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Facilities & Operations
A safe return to campus for faculty, staff, and students requires the establishment of new health and safety protocols, ongoing adherence to the recommendations of public health officials, community monitoring, and clear communication.
Parents will self-monitor their students for symptoms at home using this COVID-19 screening checklist:
A cough
Shortness of breath
A fever of 100.4 F or higher
A sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Muscle or body aches
Congestion/runny nose not related to seasonal allergies
Unusual fatigue
In addition, temperature checks and screening will take place at school for students, faculty, and staff.
Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
Students who are exhibiting signs of COVID-19 at school will be isolated and must be picked up by parents.
Unscented hand sanitizer stations will be placed at all main entrances, in every classroom, in every restroom, and in hallways throughout the building. There will be increased handwashing/sanitizing encouraged throughout the day.
Water fountains have been closed except for the automated refill stations. Students are asked to bring labeled, reusable water bottles from home.
Coughing, sneezing, and hand washing etiquette will be reviewed with all students.
Students will be instructed on social distancing expectations and everyone in the building will take precautions to maintain social distancing.
Faculty and staff may arrive any time before 7:30am.
They must check-in at the main entry using the Skyward Wellness Screening for COVID-19.
If temperature is below 100.4 F, the faculty and staff member may can continue working.
If temperature is 100.4 F or above, the faculty and staff member must go home immediately. Faculty members must initiate the subsitute process, if needed.
Bus pick-up will happen as scheduled with the following changes:
Bus drivers will wear proper PPE.
Front rows will be left vacant to allow for social distancing from the bus driver.
Students will be seated on individual bus benches to adequately social distance.
Driver will check each student’s temperature prior to entering the bus:
» If temperature is below 100.4 F, the student is allowed on bus » If temperature is 100.4 F or above, student must not enter the bus and the driver must wait for the student to get an alternate ride home » Each student that has been screened will receive a bracelet, which will be a different color daily COVID-19 screening on the Skyward application must be completed before the student is able to enter the bus.
Bus Transportation will drop off for school at the main doors.
Dismissal of school is at 2:45pm. The school building will close at 3:15pm and students must leave campus unless they are attending a school-approved, after school activity or athletic practice. The cafeteria food service will close after lunch, however the cafeteria room will remain open until 4:30pm.
Students may enter the building at one of three locations between 8am – 8:40am. The staggered entrance will be based on last name:
8am – 8:20am – student last names beginning with A-E & M-Q 8:20am – 8:40am – student last names beginning with F-L & R-Z The three doors for entry are:
B-wing 1st floor
Main doors
C-wing basement doors
Each station will have staff present to check temperatures and ensure the Skyward Wellness Screening has been completed.
Each student will have a temperature check:
If temperature is below 100.4 F, and COVID-19 symptom screening is clear, the student will be given a bracelet for entrance
If temperature is 100.4 F or above, the student will be taken to the Campus Life Isolation Area and parents will need to pick their student up immediately.
Kennedy Catholic will limit the number of visitors and activities on campus.
All visitors, including parents, will be required to go through the COVID-19 screening.
All visitors, including parents and volunteers, will be expected to wear a cloth face covering while in the building.
To help ensure the health and safety of our students and employees, the hot lunch program has been modified:
All students may bring their own lunch or participate in the school’s lunch program. Lockers will not be available for student use, so lunches brought from home will need to be carried in backpacks.
Eating lunch will only be allowed in the cafeteria, upper balcony in the gym, or in the outside courtyards.
Students will eat at individual desks rather than lunch tables. Students will maintain six feet of social distancing.
There will be no microwave usage on campus.
The school will be closed at 3:15pm daily for cleaning and disinfecting.
Disinfecting will be carried out according to the CDC guidelines.
Student desks and chairs will be cleaned between classes, student exchanges, and lunchtimes.
The custodial staff will be disinfecting handrails, doorknobs, and other high-touch surface areas in classrooms, offices, and bathrooms throughout the day.
Classrooms, restrooms, and offices will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each school day.
All disinfectant is approved by the CDC for fighting COVID-19, meets EPA standards for safety, and is safely stored.
Non-permeable dividers, or barriers, will be placed in high-traffic areas, or areas where it could be difficult to maintain appropriate social distancing.
The HVAC system will be monitored to ensure air quality and required flow of fresh air is maintained throughout the building.
Classrooms will be flushed twice daily.
Filters for the HVAC system have recently been upgraded to meet CDC requirements.
As recommended by the CDC, and proclaimed by Governor Inslee, cloth face coverings prevent a person with COVID-19 from unknowingly spreading the virus.
All employees are required to wear a cloth face covering. Face shields will be available to faculty, as needed, during instruction.
All students are required to wear a cloth face covering while in the building. Face covering must be plain, no writing, or Lancer-themed.
Face masks are required at all times. Students who continually refuse to wear a mask or need constant reminders will be sent home until behavior is corrected. Ongoing non-compliance may result in exclusion from on-campus activities until there is a return to full, in-person learning.
Classrooms, and all learning spaces, are set up for six feet of distancing.
Large gatherings will be modified or suspended.
A plan for all-school Masses, and other events on campus, is being developed to ensure all students have the Kennedy Catholic experience.
We will restrict activities that do not meet distancing requirements until public health guidelines permit.
Hallways and staircases are clearly marked in order to maintain social distancing.
Social distancing signage is installed to direct waiting areas and foot-traffic.
There will be increased passing time between classes to allow for directional hallways and staircases.
There will be extra supervision between classes and lunches to ensure social distancing is maintained.
Protocols will be followed when a student or staff member exhibits symptoms and/or tests positive for COVID-19, including the following mandatory procedures:
Parents/guardians must notify the Dean of Students if a student receives a positive COVID-19 test
Employees must notify the Dean of Students if they receive a positive COVID-19 test
Public Health of Seattle King County will be notified of every positive test result and its recommendations will be followed on a case-by-case basis
We will follow contact tracing protocols in the event of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
An isolation room in the Campus Life office will be used to assist students or employees who are ill while transitioning from school to home.
These guidelines will change as guidance changes.