February newsletter

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United Methodist Church of Estes Park 1509 Fish Hatchery Road (970) 586-4153


Vol. 34 No. 2

February 2015

Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30 am Early Bird Coffee 9:45 am Worship (Children’s Sunday School) 10:45 am Fellowship Time in Anderson Hall Church Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 9am – 3:30pm

February Musings As I write this, I’m sitting in the office watching the snow drifting quietly down covering everything with a coat of white. There is something about a snowy day that can be comforting (as long as one can snuggle in with a good book, a cozy chair and a hot cup of tea). “As long as…” We human beings often place those conditions on situations, relationships, and a number of other things. Discretion is used in considering the choices we make in life. It is good to evaluate whether or not to drive in hazardous conditions, and to say, for example, “As long as weather permits, I will go to the store.” Some decisions are simply common sense. Decisions are also made based upon experiences, personalities, our own or someone else’s judgment, and other factors. We can limit potential and possibilities when we rely too heavily on preconceived notions about someone or something. When we box something or someone in as too “liberal”, “conservative”, too “whatever label we choose”, and then discount whoever or whatever we’ve attached that label to, then we significantly limit possibilities for ourselves and others. We see this labeling so often in the news, in politics, in communities, in church, in relationships. Jesus had a way of turning things inside out and upside down. His words are challenging for people, then and now, who hold tight to preconceived notions. His teaching began with the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:1-10, Christ names the life God calls us to live and describes what God’s kingdom is to look like. Jesus is teaching attitudes for being that are as simple as they are complex. And, oh so different than what society teaches us. I invite you to journey through the Beatitudes/Blessings that Jesus teaches in Matthew 5. February 1, I will begin a sermon series on these verses that will conclude Easter, April 5. And, for as long as we are on this journey together, I invite your comments, reflections, criticisms as we wrestle with stretching our perceptions and willingness to be transformed by God’s vision for us through Christ. Blessings of Grace!

Pastor Donna

There will be a Lenten Study/Soup Luncheon, lasting six weeks on Tuesday mornings – February 24th through March 31st. The Way of Transforming Discipleship by Trevor Hudson and Stephen D. Bryant will assist our group in sharing a journey which explores themes such as Knowing Who You Are; Changing from the Inside; Listening to the Groans; Experiencing the God Who Heals; and Discovering Community Together. We’ll begin with a devotional at 11am and then have lunch as we discuss the week’s readings. We plan to be finished by 1pm. If you are traveling during that time, it’s okay. Attend when you can. The cost of the book is $10. Please call the church office to order a book. Blessings! Pastor Donna

2015 Dates to Remember! Administrative Council: meets quarterly from 11:15am-1:00pm on the following dates, after worship, with a potluck brunch and the meeting: February 15 May 17 August 16 November 15 (Approx. date to coincide with All-Church Conference) The Administrative Council is open to all who want to know what is going on in the ministry of the church. Discussion includes financial updates as well as reports from Staff, Pastor Parish; Trustees; and proposals for ministry. This is your opportunity to hear what’s happening and express your celebrations and/or concerns in the community of faith. The Leadership Team meets on the first Wednesday monthly to review aspects of the ministry in order to insure Administrative Council plans are effectively being implemented and to provide updated and concise communication to the faith community. The Leadership Team members are: Randy Davis and Pete Hogue – Administrative Council Co-Chairpersons; Polly Ingold – Lay Leader; Susan Newendorp – Lay Delegate to Annual Conference; Dale Beck – Finance Chairperson; Marvin Criswell – Staff Pastor Parish Chairperson; Jay Vetter and Kathy Levine – Trustee Co-Chairpersons; and the Pastor. If you have something you would like the Leadership Team to consider, please contact any of the leaders listed above.

