Shady azeem portfolio 2016

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PORTFOLIO + C.V Shady A.Azeem

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

There is no Architecture without events , and no events without People !!! Bernard Tschumi


PORTFOLIO + C.V Shady A.Azeem

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


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Personal Information PERSONAL SKILLS

Name I Adress I Telephone I Email I Date of Birth I Nationlaty I

Shady Abdelazeem Abdelaziz Abdelazeem 29 Hardenberg street I 06846Dessau I Germany +49/015784933582 I +201094242220 31/07/1988 Egyptian EDUCATION

2014-2016 Master of Architecture in Architecture (M.A) Dessau International Architecture Graduate School (Bauhaus) , Dessau, Germany Hochshule Anhlat University of Applied Science. Master in Research facilities Design , Final Grades , 1.9 ( German System ) . 2005-2011 B.Sc. of Architecture Ain Shams University , Cairo , Egypt Final Grade: Very good with honour Graduation, Project Grade : Excellent 2005 High school Diplomat Manarat language school Qassim ,Saudi Arabia Final Grade: Excellent WORK EXPERIENCE

7.2012 I 9.2014 Junior Architect Hussini Consultant Engineers , Saudi Arabia Designing ,completing technical drawings , prepare tender documents , meet clients and managing construction stages 12.2011 I 6.2012 Construction Engineer Concept for Constructions , Egypt Applied technical drawing, controlling quality and scheduled quantities. 7.2010 I 9.2010 Inter Architect Hussini Consultant Engineers , Egypt Drafting and coordinating drawing.

Languages I Arabic English German Softwares skills I AutoCad 3D StudioMax + V-ray Adobesuite Rihno Grasshopper Revit ` Dynamo Sketchup Lumion Microsoft Office WORKSHOPS

2015 2013 2013 2011

Computioanal Workshop DIA/ Dessa , Germany , Coordinator and Teching Assistant at Xotech Emotion MagLAB , Ain Shams University , Cairo , Egypt MAGLAB - Responsive Architetcure Worshkop MAGLAB , Bremnah , Lebanon ALgorithmic Workshop Encode , Alexandria , Egypt COMPETITIONS

2011 Participated in The Omrania |CSBE Student Award for Excellence in Architectural Design, 2011 Participated in beltline project in Atlanta, USA Cross Cultura Project between Clemson University and Ain Shams University as a graduation project . 2010 Participated in Tabarak competition Participated with office in K.S.A in palace design participating in the design and the detailing of the building

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem



DIA , Master project, Master of Architecture (M.A), 2015/2016 Studio - Workspaces of 21th centuery

Professor - Krassimir Krastive

Abstruct - This thesis project looks at ways of improving the

2nd Advior - Eric Helter

application will has direct impact on effectiveness of


workflow of any kind of topology when dealing with Robots.

research workflow system , so , it means all the architectural

Taking research laboratory design as a case study. This project

elements will change with it ( workflow ) . The system / building

explores multidisciplinary of dealing with complex and

system should be adaptive with predictable and unpredictable

contradicting requirements to the built environment It tries to

changes to build and achieve the space could serve the research

improve the current research lab design workflow how’s deal

workflow‘s needs .

with Robots by proposing an adaptive system enabling adding of new zoning and /or space and improve old design . A method for evaluating and balancing the requirements implied by the three main characters that influence a building of high degree of complexity as Research Lab. Porposal -

This thesis project looks at the problem and

difficulties of research facility and research workflow. The aim is look at latest innovation in the research workflow and the application of robotics in architecture as the evaluation of the space , and try to develop a workflow could a adept with robotics when Robotics adapted for fabrication in architecture . because any kind of Robotics in future will serve or design for architecture


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Site Location




BUILDING (PROJECT) - Researcher’s requirements mainly define the topology of the building. - Structure requires some needs as supporting points (base structure points ) , loads and the way of extensions. - Robotics requires free safety zone, structure and services. - Building performance define specific structure , materials and construction method - All those requirements are often conflicting leading to contradictory conclusion.


