DMX converters with the con-

Teemu is in no doubt what makes them so special. “The 360° design is fantastic, the structure is modular, it has an IP rating, which is very important, and it is easy to set up.” Jaakko Peltomäki Ltd receives full support and back-up from Timo Kunnas at local SGM distributor Noretron, who fulfilled the order.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

SGM LB·100 SPELLS CURTAINS FOR ÄÄNIRASIA Finnish rental company Äänirasia specialises in providing DJ services and total event production for nightclubs and at the same time carries out permanent installations. The company was set up by former DJ Kalle Nordling and his brother in the west coast city of Pori back in 2004. Among the effects Kalle has recently added to Äänirasia’s rental inventory has been SGM’s LB100 LED Balls which recently made an intense impact at the privately owned Bar Kino in Pori, with Äänirasia providing DJ’s and technology for the White Party (QR. code). Credit for the inspired SGM LED curtain design goes to Yrjö Nordling and Äänirasia’s head of lighting design, Olli Männistö. The feature, which proved a perfect complement for the high-octane electronic dance music, was controlled and

pixel mapped with Chamsys MagicQ via a router and a Work DMX-NET 8 (although they have since transferred to a Madrix server solution). “The owners were thrilled with the impact the SGM LED Balls created,” said Kalle. “We are fairly confident that we will soon be installing further curtains in their units.” Kalle Nordling had originally been introduced to the effect by Timo Kunnas at Noretron, SGM’s Finnish distributor. “We watched all the available videos about that product and Timo also gave us a quick demo, after which we were totally convinced.” In addition to the 72 LB-100 strings, Äänirasia purchased four TLD-612 touring pixel drivers and two X-5 white strobes — but as interest builds in the LED curtain they are confident of expanding their inventory further. At the same time Kalle also sees an opportunity to replace his present blinder bars with some of SGM’s SP-6 ‘Six Packs’ for outdoor events. But currently all interest is in the potential of the curtain as a high-impact backdrop. Already the company is setting out to provide further exposure via other dance events they have planned in Finnish cities such as Tampere, Lahti, and Jyväskylä.

LB 100 x 72 pcs

TLD-612 x 4 pcs

15 QR code generated on

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

PETRA TOUCHES HEAVEN WITH SGM’s LED BALLS Henrik Lundin designs massive spatial canopy with 3,360 SGM LB-100s Swedish singer songwriter Petra Marklund, who also performs under the name ‘September’, has been touring the country’s concert halls this spring with one of the most dynamically unique stage sets imaginable — fabricated largely from more than 3,000 SGM LED Balls (LB-100) ingeniously rigged as an overhead, interactive spatial canopy. The design is the brainchild of top lighting designer Henrik Lundin, of Stockholm-based company Satellite Live. With a quest to constantly provide unique solutions to inspire his creativity, Lundin has bought into SGM’s pioneering, next generation LED products immediately. Having used the new X-5 LED strobes on tour with Veronica Maggio and Maskinen last year, he has now conceived his most outrageous design yet for the beautiful Ms. Marklund. When the tour opened in Stockholm the impact of the pixel-mapped 3D LED balls, and the way in which the artiste interacted with them, stunned audiences. Henrik Lundin first saw the LED Balls at London’s PLASA Show in September and started discussing the possibilities with SGM Sweden’s Mikael Uddh. “When I see a new product my head is filled with ideas,” he stated. “When I had my first meeting with Petra she wanted to create a warmer environment within the large concert halls, to give her more intimate engagement with her audience. She recalled seeing an artist using a more basic concept, with conventional lightbulbs set in balls — and that’s when I knew I had found the artiste to debut the LB-100s in Sweden.” Henrik Lundin has created many unique sets for the artiste over the years — from her more Euro disco dance music to the intimate songs and ballads of this tour. Working closely with Scandinavian booking agency Blixten & Co, he sources his lighting from rental company Lagom & Gott Ljud. Mikael Uddh set up a working demo for


both parties to prove conclusively that the LB100 concept would work. In this instance the Light Ball canopy, made up of ten PDUs and seven strings attached to each, gives him a matrix of 60 x 56 of the balls — covering around 6m x 6.5m of a fixed 8m x 8m stage, with 6m clearance overhead to the PDUs. Originally designed as a video light curtain, with low-resolution 120mm pixel pitch, the LB-100 display is made up from 0,85m long strings, each containing seven white semi-transparent LED balls. Each 34mm sphere contains two powerful RGB LED’s (rated at 42mW per pixel) to create a 3D effect when viewed through 360° with a total power draw of just 42W. Lundin pixel mapped the array using a Hippotizer media server. The show is run from a grand MA2 console running MaNet, with three MA2

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

LB-100 x 3,360 pcs

X-5 x 4 pcs

Lighting designer Henrik Lundin

NPU network processors to give him 24 DMX universes; this is run over a Luminex network. “In this way I can create two separate worlds, using specially made content from Hippotozier or using the balls as convectional RGB fixtures. When [Petra Marklund] performs her hit single Hands To Heaven she reaches up to the canopy and it’s as if she is immersed in Heaven, flying through clouds.” While the LB-100s provide an extremely powerful solution the logistics were “a nightmare”. Yet Henrik Lundin has perfected a fast rig and derig procedure for the hammock-like canopy, with safe transportation using a series of dollies and steel pipes. “I had a to be sure this would be manageable. There are 15,000 different lighting parameters on this tour so there’s a lot than can go wrong

and it was quite scary when the rig was set up for the first time. But the LED Balls behaved just about perfectly.” Henrik Lundin has also used four white X-5 SGM white strobes to create light behind the drummer, generally favouring ambers and natural autumn colours for the scenography to suit the personal element of the show. Summing up the designer said, “The response has been great … everyone is amazed by the LED Balls and the solution I have created. I have received great feedback and everyone is curious how it is achieved.” “Once I’ve found a cool idea I generally let it go after one tour,” he admits. But Henrik Lundin has no such intention with the LB-100s.


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

MARIO IS BACK When Peter Johansen appointed Mario Radice as VP of Sales for Southern Europe and South America at the turn of the year, he not only selected a strong expertise for SGM, but also resumed a cooperation initiated over 20 years ago.

Mario Radice

Mario Radice met Peter Johansen back in 1992 at the PLASA exhibition, where their initial cooperation concerned a video wall for the stand. When looking back, Mario says “The light show was stunning and I was immediately taken by the light business”. A few months later, the two men joined business relations and Mario became distributor for Italy.

Since then, they have always worked together, as Mario followed Peter in his new ventures, amongst other enterprises, the super yacht business (another passion of Peter’s). Though being fully occupied in the yacht building industry, Mario Radice kept himself updated on market trends and developments of the lighting industry, so when Peter approached him pro-

posing that Mario once again joined him (now in SGM), he was thrilled to return to the industry that he loves. “I love the lighting business. It is very hectic and it is possible to make sales every day and see what you have contributed to the industry; realized in TV shows, concerts, permanent installations, etc.”, says Mario. Mario finds much potential in his markets. Many countries have developing economies and they see the innovative SGM product range as a means to ensure a solid future. “Peter’s initiative and imagination in conjunction with an expert development team” is in Mario’s mind the core strength of SGM. Mario continues, “After so many years of working together, Peter and I know each other very well and trust each other’s capabilities”. This good base for a close business relationship is revealed through their internal practical jokes and shared sense of humor. When Mario initially started as distributor in Italy in the 90s, Peter was sure that Mario had a huge – nearly impossible – task ahead as Italy was the home of the market leaders at that time. Peter told Mario it would be like selling sand in the desert, joking that if he was able to sell 1,000 fixtures, he would get a Ferrari. Mario proudly sold the first 750 fixture in only one deal and the goal was reached in no time. Mario remembers, “I called Peter to ask where my Ferrari was! Unfortunately for me, we did not specify the model and later during a dinner meeting at his home, Peter presented me with his son’s toy Ferrari”. He adds in conclusion, “We are both confident in the immediate success of SGM, so I doubt the offer will be repeated”.

