wgjb weKvk cvj
Milon Bikash Paul was born in June 30, 1948. After graduating with an AIM Master in Management (MM) degree in 1988, he started work with Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) in Bangladesh as Deputy Chief Executive and Program Chief. PSTC’s projects include working for the improvement of the health, social security and physical living condition of the poor and socially disadvantaged. After he joined the organization, PSTC’s programs have continuously expanded under his strategic and dynamic leadership. In 1995, when PSTC was in a transition to transform itself from a Quasi Governmental organization to a Non Government Organization (NGO), Mr. Milon took the leadership as the Secretary General of the organization. Under his helm, PSTC successfully overcome the transition and was established as one of the renowned national level NGOs of Bangladesh. As chief of program, he played a very significant role in promoting and developing 82 NGOs throughout the country, which have played a significant role in supplementing and complementing national health programs. PSTC used to act as resource organization for local level NGOs as a conduit of funds, and provides technical assistance in the area of project management, staff development, especially management training, logistic procurement & management, community development, capacity building and sustainability. Mr. Paul’s professional attitude, aggressive marketing and dynamic leadership have enabled PSTC to grow more than 6 times in terms of the numbers of development partners, staff and funding. Under his leadership, this national NGO has implemented 33 different multifaceted projects under nine program areas: Health Services Delivery, Environmental Health (water and sanitation), Child and Adolescent Development, Government and Rights, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Economic Development. These nine programs are implemented through 78 branch offices all over Bangladesh.His exemplary skills enabled development partners to increase from 5 to 18, as PSTC now provides services to more than 3.5 million population covering 30 districts of Bangladesh. A recipient of numerous prestigious awards such as Award of the
Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperative for 100% sanitation coverage –Sanitation for all award 2010 and Dhaka City Corporation’s "GAVI Award 2008", Mr. Paul played a significant role in establishing the AIM Alumni Association in Bangladesh in 1989, and continues to serve the chapter at present as one of the convening committee members. The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is an international organization within the United Nations system dedicated to enhancing collaboration in the water supply and sanitation sector. WSSCC choose Mr. Paul for the position of National Coordinator. Brings along 40 years of diversified experience as an Academician and Development Sector Professional Rewarded with the prestigious AIM Alumni Achievement Award (The Triple A) by the Alumni Association of AIM (AAAIM) and the Federation of AIM Alumni (FAIM) as recognition of outstanding contribution and excellent performances in various fields of professional, entrepreneurial, or developmental endeavors. Has worked closely with leading development agencies/ donors and embassies in different capacities and in different parameters of the development sector. Participated different workshops, seminars, talk shows and dialogues on different development issues both within the country and abroad. Has taken leadership for the capacity building of the staff within the organization while engaging different national and international level advocacy to change government policies towards the development of the ultra poor, women and children of Bangladesh. Expert in Advocacy, Liaison and Networking, Capacity Development and Formulation & Implementation of both service delivery and right based approach. Mr. Milon Bikash Paul was the Present Chairperson of our mother organization Transformation of Development across the Society (TDS), and chief Adviser of Think n Do initiative. He passed away yesterday (19-8-2014). We deeply mourn.
wcGmwUwmi mv‡eK wbe©vnx cwiPvjK wgjb weKvk cvj AvR mܨvq Avgv‡`i †Q‡o wPiZ‡i P‡j †M‡Qb| c¨vbwµqv‡mi K¨vÝvi Zvu‡K WweøIGmGmwmi †`kxq mgY¦‡qi KvRUv h_vh_ fv‡e cvjb Ki‡Z w`jbv| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb weijcÖR fv‡jv gvbyl Ges GKwbô I mdj GbwRI Kg©KZ©v| Zvui mgmvgwqK mg‡q A‡bK GbwRI aŸ‡m c‡o‡Q| wKš‘ Zvui †bZ…Z¡vaxb wcGmwUwm‡Z cÖvwZôvwbK DbœwZi †iLv †KejB Dc‡ii w`‡K †M‡Q| AgvwqK I mij mvavwmav Rxeb hvc‡b Af¨¯Í wgjb`v †i‡L †M‡Qb A‡bK ¸YMÖvnx I eÜy| Avwg Zvu‡`i GKRb gvÎ| A‡bK wKQy R‡g Av‡Q †jLvi g‡Zv GB fv‡jv gvbylwUi Rb¨| AvR gb PvB‡Q bv; wjL‡ZI cviwQbv| ¶‡Y ¶‡Y †e‡R DV‡Q Zvui wUwcK¨vj Mjvi AvIqvR- `v`v... fv‡jv Av‡Qb? Dr Khairul Islam Country Representative, WaterAid Bangladesh
Avgvi KóUv Avwg wKQy‡ZB cÖKvk cÖKvk Ki‡Z cviwQ bv| A‡bK myL-`y:‡Li ¯§„wZ wQj `v`vi mv‡_| †kl Rxe‡bi A‡bK NUbvB wZwb Avgvi mv‡_ †dv‡b †kqvi Ki‡Zb| †h †Kv‡bv cÖ‡qvR‡bB Avwg Zv‡K †dvb w`‡q civgk© PvBZvg| †mB civg‡k©i hvqMvwU Avi iB‡jv bv| Mostafizur Rahman Programme Manager, CAMPE
`y:L †cjvg| Zvu‡K GKevi GKwU wgwUs-G †`‡LwQjvg| Zvui AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ †nvK| Ghulam Faruq Hamim Dhaka
My deepest condolences to the departure of milon da. I had very limited opportunity to work with him. But I was a great admirer of him. He was a very simple polite gentle person but full of energy. The NGO community will miss him. May the almighty bless him with eternal peace. Kazi Rasul General Manager, Marie Stopes International
`v`v A‡bK fvj gvbyl wQ‡jb| Zvi g„Zz¨ msev‡` A‡bK `y:L †cjvg | Pankaj Ghosh Dostidar Project Manager, Institute of Development affairs-IDEA
wcGmwUwmÕi mv‡eK wbe©vnx cwiPvjK wgjbÕ`vi AKvj cÖqv‡Y Avgiv †kvKvnZ| m`v nvm¨¾¡j G gvbeZvev`xi AKvj cÖqv‡Y †`‡ki Iqvm †m±‡i GK eo ¶wZ nj| Z…Yg~j Rb‡Mvôxi K_v RvZxq I AvÂwjK ch©v‡q wewfbœ m‡¤§jb ev mv‡Kvm¨v‡bi gZ wewfbœ †dviv‡g Zy‡j ai‡Z `v`vi Zyjbv nq bv| `v`v MZ KÕgvm a‡i Amy¯’ wQ‡jb... Zvi mv‡_ Gi gv‡S K‡qKevi †`Lv n‡jI GLb Avi wZwb BnRM‡Z †bB... fve‡ZB Kó jvM‡Q... Avmyb Avgiv mevB Zvi AvZ¥vi g½j Kvgbv Kwi... Ranjan Ghose Programme Ofiicer-Advocacy, WaterAid Bangladesh
Avwg `v`vi mnKgx© wQjvg| `v`v P‡j †M‡Qb, Kó cvw”Q| `v`v‡K m„wóKZ©v fv‡jv ivLyb| Quaid-e Azam Team Leader, Participatory Management Initiative for Development
GKRb fv‡jv gvbyl P‡j †M‡jb- Zvui jvk †KD knx` wgbv‡i †b‡e bv, dyj P›`b w`‡q †KD weivU ¯§…wZ Zc©Y Ki‡eb bv- wZwb _vK‡eb Avgv‡`i g‡bi wgbv‡i, gwY‡KvVvq| Nayeem Wahra Development Professional
Really sad. Painful.