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem Layout Daigram


47 Figure

48 Figure

49 Figure

50 Figure

51 Figure

52 Figure

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

40 75 30 80

View Circulation 100








Service /shared area

Independency Service /shared area

Percentage of Corridor


Percentage of Corridor 30 75

60 70












Connectivity Independency

Independency Service /shared area

Service /shared area



Percentage of Corridor

Percentage of Corridor











Circulation Connectivity Independency

50 40


Connectivity Independency


Service /shared area

Service /shared area

Percentage of Corridor

Percentage of Corridor







30 70

40 75

View Circulation


View Circulation

Connectivity Independency




Service /shared area


Percentage of Corridor

Service /shared area


Percentage of Corridor 35 30





30 42

View Circulation Connectivity




60 50


Connectivity Independency

Service /shared area

Service /shared area

Percentage of Corridor

Percentage of Corridor






25 50 15

35 35



Circulation Connectivity Independency

View Circulation


Service /shared area


Connectivity 60

Percentage of Corridor

Independency Service /shared area Percentage of Corridor




Portfolio Shady A.Azeem



05 06

05 08





03 08

02 Entrance 01 CafĂŠ 02 Library 03 Conference Hall 04 lab 05 meeting room 06 Seminars 07 Workshop 08




Researher could use

Researcher Circulation Diagram

And when they would to extend their lab .

Robotic Circulation

So, these option could give the researcher

Servies points

Those main factors to use those lab are

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Normal structure (Rigid structure ) does not give the opportunity for robotic to climb or walk on it

But should be curve form the point will go up from those . point could be corners


So, to give the robotic the ability to go up , the structure . is better to be curve

Also, the beams between the main frames should be curvy as will and on the sides as well


Applied toplogy optimization

Final design porposal

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

adaptive pedestrian bridge DIA , First semester , First year , 2015 Studio - Topolgy Freqauancies

Professor - Liss C.Werner

Type - Bridge Project

Location - Berlin , Germany

The project drivers are (Fiber and Liminal) in nature and architecture frame. Both drivers have been used to create interactive and dynamic geometries in order to give different architecture application in different habitats.

This adaptive process is inherently new to the architecture profession and can only be applied if there exists a productive difference amongst the local forces, such as events or amount of people

During the research about fiber I used “form finding experiments ( Frei Otto experiments )� to explore fiber behavior and properties through architecture approach . Liminal is the space between spaces such as the street from two buildings and entrance in house from architecture view, but in nature we can find that the material can change through time, and I got inspired from lighting between sky and earth or between people and places.

will use it . For example, if every element in the system receives the same amount input, it will produce a similar output. So as designers, we need to be methodical about the system of inputs we feed into the parametric utility.

After those definitions I decided to make a pedestrian bridge between to separated areas divided by tram, train line and station, to describe and achieve the meaning of LIMINAL . As the same time we use variable data frequencies and people behavior into project as variable parameters to define how the bridge will deform depending on those parameters. About Fiber ,I used the concept of form two time . First time to define how the bridge form will change depending on the events or the number of people whom are using the project during all the year. Second time, we used (fiber ) with the skin and structure to change the shape of bridge .


The point of departure for the design project was informed by overlaying current trends in curtain wall methods and parametric design techniques. The project focus will be prioritized on the relationship between the material behavior, people activities and program . The design project objectives include an architectural proposal for a new bridge enclosure for the use of pedestrians. This enclosure will be physically attached to existing train station (ostkreuz station) . The new pedestrian bridge will include a, observation deck, bar and open gallery space. This bridge enclosure system will employ the shape of itself , that is parametrically generated and controlled. By integrating a context and program to the design project, a set number of people , days and events as parameters will be present to drive the design of this architectural project.

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Persentage of users in Ostkreus


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Connections between shopping points

Connections between Bars & cafe’ points

Connections between Museums and Libraries points


5:00 - 7:00 3:00 - 5:00 1:00 - 3:00 23:00 - 1:00 21:00 - 23:00 19:00 - 21:00 17:00 - 19:00 15:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 15:00 11:00 - 13:00 9:00 - 11:00 7:00 - 9:00

concert art exhbitation /museum Cinema / cafĂŠ/night life political /festivals shopping

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


The bridge during the day :-

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Main Section

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Library & Conference Hall Ain Shams University & Clemson Univeristy Studio - Graduation Project

Professor - Ayman Ashor

Type - Culture Project

This library project was designed to be located in Southeast Atlanta- Atlanta city .The total area of the site is 85000 m2 and the total area for all building is 25000 m2. This building is designed to be iconic building in Atlanta. So, the concept comes from surrounded sites and environment of city .Firstly, Atlanta is surrounded by many mountains and forests. So, The Organic style is used to make people feeling nature . Secondly, the second part of concept becomes from forces in sites like orientations, street, sun and views. All important cities has land mark building or a symbol , If anyone sees it remember the city immediately .So, Atlanta city should has an iconic building expressing it and when anyone sees it remember Atlanta . The plaza and main square are located at corner between Bill Kennedy St. and Glean wood St, and The Second plaza is for reading and waiting between The library and conference hall Pushing of the form by forces come from plaza to ensure the entrance , from two sides to library building and one side to conference building


