Media enterprise

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Unit 7: Media Enterprise Level: 3 Unit type: Internal Guided learning hours: 60

Unit in brief Learners will develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service. They will develop and apply enterprise skills to plan and produce the product.

Unit introduction Enterprise skills in a media context cover a diverse set of skills, such as problem solving, using initiative and working independently. These skills are essential for initiating new product ideas and enabling the successful planning and production of new media products or services. In this unit, you will learn how to initiate and develop an idea for a new media product or service through audience and market research. You will develop and apply essential enterprise skills and, through working independently, use your initiative to problem solve as you research, plan and then produce a new media product or service. The skills you will develop in this unit can be applied to all areas of media production and are highly transferable. The work you produce can form part of a portfolio of work for progression to employment or higher education. The enterprise skills you will develop are highly valued by employees and education institutions.

Learning aims In this unit you will: A Develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service B Apply enterprise skills to plan the production of new media product or service C Produce a new digital media product or service through application of media enterprise skills D Review media enterprise skills.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015



Summary of unit Learning aim

Key content areas

Recommended assessment approach


A1 Understanding new digital

A research and ideas portfolio of evidence to document the research undertaken and to evidence the generation and application of ideas and enterprise skills.

Develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service

media products or services

A2 Research to generate ideas for a media product or service

A3 Enterprise skills for generating ideas

A4 Writing a brief for the

production of a new media product or service


Apply enterprise skills to plan the production of new media product or service

B1 Select product or service for production

B2 Pre-production planning B3 Enterprise skills portfolio

Additional teacher observation of application of enterprise skills. Final written brief. Statement of intention for product or service production, detailing how it meets the requirements of the brief (written, visual or verbal). Enterprise skills portfolio (electronic or hard-copy format) to document the planning process and the enterprise skills applied. Verbal, visual or written evidence in the portfolio. Additional teacher observation of application of enterprise skills. A finished new media product or a completed media service.



Produce a new digital media product or service through application of media enterprise skills

C1 Production of media

Review media enterprise skills

D1 Review end product or

product or service

C2 Enterprise skills portfolio


D2 Review of enterprise skills


Enterprise skills portfolio (electronic or hard copy format) to document the planning process and the enterprise skills applied. Verbal, visual or written evidence in the portfolio. Additional teacher observation of application of enterprise skills. Written, verbal or visual review of the product/service and the enterprise skills used (electronic or hard copy format).

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


Content Learning aim A: Develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service A1 Understanding new digital media products or services

• New digital media products, e.g. new app, new website, new podcast. • New digital media services or existing media services to a new group, e.g. providing digital training skills to a new group, proving an analogue to digital transfer service to a new client.

• Offering original/unique features. • Offering new or improved functionality. A2 Research to generate ideas for a media product or service

• Research to establish who, what, why, where? • Primary research – focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, networking, e.g. through attending a trade fair.

• Secondary research – the internet, trade journals, magazines, newspapers. • Consumer research: o needs, wants, desires, preferences o existing media product/service uses. • Market research: o existing media products/services o assessing viability of new media products or services o finding a gap in the market. A3 Enterprise skills for generating ideas

• Recording application and development of enterprise skills: o visual – mind maps, sketches, drawings, diagrams o verbal – oral recordings o written – notes, annotations. • Creative skills for initiating ideas for products or services. • Working independently. • Teamwork. • Applying self-motivation to perform tasks. • Applying research skills. • Changing ideas in response to research. A4 Writing a brief for the production of a new media product or service

• • • • • • •

Statement of who, what, why, where? Who the target audience for the product/service is. Geodemographic/psychographic profile. What the requirements for product/service are. Functions/performances/aims. Why there is a need for the product/service. Where the product will be distributed and consumed.

Learning aim B: Apply enterprise skills to plan the production of new media product or service B1 Select product or service for production

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Adherence to demands of the brief. Assessing viability of selected product or service. Availability of sufficient financial, technical, human resources. Statement of intention.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015



B2 Pre-production planning

• Sourcing materials and content. • Preparation of materials and content. • Considerations appropriate to product and sector, e.g. copyright clearances, adherence to regulations.