wgjbÕ`v Lye fv‡jv gvbyl wQ‡jb| wZwb mK‡ji g‡b RvqMv K‡i wb‡q‡Qb| Shahid Mazumder Project Coordinator, ARBAN PEHUP Project
Avgvi DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v wQ‡jb Dwb| hLb Avwg wcGmwUwmÕ†Z KvR KiZvg ... evsjv‡`‡ki NGO Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ DwbB Avgv‡K cÖ_g cwiwPZ K‡i w`‡qwQ‡jb ... m`v nvm¨gq gyLUv GL‡bv g‡b c‡o ... Ibvi AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ Kvgbv KiwQ| Jesmin Rahman Former Medical Director, PSTC Presently living in Australia
He was a perfect human being with good soul... praying for his departed soul... Dr Moinul Haque Health and Development Professional
He was so close to me. Really I miss him. Praying to God for the departed soul. Always he will be in our thoughts and prayer. M Shafiqul Islam Additional Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs
GKRb ¸Yx gvbyl nvivjvg Avgiv| G œwZ mnmv c~iY nevi bq| Saiduzzaman Khan Tuhin Resource Mobilisation Officer, NGO Forum for Public Health
Eminence is deeply shocked and praying for soul. He also helped eminence several times and personally me. We are grateful to him... he was a very kind to us... we will miss him... Sahmim Talukder Chief Executive Officer, Eminence
Deepest condolences! Remember his ever smiling face quite well. May he rest in peace! Mahbub Shaheed Adviser, SHAILAN
Lye Lvivc jvMj LeiUv ï‡b...wgjb `v Rest In Peace. Farhana Ahmed The White Ribbon Alliance
Mfxi †kvK cÖKvk KiwQ| Mushtuq Husain IEDCR
I remember his smiling face. Hasib Mahmud Bangladesh Army
I was fond of Milon da. May his soul rest in eternal bliss. Tushar Haq Former SGSM, Plan International
PvKyixi cª_g w`K †_‡KB K‡qKRb gvbyl‡K Am¤¢e fvj †j‡M hvq| †ckv`vix c_Pjvi myev‡` Kvjµ‡g Zv‡`i mv‡_ NwbóZv †hgb evo‡Z _v‡K g‡bi †fZ‡ii Abyf~wZUvI †Zgwb Mfxi n‡Z _v‡K| Ggb K‡i †h K‡qKR‡bi mvwbœa¨ †c‡qwQjvg, wgjb `v wQ‡jb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| wb‡Ri Livc jvMvi Abyf~wZUv e¨³ Kivi gZ bq| ïay eje, Zx¶ †gav m¤úbœ G‡ZvUv mv`vwmav Rxe‡b Af¨¯Í wb‡iU fvj gvbyl Avwg Avi wØZxqwU †`wLwb| `v`v‡K Mfxi k«×v| Nazmul Hassan Public Health Expert
May his soul rest in eternal peace. Sanya Johra Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka
I am sad to know this news. He was a simple nice person and a good soul. My deepest condolence to his family and PSTC staff. Since 1983 he was our good friend. Belayet Hossain URC
Zvui we‡`nx AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ Kvgbv KiwQ| G Qvov Avi wKQyB Kivi †bB AvR Avgv‡`i| Shahana Raj Dhaka
ï‡b Lye Lvivc jvM‡jv| Dbvi gyLUv †Pv‡Li mvg‡b †f‡m DV‡jv| Zaharat Ara Tahmina Sarker New York
So sad to hear about this. Milon Da was a soft spoken wonderful person. my deepest condolence to the family. Mayeeda Choudhury ActionAid Bangladesh
We are shocked. May his soul rest in eternal peace. He was a good friend. Abdul Motaleb Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, The World Bank Office, Dhaka
Very shocking news- pray for his departed soul. Nizam Ahmed CEO and Technical Director, Ethics Advance Technology Ltd.
May Nature takes him softly and allow eternal peace! He was always with smiling face and I had so many memories working with him. Shaila Shahid Senior Technical Advisor, GIZ
We are follower of Milon da... Faiz Kawser Project Coordinator, WATCH, Plan International
Avwg wKQz ej‡ev bv| Avgv‡K ÿgv K‡i `vI| Sirazum Munir Consultant-Health & Environment, SPD Steps for People's Development
wKQyB ej‡Z cviwQbv... ïay Rvwb Zvi Zyjbv ïay wZwb!! Jahangir Khan Mass-line Media Centre (MMC)
wgjbÕ`v Avm‡jB GKRb eo g‡bi gvbyl wQ‡jb| Lye Lvivc jvM‡Q| Avjøvn Zv‡K †e‡nkZ bwme Kiæb| Hedayet Ullah Khan Plan International
wgjb weKvk cvj- Avwg me mgq wgjb evey e‡jB m‡¤^vab KiZvg| eû eQ‡ii cwiPq| Avwg cÖvqB cÖwk¶K wnmv‡e wcGmwUwm‡Z †hZvg| wcGmwUwm gv‡bB nj wgjb evey| Avgv‡K me mgh m¨vi e‡j m‡¤^vab Ki‡Zb| wZwb GK Kv‡j Aa¨vcYv Ki‡Zb wKš‘ KL‡bv Zv cªKvk Ki‡Zb bv| LyeB AgvwqK Ges f`ª‡jvK wQ‡jb| Kg©m~Px ev¯Íevq‡b LyeB `¶ wQ‡jb| mZZv wb‡q Kv‡iv †Kvb cªkœ KL‡bv wQjbv| Avgiv Avgv‡`i wcªq wgjb evey‡K Avi wd‡i cve bv wKš‘ Zvi Kg©KvÐ hv wZwb †i‡L †M‡Qb Zv Rxebfi AbycªvwYZ Ki‡e| Zvi we‡`nx AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ Kvgbv KiwQ| Jahir Uddin Ahmed Adjunct Faculty, American International University-Bangladesh
He was very gentle & amicable person. May God keep his soul rest in peace. Didarul Alam Consultant, UNICEF Bangladesh
very sad news. Serajud Dahar Khan Interaction
Zvui we‡`nx AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ Kvgbv KiwQ| Haran Chandra Sarker Save the Children
Rest in peace!
