Shabrina Astrilia | 2024 Portfolio

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Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024



+About Shabrina is an enthusiastic and ever-curious learner with a diverse background in visual communication design, advertising to innovation and entrepreneurship. She has high commitment and interest in integrating the unique ecosystem of creativity and experience into personalised business needs and goals.


She has founded experience in ranging creative strategic elds from creative concept, strategic planning, art direction,

Language | Indonesian & English (written & spoken)

branding, illustration, copywriting to art & craft through more

Planning | Strategic & brand plan, creative-experience concept


years of working experience in multiple environment;

from startups, in-house brand, graphic house, event promotor to

advertising agencies.

Design | Brand identity, illustration, editorial, typography, styling

About | Personal Experience







Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Art Direction | Ideation, storyboard, deck & presentation


+Overview 10+ professional experience in creative design 6+ professional experience in art direction 4+ years in business and entrepreneurship

Adobe Creative Suite | Photoshsop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash

University of Warwick Innovative and Entrepreneurship

Office | GDocs, GSheet, GSlides, Keynote

Master of Science (MSc)

Social Media | Instagram, Meta Business Suite,

Graduated with Distinction

Meta Ads Manager, Tiktok Business Suite Bina Nusantara University Visual Communication Design Bachelor of Arts (BA) 3.94 GPA (out of 4.00) Certificate of Excellent - Summa Cum Laude Best Student of New Media Program

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

About | Personal Experience


Creative Concept & Experience

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

The first ever Ideafest in a hybrid format through an immersive experience platform, countering the impact of pandemic as one of the most innovative event promotor.




Total Plays

IDEAFEST C reative Indu st ry Fes t i val Ideafest is the nation’s biggest creative festival. It has continued to connect and empower the nation’s creative communities to unleash their growth potential. In its 12 years journey, it has collaborate with prominent national and international figures including Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Ridwan Kamil, Anies Baswedan, Susi Pudjiastuti, Sri Mulyani, Rini Soemarno, Casey Neistat, Zach King, Tom Kelley, Tyler Brule, Mario Kassar, Najwa Shihab, Andra Matin, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Axton Salim and many others.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

SCOPE: Strategic & creative planning Event & program concept Tone & Manner, Design Moodboard

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

Conference Hall


Conference & Talks

Social Interaction

Live chat

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Experiential Booth

Exhibition Polling

Commercial Booth Virtual commerce

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

1.3mio+ Visitors


Page views

RUMAH DIGITAL INDONESIA I n de pen den ce Nat io nal Fes ti va l Rumah Digital Indonesia is the first virtual Independence Day festival held in Indonesia. It represents the nation’s biggest national celebration. RDI exists as an answer to the pandemic challenge that prevent the nation to celebrates an offline ceremony. Therefore, RDI comes up to provide a platform for the nation to celebrates and enjoy independence through whole different experience, connecting people from across the nation together.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

SCOPE: Strategic & creative planning Event & program concept Tone & Manner, Design Moodboard

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

National Stage

Virtual National Stage Custom 3D room

Town Hall

National Directory

Video player

Breakout room

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

As an initiator, Wonderfest was able to generate a successful, immersive online to offline experience - despite the impact on offline events during the pandemic.




Total Plays

WONDERFEST C reative Indu st ry Fes t i val Wonderfest is the first children and parents festival in Indonesia. It is more than just a festival for fun and games, but a space where the future generation can wonder, think and learn; expressing themselves in doing goods and making difference in this world.

SCOPE: Strategic & creative planning Event & program concept Tone & Manner, Design Moodboard

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

Wonder Fan-Meet

Wonder Cinema

Town Hall

Town Hall

Townhall Talk Sessions

Meet & Greet

Masterclass Tutorial with KOL

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience

NUSANTARA FASHION FEST L ocal Fas h ion Fe sti val SCOPE: Nusantara Fashion Festival is the nation’s biggest annual fashion event, in highlight towards promoting and preserving the nation’s heritage and culture through collaboration with notable fashion and cultural personnels and organisation.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Strategic & creative planning Event & program concept Tone & Manner, Design Moodboard

Selected Works | Creative Concept & Experience


Art Direction

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction

FESTIVAL JAJANAN BANGO Un ile v er / B a ng o Festival Jajanan Bango is one of the nation’s biggest and most prominent Culinary festival in Indonesia. communicate Indonesian delicacy through culinary diversity. This print ad is created by potraying ranging national food from different ethnic and nationality in Indonesia.

