You HAVE to include these skills, ALL OF THEM a great paragraph to do this in is the part about Production Meetings – which some of you have forgotten to write about. It was a crucial part of production, you wouldn’t of had roles, or gather LEGAL paperwork without it, OR communicated to each other the set up of your production.
Everyone needs to seek the opinion of the outside audience i.e. look at Tallis VMA on Facebook or twitter to get feedback. here is a previous YR 13 student’s comment: BillyRowlinson@billyrowlinson26 Mar @TallisVMA Caught the last 5 mins of the live feed! Awesome stuff!!!!!! Teacher comment(me): I thought the 2013 Fashion show was brilliant! Excellent designs, brilliant music, and amazing shots from the film crew. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I wish though I could of seen the shots more clearly on the wall which is a shame, and wished there were more clothes! Fantastic work all round though. Can’t wait for next year!
You HAVE to include these constraints. Examples of how to include them are: Legal: too dark- Vector scope -illegal for TV/ music copyright / underage performers – need parental permission to perform Regulatory: Legal paperwork/ pre production/ risk assessment/ hazard tape/ music copyright
Financial: Music copyright – brings up the cost of a none existent budget/ lack of cameras – no budget to buy more
SAGAR SAGAR SAGAR SAGAR SAGAR SAGAR SAGAR ‘Through our multiple production meetings, I learnt it can be very difficult
to get a desired role when it comes down to allocating’. An example of this was when we held our first production meeting to decide roles. During the meeting, everyone was talking over one another trying to shout out the role they wished to do, whilst other didn’t say much at all. This instantly brought confusion and chaos to what we were trying to achieve. We soon learnt that by organizing a ‘chair’ for the meeting, that this enabled to group to communicate effectively in what we were trying to do. Personally I think suggesting a ‘lead’ in a meeting is a good idea, as it allows irrelevant conversations between the participants to be at a minimum, helps give flow to the meeting, and helps address everyone in the meeting rather than just the loudest in the group. I felt that after this meeting, the whole team were able to successfully communicate better than they ever had done before. As a class, we segregated into friendship groups, but these team meetings brought all twelve of us together for the first time since we started the course and taught me a valuable lesson in that, you may not get to choose who you work with, but you do the best for the situation your in and you try to play to people strengths which I believe we did.
Remember Technical Vocabulary w/ POINT EXAMPLE CRITIQUE
Leading up to the fashion show we practised all of the different roles like understanding the Sony HDV’s and how to set them up for streaming and how to put the tally light on. A Tally light plays an important role for Multi cam shoots. It purpose is to signify to the Camera man and Assistant that the Talkback is working, i.e. for camera to communicate with the Director , allowing better communication of shot intentions and directions needed for the live show. For my role, the Tally Light was significant in allowing me ‘access’ to my director, and despite having no real issues to do with it, i.e. it didn’t run into any problem, if it had, I would have had major issues with the production. Personally I feel a Tally light is one of the most important products to use in a multi cam shoot, as it brings the team together to communicate effectively. It allows my role to be played and helps my role be effective and important.
AND Mix up your vocab‌
Because But Also As
However For Overall Perhaps
So… • Continue to improve Evaluations.
• After lunch, we will review where we’re at. • If you think you have made your changes to the expected standard, let me know so I can mark, during this period I will give you a task to get on with. • If it is complete, I’ll hold an interview about target setting, if not then you continue to make the necessary improvements.
Learning Objectives Establish what outstanding work you need to complete Organise a workload for a two week period In discussion, justify your capabilities, and review the order of the workload to then have realistic targets to meet.
1.Jimmy 2.Luis 3.Cheyenne 4.Kieran
5.Nana 6.Danny 7.Ben 8.Louis
9.Julius 10. Chris 11. Sagar 12. Seren
THINK ABOUT… 6 TARGETS YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE IN TWO WEEKS *Subject to workload, i.e. 6 small tasks are not acceptable, and quite frankly a waste of time…