Location - Atlanta , USA

Sloped roof is made by direction of sun rays which push the faรงade to inside which make shadows on the windows and entrance . The conference hall is pushed also by rays . We inward a part of roof to allow the rays to enter the building through windows we made. The type of glass is antiglare glass powered with nanotechnology. A pattern above the glass is placed to reduce the power of the rays ana make shapes of shadow inside the Library

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Form Study :Sloped the roof with sun ray direction at sum-mer because to obscuring sun ray and push the façade to inside to make shadow on the window and entrance . Pushed too conference hall ceiling’s down for be able to open win -dows at east direction for come light to inside

Bike line:- make bike line axis with land-scape , because the bike is famous transportation in Atlanta .so, designed axis for it for don’t impede pedestrian traffic .

Make plaza and main square at corner between Bill Kennedy St and Glean wood St ,and make second plaza for reading and waiting

Use antiglare glass with nanotechnology and use pattern on the glass to breaking sun ray ay inside for don’t become glare at inside library building .

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

First Floor Plan

Master Plan 036

Main Section

Second Floor Plan

Thrid Floor Plan

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

isolated frequencies DIA , Second semester , First year , 2015 Studio - Seoul Skyway (overpass)

Professor - Martin Rein-Cano

Type - Culture

Location - Seoul , Korea

Seoul, The capital city of Korea and 3rd metropolitan area in the world , The heart of Seoul consist of 4 zones area Hangandra,Teogyero,malidong and Cheongpodong while they connected by bridge (Seoul Overpass) or (Skyway) as Korean called it . Skyway built in 1970 and has been working until 2014 when government decided to intervention skyway to another facility to be an iconic project abut how to intervention exist infrastructure to achieve other facility the people need .

we had at least 6 different shapes of project which one is the best one to avoid and covering itself from Site’s noise .

So, the main challenge was what kind of projects could build in area as downtown of Seoul . So, When I studied this zone I found there is no quite place or musical place in hear of Korea .So, I decided the best project is to built concert halls in heart of Seoul and create place for people could to isolate themselves from this noisy place as this . The main challenge was to create place avoid noise and movement to be as quieter island in the middle of crazy ocean waves from sound and noise .So, There ware main 3 factor at this project Noise , Environment and structure of skyway . The main force here is noise so the idea is how we could use the force do not fight it .So, the main character of this project should come out of this force and how can use this force to isolate our project from site’s noise .

The program of project is to change this connector t be a small concert halls , workshops ,cafe’ and theater hall to be as culture center at heart of Seoul . Also, To give example how we can use a new Site force not only views and shadows but Site’ noise to create the Project’s form , while the bridge’s length is two 400 hundred meters , the project plot area is just one hundred meters and twenty cantimeters at centrer of the skyway , the more straight area and easily axis-able view from all direction ,Also, Above plaza’s pivot the give users a new experience of anther feeling of how can you see the Site’s sound or by other meaning freeze the site’s sound through Frequencies Centre.

When we talk about noise that is means DB and each DB has its pressure .So, I used this numbers of DB to deform the project form by their pressure . Normally , site as citycenter of Seoul the noise and traffic movement , for those reasons I collected the numbers of DB during the day and used all of them to reshaped the form . from those


There area many technique to reflect or deform sounds’ waves , but the effective techniques the diffuse wall .The main idea of Diffuse wall is when the wall has a lot of ups and downs that’s mean the more reflection and deformation of sound’s waves .So, when apply this technique on our form ,we can deicide which for the beat form the reduce the numbers of DB inside the project .

New Main Koran Station

Old Train Station ( museum)

The overpass ( Skyway )

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Site Location :-

Seoul , Capital city of South Korea .

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Overpass’s Timeline :-

Concept diagram :-


+ Normal Form


SIte’s Sound

New form able to reduce the noise inside

Form Deformation during a Day :-

t : 5:00 am - 8:00 am

T : 12:00 pm - 02:00 pm

T : 08:00 am - 10:00 am

T : 02:00 pm - 0400 pm

T : 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

T : 04:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem



Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Master Plan :-

Main Elevation 048

Second FLoor Plan :-

Main Section

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Opera Culture Center Ain Shams University Studio - First Semester, Graduation year Location Cairo , Egypt