DIGITAL VIDEO: SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual

TVC & digital video with the concept of nostalgia, reminding audience of the authenticity and history shared through years of culinary journey with Bango in every moment. Features an established restaurant with long history, continuing its heritage through authentic recipe.

TVC, Digital Video

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction

INDOMILK GOOD TO GO I n do milk Indomilk launched its first brand of multi-cereal drink to the market with claim to help sustain energy for you to good to go and continue your activity. The TVC was launched in 2 versions, thematic and Asian Games, which was launched in celebration of Asian Games 2018.

SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual TVC, Digital Video

DIGITAL VIDEO: The digital video highlights the contrast of the two flavors, combined with a young, modern and aesthetic approach in order to appeal to its core target market.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction

INDOMILK 50 YEARS In d om ilk Indomilk celebrated its 50 years anniversary with a thematic campaign reflecting its support for the nation’s children in order to reach their dreams, because every children deserve to be brilliant. The campaign portrays a series materials; from print to TVC.

SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual TVC, Digital Video

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

DIGITAL VIDEO: The TVC portrays a series of talented children from different backgrounds that strive hard to reach their dream, overcoming boundaries and hardship with the support of their mother, and Indomilk.

Selected Works | Art Direction

INDOMIE SAMBAL SERIES In d ofood Indomie launched its sambal series through a series of materials; from print Ad to TV Commercial in order to introduce its new flavour.

DIGITAL VIDEO: SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual

For the sambal rica version, the TVC playfully communicates the flavour through a combination of uplifting visuals and song. While the samba match version incorporates the iconic gesture of playing with eyes through the Balinese traditional dance, Kecak.

TVC, Digital Video

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction

KILAU SPARKLING STORY K ila u Fo x In the celebration of the Ramadan festive month, Kilau Fox launched a digital campaign highlighting its core product uniqueness through creative and colorful insight it brings towards the spirit of Ramadan moments with family and friends.

DIGITAL VIDEO: SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual Digital Video

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

The video that tells a story of Nina, a women working in the big city who is reluctant to visit her family back in her hometown, afraid of being asked when to marry and such. Creative solution emerges to handle the situation with FOX candies. Execution highlights several transition cuts to stitch together different ambience and mood within the story.

Selected Works | Art Direction

FESTIVE CAMPAIGN I n do food Co rporat e Indofood, one of Indonesia's leading brand always celebrates the nation’s most celebrated festive campaign through Mother's Day & Ramadan print ad, each communicating sincerity and genuine bond between family.

SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual, Print Ad

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction


Digital & Social Media

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Art Direction

WEBSITE: SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual, illustration is launched with aim and goal to deliver its vision towards a broader audience.

WARUNG PINTAR D es ign & I ll us trat io n Warung Pintar is a retail based technology startup that aims to upscale stall businesses such as Warung and Toko kelontong by providing inclusive solution through technology, branding and management. Therefore, it consistently drives its marketing channels through multiple contents; from prints, social media, podcast series to website.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

SOCIAL MEDIA: Pintarin Warung is a mini campaign targeted on social media to encourage UGC for a shoot of micro businesses that audience proposed to be improved.

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

OK HOME W e bs ite & A p p OKHome is a technology-based lifestyle platform in the hospitality industry offering premium cleaning service through innovative solution and human resource management. In showing these values, digital illustrations are used to deliver a down to earth, human-approach message to its business.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

SCOPE: Creative ideation Key Visual Illustration

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual

McFreeze Apple M cDonal d I ndo ne si a McDonald Indonesia launched a product campaign for its new beverage line which communicates the fruity freshness of its flavor. The idea was integrated and rolled-out into several phasing from teaser, product reveal, engagement, to always on in order to maintain customers attention towards the product.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