We’re hiring We are always looking for talent and currently have positions available for

Electronic Engineers Mechanical Engineers Area Sales Managers Product Managers Join the SGM Candidate Database today.


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Eye Alert for Bright Minds SGM lights up the Technical University of Denmark For almost two centuries DTU, Technical University of Denmark, has been dedicated to fulfilling the vision of H.C. Ørsted – the father of electromagnetism – who founded the university in 1829 to develop and create value using the natural and technical sciences to benefit society. Today, DTU is ranked as one of the foremost technical universities in Europe covering approx. 293,500 m2 with a student reporting of 7,597 in 2011. The architectural style of the many beautiful buildings of DTU is based on a very classic design, thus the challenge has been to awaken attention to the magnificence even after dark. The technical department of DTU teamed up with Matrix Sales and their lighting specialist, Urs Friis-Alstrup, with a mission to revitalize the visual look and feel of the classic old buildings leading the way with the central and listed Building 101. The task of complementing the architectural design was soon solved by installing 26 units of the innovative and compact SGM Q-7 RGB flood light, which literally sheds new light on the building. Matrix Sales worked closely with the SGM team in the project phase ensuring the delivery of a technical performance, a good impression and an aesthetic output as a first step to lighting up the entire area of DTU.

“It was a fantastic experience to work on this project, first of all because DTU has so much history in Denmark, and the buildings and surroundings are legacy. We did several tests with different light solutions and with the new SGM Q-7 we had a perfect product that did match the technical requirements and also had a look and feel that is awesome”, says Urs Friis-Alstrup – Matrix Sales.

Facts about Q-7 Q-7 is a low-profile and compact RGB flood light. The Q-7 weighs only 6.5 kg and is highly efficient as it has a power consumption of only 275 W v/230 V, 50 Hz, while providing a high light output of 12,341 lm. The LED source life is rated at 50,000 hours. Containing 1,080 RGB LEDs, SGM’s Q-7 is a powerful adjustable wall washer with a spread angle of 120°. Being IP65 rated and having an elegant Scandinavian design, the Q-7 is ideal to use as a fixed feature at outdoor architectural buildings, monuments and attractions. It is also suitable for indoor applications such as TV studios, theatres and other applications where a wide spread angle of colored light within short distance is required.

Q-7 x 26 pcs

Building 101 at Technical University of Denmark illuminated by SGM Q-7.


Nabil Bourgeili, CEO of TechnoPro.

DESERT STORM SGM cements relationship with TechnoPro in the Emirates Since renewing their business partnership last May at the PALME exhibition in Dubai, both Peter Johansen and Nabil Bourgeili have gone into overdrive. Middle East-based distribution giant, TechnoPro, had already been representing the old SGM Lighting — but few could have predicted where the union of these two respective powerhouses would lead. Nabil’s fast-expanding distribution company, which is growing at the rate of around 35% a year, was beguiled by the new all-LED approach taken by SGM following its relocation to Denmark under the new ownership of Peter Johansen. But he was took a little market and SGM would


far too wise to go rushing in. “We bit of time to thoroughly study the see how the new developments at fit into our plans,” he said. “Now

there are some powerful products starting to materialse, such as the P-5W [pure white wash light] and P-5 RGBW colour-mix wash light — as well as the IP65 G-Spot. This is the first of its kind in the world and has an extremely powerful 850W LED engine. It’s a completely different concept for an automated light.” As a result, the company has considerably ramped up its SGM stock-holding at its bases in Lebanon, Qatar and the Emirates (Dubai). The logic is easy to see. TechnoPro has a major presence in a wide range of market segments — from TV to shopping malls, where the architectural P-5 will wash facades with an unprecedented output to power ratio. But equally, with so many rock ‘n’ roll shows (and other outdoor spectaculars) taking place out in the desert, having G-Spot, the world’s first weather-resistant LED spot, containing a sealed unit that also prevents ingress of dust and sand, is an alluring prospect. But when Nabil talks about the LED revolution from SGM he is equally impressed with the LB-

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

100 LED pixel balls — “a new concept between video and lighting … perfect in applications such as ballrooms, shows, concerts or decoration for shopping malls.” And given the range of processors and servers in his catalogue 3D pixel mapping will present no problems when it comes to dazzling the audience — or running the entire show off a proprietary DMX desk like a Hog 4. But at the same time other SGM products have been flying out the door at TechnoPro — 350 X-5 white strobes on a show in October, a massive order for several thousand LED pixel tubes (LT100) to fulfill another order, a LB-100 backdrop measuring 200m x 7m, more than 100 SP-6 (‘Six Pack’) blinders and 500 P5s to service a raft of different projects. Other projects include three major shopping malls (adorned with LED Pixel Tubes and LED Balls), a large chain of car showrooms that will be lit and colour-managed architecturally with the P-5s, and others still under wraps. There are also five star shopping malls and hotels wishing to use the X-5 white strobes. Some items will be held as stock since Nabil’s policy is always to try and guarantee immediate delivery. At the same time the TechnoPro CEO has announced the opening of a new training centre at his Dubai HQ, where SGM will be among the

premium distributed brands that will come under special focus. And in May this year he will take the opportunity of launching his new “Permanent Exhibition” to coincide with the annual PALME Middle East Show in Dubai. “This is effectively a live catalogue,” he explains, “literally a permanent exhibition and on the scale of the stand we had in PALME last year, with all product fully functional.” “Technicians will have a chance to work with these products instead of just seeing them in a paper catalogue. It will also enable them to test the potential of these new products when companies are competing to get better light output from their washlights.” “It’s often too difficult to explain products over video or via brochure — this will take their imagination to wherever they want it to go.” Summing up, Nabil Bourgeili acknowledges the “very strong partnership” that has developed with SGM. “We have had a lot of positive discussions with Peter and R&D about their ideas and how this is meeting the market requirements. I am delighted with how the partnership is progressing.” “TechnoPro has grown up in the last decade and the way I am doing things in this region is unique — and what excites us about SGM’s portfolio is that many of these products are just as unique.”


LT-100 x 162 pcs

SGM LT-100 Creates Ultimate Chandelier Effect The question of whether a chandelier lights up or lights down was answered at this year’s Mobile World Congress 25-28 February; it does neither. The 3D chandelier consisting of SGM LT-100 lights in a full 360 degree angle.

technology supplier. “This project was fun and allowed us to introduce a technology that was previously unseen in such a corporate trade show environment. I was thrilled with the response from all that saw it”, says Andy Mama.

Static Light Company Ltd. is enthusiastic about their stock of the SGM LT-100s, which they have recently acquired through UK based SGM distributor A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd. Andy Mama of Static Light Company states, “I was looking for a product that could do something like a 360 degree viewable angle convincingly” and with the LT-100 graphic tube he found the right product with numerous installation possibilities.

The effect as a 360 degree decorative main feature allowing for colour-changing and low-res media was fully achieved with the SGM LT-100. The concentric circle design of the LT-100 was suspended from a 3m black disc with each LED tube in different height. A suitable box truss was used to carry and conceal all power supplies and cables, allowing for the tubes to be raised and lowered independently of the main truss, however, “it turned out that this was hardly necessary, as the SGM kit [LT-100 and SGM extension cables] performed exceptionally reliably; it went up and stayed up”, Andy Mama comments.

