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Sandy Polanski and Louise Raber Sisterhood Co-Presidents

Sisterhood has been working hard to overcome the past three years of Covid. With the move out of our Wellington Crescent Building into Temple Shalom, we were able to find space at The Asper Campus and set up the Judaica Shop. Through Chanukah we had the shop open on regular hours, but are now available by appointment only. Please email Sisterhood at sisterhood@szwinnipeg.ca or leave a message on the gift shop voicemail at 204975-3487, and someone will be in touch to set up an appointment. They say it takes a village and we are all working together to keep the Shop open.

The Book Club has been up and running for the past two plus years. Now in the capable hands of Rhonda Youell, the Book Club is successful on ZOOM. As of this year it will remain online at the request of the participants. Call the office at 204-4523711 if you are interested and Rhonda will call you back. If you aren’t sure this is for you, you are welcome to attend a meeting without being a member of sisterhood. If you do enjoy it and want to continue, we ask that you join Sisterhood.

Bonnie Robinson and Alice Weissmann are co-chairing The Sisterhood Shabbat. It will take place in person at either Temple Shalom or The Berney Theatre. As of today the date is not set, but will hopefully be in Spring. If you’d to participate, please contact the office and leave a message for either Bonnie or Alice or send an email to sisterhood@szwinnipeg.ca.

Deb Stern is new to the Sisterhood Board and has already arranged a successful program delivered in March titled “Secrets of the Shanghai Jewish Ghetto” presented on ZOOM. This program had almost 100 people attending online!

Marisa Hochman and Louise Raber have a date for The 58th Annual Interfaith Luncheon. Monday, June 12, 2023 at Noon at the Asper Campus. Save the date and watch for details to follow shortly.

The Mitzvah Group has been unable to provide programs at The Simkin Centre. We are hoping for Spring 2023 to have our Annual Mother’s Day Tea. Rochelle Pincovich will be needing volunteers to help cut and serve dainties. If you’d like to be part of this Mitzvah, please leave her a message at the office. The Recreational Therapy and Spiritual Care Programs at the Simkin have been doing many many programs Since Covid shut the building dow. Sisterhood has sent donations to help offset some of the costs.

Our Annual Torah Fund “Tearless Tea” will be in late-April. We really appreciate the support during the Covid times. Watch for more information about Torah Fund in the next few weeks.

Willow Place for Women and Children who find themselves homeless due to marital issues, is still near and dear to Sisterhood. Unfortunately, with the move out of our building, we have no place to receive and store donated goods. If anyone reading this has a space and is willing to have people drop off items (non-perishable), Gloria Cantor our liaison to Willow Place will arrange to have them picked up and delivered. Many people are wanting to donate. Towels (new or used, but washed clean), toiletries, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products and cleaning supplies are always needed. Willow Place has a WISH LIST on line at wwwwillowplaceshelter.ca.

IntraContinental Region of Women’s League of which Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood and Women’s League of Congregation Etz Chayim are affiliates, will hold its annual conference virtually on April 29 and 30, 2023 (see the next page for details). Shaarey Zedek and Etz Chayim are co-hosting this conference.

This is a fabulous opportunity for everyone to get a taste of what Conference is without leaving the comfort of your own home. Information regarding cost and agenda will be announced shortly. It won’t be quite the same online, but here’s a chance to meet people from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Colorado, Mexico City and Texas!

Chag Sameach and be well everyone.

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