• Time management, setting deadlines, prioritising tasks. • Production of drafts, outlines, templates in a format appropriate to product and sector. B3 Enterprise skills portfolio

• Recording application of enterprise skills: o visual – mind maps, sketches, drawings, diagrams o verbal – oral recordings o written – notes, annotations. • Enterprise skills for pre-production planning: o using initiative o working independently o applying self-motivation to perform tasks o self-evaluating ability to meet demands o working with others, delegating, compromising o applying communication, interpersonal, written communication skills o problem solving. Learning aim C: Produce a new digital media product or service through application of media enterprise skills C1 Production of media product or service

• • • • •

Adherence to appropriate production processes for product or service. Production techniques. Application of suitable techniques to produce product or service. Adherence to appropriate codes and conventions for product. Adherence to requirements of the brief.

C2 Enterprise skills portfolio

• Recording application of enterprise skills: o visual – mind maps, sketches, drawings, diagrams o verbal – oral recordings o written – notes, annotations. • Enterprise skills for production: o problem solving o working independently, self-motivation, assessing own skills, using own initiative o teamworking skills – negotiation, delegation o time management, meeting deadlines, prioritising tasks. Learning aim D: Review media enterprise skills D1 Review end product or service

• • • •


Self-review, target audience, users of product or service. Fulfilment of original purpose. Techniques, processes. Practical/technical skills for making product or providing service.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


D2 Review of enterprise skills

• • • • •

Self-review, teacher feedback to inform review. Visual – drawings, infographics, diagrams. Verbal – oral recordings, verbal presentation. Written – report, written presentation, annotations. Review of application of enterprise skills during entire production.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015



Assessment criteria Pass



Learning aim A: Develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service A.P1 Explain the research findings and enterprise skills used to generate ideas for a new media product or service.


Evaluate the impact of media enterprise skills in researching, developing ideas and producing a comprehensive brief for the production of a new media product or service.


Evaluate the impact of the enterprise skills used successfully to plan a media product or service.


Consistently demonstrate initiative, problem solving and independent working through the planning and production of a creative new media product or service.


Evaluate the impact of the media enterprise skills applied in planning and producing own media product or service to achieve its intended purpose.

A.M1 Produce a detailed brief for the production of a new media product or service.

A.P2 Produce a brief that explains the requirements for the production of a new media product or service.

Learning aim B: Apply enterprise skills to plan the production of new media product or service B.P3 Plan appropriately for the production of a product or service, explaining how it will meet the requirements of the brief.

B.M2 Plan effectively for the production of a product or service, analysing its viability and the resources required.

B.P4 Produce an enterprise portfolio to explain how enterprise skills are used to appropriately plan the production of a new media product or service.

B.M3 Produce an enterprise portfolio to detail the application of enterprise skills in effectively planning the production of a new media product or service.

Learning aim C: Produce a new digital media product or service through application of media enterprise skills C.P5 Produce an appropriate media product or service that meets the requirements of the brief.

C.M4 Produce an effective media product or service that adheres to codes and conventions.

C.P6 Apply one enterprise skill appropriately during the production of the product or service.

C.M5 Apply effective enterprise skills during all stages of the production.

Learning aim D: Review media enterprise skills

D.P7 Explain how enterprise skills were applied during the production process to produce a product or service that meets the requirements of the brief.


D.M6 Analyse how enterprise skills were used to plan and produce a successful media product or service that fully meets the requirements of the brief.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


Essential information for assignments The recommended structure of assessment is shown in the unit summary along with suitable forms of evidence. Section 6 gives information on setting assignments and there is further information on our website. There is a maximum number of four summative assignments for this unit. The relationship of the learning aims and criteria is: Learning aim: A (A.P1, A.P2, A.M1, A.D1) Learning aim: B (B.P3, B.P4, B.M2, B.M3, B.D2) Learning aim: C (C.P5, C.P6, C.M4, C.M5, C.D3) Learning aim: D (D.P7, D.M6, D.D4)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015



Further information for teachers and assessors Resource requirements For this unit, learners must have access to:

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examples of creative media briefs written in the correct format research tools the internet journals, magazines, websites etc. relevant to their chosen product or service creative media production tools, such as desktop publishing, sound recording equipment, video recording equipment.