MWC 2013 was held in the Mobile World Capital Barcelona at their new venture, Fira Gran Vía, with more than 72,000 attendees from 200 countries. The brand experience agency, Jack Morton Worldwide’s creative Julien Le Bas had envisaged an almost walk-through interactive installation for the stand of one of the leading international communications companies, Ooredoo. When Andy Mama researched viability of products on the market, he selected the LT-100 as the no. 1 choice and proposed it to lighting designer Ross Corbett, who created the chandelier in detail. Static Light Company is known for providing innovative solutions as a specialist ‘Daylight’


The LT-100 LED tubes have now been returned safely to Static Light Company, who are repacking the units for another feature at Milan Furniture Fair. The project at MWC was a success resulting in several verbal confirmations from lighting designers wanting to work with the LT100. As for Static Light Company’s first experience with the LT-100, they are amazed. Knowing the SGM product range from years back, Andy Mama claims that the products are “solid as a rock”. The LT-100 proved no exception to him, “they work, solid as a rock too”.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Motion Light ramps up with 300+ units of SGM’s powerful P-5 As one of the largest dry hire companies in Germany, Motion Light offers a broad product portfolio and professional knowledge. The company is continuing to invest in SGM’s innovative lighting products — including more than 300 of the extremely bright, low profile P-5 wash lights. Managing director, Christian Kohl, states: “The P-5 is the first real, serious LED alternative to conventional architectural lighting products. With its small footprint, quiet operation, hi-tech design and very low power consumption, it becomes more than just an alternative … it opens up entirely new fields. “Another great feature is the interchangeable lenses that make it adaptable to many applications with the variety of 15°, 21° or 43° options. All this is topped off by the fact that no additional costs for lamps will be incurred over the lifespan of the product.”

These units will slowly start to replace SGM’s Palco 5 FC (on which the design is based) and will immediately substitute all CityColor, LED Sticks or LED Par stock. Despite the substantial investment they have already made, Kohl sees potential for up to twice the current quantity within the next 12 months. “All sectors of our industry are hungry for these new wash lights — from rock´n´roll stages to large booths at trade shows, and from summer outdoor festivals to TV shows,” he said. The average rental job will deploy around 16 units of the P-5, but some may use as many as several hundred units, where exact matching of colour and brightness of the lamps is extremely crucial — another great feature of the P-5, believes Christian. “With local backup from the newly established SGM subsidiary SGM Deutschland, Motion Light — in combination with several other rental companies — will guarantee permanent availability of the P-5s in the German market,” says Michael Herweg, MD of SGM Deutschland. “It is extremely important for other companies to be able to rely on, and invest in our product.”

P-5 x 300 pcs

Christian Kohl


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013


• IP 65 ingress protection rating • 850W high power RGB LED light source • Wide-angle ultra-fast linear 16bit zoom 1:5 (9° to 45°) • Dynamic CT Correction (2,500K to 10,000K) Linear CTO (Color Temperature Orange) Linear CTB (Color Temperature Blue) • Ultra smooth color mixing between virtually any color; ability to create the fastest color-snaps or completely seamless fades; ability to configure between different color mixing models • 2 independent rotating gobo wheels: Gobo wheel 1:6 indexable gobos + open Gobo wheel 2:6 indexable gobos + open •


2 independent effect wheels: Effect wheel 1:1 semi continuous effect+3 fixed effects Effect wheel 2:1 semi continuous effect +3 fixed effects

• RFID for easy configuration and data readout • Wireless DMX with W-DMX™ G4 • Fast and accurate iris with built-in dynamic effects for maximum creative control • Accelerometer • High-speed and precise focus control for crisp beam quality or soft de-focused effects • 4-facet rotating prism for crisp clear beam separation, and precise beam separation control • Soft high-quality frost filter • Ultra-high-speed strobe effect (1-50hz) with instant color change control and possibility to strobe between 2 or more colors at any speed • High-precision, fast, 16 bit pan control 540 degree movement with feedback


Light Source 44 pcs. of high power RGBW 10W LED Light Output / 43掳 23,500* lumens Efficacy 53 lm/W LED Source Life Expectancy 50,000 hours Lens Selection 15, 21, 43 degrees Power 450 Watt / 230V Weight 7.7 kg Ingress Protection rating of fixture IP65 Ingress Protection rating of fan module IP55 6000 K 6000 K 5000 K 5000 K 4000 K 4000 K 3000 K 3000 K

CRI 85 CRI 82 CRI 87 CRI 74 CRI 84 CRI 72 CRI 76 CRI 74

lm 15,500 lm 20,500 lm 7,500 lm 20,300 lm 6,900 lm 17,900 lm 9,300 lm 14,000

* Goniometer scan / ocean optics / Viso Light Studio



Brighter An extremely high luminous output of the LED modules with an efficacy of 58 lm/W combined with a flicker free operation suitable for any application and approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting. Lighter Only 7.7 kg Whiter Apart from the large variety of saturated colors that can be created due to the RGBW, the high-performance LEDs produce a very bright white, which provides a full palette of pastel colors and the most powerful and pure white light.

With the P-5 we had a mission... • to develop a cutting-edge, high performance product, doubling the output

while reducing the cost

• to create an intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities

featuring high-efficiency, low-noise modes

• to produce a user friendly setup with a simple control-button display • to ensure easy support by means of a patented RFID implemented interface

allowing for easy warehouse control and remote diagnostics, updating and

uploading of DMX settings even when in off-mode

• to programme a standalone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated con- troller • to implement a standard built-in wireless DMX receiver facilitating seamless

and individual integration into any environment or location solely requiring

the presence of power

• to allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • to accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology We did it!



-lights up your day as well • Monuments and attractions • Architectural buildings • Shopping centers and retail • Bridges • Piers • Interior and exterior concerts • TV shows • Staging • Rental • Etc.


The P·5 BEAM ANGLES AND COLORS Narrow spread lens of 15° Medium spread lens of 21°




Wide spread lens of 43° Black colored housing White colored housing

Lumens per RGBW 15° 23,000 lumens R: 6,100 lumens G: 7,500 lumens B: 4,300 lumens W: 10,100 lumens Efficacy 50 lm/W

21° 25,800 lumens R: 6,200 lumens G: 8,200 lumens B: 2,900 lumens W: 10,900 lumens Efficacy 58 lm/W

43° 23,500 lumens R: 5,000 lumens G: 7,200 lumens B: 2,500 lumens W: 10,200 lumens Efficacy 53 lm/W

The P-5 patents The P-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product. The P-5 is protected under the following patent: MI2011A001631. Furthermore, the P-5 is registered for design patent in Europe, United States and China.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/02


The P·5 W & P·5 TW BRIGHTER - LIGHTER - WHITER They might not look as much, but do not let their size fool you. The compact and light fixtures pack a big array of features that will suit any purpose where white “P-5 W” or tunable white “P-5 TW” light is required. They are both effective fixtures for making spectacular and vivid lighting designs upon facades, structures and large buildings with pure white and tunable white light. P-5 TW has a high luminous output of the white with an efficacy of 75 lm/W, while the P-5 W has 79 lm/W. Both units run a flicker free operation approved by Panavision for TV studio lighting, weigh only 8.9 kg and are IP65 rated. P-5 W contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a stunningly white and bright light with a powerful output of more than 30,000 lumens. P-5 TW contains 44 x 4 pcs. of high power 10W LEDs that will produce a large array of possibilities to tune the high quality light between 2,200 and 6,000 Kelvin with a lumen output of 26,000 lumens at 3,200 Kelvin.

The P-5 W and P-5 TW advantages: • Intelligent temperature control with optimized cooling facilities featuring high efficiency and low noise modes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Interchangeable lens kit of 15, 21 and 43 degrees • Built-in wireless DMX receiver • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • IP65 rating for exterior lighting designs


The Q·7 & Q·7W WHITE AND RGB COLOR LED FLOOD LIGHTS The Q series consists of 2 powerful LED flood lights. The Q-7 is a low-profile and compact RGB flood light, which contains over 1,000 powerful RGB LEDs, while the Q-7 W contains almost 3,000 cool white LEDs. Both units perform as powerful adjustable wall washers with a spread angle of 120°. The IP65 rated flood lights have a small physical footprint, which makes them ideal fixtures for outdoor use to light up buildings, facades, architectural structures and attractions. The Q-7 has a high output of over 12,000 lumens, while the Q-7 W has a staggering output of 30,000 lumens. As versatile as these units are in outdoor applications, just as suitable are they for indoor applications such as TV studios, theaters and other applications were a wide flood of colored or crisp white light is applicable.

