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Health & Safety
The ongoing pandemic is affecting every member of the Kennedy Catholic community in some way and has necessitated an ongoing assessment of individual and community health and well-being.
Kennedy Catholic teachers, counselors and administrators will assess needs of students by reviewing all data sources including attendance, grades, and student engagement.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to reach out to teachers, counselors, and administrators when concerns about their students arise.
The Lancer Distance Learning Plan and the Lancer Hybrid Learning Plan have significantly increased demands on the faculty and staff of Kennedy Catholic. It is essential to assess the needs of faculty and staff wellness, technology, grading, communication, and professional development.
Kennedy Catholic will use asynchronous days to provide additional support for students.
Monitor the ongoing needs and wellness of students paying special attention to at-risk students using a combined effort of counseling, academics, and Campus Life offices.
Use absence tracking to support students in extended absences due to illness or COVID-19.
Maintain virtual counseling appointments for off-campus students and continue in-person appointments for on-campus students.
Regularly evaluate the wellness of the faculty and staff.
Schedule asynchronous days in order to provide time for wellness activities, community building, and student interaction.
Expand roles of Link Crew with monthly check-ins built into the schedule.
Create opportunities for students to interact outside of the classroom: retreat programming, virtual assemblies, and monitored athletics.
Enforce the necessity to stay home when feeling unwell, including parental responsibility to check symptoms of a student before they attend school.
Per CDC guidelines, employees will be asked to leave campus if they exhibit flu-like symptoms. Faculty, staff, and students will complete a wellness screening including temperature readings. Employees who become sick, will be expected to abide by public health guidelines before deciding to return to work.
The following, taken from the King County COVID-19 Response Toolkit, will be the process used to monitor cases:
What is exposure? Person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 happens primarily through close contact (within six feet of someone for 15 minutes or more) and respiratory droplets from an infected person coughing, sneezing, or talking. May occur by close, personal contact.
Sick students or staff who have not been in close contact with anyone with confirmed COVID-19 should be encouraged to follow-up with a medical provider, if possible, especially if symptoms get worse.
If a sick student or staff member has not been tested for COVID-19, remain home for at least 10 days after symptoms began, and, at least 24 hours after fever has resolved, and symptoms have improved.
If a student or staff member has tested negative for COVID-19 and was not in close contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19, remain home for at least 24 hours after the fever has resolved and symptoms have improved.
Sick students or staff who have been in close contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 are encouraged to get tested and remain home for:
» At least 14 days from date of last exposure » And at least 10 days after symptoms began » And at least 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications » And symptoms have improved Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 must remain at home and cannot return to school until:
» At least 10 days have passed since symptoms began » And at least 24 hours have passed since fever resolved (without the use of fever-reducing medications) » And other symptoms have improved Sick staff members, or parents/guardians of sick students, should notify Katie Burns at burnsk@kennedyhs.org if they, or someone in their home, tests positive for COVID-19.
If students or staff do not have a medical provider, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center between 8am-7pm PST at 206.477.3977 for assistance. Interpreters are available.