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MATH MATHEMATICS In a minimum of three years of study, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills and apply those to real-world situations. The focus of the Mathematics Department is for students to grow in their understanding of mathematics skills and concepts. Most students must successfully pass Algebra II as part of their three-year program. Four years of Mathematics are recommended for students looking to attend a four-year college after graduation. Pre-Calculus and Calculus are recommended for students planning a Math or Science college major.
Please refer to descriptions for course requirements. Placement for math courses require teacher recommendation in addition to any prerequisites.
Enhanced Algebra I Algebra I
Enhanced Geometry Geometry Enhanced Algebra I Algebra I
Enhanced Geometry Geometry Honors Geometry
Enhanced Algebra II Algebra II Honors Algebra II Enhanced Geometry Geometry
Enhanced Algebra II Algebra II Honors Algebra II
Financial Math Statistics Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus
Financial Math Enhanced Algebra II Algebra II Financial Math Statistics Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus
Financial Math Statistics Pre-Calculus AP Statistics Calculus AP Calculus AB
Honors Geometry
Algebra II Honors Algebra II
Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Financial Math Statistics AP Statistics Calculus AP Calculus AB
Algebra II Honors Algebra II
Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus
Calculus AP Calculus AB
Statistics AP Statistics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC
PRE-ALGEBRA | MA0921 | GRADE 9 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None This course includes a review of basic operations with fractions, decimals, and percent. It is designed to prepare students for a standard high school Algebra course. By the end of this course, students are able to perform operations with integers, simplify and evaluate expressions, write, solve and graph linear equations, determine probability of a simple or compound event, compute measures of central tendency, and display data in a plot.
ALGEBRA I* | MA0903 | GRADES 9-10 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None Algebra I includes a review of Pre-Algebra topics. By the end of this course, students are able to use properties of equality, apply order of operations to simplify and evaluate expressions, including those with radicals or exponents, solve and graph linear equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations; factor, graph, and solve quadratic functions; simplify and solve radical and rational expressions and equations; and analyze and evaluate data using basic statistical measures.
ENHANCED ALGEBRA I* | MA0917 | GRADES 9-10 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None This course is designed for students who would benefit from a slower-paced class and includes a review of Pre-Algebra topics. By the end of the course, students are able to use properties of equality; apply order of operations to simplify and evaluate expressions, including those with radicals or exponents; solve and graph linear equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations; factor, graph, and solve quadratic functions; simplify and solve radical and rational expressions and equations; and analyze and evaluate data using basic statistical measures.
GEOMETRY* | MA1003 | GRADES 9-11 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Algebra I or A- or higher in Enhanced Algebra I This course focuses on Euclidean Geometry and requires the use of algebraic skills. By the end of this course, students are able to identify and define geometric terms; identify and apply geometric properties; use inductive and deductive reasoning to construct proofs; determine perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of polygons, circles, or 3-dimensional figures; use the Pythagorean Theorem and basic trigonometric ratios to calculate measures in right triangles; and perform transformations of polygons on a coordinate plane.
ENHANCED GEOMETRY* | MA1005 | GRADES 9-11 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Enhanced Algebra I This course is designed for students who would benefit from a slower-paced class. It focuses on Euclidean Geometry and requires the use of algebraic skills. By the end of this course, students are able to identify and define geometric terms; identify and apply geometric properties; use inductive and deductive reasoning to construct proofs; determine perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of polygons, circles, or 3-dimensional figures; use the Pythagorean Theorem and basic trigonometric ratios to calculate measures in right triangles; and perform transformations of polygons on a coordinate plane.
HONORS GEOMETRY* | MA1001 | GRADES 9-11 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: A- or higher in Algebra I This honors course is designed for students with exceptional algebra skills and covers the same topics as Geometry, but at an accelerated pace and in more depth. By the end of this course, students are able to identify and define geometric terms; identify and apply geometric properties; use inductive and deductive reasoning to construct proofs; determine perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of polygons, circles, or 3-dimensional figures; use the Pythagorean Theorem and basic trigonometric ratios to calculate measures in right triangles; and perform transformations of polygons on a coordinate plane. Additional topics include coordinate geometry and theorems about circles.