The Q-7 RGB and Q-7 W advantages: • High performance LED flood lights with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • Lightweight construction • True LED alternative to traditional flood lights • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Numerous mounting and position options combined with low weight • Elegant Scandinavian design • LED source life rated at 50,000 hours


Technical University of Denmark


PIXEL CONTROLLABLE Specifications • Light source

2970 white LEDs

• LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours

• Power

360 Watt/200-240V/50-60Hz

• LED panel

Three individual controllable LED segments

• Weight

5.8 kg



Experience extremely high luminous output of nearly 3,000 pure white LEDs placed into three individually controllable LED segments. The X-5 makes it possible to create unique effects never delivered before by a strobe. The X-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 360 Watt. The X-5 is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing an alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. Use of the X-5 will result in advantages such as the utilisation of less cabling, fewer Gen-sets and lower maintenance cost. The X-5 delivers maximum effect at a lower life cycle cost compared to traditional strobes.

With the X-5 we had a mission to...

• develop a cutting-edge, high performance strobe with low power consumption • implement a strobe consisting of three individually controllable LED segments • transform the strobe from being secondary and fragile, to being primary and robust • include an intuitive user interface • implement a stand-alone mode eliminating the need for a dedicated controller • produce a noiseless strobe • allow for numerous mounting options and simple positioning • accomplish an aesthetic, uniquely Danish design featuring the latest LED technology And we did it!


The X·5 THE WORLD’S FIRST PIXEL CONTROLLABLE STROBE Never before have lighting designers seen strobes that offer pixel control. With the X-5 we have re-written the rules on the stroboscope concept. We have conceived the brightest LED Strobe ever and produced a fantastic pixel product. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with a pixel blinder and you will have some idea of the concept. Each X-5 strobe has three cells that can be operated independently of each other and when fitted to either the twin BCC-2 or quad BCC-4 this creates a ready-made, perfectly spaced pixel blinder.

The X-5 patents The SGM X-5 is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice. Publication Number: 2013/02


The XC路5 THE BRIGHTEST COLOR LED STROBE With the X-5 we conceived the brightest white LED strobe ever and with the same technology we developed the XC-5 with a high luminous output of over 1,000 power RGB LEDs. The XC-5 is a lightweight, compact and ultra-high performance LED RGB color strobe with an exceptionally low power consumption of only 360 Watt. It is a robust, state of the art LED fixture providing a true alternative to traditional, expensive and fragile Xenon lamps. With the XC-5, the rules of the stroboscope concept have completely been re-written. Just imagine the possibilities of combining a strobe with RGB capabilities; it revolutionizes lighting design. Housed in a black, slim aluminum chassis, the XC-5 contains a 160掳 lens as standard, and set up is via the OLED 5-button graphic display.


The XC·5 ADVANTAGES • High performance LED RBG color strobe with low power consumption • USITT DMX 512 A and RDM controllable • True alternative to traditional strobes • User friendly setup via simple control-button and OLED display • Stand-alone mode eliminating the need for dedicated controllers • Noiseless LED RGB color strobe • Numerous mounting and position options • Lightweight and aesthetic Danish design

Specifications Light source

1080 RGB color LEDs

LED source life expectancy

50,000 hours


360 Watt/200-240V/50-60Hz


5.8 kg



Our R&D team did the workout so you don’t have to. Imagine a fixture that has: • the power to illuminate a building and blind audiences • the finesse to wash a cyc with even colour • the flexibility to create simple or complex colour matrix designs • the creativity to display graphic content • the technology to emulate a halogen lamp • the convenience of RFID for easy configuration and data readout



When rigged together, SixPacks create a perfect low resolution and extremely powerfull video wall. Animated graphics can subsequently be laid over the display to create stunning high powered images. One SixPack fixture contains six individually addressable 35 watt RGBA lamps creating over 200 watts of power. Why halogen emulation? Each SixPack features a Halogen Emulation Mode (SGM unique feature) which is designed to mimic the rise and decay of a traditional halogen lamp. This mode creates a retro look allowing designers to add more flexibility to their constructions.

With the SP-6 we had a mission to... • develop the world’s first RGBA LED fixture with a halogen emulator • create a high-power, low-resolution video pattern • create a stylish design utilising the latest LED technology • combine six outputs of powerful 35 watt colour mixing with build-in electronics and individual DMX control of each pixel • produce an advanced LED fixture with multiple functionalities for the LD to oper-

ate (e.g. to display animated text or programmed patterns)

And we did it!



The trapezoidal design of the SixPack enables the fixture to be rigged into curved shapes such as a speaker line array. This also makes it perfect for outof-the-box and unique installations while maintaining an easy rigging system for quick and safe setup and dismantling. Unlike any others fixture, the SixPack has all its control features on the rear for easy access on stage allowing it to be placed in e.g. stage stairs. With an IP rating of IP65, the SixPack is designed to be used in an outdoor environment allowing it to be used as a uplighter on building facades.



All On Light output

7200 lm


240 W


30 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Red Light output

3300 lm


59,4 W


56 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Green Light output

2600 lm


72,4 W


36 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Blue Light output

1600 lm


77,7 W


21 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

Amber Light output

2500 lm


60,5 W


42 lm/W

Spread Angle 13˚

The SP-6 patents The SGM SP-6, also going by the name the SixPack, is covered by several patents safeguarding the uniqueness of the product and its distinctive exclusive design.

* Goniometer Scan / Ocean optics / Viso Systems Light Spion™ ©SGM A/S 2013. Specifications subject to change without notice Publication Number: 2013/02


LB·100 LED Ball Multiples of LB-100 LED Balls are designed to form a video light curtain with 120mm pixel pitch. The curtain is made up from 0,85m long strings, each containing seven white LED balls. Each 34mm sphere contains two powerful RGB LED’s (rated at 42mW per pixel) built into the white plastic moulding. These can extend to a maximum length of 6,8 meters (using 56 balls) and total power consumption is just 42W. The system can be controlled via DMX as well as with a dedicated video server or ordinary PC with Artnet™ (the Artnet signal is then distributed by a third Party Artnet to DMX Converter). These semi-transparent IP65-rated LED Balls can be viewed in 360° and be used to create alluring 3D spatial effects. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, including TV scenography, theme parks, exhibitions, video art, clubs, shopping malls … and just about any fixed installation.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions LB-100 DMX Control 21 channels Diameter 34mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 Pixel pitch 120mm IP 65 Base Length 715mm (28,15inches) Base Width 80mm (3,15inches) Connections Base Height 120mm (4,72inches) /with Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 bracket 152,5mm /6inches socket Ball/Pixel Diameter 34mm (1,34inches) Data output Female locking 4-pin RJ765 Pixel Pitch 120mm (4,724inches) socket Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 98%


Electrical specifications Power Consumption per Pixel is 42Mw 20V +-0.5V Accessories C-1, Power adaptor cable Part # 830060201 TLD-612 Touring LED driver Part # 80070201

LT·100/200 3D Graphic Tube The LT-100 comprises a series of one-metre long pixel sticks, loaded with RGB LED’s at 35mm pixel pitch — all DMX drivable via any proprietary media server, or pixel mapping DMX consol. This 3D graphic tube was demonstrated at Frankfurt Prolight+Sound via 300 sticks, suspended from the ceiling. However, it made its nightclub debut at Home, in Lincoln, UK where it provided a staggering overhead 3D vertical and horizontal zip effect. The theory of pixel mapping is that two dimensional objects are transformed into three dimensions with the help of advanced programming techniques; thus each LT-100 LED pixel can be addressed individually enabling the LJ to create genuine 3D lighting effects, such as 3D waves or 3D bars which can be easily manipulated in terms of speed, colour, brightness, direction, and much more. This creativity will be extended further by the future release of 2-metre and ½-metre lengths (LT-200/LT-50).

