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Region Still Connected"
Spring Virtual Conference 2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
Sunday, April 30, 2023 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
“We’re Still Here: A Message of Resilience and the Need to Adapt” A program with Adrienne Meyers, Ph.D. Keynote Speaker. Dr. Meyers is currently on secondment as the Director of Laboratory Integration in the Office of Population and Public Health with Indigenous Services Canada. Prior to joining Indigenous Services Canada, she served as the Associate Director of the National Sexually Transmitted, Blood-Borne Infection (STBBI) Laboratory Division for Underserved Populations at the National Microbiology Laboratory Branch (NMLB) of the Public Health Agency of Canada. She is also Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease at the University of Manitoba, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology at the University of Nairobi.
“Plan Your Going Away Party”
A program with Rena Boroditsky, longtime Executive Director of Chesed Shel Emes’ (a non-profit Jewish Funeral Home in Winnipeg). Ms. Boroditsky is a dynamic, intuitive, highly organized community leader specializing in organizational administration, strategic planning, problem-solving, and education. Extensive knowledge and experience in Jewish death, burial and mourning practices.
Registration ... Instructions for Conference 2023 Group Payment by Check. Please read these instructions carefully: If your Sisterhood or affiliate will be paying your registration as a group (by check), you must still check the box (Pay by Check) and complete the registration form. The Sisterhood or affiliate should be the participants with one check and include a list of those for which they are providing payment. No exceptions can be made. If you have any questions about this, or any "technical" questions about registration in general, text Cathy Leonard at 281455-4955. Please be sure to leave your name at the end of your text.
Register Now, Click here
Winnipeg Co-Chairs: Sandy Polanski, Shaarey Zedek; Louise Raber, Shaarey Zedek; Brenda Keller, Etz Chayim; Margie Schneider, Conference Chair
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