SCOPE: Art Direction Key Visual

ASLI SIMPLE M cDonal d I ndo ne si a McDonald is known to highlight its breakfast menu; whereas McCafe coffee was highlighted to communicate the simple way of drinking coffee, any time in any moment. The campaign utilized integrated materials to engage customers in the time they need coffee and how a hassle-free option would be better.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

SCOPE: Social Media EP


Creative & design direction


Social Media performance monitoring

6mio+ Reach


Engagement Rate

KITA (@KITA.APP) So ci al M e di a Pl an & C r ea t iv e Kita App social media is targeted for modern-parents; focusing on content related to pregnancy and parenting for moms and dads. The visual highlights consistency in 3 pillars; engagement, promotion and education through consistent implementation in brand identity colors and elements towards short-video and image-format.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

SCOPE: Creative idea Design implementation Illustration

PUYO DESSERTS So ci al M e di a C o n t en t Des i g n Puyo Desserts is a food & beverage startup with now, more than 100 outlets across Indonesia. Puyo itself has grow and maintain its social media presence with more than 160K followers, through its creative, distinct and consistent approach. The creative highlights consistency in branding and implementation of color identity through cute & playful approach.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Digital & Social Media

+Branding & Illustration

All right reserves | 2024

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration


KITA APP Br a nd Ide nt it y

Brand concept & strategy Logo

Kita App is Indonesia’s novel family ecosystem platform. It targets the core members of modernfamily with the rooted philosophy of how family journey is done together; this means an integrated role between the mother and father, for the children. It aims towards providing a better, faster, seamless and more convenient family planning.

Illustration Key Visuals & derivatives

Kita highlights a simple word which means ‘us’ where it works hand in hand to create a coherent meaning of the collaborative journey.

*Private & confidential | 2024 Portfolio

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration

PUYO JAPANESE SERIES I ll u s t r a ti o n & Pa c k ag i ng Puyo Desserts launched it’s special campaign through a new product launch of Japanese flavor puddings; inspired from Houjicha, Matcha and Sakura. In accordance, a special PR box is created and distributed to its audience and KOLs. The concept is utilizing mix-media through illustration and image in a still and moving format.

SCOPE: Concept Packaging Illustration Key Visual

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration

ILLUSTRATION: The illustrations reflects a cute and soft approach while also implementing a combination with bold colors that represent the theme, ‘Summer in Kyoto’. To achieve an organic and mix-media effect, a rough line is used through textured brush with a combination of simple and subtle outline. The characters itself reflects mascot, profiles and iconic monuments of the city.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration

SORE IZAKAYA Br an d I de n t it y

SCOPE: Brand concept Logo Illustration Key Visuals

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Sore is an established Japanese style familyrestaurant. It embodies the spirit and concept of Izakaya, where customers could enjoy a simple, economical and heartfelt meals after work. The concept & visual highlights rustic, organic, and close-at heart approach, utilising handwriting and free-style illustration combined with warm color schemes in order to bring the feeling of familiarity, warmth and comfort.

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration

SCOPE: Concept & Design Illustration Copywriting, editorial Merchandise

PADANGNESE FOOD A n Il l u s t r at ed J o u r n al An illustrated guide book exploring the nation’s cultural & culinary, through West Sumatra delicacies. Made in English, with objective as a tourism marketing guide for tourists. The approach is made explorative, fun and organic to introduce readers and enhance their curiosity. The visual is made using water color hand drawing that enhance the variety of flavor, spices and ingredients.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration

SCOPE: Brand concept

MELÚ CULINARY TOUR Br an d I de n t it y

Logo Illustration Key Visuals

Melu is focusing on culinary experience. The brand itself represents fork as a pin location that points and represent culinary destinations. Alongside the logo, 30 iconic Indonesian food illustrations is created as graphic elements, applicable for multi-media usage.

MELÚ TEA Br a nd Ide nt it y Melu Tea is a sub-brand by Melu Culinary Tours. With ice fruit tea as their product that gives a fresh sensation, mood and tonality was made with vibrant colors incorporated with playful and flowing supergraphic using their main ingredients.

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

Selected Works | Branding & Illustration








CONTACT ME: +62 819 9117 1293 Shabrina Astrilia

Shabrina Astrilia, A Portfolio | 2024

2024 | A Portfolio

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