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Signal source LT-100 Diameter 25mm LT-100 DMX Control 81 channels LT-200 Diameter 34mm LT-200 DMX Control 162 channels Pixel pitch 35mm According to standard USITT DMX 512 Connector cable length 1000mm IP 20 LT-100 Length 1006mm LT-200 Length 1951mm Connections LT-100 addressable pixels 27 pixels Data input Male locking 4-pin RJ765 LT-200 addressable pixels 54 pixels socket LT-100 Weight 280g LT-200 Weight 514g Electrical specifications Power supply voltage 12V +-0.2V Optics Power consumption per LT-100 2x170° view angle (27 pixels) 20W Power consumption per LT-200 Installation (54 pixels) 40W Orientation Any Accessories Ambient operating conditions C-1, Power adaptor cable Maximum ambient temperature Part # 830060201 (Ta) 40° C (104°F) TLD-612 Touring LED driver Minimum ambient temperature Part # 80070201 (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 98%


LD·5 LED Dome These LED domes can be used in any orientation, with a maximum number of 35 domes in a single PSU chain. The outer diameter is just 80mm (ceiling cut-out diameter of 70mm), with a total depth of 53.3mm (depth below ceiling of 35mm). The LED domes can function in maximum ambient temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10° C. Control is via three-channel DMX.

SPECIFICATIONS Ambient operating conditions LD-5 dimensions Maximum ambient temperature Outer diameter 80 mm (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Ceiling cutout diameter 70 mm Minimum ambient temperature Total depth 53.3 mm (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Depth below ceiling 35 mm Operating humidity 98% Weight 82 g Signal source DMX Control 3 channels Installation According to standard USITT DMX 512 Orientation Any Max. number of LD-5 on one PSU Connections chain 35 Data / Power input RJ 45 (Cat 5) connector Electrical specifications Data / output (loop through) RJ 45 Power supply voltage 24 +-0.5V (Cat 5) connector max. 3m cable Power consumption per LD-5 1.4W IP 65 at front with gasket accessory Accessories LD-5 Power injector Signal source Part # 83062010 LB-100 DMX Control 3 channels LD-5 Data + Power injector According to standard USITT DMX 512 Part # 83062009 IP 65


LP·700 Led Pix The LP-700 comes in chain lengths of 6.75m (including connector). With a pixel pitch of 120mm, and individual pixels measuring 40mm x 40mm x 17mm (LWH) each length has 56 addressable pixels. Installable in any orientation, it is IP65-rated, with maximum ambient operating temperature of 40°C and minimum of -10°C. Signal source is DMX512 (with 168 controllable DMX channels). The power consumption of each pixel line is just 62W.

SPECIFICATIONS Signal source Dimensions DMX Control 168 channels LP-700 Chain Length (incl. connector) According to standard USITT DMX 512 6.75 m Individual Pixel Length / Width / Height Connections 40 x 40 x 17 mm Data / Power input Waterproof male Pixel pitch 120 mm connector TE 2106136-2 Addressable pixels 56 pixels Data output Waterproof female conLP-700 Weight 1.2 kg nector TE 2106135-4 Installation Orientation Any Ambient operating conditions Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) 40° C (104°F) Minimum ambient temperature (Ta) -10° C (14°F) Operating humidity 100% IP rating IP 65

Electrical specifications Power supply voltage 20V +-0.5V Power consumption of LP-700 Chain 62W Accessories LP-700 Power supply, Part # 83061701 LP-700 Power injector, Part # 83062008 LP-700 Data + Power injector, Part # 83062007


Made in Denmark

LS·4.6 ULTRA HIGH RESOLUTION LED SCREEN The SGM LS-4.6 is a Danish built, hi-res video panel capable of displaying detailed video from a high-resolution digital video source. The LED chips are ultra-bright “black faced” 3in1 SMD, which makes them suitable for applications where the video panel is required to be “stealth” when not displaying video content. The LED screen has a high contrast ratio of 7,000:1 and a refresh rate of 2,000 Hz making it perfect for applications such as television, theatre, exhibitions, show production and concerts. The long-life LED system and very low pixel failure rate renders the SGM LS-4.6 very suitable for permanent installations, yet the 8.5 kg low weight easy-to-assemble units also provide a very attractive system for touring and rental use. The display can be installed quickly in a suspending mode or floor-mounted using an assembly frame.



166 LS-4.6 panels on the Ferrari stand, Geneva 2013

126 LS-4.6 panels divided into 5 screens at Unica Video Studio, Italy


TLD·612 TOURING LED DRIVER The TLD-612 Touring LED driver has specifically been designed for powering and driving the LB-100 LED balls and the LT-100/LT-200 graphic tubes. The driver’s six outputs can control up to 6 x 8 pcs. LB-100 strings or 6 pcs. of LT100 or 6 pcs. of LT-200. Maximum total power consumption is 360W and each LED pixel uses 3 DMX channels. The TLD-612 is IP65 rated for both indoor and outdoor application, and uses 2 DMX universes in 5pin XLR.

TLD·612 A TOURING LED DRIVER - ART-NET The TLD-612A offers all the same features and driving capabilities as the regular TLD-612, with the variation of offering an Ethernet EJ45 Artnet interface instead of regular 5-pin XLR DMX interface.

The output of the TLD-612A is completely individually configurable by software, which makes it possible to send any channel range in any universe to each output. The Artnet interface is especially designed for high-speed / high-flow DMX, and thereby making it a perfect match for pixel mapping. This makes the TLD-612A suitable for applications that require numerous DMX universes, at a cost-efficient level. This driver ensures quick and easy installation for touring.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 715 x 80 x 182mm Weight: 4 kg Installation Orientation: Any IP Rating IP65 Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Maximum Power Consumption: 360 W (max)


Connections / Signal source (TLD-612) Signal source: USITT DMX 512A DMX Data input: locking 5-pin XLR male sockets Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets Connections / Signal source (TLD-612A) Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets

ILD INSTALLATION LED DRIVER The ILD, Installation LED Driver, shares the majority of the features of the TLD-612A, but has a smaller and more compact power supply, which makes it suitable for permanent installations, where a small physical footprint is required. The ILD is capable of driving either 6 pcs. of LT-100 tubes, 3 pcs. of LT-200 tubes or 3 pcs. of full length LB-100 strings (8 pcs. of LB-100 pr. string). The ILD is also IP65 rated and has daisy-chainable Ethernet for Artnet input, and it has a power consumption of maximum 120W. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 258 x 65 x 116 mm Weight: 2.1 kg Installation Orientation: Any Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Maximum Power Consumption: 120 W (max)

IP Rating IP65 Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Artnet Data input: RJ45 Connectors Driver Data output: locking 4-pin RJ765 sockets

A路4 ART-NET TO DMX CONVERTER The A-4 is a universal high-speed 4 port Art-Net to DMX converter. It is designed to be a very cost-effective, but high quality product, which can compete with the best performing products on the market today. The A-4 Art-Net to DMX converter is 100% configurable by software to listen to any Art-Net universe on any subnet, and output this to any of the 4 DMX ports. Furthermore, the A-4 is designed especially for high-performance pixel-mapping applications, which makes it perfect for use in applications where many Art-Net universes are required. The housing of the A-4 is extremely compact and rugged and is designed for touring as well as installations.

SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (LxWxH): 95 x 65 x 115mm Weight: 0,7 kg

Electrical Specifications Power supply voltage: 100-240 V (50 / 60 Hz) Maximum Power Consumption: 10 W (max)

Installation Orientation: Any

Connections / Signal source Signal Source: Artistic License Art-Net 3 Art-Net Data input: RJ45 Connectors DMX Outputs: 5-pin neutrik locking-DMX

IP Rating IP20


SGM ACCESSORIES MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE X, P & Q SERIES The BCC mounting brackets, which can be ordered as an accessory, adds a whole range of rigging, hanging and suspension opportunities to the fixture. The simple and clever use of quarter turn brackets makes the mounting of the fixture easy. After the mounting of the fixture, it can be hung from the ceiling, wall or floor via wires, truss or fixed to a pole in almost any desirable position. The BCC-2 and BCC-4 is an accessory for all the following products: X-5, XC-5, P-5, P-5 W, P-5 TW, Q-7, Q-7 W. The BCC-2 dual bracket will hold up to 2 fixtures

The BCC-4 quad bracket will hold up to 4 fixtures

MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES FOR THE SIXPACK The horizontal hanging bracket is an accessory for the SP-6, SixPack, which enables you to mount up to 8 pcs. of SP-6 horizontally hanging from beneath each other. The horizontal bracket features 2 pcs. of adjustable brackets for holding any standard G-hook or any type of half coupler clamp for mounting on any truss size. The SP-6 horizontal bracket will hold up to 8 fixtures


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

The Winner Takes It All More Lumen per Kilo SGM’s P-5 has been compared to six of the existing color wash lights on the market, ascertaining distinct advantages of employing the compact and innovative P-5 unit in the field.

With an extremely high light output, an efficiency of more than 57%, a weight of a mere 7.6 kg, an astounding 3395 lumen per kilo together with the smallest footprint, the facts state that the P-5 is the most sustainable product in relation to installation costs in fixed architectural installations as well as reducing truck pack space on tours due to the product dimensions.

Demonstrating an absolute higher light output than any comparable LED, the P-5 provides a higher efficiency rate. On top of that, the P-5 delivers a staggering 3395 lumen per kilo. Thus, in comparison to similar products with down to 153 lumen per kilo, the P-5 proves up to 22 times more efficient.

Thorsten Sattler, MD of SGM Deutschland: “The instant success of the P-5 in Germany was based on the fact that the product is so powerful and also that the rental companies experience huge savings on tours, because they can easily fit five P-5 units in a box of the size of one comparable product”

Since the P-5 was released, the market feedback has been overwhelming.

Nabil Bourgeili, CEO of TechnoPro LLC: “After the various tests conducted in Dubai and the Gulf Region’s architectural market, there was no single doubt that P-5 was the winner!”


Michel Roelofsen, MD of Rent-All: “Introducing the P-5 in the Dutch market has been a great success all-round; rock’n’roll, theatre, television, architectural installations – they all see the benefits. We simply can’t get enough.”


Luminus output


















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20000 15000 10000 5000 Ref. prod. 1

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Ref. prod. 6



As courtesy to our competitors, we have omitted product names.


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Tower of LED Power San Antonio, TX, USA – Luminaria Light Arts Festival Each year in March, the young, creative lighting festival, Luminaria, demonstrates the newest in spectacular art and performances involving anything light. In just five years it has grown from a few underground artists doing all sorts of improvisational light performances and installations to attracting several hundred thousand people today, curious to see a wealth of unique active and interactive lighting design projects from artists and designers. Big lights for big events They like it big in Texas. Very big. And big events require big lights. With more than 200,000 people attending this one-nighter of lighting extravaganza, clearly everybody can’t get around to see it all. One lighting design that everybody saw, however, was the illuminated San Antonio city icon, the 750 feet/228 m tall Tower of the Americas. Visible from miles away by day, by night this pile of concrete is usually invisible except for its lit up restaurant deck hovering over the HemisFair Park resembling an old Boston album cover. But one night every year the entire tower becomes magic. As the event’s single biggest visual surface, this vertical playground is obviously a prestigious scalp on any lighting designer’s résumé. This year, SGM turned the Tower of the Americas into the Tower of LED Power. Texas based Enlightening Ideas architectural light designer, Jerry Colmenero, was honored with the task of illuminating the 45 year old mastodon for the second year in a row. Height – the no. 1 challenge Not many fixtures have the reach needed to be visible 750 feet tall, even under perfect, pitch black conditions. Add to this high ambient light from a downtown environment and the task becomes even more challenging. “Ambient light is always the enemy. You never have a completely dark-sky environment to work with. A fixture must be able to punch through the ambient light


to be effective” Jerry says, eliminating any doubt that he knows the ins and outs of illuminating cityscape architecture. P-5 passed with flying colors Jerry used 6 P-5 fixtures for his performance and they literally passed the test with flying colors: “The P-5 outperforms anything I have seen for its physical size and rated power, simply great. Randy Wade [head of SGM US] really pulled this through on making sure I had the right lenses set for this project” says an overly satisfied Jerry Colmenero. To enhance the tower effect, Jerry spiced up his design using four 1.5K Xenon spots with beams into the air. As an experienced designer in architectural, Jerry is certainly no rookie in this game: “Site restrictions also play a role. You usually don’t get the ideal placement position and so the flexibility of changing lenses on site and the light weight of the fixtures is a plus during set-up. Set-up was quick, the menu system intuitive, in general I did not have to work the P-5, the P-5 worked for me”. Sleek and clean design “Sleek and clean is how I would describe the look of the fixture. So often fixtures of this kind are bulky and look like a metal-shop project. The P-5 is elegant”, Jerry continues. Despite its handy proportions and tight design line, make no mistake about the power this tiny devil spawns and the crazy bright LED colors it displays. The crowd response speaks for itself: Once Jerry fired up the P-5s everybody went “WOW, look at the tower – it has colors!” All-weather P-5 Weather reports warned about a storm approaching towards the end of the festival. So when Luminaria’s big finale was literally blown away and everybody ran for cover – the only thing still standing was the majestically P-5 illuminated Tower of LED Power.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

P-5 x 6 pcs

Jerry Colmenero

Photo: Humberto Hernandez - ArtGives


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Game-Changing SGM Strobes at the Grey Cup 100th Anniversary In November 2012 the final game of the Canadian Football League’s season, the Grey Cup championship, was a match between the East Division’s Toronto Argonauts and the West Division’s Calgary Stampeders. This year was the 100th anniversary of the game and it brought football fans together from all across the country.

Since Toronto-based lighting provider, Midnite Hour Productions, first purchased a large quantity of SGM X-5s and XC-5s in mid-2012, they have deployed by the fixtures in a variety of applications, but none more high profile than the halftime performance by Vancouver rockers, Marianas Trench, at the 2012 CFL Grey Cup game at Toronto’s Rogers Centre (scan QR code).

It was one of those rare occasions in professional sports, where you can find a group of die-hard devotees to one team proudly cheering another until their voices give out – partying together like old friends. This uniquely Canadian event and its halftime show reflected that feeling with performances by pop icons Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen, Canadian folk giant, Gordon Lightfoot and, of course, Marianas Trench.

High flexibility – huge variety “The SGM X-5 and XC-5 also offer far more flexibility in terms of how they can be configured and programmed than their competitors – be they LED or traditional products” adds Anthony Evans, SGM Product Manager at SFM: “For example, each fixture can be broken down into three “pixels”. So, with two X-5s side by side, six discreet areas can be programmed to ‘strobe’ at different times and in a huge variety of patterns– basically, creating enormous creative opportunities for the lighting designer. The sky’s the limit.”

Each year, the game also offers those providing the audio and lighting gear for the half-time show an opportunity to up their own game, and 2012 was no exception. While LED fixtures have become an integral part of modern lighting rigs, until now lighting designers have not had access to a professional grade, LED strobe that offers the level of power, impact and output that SGM’s white X-5s and colour XC-5s provide. “This moves us into the domain where we’re taking the most intense light you ever had on a stage and reproducing it as an LED fixture,” says Rob Deslauriers, SGM Canada’s Sales Representative for the Touring Market.