Rocky Mountain Annual Conference is at the YMCA of the Rockies June 11-14, 2015. This is an opportunity to observe the worship and workings of the larger faith community of our conference which includes lay and clergy from over 250 churches and ministries throughout Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Pastor Donna’s last Sunday in the pulpit will be June 21, 2015. +++++++++++++++++++++ If you didn’t know, something exciting is happening in the Estes Valley Area. Plans are in place for a Community Garden to open in the Stanley Park Area. The target date is this year! A 501(c)3 organization has been established to see this become a reality. The Estes Valley Community Garden Board has partnered with the Town of Estes Park and the Estes Valley Recreation and Park District. The garden will be located across the High School and between the Observatory and the tennis courts. There will be 24 raised garden plots with quality soil brought in. The fencing will be above and below ground to keep the hungry critters out. One plot will be reserved for volunteers to garden for the Crossroad Ministry Food Pantry. One or two plots will be for youth gardeners free of charge and one or two plots will be for people-in-need free of charge. There will be a drawing for the remaining plots for community members to garden for their own usage for a rent of approximately $50.00 per season. High altitude gardening can be a challenge but many mountain communities in Colorado are successful. Let’s join them. If you have questions, want to donate money to this good cause, and/or want to volunteer; please call Connie Dedon 586-4078. More information is on the evcg.org website. From Mary Seaver: A friend called to tell us that Dick Whanger had died peacefully, surrounded by family, on 01/09/15, in Houston, TX. Dick was an active summer associate member here in the 1990's and early 2000's. Connie Dedon has told me that it was Dick who helped her get the Brown Bag Book Buddy group going at church. Many will remember Dick's gentle nature and his enthusiastic and concerned presentations on nature and the environment with slides he had taken while birdwatching. Bob said that Ken is sending him an obituary for Bob to get in the two Estes Park papers. Dick's name was actually James Richard Whanger. His wife, Ann, died in the mid1990's, while they were here for the summer; Dick returned alone during summers, as long as he could; but in recent years he has been weakened by melanoma.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Our church's Friendly Stitchers group is five years old, this month! Yes, for five years, we have been stitching for both international and local missions; this includes the Prayer Wrap Project with Prayer Wraps available in Anderson Hall for anyone in the church family to take and give/send to someone in need of God's healing love. Last November 2014, many scarves, hats and mittens made by our Stitchers were given to Crossroad Ministry for their winter wraps distribution. In mid- January, we finished 42 fleece Teddy Bears. Thank you, Mary Lee Steward, for machine embroidering their faces and sewing them up ready to be stuffed. The Teddy Bears are being given to the Estes Park Police Department and the Estes Park Medical Center's Lab and X-ray Dept. and their Emergency Room for distribution to their younger clients/patients. Holding his or her own new Teddy Bear can be very calming to a child in an anxious situation. Our next project is to prepare Layette Kits for the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Distribution Center in Salt Lake City. Layette Kits are distributed where ever disasters have occurred in the world; each kit contains 6 cloth diapers, 2 undershirts or onesies, 2 infant size wash cloths, 2 infant gowns or sleepers, 2 diaper pins, 1 open front infant size sweater or jacket, and 2 receiving blankets. There will be a "cutting-out" work session February 12, 2015, 10:00 a.m. at Kay Myer's home, 1761 Twin Drive, 586-9240; we will be cutting out infant nightgowns, jackets and diapers, beginning to sew them up, and setting the date and time for a follow-up work session. New persons are always welcome at our work sessions. If you wish, bring shears/pinking shears and white thread. When we have finished the Layettes, we will return to making UMCOR School Bags. Purchasing Layette Kit materials has used up the monies we raised in last year's silent quilt auction, so we will appreciate any donations of sturdy, heavy duty, washable fabric. Each school bag takes two 15"x19" pieces of sturdy cloth plus two 4"x23" pieces for the handles. Fabric donations may be left next to or in the blue plastic storage box marked FRIENDLY STITCHERS by the Anderson Hall windows, lower level of the church. Have questions? Ask any of our current Stitchers: Arleta Bell, Babs Mock, Kay Myers, Marilyn Saunders, Dorothy Scott, Mary Seaver, Thelma Stevens, Mary Lee Steward and Jane Wilson. (Mary Seaver, Contact Person) Equal Exchange: How likely would you be to buy: honey, trail mix, fruit & nut bars, jam, etc. from the Fair Trade table? Not likely, Maybe, Yes? You can let Lois Scott know by filling out the survey on the Fair Trade table or leave a note in the office.

Please help Lois and Lucy with Fair Trade orders. It will help them eliminate waste, when ordering. Equal Exchange products have different shelf-lives, according to the product. Unpurchased items may have to be thrown away. New Book Study The Women's Devotional Group is finishing their current book study, "The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl" by Timothy Egan. On February 10th, they will be watching a DVD on the Dust Bowl Days. Even if you haven't been reading the book, the DVD will be an interesting topic for discussion. Starting on February 17th the group will begin a new study with the book, "Empire of the Summer Moon: The Rise and Fall of the Comanches" by S. C. Gwynne. Let Connie Dedon (586-4078) know if you would like her to order a book for you. This is a non-denominational group that meets at 6:30 PM at the Good Samaritan Village, 1901 Ptarmigan Trail, downstairs in the main building. Everyone is welcome!

