No 23%
Yes 77%
As you can see from our pie chart and image of results, 76.9% of our chosen audience who answered our quesAonnaire liked this film opening. 23.1% of our audience said that they didn’t like the film opening. Whoever answered no, answered the next quesAon. This result will help us because we now know what sort of opening to go for.
Animated Opening 33%
Collage Opening 67%
This quesAon carry’s on from the previous quesAon. This is a quesAon only for the people who answered no. 66.7% voted for a collage opening instead of the montage opening in ‘Seven’ This means that we will need to try and make a thriller opening that uses some collage.
No 23% Yes 77%
This quesAon was about the font and colouring in the clip opening. 76.9% of the audience said that they liked the font and colouring. 23.1% said that they didn’t like the font and colouring.
Darker colours 33%
Brighter Colours 67%
This quesAon is to help us see which colours or font the audience would prefer. 33.3% of our chosen audience said that they would like darker colours but 66.7% of our audience said that they would prefer brighter colours. We could maybe incorporate the brighter colours into the font.
No 15%
Yes 85%
This quesAon was to see whether or not the audience thought that the film opening was successful overall. 84.6% of the votes said that yes the opening was successful. 15.4% of the votes said that it wasn’t very successful.
No 15%
Yes 85%
The results from this quesAon show us if our target audience would watch a film like this. The chart and image show us that 84.6% of the votes said yes to view the film. 15.4% said that they wouldn’t. This tells us that this film is on the right path but that we may need to make a few amendments.