The SGM strobes are swiftly gaining popularity in North America being embraced as a go-to option by providers like Midnite Hour, who have unreservedly adopted LED technology as a high impact, low power consumption option for their clients. Now Deslauriers, who is already won over by the X-5 and XC-5, has the SP-6 ‘Six-Pack’ blinder is his hands and he enthusiastically remarks, “Already we’re getting more calls about it than any fixture we’ve ever had”.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Turkish Enlight SGM’s distributor in Turkey, Asimetrik Ses Isik Ve Goruntu Sistemleri A.S., participated in the Pro Show 2013 international trade exhibition March 14 – 17 with one of the largest and most professionally decorated stands at Lüfti Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre in Istanbul. Istanbul is the highest populated city in Turkey and the heart of the country’s economy and culture. As the venue for the Pro Show, it attracts a broad audience consisting of the Government Procurement Group, architectural and lighting designers, engineer, system integrators and DJs to name just a few.

As a result, Asimetrik’s stand was crowded from day 1. “It was a highly successful exhibition. We drew lots of attention and our visitors were very interested in the SGM products”, says Asimetrik’s Mert Kiliççöte. All set up with the plug’n’play all inclusive SGM LT-100 package, the ceiling of the stand was covered with 96 tubes of LT-100 controlled by the latest version MADRIX 3 using 16 Artnet universes, all programmed on location by Edward Kirby from the SGM HQ office. This event once more reinforced the position of the SGM brand in Turkey. “SGM has significantly changed direction and is expanding their product range unlike anything seen before. With the SGM products, we have solutions Mert Kiliççöte for all segments: architectural, conventional, decorative, interactive, intelligent and entertainment lighting solutions”, concludes Kiliççöte, who at present is fully engaged in numerous project including shopping malls, multipurpose complexes and stadiums.

P-5 x 4 pcs

SP-6 x 6 pcs

LP-700 x 4 pcs

X-5 x 17 pcs

TLD-612 x 16 pcs

LT-100 x 96 pcs

LT-Mount x 4 pcs


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

PROLIGHT MAKES IM WITH SGM IN POLAN In the short time since taking on the Polish distributorship, Prolight has established the SGM brand as a real tour de force in a variety of applications. This success has more than justified the faith invested by the company’s sales and marketing manager, Rafal Rzeczkowski when his attention was arrested by the Danish company’s vibrant stand at last September’s PLASA Show in London. “We were looking for a well designed, innovative LED fixture and SGM was the natural solution,” he said, noting that the regenerated company was a far cry from the original low end brand. Two months later their distributor status was confirmed, coinciding with their move to an enlarged facility outside Warsaw.


Prolight has built an enviable reputation in the automated lighting market. As a wholesaler, project management company, installer and system integrator in the entertainment, theatre and architectural sectors, they operate a discerning policy. But they could immediately see the value SGM would add to their portfolio. “SGM offers excellent design, amazing quality and innovative technologies — all combined into a series of unique LED-based tools that would extend lighting designer’ creativity,” states Rafal. “This was our key point of interest.” They wasted no time in telling the rental market about their new acquisition, quickly moving 50 x X-5 white strobes onto a New Year TV Show and 100 x SP-6 SixPacks to a TV popular game show via the pre-eminent TSE. Along with e-Rental (TSE’s internet rental company) and

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

IMMEDIATE IMPACT AND Groda, these have been first Polish adopters of the ‘new SGM’ experience. With sales and technical support from SGM area manager, David James Forster, Rafal is delighted with the flexibility shown to meet customer demands, as Prolight demonstrates the unique features of key products like X-5, SP-6, P-5 and pixel-based LB-100 in its new showroom. With SGM as a vehicle they are now projecting beyond traditional markets, into architectural (and other niche markets), with products like the P-5 and are new line of SGM interactive LED Shop Lighting. And with their newly expanded offices, showroom, warehouse and service centre Prolight believe they are well equipped to take on future challenges.


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

SGM - Maybe the coolest brand in the market right now

World Trade Center, Mexico City.

In March 2013 SGM CEO, Peter Johansen, went on a Mexican mission with a clear cut goal; Gather all the nation’s lighting industry hot shots for a cutting edge LED lighting technology symposium. SGM’s Mexican distributor, Representaciones de Audio, under the management of Jaime Celis did an extraordinary effort and hosted an unparalleled seminar. Besides holding the world’s biggest concentration of Mariachi bands, Mexico also proved extremely dedicated when it comes to getting a taste of the latest advancements in revolutionary LED lighting fixtures. With an attention level probably only outnumbered by the release of new Apple products, rarely has an event of this kind attracted this many people. Hundreds of industry VIPs attended from across the 4,000 km wide nation. Lighting designers, touring rentals, TV, architectural, theatre – everybody wanted a piece of the lighting action. And clearly so; with Peter being one of this industry’s undisputed pioneers, obviously people in the lighting business wanted to meet him for a chance to discuss design intricacies.

Skeptics make the best fans Skeptics can be a real pain in the heinie. Thus, victory is so much sweeter when they are won over, and more importantly; their say has


much more impact. One of the Mexican lighting heavyweights attending the seminar was long time lighting designer and blogger, Ben Díaz. Since 2005 Spanish born LD Ben Díaz has been involved in various fields of the entertainment industry, including lighting and show design, video programming for media servers, cinematography, production services and technical education. Having toured the Americas as well as Europe as LD for such names as New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble, Entombed, Imperial State Electric, North Mississippi AllStars and Rosana he is not only well-versed in designing lighting for a wide range of musical genres, he also has profound touring knowledge operating various lighting systems and consoles. Shortly after attending the seminar Ben posted a no holds barred review of SGM’s transition from mediocre to cutting edge. Below is an excerpt from Ben’s blog: Let’s be honest. SGM was not a company with a particularly good name in the past, at least in Europe. I’ve been an SGM user for years; I started with the Galileo scanners, barely improved with Galileo IV model, then I programmed some shows with Giotto moving heads (yeah, very similar to the actual Chinese bad fixtures) and for two or three years I had to deal with some units of Palco 3 - maybe the slowest cyc light in the world (not talking about the mess of replacing a lens in the fixture).

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

covered their eyes when the fixture was focused to us. Yeah, looks great. Pure colors with a high rendering, and a special version with pure whites in different Kelvin temperatures, optimized for televisions and car exhibitions (and this is absolutely right; the guys at car companies want true reproduction of their original colors!). Pixel mapping and 3D effects Next up was a new LED strip light prepared for pixel mapping and 3D effects. The first one was a LED RGB curtain, which I last saw at a Dead Can Dance World Tour. Nice, but maybe too dense for a 2-hour show. The other one is intended for big 3D installations, capable of amazing effects. I’m sure they will pull off wonders at electronic festivals, big disco clubs or big malls.

