2020 Lancer Distance Learning Program - December

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FACILITIES & OPERATIONS A safe return to campus for faculty, staff, and students requires the establishment of new health and safety protocols, ongoing adherence to the recommendations of public health officials, community monitoring, and clear communication.

HEALTH & SCREENING PROTOCOLS Parents will self-monitor their students for symptoms at home using this COVID-19 screening checklist: • A cough • Shortness of breath • A fever of 100.4 F or higher • A sore throat • Chills • New loss of taste or smell • Muscle or body aches • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea • Congestion/runny nose not related to seasonal allergies • Unusual fatigue In addition, temperature checks and screening will take place at school for students, faculty, and staff. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home. Students who are exhibiting signs of COVID-19 at school will be isolated and must be picked up by parents. Unscented hand sanitizer stations will be placed at all main entrances, in every classroom, in every restroom, and in hallways throughout the building. There will be increased handwashing/sanitizing encouraged throughout the day. Water fountains have been closed except for the automated refill stations. Students are asked to bring labeled, reusable water bottles from home. Coughing, sneezing, and hand washing etiquette will be reviewed with all students. Students will be instructed on social distancing expectations and everyone in the building will take precautions to maintain social distancing. Lancer Hybrid Learning Plan | 9

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