Mamun Zahid Head - Health and WASH Unit, Concern Universal
I am really shocked! He was an excellent person. For last five years I worked with him very closely and found him as a successful NGO Leader. NGO community in the water sector has lost a valuable asset. Taqsem Khan Managing Director & CEO, Dhaka WASA
Very sad news for all of us. My heartiest condolence for his demise. Bimal Kuri Country Representative, Bangladesh, BHN
Sorry to hear. May his soul rest in peace. Muzaherul Huq Dhaka
Deeply socked to hear the sad news. My empathy to the family... May the memories of Milon Da live long.... Hrishikesh Sarker Programme Unit Manager, Plan International Bangladesh
Respect... May he rest in peace! Partha Hefaz Shaikh Participatory Development Consultant
Feeling sad in Milon Da's demise. RIP Milon da. Nasir Uddin Former Executive Director, Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS)
We were close for many years. We worked together during 1988 flood to clean dhaka city. Ajoy Dasgupta Samakal
It's a shocking news for me. I knew him since 1990. Our founder president of BWHC Hasina Chaklader BWHC
Really it was shocking news for me. Hasina Mushrofa UPPR, UNDP
We pray for his depart soul. Enamul Hoque Executive Director at Hope for the Poorest, Sister Concern of ASA
I am really shocked! Laboni Shabnam Mukti Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Very sad! Do not have words to express his friendship and kindness. I pray for the departed soul. Nazrul Islam Senior Program Advisor, The Asia Foundation
So sad to know. Inna lillahi....Rajeun. RIP. Milton Hasnat Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
This is really a shocking news for us. I had the opportunity to work with Milon Da when PSTC was a partner of ILO's child labour project. He was really a nice person with different personality. I pray for his departed soul. Sharfuddin Khan Dhaka
LyeB `y:LRbK| GbwRI †m±i †_‡K GKRb wb‡ew`Z Dbœqb e¨w³Z¡ nvwi‡q †M‡jb| Zvui we‡`nx AvZ¥vi kvwšÍ Kvgbv KiwQ| Alin-Sazzadur R Chowdhury Save the Children
GiKg GKUv Lei †R‡b LyeB Lvivc jvM‡Q, ¶YRb¥viv †evanq Gfv‡eB P‡j hvb Zvu‡`i K…Zx‡Z¡i mv¶iUyKy ‡i‡L... eoB Amg‡q! Avgvi kÖ×vÄwj Zvui cÖwZ ... Deel Afroze Former Director, Clinical Services, BWHC
I was present in his village house to see his face last ever. what he did for his locality ! peoples sharing with each other. I am astonished; only a simple man can do alike. a soundless revolution. A huge people (almost 100) from various strata got a work place, a ready made Government primary school established near to his village house and a group of people enjoying his land property with a nominal (irregular) rent. Local people realizing what they have lost. Best wishes to his departed soul and his family member. Rafiqul Islam Majumder Project Manager, PSTC-PEHUP, Chittagong