We need more items and especially photographs for the 2014 Historical scrapbook. If you have some to contribute we would really appreciate them. You may put them in the mail box marked Historical in Anderson Hall. Thank you. Dorothy Scott and Jane Wilson Snow Day 01/22/2015

Mark your calendars! New Game Night Schedule: February 22nd March 22nd April 26th

All gatherings begin at 5pm. Beverages will be provided. Please bring a dish to share with the group. WINTER ONLY Coffee Fellowship During the winter months, with travel and seasonal illnesses, it is not as easy to find volunteers to do coffee hour. In order to make it easier for the volunteers, they can just provide coffee, lemonade and water after church. Early bird coffee will be optional – if someone is there to make it, it will be available. There will be a sign-up sheet on the volunteer bulletin board in Anderson Hall. Please check your calendars and volunteer just one Sunday! Thanks for your support – Pastor Donna and Kathy During the winter months, Communion will be served so as to minimize the risk of contagion. There will be regular and gluten-free Communion wafers available, along with the use of the small individual cups. You will not need to dip the wafer in the small cup. Please bear with us during this flu/cold season!

Would you or someone you know like to put a Valentine’s greeting or dedication on our radio station, KREV-LP, for Valentine’s Day? See Paul Saunders or Kathy Levine, and we can record you in our studio, just off Anderson Hall!

"Hearts of Hope" is here! February 15 - Special Guest and Special Offering !! Join us for "Hearts of Hope" in February to help prevent HIV AIDS and end this health pandemic through the UM Global AIDS Fund ! You are invited to : 1) Create a heart from paper, felt, cloth for the "Hearts of Hope Tree" in February ! You can put the first name of someone you know with HIV AIDS on the back of the heart. Hang it on the big tree in the sanctuary! 2) Join us in worship Sunday February 15 to hear our Special Guest Tom Owens and to give to this Special Offering ! Tom Owens, Iliff School of Theology, Denver will share about his trip last year to Rwanda. Special Offerings this year for UMGAF will help children and mothers in Liberia, Kenya and India. These offerings will stop the transmission of HIV from mother to child during birth. The cost of this medication is about $10 per mother. Last year's offering raised $10,000 in the Rocky Mountain UM Conference ! Our goal is $20,000 in 2015 ! 3) To give to the Special Offering as a faith response to HIV AIDS : write a check to UMC EP and in the memo write : UMGAF or give cash in an envelope and mark it UMGAF or Global AIDS! Thanks for your gifts for helping others ! UM Global AIDS Fund Task Force www.umglobalaidsfund.com


Deadline for submission is February 25th United Methodist Church of Estes Park, CO nominates Name: Last


Middle Initial

an active Lay Member, to be recognized by the Rocky Mountain Conference Board of Lay Ministry as a Quiet Disciple

Signed: (Church Lay Leader)

Mailing address and telephone number(s) of this nominee: Full Name Address City and Zip Telephone number Briefly describe the ministry of the nominee in 250 words or less. Anything beyond this will be subject to editing. (Insert a page if you like)

(Print this page and fill in to submit a nominee.)

Guidelines for Quiet Disciple Award 1. The Nominee is an active Lay member in his/her local church & community, who demonstrates the characteristics of a Quiet Disciple. 2. The Nominee displays a strong Christian commitment in all aspects of his/her life, not only the ministry for which they are recognized. 3. The Nominee is willing to have his/her ministry recognized (this should not be a secret or a surprise). 4. The Nominee is recommended by his/her local church. If your Nominee is voted to be the District/Sub-District Quiet Disciple he/she will be invited to the Lay Luncheon at Annual Conference where he/she will be recognized during the Lay Luncheon presentations. The invitation will be extended through a personal invitation by the Conference Quiet Disciple Coordinator (Date and time of this luncheon will be announced later and the information sent to the Quiet Disciple.) District/Sub-District Quiet Disciples will receive a certificate of recognition and a donation in his/her honor will be given to “The Bridge of Love” at Annual Conference.


Guest speaker Dr. Song, Anesthesiologist - How he brings Christianity and healing to China Quiet Disciple awards and District business meeting Lunch Choice of 2 afternoon workshops

Registration cost $15.00

Registration Opened January 23rd

For more details go to http://peaksplainsneco.weebly.com/peaks-sub-district1.html Cassy Chamberlin, Administrative Assistant Metropolitan, Peaks & NECO Districts, RMCUMC 6110 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303-325-7047; 303-733-1730 Fax: Find us online: www.rmcumc.org

