Pines and Chines Summer 2020

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Treasurer’s Report Our financial position continues to be in good order and I am pleased to report a surplus for 2019 of £2,044, an increase on the previous year. Income from members subscriptions has risen by a small sum and advertising revenue from the magazine continues to make contribution to the Association’s funds. Our bank balance has increased to £35,430. During the year our main area of expenditure was the maintenance of the website, £1,217. The website is an asset to the Association and during 2020 we will be looking at ways to further improve it. We continue to support local initiatives which this year include the maintenance of the Pinecliff Sunken Gardens, The Commnity Speed Watch and the Canford Cliffs Village Christmas Lights. A large proportion of members subscriptions are collected by our wardens. I would ask all members’ who currently pay their subscription by cheque or cash to consider completing the standing order mandate form which appears in the magazine. By returning the completed form to me you can help reduce the administrative burden which falls largely on our hardworking wardens. Finally, I would like to place on record my thanks to Peter Schofield of Schofield’s Chartered Accountants who has once again prepared the final version of the annual accounts without charge. Peter has kindly provided this service for over 10 years and I am most grateful to him for his continued support. Jacqueline Heap, Hon Treasurer

Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association

Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

2019 2018 £ £ £ £ Income Subscriptions received during the year 6,435 6,306 Deposit interest 46 46 6,481 6,352

Expenditure Magazine and circular expenses 4,345 3,874 Less advertising revenue 4,810 4,550 (Surplus) deficit (465) (676) Committee and secretarial expenses 660 1,006 Committee and Association meetings 475 66 Annual general meeting 458 384 CPRE - Legal and insurance 197 1,046 Website 1,217 750 Gardens 605 877 Sundries 540 271 4,152 4,400 Donations and subscriptions Canford Cliffs Christmas lights 750 750 4,437 4,474 Excess of income over expenditure 2,044 1,878 Balance sheet at 31 December 2019

Accumulated fund At 1 January 2019 33,511 31,633 Excess of income over expenditure 2,044 1,878 At 31 December 2018 35,555 33,511 Represented by: Debtor-advertising revenue



Cash at bank: Barclays saver account 22,963 22,918 Barclays current account 4,746 3,364 Santander business account 7,721 35,430 7,079 33,361 35,555 33,511 Approved by A. Wardlow (Chairman) & J. Heap (Hon Treasurer) Date: 2020 7

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