Professor - Ahmed Safwt Aissa

In 1869, Khedive Ismail gave instructions to build an opera house to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal. It was called Khedivial (Royal) Opera House and was meant as a lasting and outstanding symbol of the arts of drama and music. Designed by Italian architects Avoscani and Rossi, the opera house was completed in six months, in the center of Cairo near the Azbakeya district. October 1971, the opera house burned to the ground. The all-wooden building was quickly consumed, and only two statues made by Mohamed Hassan survived. After the original opera house was destroyed, Cairo was without an opera house for nearly two decades until the opening of the new Cairo Opera House in 1988. The site of the Khedivial Opera House has been rebuilt into multi-story concrete car garage. The square overlooking the building is still called Opera Square (Meidan El Opera)


Type - Culture Project

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Master Plan

Entrance Museum Cafe & Restaurant Cinema Theater Library Multi Perpose Hall


Second Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Cordba Mosque Project Contemprary Najed style Mosque Designer - Shady Abdelazeem Drafter - Shehbahs Ahmed


Consultant - Abdelazeem Abdelaziz Year - 2013

Civil Enginer - Abdelaziz El-Hussini Location - Buridah , Qassim , K.S.A

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem



Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Scond Floor Plan

Men’s Entrance Women’s Enrtance Imam’s Entrance Imam’s Prayer Zone Main Prayer Area Second Prayer Area Bathrooms

Master Plan 068

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

retotchair DIA ( Dessau International Architecture Grduate school) Studio - First Semester, Graduation year

Professor - Lucio Rossi

The task: design a chair, then create a prototype. Therefore the class was called “Prototype�. Of the many ideas I took most realistic one: not to create a chair from strach but recostruct existed one. On the flee-market in Berlin I found suitable candidate for this purpose - wooden retrospective chair From the old chair we kept only side elements and inlay of the bottom. All the new parts schould have been created from MDF sections. MDF elements were connected in three places via steel rods. Between sections we inserted wooden circles different scales. Most of the time took cutting out those circles. We used a lot the lathe. All the sections are ready and tighten with the nuts. Then old parts of the chair were glued together with the new ones


Type - Furniture Project

Location - Dessau , Germany

Collberation - Tim Shapkin

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Xotch Ampition Project Workshop - Ain shams university Studio - workshop

Professor - Aref Maksood

This Workshop talked about intelligent architecture exploring strategies materials and applications. The xotch explored the ideas of eco thinking and sustainability and the result it has on architecture, structure and urban cities. The lecture also explored parametric design strategies and tools such as branching system, tessellation system and component system. Finally, there was a comparison between digital tools and hand drawing, drawing vs. computer


Type - paramtric design approach

Location - Cairo , Egypt

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

SphermaiD DIA - Dessau International Architecture Grduate School Studio - Design by Algorithm

Professor - Krassiimir Krastev Type - Chandler

Location - Dessau , Germany

This Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Sphere found at Skara Brae is both a calendar and representative of the heavens. As a calendar it represents a lunar calendar covering a period of six years. There are thirteen lunar months in a year, which over a six year period add up to seventy-eight lunar months. There are seventy-eight pyramids on the Pyramid Sphere. The two inner circles are made up of four and nine respectively, totaling thirteen.


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Geometry Transformations Diagram :-


Portfolio Shady A.Azeem

Watching Through Music Space For Music Eevent Studio - Space For Msuic Type - Pavillion Location

The main aim of these Event is to find a spaces does not work anymore and explore a way to use it again through a music event and how could those places rework again for musical concerts or any types of music . So , I did a lo t of reserach about the places could be hidden or died and the same time has a lot of meaning for a people or has alot of history event to say as BUZLUZHA . BUZLUDZHA is a historical peak in the Central Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria and is 1441 metres high (4728 ft). In 1868 it was the place of the final battle between Bulgarian rebels led by Hadji Dimitar and Stefan Karadzha and the Ottoman Empire. The Buzludzha Monument on the peak was built by the Bulgarian communist regime to commemorate the events in 1891 when the socialists led by Dimitar Blagoev assembled secretly in the area to form an organised socialist movement with the founding of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party, a fore-runner of the Bulgarian Communist Party. The Monument was opened in 1981. No longer maintained by the Bulgarian government, it has fallen into disuse 088

Professor - Peter Roger The Buzludzha , Bulgaria

Buz. has perfect shape for events . Also , it has a beautiful surrounding area . So . I used its shape to put the musician at center of the these form and make a fabric barrier between audience and the musician from fabric material responses to the sound came from equipments . This kind of experience gave a people a new kind of emotional between about they hear and watch .

Portfolio Shady A.Azeem Sequence when the musician play and the certain move


4 090






Email EGY +201094242220 GER +4915784933582

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