ALGEBRA II* | MA1103 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Geometry or A- or higher in Enhanced Geometry Algebra II builds on the foundations of Algebra I. By the end of this course, students are able to apply critical thinking skills to different types of mathematical functions, such as polynomial, absolute value, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical; analyze characteristics and the graphs of these functions; identify real and complex roots; analyze and evaluate data using statistical measures; and develop a deeper understanding of trigonometric concepts.
ENHANCED ALGEBRA II* | MA1005 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Enhanced Geometry This course is designed for students who would benefit from a slower-paced class and builds on the foundations of Algebra I. By the end of this course, students are able to apply critical thinking skills to different types of mathematical functions, such as polynomial, absolute value, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical; analyze characteristics and the graphs of these functions; and identify real and complex roots; and develop a deeper understanding of statistical measures.
HONORS ALGEBRA II* | MA1127 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: B- or higher in Honors Geometry or A- or higher in Geometry This course is designed for students with exceptional math skills and covers the same topics as Algebra II, but at an accelerated pace and in more depth. By the end of this course, students are able to apply critical thinking skills to different types of mathematical functions, such as polynomial, absolute value, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and radical; analyze characteristics and the graphs of these functions; identify real and complex roots; analyze and evaluate data using statistical measures; and develop a deeper understanding of trigonometric concepts. Applications and connections to real-world situations are emphasized throughout the course.
FINANCIAL MATH | MA1009 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: Successful completion of an Algebra II course or permission of math department This course uses mathematical concepts to analyze personal financial decisions. By the end of this course students investigate the importance of budgeting and are able to analyze personal decisions for choosing and using banking services, including consumer credit and loans; calculate and evaluate independent living expenses, including rent, mortgages, and discretionary expenses; compute simple and compound interest; develop resources related to employment; distinguish and analyze various forms of debt and credit; and complete a basic income tax form.
PRE-CALCULUS* | MA1107 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Algebra II or A- or higher in Enhanced Algebra II This course explores algebraic topics in further depth with emphasis on skills required for Calculus. By the end of this course, students are able to select and apply algebraic methods to analyze characteristics of functions, including polynomial, piecewise, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric; understand and use the unit circle; write and solve trigonometric and parametric equations; graph trigonometric functions and their inverses; find terms in arithmetic and geometric sequences; determine sums of series; and develop an understanding of limits.
HONORS PRE-CALCULUS* UW Math 120 | MA1129 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: B- or higher in Honors Algebra II or A- or higher in Algebra II This is a College in the Classroom Program course, that allows students allows students to earn high school credits with an opportunity to earn 5 college credit hours from University of Washington. Honors Pre-Calculus is designed for students with exceptional math skills and covers the same topics as Pre-Calculus, but with increased emphasis on multistep problem solving through real world application problems. By the end of this course, students are able to select and apply algebraic methods to analyze characteristics of functions, including polynomial, piecewise, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric; understand and use the unit circle; write and solve trigonometric and parametric equations; and graph trigonometric functions and their inverses.
CALCULUS* | MA1201 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: C or higher in Pre-Calculus This course continues to build on and review key areas of study from Pre-Calculus and provides a solid introduction to college-level Calculus. By the end of this course, students are able to evaluate limits, determine continuity of functions, differentiate a variety of functions; graph functions; compute antiderivatives; evaluate definite and indefinite integrals; solve real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, and analytically; and use rules and theorems to justify conclusions.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) CALCULUS AB* | MA1207 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: B- or higher in Honors Pre-Calculus or A- or higher in Calculus This AP course is comparable to a university-level Calculus course and focuses on limits, derivatives, integrals, and separable differential equations. Students solve real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions. This course prepares students to take the AP exam in May for the opportunity to earn college credits.