Reminder from Katharine Lockwood: With our summer people in their winter homes and year-round people traveling, this time of year, we have fewer volunteers to call on. Please help us fill the empty dates! GREETERS FEBRUARY Head Greeter: Jim Gunter 1 – Dale and Peggy Beck 8 – Jim Gunter and Larry Blinn 15 – Larry and Karen Blinn 22 – Connie Dedon and Mary Lou O’Neil MARCH Head Greeter: 1– 8– 15 – 22 – 29 – (Palm Sunday) APRIL 5 – (Easter Sunday) 12 – 19 – 26 – ***************************************************** USHERS FEBRUARY Head Usher: Kathy Levine 1 – Dwight Stein and Adina DeWitt 8 – Thomas Beck and Laura Davis 15 – Gerry and Kathie Dougherty 22 – Sid, Lois and Lucy Scott MARCH Head Usher: Linda Strandberg 1– 8 – Larry and Karen Blinn 15 – Sid, Lois and Lucy Scott 22 – Mary Lou O’Neil and Connie Dedon 29 – (Palm Sunday) Dewain and Katharine Lockwood APRIL 5 – (Easter Sunday) 26 – 12 – 19 –

Prayer Concerns Prayers of Celebration: Improvements in the health of Dean Burton and Velda Becker (Strandbergs). Prayers of Hope & Healing: Heather McCreary (Patterson); Eric Blackhurst (Miller, Levine); Ginny Webb (Seaver); Linda Strandberg; David Glismann (Stone); Warren Mays (Bell); Dean Burton (Standberg); Father, Don Vetter; Jay Vetter; Velda Becker (Strandberg); Corbin; Rev. Kent Keller; Wayne Kruckenberg (Vetter); Sharon Tisdale (Meyer); Shelley Chew; Charlaine Fear (Bell); Frank Gunter’s grand-daughter, Jennifer; Donna Treadway’s sister, Bettye Gilstrap; Cliff Dill; Dick Baker (M. Saunders); Ryan Groene; Karen Blinn; Mark Hall and mother-in-law, Vineta Brown(Dill); Beverly Nicholas (Bell); Sister, Virginia Flusser (L. Strandberg); Ed Becker; Marlene & Larry Willey; Dan Wilkinson (Strandberg); Sandi Rosenthal; Eric Miller (S. Newendorp); Great-grand-daughter, Kayla Steward, and her family; Grand-niece, Breauna Derr (Meyer); Elaine Evans (Strandberg); Daughter-in-law’s father, husband, Britt, and brother, Doak and his wife, Lydia (D’Ann); Mother, Jody Kennedy (Lee Criswell). Special Concerns: For the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Harmony Foundation, their families and friends. Family and friends coping with snow in the northeast U.S. For those of different faiths to live in peace. Prayers for Loss: The family and friends of Dick Whanger; the family and friends of Ruth, Paul Newendorp’s sister; the family and friends of Jane Arnold; the family and friends of Rev. Ray Neutzman. A brief Ash Wednesday service will be held on Wednesday, February 18, from 12:15 – 12:45. The season of Lent, forty days (not counting Sundays which are considered mini-Easters), begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. On Ash Wednesday we are to consider our own mortality and ask God’s mercy for our sins. There will be a brief reflection, time of silence and the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance.

February Birthdays 4 - Paul Saunders, Robert Traver 5 - Carroll Mock 6 - Ray Middleton 8 - Pastor Donna Patterson 10 - Kay Myers 15 - John Davis 20 - Dave Engle 23 - Grayce Herring 24 - Marlene Brown

Are we missing your birthday on the list? Please call or email the office and let us know!

January Worship Attendance 4 – 63 11 – 58 18 – 67 25 – 65 The United Methodist Men have decided to take a break, due to declining attendance in both the Methodist and Lutheran men’s groups. United Methodists, Episcopalians celebrate Eucharist sharing agreement Week of Christian Unity becomes ‘real’ as Communion is served to people from both denominations at U.S. National Cathedral. January 25, 2015

~ February 2015 ~

◄ January

Sun 1

Mon 2

Tue 3

9:45am Church 12:30pmWorship 4:30pm COMMUNION Bridge Club 1:30pm Trustees Mtg@UMCEP

8 9:45am Worship Service

9 Pastor off-site 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club

Wed 47am Sacred Space@Old Church Shops

March ►





6 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club



13 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club



20 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club



27 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club


6:30pm Womens 4pm Devotional Group Leadership

10 Pastor offsite 1pm Community Garden Mtg

Team Mtg@ UMCEP 11 Pastor offsite

7am Sacred Space@Old Church Shops

6:30pm Womens Devotional Group


16 President’s 17

18 Ash

9:45am Worship Service Special Offering HIV/AIDS



12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club


22 9:45am Worship Service

7am Sacred Space@Old Church Shops 6:30pm Womens 12:15pm Ash Devotional Group Wednesday Service 1pm United Methodist Women

23 12:30pm4:30pm Bridge Club


25 7am Sacred Space@Old Church Shops

6:30pm Womens Devotional Group

Please join us for a pot-luck luncheon and Ad Council meeting on Sunday, February 15th! It will begin at approximately 11:15am. Please bring a dish to share – does not have to be home-made!

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