Second Questionnair Results

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2ND Questionnaire Results

From this question I have found out that make up is very popular, however this does not fit our idea as we have a mysterious character which you don’t see much of his face so there would not be a point to use make up however we maybe able to put some make up on our mysterious character.

From this question its even between no make up, natural makeup and cartoon or monster make up. From this natural or no make up would suit our film, as the mysterious player isn’t going to show his face a lot.

The weapons in this clip are very popular however there is not any weapon in our idea so we will not use weapons.

The weapons in this clip are very popular however there is not any weapon in our idea so we will not use weapons.

From this clip ‘The Hunter’ we really like the way the hunter hunts his prey, this type of acting we will use in our movie as it has the same type of atmosphere we want to create in our movie.

From this question you can see that any of these other options are all popular, had we not gone for the hunter type of character. However we like the joker character personality so we may use that type of character to.

From the results above you can see that 55% of people didn’t like the music which we were thinking about using in our film, so we will have to change the music to make It scarier.

From the question 60% of people wanted to have happy music, however our film is not happy so would require dark music.

For our film we have a male character playing the killer, so the results from question 9 are perfect for our film.

The question above works well with what our idea is, so modern day is good and suit our idea.

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