But. I was invited by Representaciones de Audio to an SGM Showroom and conference in Mexico City. Peter Johansen was there, the new visible head and CEO of SGM products. So who is Peter Johansen? Well, the guy that invented the Martin Mac600, most of Martin/Jem smoke and haze machines and also the father of the Roboscan. Enough? I guess so. After more than ten years of silence (due to a tough contract with Martin), Peter bought the Italian company SGM and brought the entire setup to Denmark. X-5 - Extreme coherence between LEDs The result? Well, we’ll have to wait just a little bit longer to see the whole revolution, but so far the new products look really nice. I was able to check the new (and maybe, best in market) LED strobe light called X-5, designed by the same guy that created Martin Atomic 3000 (nice reference, huh?). The X-5 has the same output as the Atomic with the absurd power consumption of 360 watts. Extreme coherence between the LEDs, pure white, and three vertical sections from left to right allow for programming strobes in a totally new way. Of course, one of my questions for Peter was: “Peter, if you made three sections to control the fixture, why not make a 20 or 30 DMX-channel version to allow a huge pixel mapping within the fixtures?” The promising response was “Uh… I’ve never really thought of that… Yeah… and it would be easy to implement… Maybe you’ll see that feature within a few months”. P-5/P-7 - brightest RGB wash lights in the market The P-5 and P-7 were the other great fixtures on display. Coming from the old Palco designs (sh*t!), Peter said that this new architectural cyc light is the brightest RGB wash light in the market. It could be right, having in mind all the venue

SixPack - the coolest features come inside The SixPack fixture is nothing new if you think of this product as a modulable LED RGB jarag. But the coolest features come inside. First, this fixture uses a Fresnel lens for each lens, second, a special DMX channel can imitate the typical halogen effect of dimming (very close to the natural effect, even when you can’t speed up or slow down the dim effect). And third, this fixture also works great as a traditional blinder, cause it has an incredible amount of output power. I’ve never seen anything like it, and with a lot of coherence between LEDs too. G-Spot – world’s first IP-65 rated moving head Finally, Peter had a teaser for yet another fixture; the G-Spot, an IP-65 LED spot prepared to operate under water. Guaranteed to not require any maintenance whatsoever (they guarantee no dust inside the fixture). However, they didn’t bring any units (it’s still in the making), but it sure looks promising. In conclusion, it seems SGM has now taken a great direction, maybe the coolest in the market right now. So you better take a look to the new SGM before messing around with their name!

Ben Díaz Read Ben Díaz’s full blog post here: http://bendiazlightingdesigner.wordpress. com/2013/03/01/the-new-direction-of-sgm/


SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

Revealing the G-Spot Behind the scenes; from idea to success With the much anticipated product launch at PL&S of the G-Spot, the 850 W IP 65 LED moving head, the last months have taken a heavy toll on the SGM R&D team. CEO, Peter Johansen, is however not surprised that they have overcome the challenging task. The phrase “If everything is going according to your plan, the plan was not ambitious enough” is a favorite quote of his and it also fits with the developments in the plan of creating the world’s first IP-rated moving head.

What did not go according to the plan? “A plan is merely a starting point for your final result. Along the way we found that the G-Spot has some ‘side effects’,” says Johansen. What kind of side effects are we talking about? “The positive kind of side effects; advantages, features to develop further, which all in all have given us an even stronger product on our hands. With a starting point of creating an IP-rated moving head, we had a mission to create a revolutionary product, which is innovative and meets the needs of the market instead of following a trend. Along the way, experienced customer feedback indicated highly beneficial side effects to the initial intention of developing an outdoor intended product.” He continues, “The G-Spot is a maintenance free product. Being water, dirt and sand proof, there will be no accumulation of dust or externally induced items on optics, gobos or the lamp unit. Worst case scenario in a turbulent environment, the front lens must merely be wiped off, which is a huge time and cost saver effectively eliminating the need for cleaning and maintenance.”

“We have introduced a patent-pending solution to ensure the complete IP65 of the G-Spot; a Gore-tex pressure equalization membrane equalizes the air pressure. Air can pass through the membrane, humidity cannot. A dehumidifier keeps the air humidity at a constant level by the electrolysis process of extracting hydrogen. No


hydrogen, no humidity. In this way we are creating the ideal environment for electronic circuits.” You have created a product with benefits for both indoor and outdoor usage. Please elaborate on its functionalities. “We have developed a universal moving head – from a beam to a wash. Like the Presley song: From a Jack to a King, Johansen smiles. “The features are many; wireless DMX, 100240 volt AC – 50-60 Hz, two independent effect wheels and rotating gobo wheels, huge optics zoom of 9 to 45 degrees and with the smooth color mixing and the sophisticated optics – iris, beam, zoom – it covers all functions from beam to wash.”

“Even more interesting to talk about is the fact that the G-Spot is using a high voltage, low current method to ensure the highest possible efficiency of the LEDs minimizing junction temperature and thereby increasing the expected lifetime of the multiple LEDs.” “I can go on and on about the functionalities”, and he carries on: “Apart from the 12 rotating gobos, the G-Spot has a revolutionary framing. Simply a unique patented framing system, allowing the G-Spot to perform beam-shaping techniques.

SGM NEWS No. 2 2013

This unit contains several ground-breaking technologies, which I due to patent issues cannot reveal at this early stage”, says Johansen. Talking about the uniqueness of the product; what is unique about the design of the G-Spot? “At SGM, we take pride in embodying sleek and tasteful designs into our products. A lighting designer should not only see the benefits, but he should also like the feeling, smooth surface, easy handling and compact design of our products. We aim at solving the challenges of their work day. With some products it is about considering the hanging method to facilitate the process; with others – such as the G-Spot – it is about designing a one-hand operative and ergonomic display”, Johansen points out. “We consider features such as locks on the pan and tilt functions, and the RFID/NFC for easy setup and to obtain data such as running hours and error code. Even without unpacking or powering on the fixture, you can program the unit from your mobile phone, extract product data, and determine the current condition of the unit and whether or not you can ship it directly onto the next tour.” RFID has become a well-known technology. What is its purpose in relation to the G-Spot besides gathering information? “Via the RFID or the RDM the end-user can access constantly logged data and use it for product diagnostics. A build-in, intelligent monitoring system collect data such as the junction temperature of the LEDs, running hours, fixture temperature, level of internal humidity and air pressure. All the data is feeding the internal microcomputer that always keeps track of the state of the fixture ensuring optimal running conditions and easy fault localization.”

Why so sure of success? The product has not even been officially released yet. “I do not even have a shred of doubt about the performance or reception of the G-Spot in the lighting business. This is a truly unique product meeting the actual demands of the business – or even defining the demands. Already at a very early stage of the development, when presenting the concept to key customers, the initial orders rolled in. This is not a product that requires much marketing; it markets itself”. A final question; why the name ‘the G-Spot’? “I do not even want to know what you are thinking of”, Johansen grins. “There is no dirty mind behind this name. Actually, when we took over the Italian company, we wanted to dissociate ourselves from the Italian product names not many people could pronounce. Therefore, we started using the initial letters in our product names. In fact, I first thought of naming the IP moving head ‘the G-one’, but some names have ambiguous meaning and ‘gone’ is definitely not bringing justice this revolutionary product. With a concept for the exact opposite; a long-lasting fixture that will conquer the market for many years to come, the name simply origins from the Giotto series, so the working title soon became the G-Spot”, Peter Johansen concludes.


SGM distributors North America


Canada - S.F. Marketing Inc.

Bulgaria - Music Center Ikonomov Ltd

Cuba - Beta Music SA

Czech Republic - Dancefloor S.R.O

Dominican Republic - All Trading Worldwide Inc.

Finland - Noretron Communication Oy


France - Eclalux

USA - Techni-Lux Inc.

France - Sonoss

USA - PRG Global

Germany & Austria - SGM Deutschland GmbH

USA - Upstaging Inc.

Hungary - Zaj System House Trading Ltd Co Italy - SGM Technology for Lighting S.r.l.

South America

Norway - AVAB CAC AS

Argentina - Prind-co

Poland - PROLIGHT sp. z o.o.

Brazil - LBO Lighting Comercio e Importação e

Portugal - LightSet

Exportação Ltda

Romania - PSI, Professional Sound Impact Russia - DEALERCENTER LLC


Sweden - SGM Sweden AB

Georgia - AVB LTD

Switzerland - ASL Electronic AG/SA

India - Modern Stage Services Pvt. Ltd.

The Netherlands - Sales-all BV

Indonesia - Goshen Electronics Indonesia

Turkey - Asimetrik Ses Isik Ve Goruntu Sistemleri

Malaysia - Octodecim Akustik Sdn. Bhd.

UK - L.E.D. (Projects) Ltd.

Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong - China, Korea, Philip-

UK - A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd.

pines, Thailand, Vietnam - SGM Light Asia Pte. Ltd

Ukraine - Art-R Sergey Rusnak

UAE (Middle East Region) - TechnoPro Ltd.

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