Essential information for assessment decisions Learning aim A For distinction standard, learners will clearly document and reference their research, which will be detailed and wholly appropriate. They will clearly focus on determining who, what, where and why and will include both primary and secondary research, providing clear evidence that relevant enterprise skills have been applied. For example, learners will use their initiative to determine who to interview to help develop their research, and will work independently to set up and perform that interview. They will develop and document their ideas for a possible product or service, with links shown between the research undertaken and the ideas stemming from it. For example, learners may evaluate the impact of their research by documenting how an initial idea stemmed from successful brainstorming in teams, but was then developed further by independent, self-initiated, secondary research, leading them to amend the initial idea. They may evaluate that the primary research was essential to initiate ideas and that their independent secondary research was key to developing that idea further. Learners will present evidence of their research and ideas development through the production of their research and ideas portfolio, which will be detailed and clearly presented. Learners will produce a brief that is comprehensive in its detail of who, what, where, why, including, for example, a detailed breakdown of the psychographic profile of the intended user of the product or service and where it will be distributed and consumed. Their brief will follow very closely the conventional format for writing briefs. Overall, learners will demonstrate clear application of most of the appropriate enterprise skills for generating ideas. For merit standard, learners will provide detailed research findings, including both primary and secondary research, to establish who, what, where and why. They will analyse and produce evidence in their research and ideas portfolio of how their research and application of enterprise skills contributed to the development of their ideas for the product or service. Learners, for example, may show how working in a team to brainstorm initial ideas led to several possible ideas being floated, which was the starting point for an idea that they then independently researched further. Learners will produce a brief that is detailed in its coverage of who, what, where and why, following the correct format for a written brief. Overall, learners will demonstrate application of many of the appropriate enterprise skills for generating ideas. For pass standard, learners will explain their research, including both primary and secondary sources. There are likely to be disparities in the levels of detail given in the explanation of the research they undertook, although they will demonstrate that they sought to establish who, what, where and why. They will provide a description of the enterprise skills they applied when researching and generating ideas but this is likely to be a narrative of what they did with little or no reference to why. For example, learners may record that they worked in a team at first to come up with a range of ideas and then worked independently on one of them.


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


Learners will produce a brief that will describe in basic terms who, what, where and why but, again, it is likely that there will be disparities in the levels of detail provided. Overall, learners will demonstrate application of some of the appropriate enterprise skills for generating ideas and these will be recorded in their research and ideas portfolio.

Learning aim B For distinction standard, learners will fully justify their selection of the product or service to be produced based on its adherence to the requirements of the brief, an assessment of its viability and of the resources required to produce it. They will provide detailed evidence documenting these considerations in the enterprise skills portfolio. Learners will comprehensively undertake pre-production planning for the product or service, providing clear evidence of sourcing, preparation, time management, addressing appropriate considerations, for example copyright clearances, production of appropriate drafts and templates. In making the initial selection of product or service and in then planning for its production, learners will demonstrate clearly an application of most of the relevant enterprise skills, as documented in their enterprise skills portfolio. For example, learners will self-evaluate their ability to meet demands when assessing the technical and time demands required to make products, before making an independent decision about which product to go ahead with. They will be self-motivated during the planning process, able to proceed with tasks independently. Learners will evaluate the impact of their application of the enterprise skills on the planning process. For example, learners may show that they successfully applied problem-solving skills to overcome a difficulty, and they will be able to assess the impact of the decision taken against an alternative choice. Overall, learners will apply most of the appropriate enterprise skills to enable the product or service to be comprehensively planned and ready for production. For merit standard, learners will select the product or service to be produced based on its adherence to the requirements of the brief, an assessment of its viability and of the resources required to produce it. Their enterprise skills portfolio will be detailed and clear, documenting adherence to most of the relevant pre-production planning procedures. In making the initial selection of product or service and in then planning for its production, they will demonstrate clearly an application of many of the relevant enterprise skills. Learners will demonstrate through written, verbal or audio evidence how the application of these skills enabled their planning to be effective. Overall, they will apply many of the appropriate enterprise skills to enable the product or service to be effectively planned and ready for production. For pass standard, learners will select a product or service to produce, having considered the who, what, where and why. They will document, descriptively, the pre-production planning process they followed and the enterprise skills they applied during the planning process in their enterprise skills portfolio. Learners will demonstrate that they have undertaken appropriate planning, such as sourcing and preparing relevant content. It is likely that there will be flaws in their planning, for example time management may be poor. They will describe their application of some appropriate enterprise skills, for example problem solving and working independently. Again, there is likely to be disparity in the level of skills applied and described. Overall, learners will apply some of the relevant enterprise skills to enable the product or service to be appropriately planned.

Learning aim C For distinction standard, learners will produce a finished digital media product or service that shows few, if any, technical errors, fully demonstrating the intention outlined at the planning stage. Their creativity will be demonstrated in the technical application of the production skills, which will be accomplished. At all stages of the planning and production of the product or service, learners will demonstrate application of relevant and accomplished enterprise skills using initiative, problem solving and independent working (where appropriate). They will signpost comprehensively where and how they applied these skills via the enterprise skills portfolio. Additional supporting evidence will come from the teacher who will observe, witness and verify that learners applied the enterprise skills consistently throughout the whole process. Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015



For merit standard, learners will produce a finished digital media product or service that is effective in the way that it follows and largely meets the intention outlined at the planning stage, although there may be some aspects that are not fully realised. Learners will demonstrate sound technical skills, applying the relevant codes and conventions for the type of product or service produced. They will demonstrate that their application of enterprise skills at the planning and production stages contributed to an effective, finished digital media product or service, as evidenced in the enterprise skills portfolio and supported by additional teacher observations. For pass standard, learners will produce a finished digital media product or service which, although not finished to a high standard, will follow and meet the requirements of the brief. Learners will apply one of the appropriate enterprise skills during the production process, for example problem solving, providing evidence of this in their enterprise skills portfolio. This will be supported by teacher observation.

Learning aim D For distinction standard, learners will produce a comprehensive review, addressing the end product/service itself in addition to a self-review of the application of enterprise skills during planning and production. This will be supported by teacher observation. To inform the review, learners will undertake comprehensive audience feedback to determine the success of the product or service against its original purpose, as defined in the brief. In evaluating the impact of the application of enterprise skills, they will be specific, referring to decisions and actions taken at both planning and production stages while also demonstrating understanding of the interplay between them. For example, learners may write, ‘It is clear that my ability to problem solve enabled me to overcome the issues that arose at the planning stage with tight deadlines. I used my initiative and was able to use the same footage twice with some creative editing, thereby allowing the production to be finished on time and still look as I had intended; whereas if I had tried to film twice I would not have met the deadline and would have encountered additional time and technical problems during the production stage.’ Learners will make detailed references to the original brief, providing illustrative examples of how their end product or service meets the who, what, where and why. For merit standard, learners will produce a detailed review, addressing the end product/service itself in addition to a self-review of the application of enterprise skills during planning and production. This will be supported by teacher observation. In analysing how enterprise skills were used, learners will be specific and refer to decisions and actions taken at both planning and production stages but not evaluating them. For example, learners may note that, ‘My ability to problem solve during the planning stage helped me overcome a deadline problem and ensured my footage for the production was still of a high quality.’ Learners will provide clear examples of how their product or service fully meets all the requirements of the brief. For pass standard, learners will explain how their product or service meets the requirements of the brief. Who, what, where and why will all be addressed although it is likely that there will be disparities in the level of detail in the descriptions provided. Their review will describe the enterprise skills they applied during the production of their product or service. It is likely that this description will focus on one skill they applied (the pass criteria for learning aim C require learners to demonstrate application of one enterprise skill to their production). For example, learners may write, ‘During the production I had to continually prioritise the tasks as there were so many things that needed to be done. I had to look at all the things I had left to do and I then made a list of what was the most urgent, and then I continued to prioritise tasks in this way.’ There will be evidence of audience feedback to inform the review. Self-review will be supported by teacher observation.


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


Links to other units This unit links to Unit 6: Media Campaigns.

Employer involvement Centres may involve employers in the delivery of this unit if there are local opportunities. This unit would benefit from employer involvement in the form of:

• guest speakers • opportunities to visit suitable businesses • support from local creative media business staff as mentors and reviewers.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diplomas in Creative Digital Media Production – Specification – Issue 1 – February 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2015


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