Rest in peace! Afsana Binte Amin Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS)
I pray to God for eternal peace of his departed soul. Shanta Shib Roy Dhaka Ahasania Mission
gbUv Lvivc n‡q †Mj| wgjbÕ`vi m¤ú‡K© A‡bK †jLvi wQj ev ejvi Av‡Q, wKš‘ ej‡Z A_ev wjL‡Z cviwQ bv| g‡b ci‡Q Zv‡K K‡e cª_g †`‡LwQjvg| wgjbÕ`v wQ‡jb mwZ¨Kv‡ii GKRb fv‡jv gvbyl| KZw`b †`wLwb Zv‡K, Avi †`Lv n‡e bv! Sukanta Sarker UNFPA
He was a very good development worker. We pray for the peace of his departed soul. Md Shahidul Islam Former Senior Coordinator, Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement
Ggb GKRb wcªq gvby‡li Amg‡q P‡j hvIqvUv LyeB `ytLRbK| `v`vÕi mv‡_ Kv‡Ri m¤ú‡K© A‡bK ¯§…wZ GLb Avgv‡K Lye Kó w`‡”Q, Zvi G Amg‡qi cª¯’vb| Avgv‡`i Av‡iv A‡bK wKQy Kivi wQj| Avgvi A‡kl kÖ×vÄwj iB‡jv Zvi cªwZ| Tareq Hoque Plan Bangladesh
wgjb`vÕi Zzjbv wgjb`vÕB| wgjb `v me mgq Avgvi ¯§„wZ‡Z D¾¡j n‡qB _vK‡eb| Zinnat Afroze Plan International
wgjb`v'i ms‡M cwiPq n‡qwQj †ek Av‡M, PÆM«vg wmwU †gq‡ii Awd‡m| m¤¢eZ cwi‡ek †gjv Av‡qvRb wb‡q gwnDÏxb mv‡n‡ei ms‡M e‡mwQjvg GbwRI †dvivg Avi wcGmwUwm| cÖ‡dmi cwiPq †R‡b wgjb`v‡K cÖ_gw`b m¨vi e‡jB m‡¤^vab K‡iwQjvg| ax‡i ax‡i †`Ljvg f`ª‡jvK mevi LyeB Kv‡Qi| Ibvi mnR-mijZvi Rb¨| Kv‡Q †Nul‡Z mgq jv‡Mwb AvgviI| Avi KLb †h m¨vi `v`v n‡q †M‡jb! `v`vi GZ ZvovZwoB wK †h‡Z n‡jv; GKUy `v`y`v`y †Pnvivi n‡qI †Zv †h‡Z cvi‡Zb! Joseph Halder Head, Advocacy & Information, NGO Forum for Public Health
May God give peace to his departed soul! Mahfuzul Alam Shahin UNDP UPPR Project
wcGmwUwm'i mv‡eK Gw·wKDwUf wW‡i±i Ges Avgv‡`i mevi wcªq Iqvk GW‡fv‡KU wgjbÕ`v Avi †bB| wcGmwUwm'‡K wZj wZj K‡i M‡o †Zvjv wgjbÕ`v fvi‡Z wPwKrmvaxb Ae¯’vq ci‡jvKMgb K‡i‡Qb MZ mßv‡nB| wgjb'`v - Avgv‡`i mevi wcªq gvbyl| Avwg IqvUviGBW G R‡qb Kivi ci †_‡KB Dbvi mv‡_ Avgvi PgrKvi m¤úK©| Avgv‡`i cª_g †`Lv IqvUviGBW G 2009 mv‡j, Avgvi AveŸvi cwiPq Rvb‡Z †c‡i Dwb Lye Lykx nb, Avgvi AveŸv Wvt Rwni DwÏb Avn‡g`Õ‡K (cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`߇ii mv‡eK cwiPvjK) Lye kª×v Ki‡Zb, Zvi mZZv Ges wbôvi Rb¨ cQ›` Ki‡Zb| Avgv‡`i wØZxq †`Lv FANSA evsjv‡`k P¨vÞv‡ii GKUv wgwU‡O PÆMªv‡g, Avwg wM‡qwQjvg Avgv‡`i ZLbKvi GW‡fv‡Kwm †nW wRbœvn fvB‡K cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Ki‡Z| Zvici †_‡K Avgv‡`i †`Lv n‡ZB _v‡K| Avwg Gb.wR.IÕ‡Z †QvU-LvU KvR Kwi Avi wgjbÕ`v Iqvk †m±‡ii gnxiƒn| wKš‘ bvbv mg‡q wZwb Zvi cÖwZôv‡bi e¨vcv‡i wKsev mvwe©Kfv‡e Iqvk †m±‡ii bvbv wm×všÍ MÖn‡Yi Av‡M Avgvi mv‡_ civgk© Ki‡Zb| GUv Avgvi Rb¨ A‡bK eo †mŠfvM¨ wQj| wgjb`vÕi mv‡_ †kl ‡`Lv cvwievwiKfv‡e, MZ 22 gvP© 2014-G, mv‡_ wQ‡jb Dbvi mnawg©Yx, cyÎ, cyÎ-eaymn AviI KÕRb! Avgiv ebvbxi GKUv †i÷y‡i‡›U cªvq 2 N›Uv mgq GKmv‡_ KvUvB| wZwb ZLbI kvixwiKfv‡e Lye `~e©j - c¨vw¼«qv‡mi K¨vÝv‡i fyMwQ‡jb| Gi gv‡SI Avgv‡K cv‡k ewm‡q cy‡ivUv mgq K_v ej‡jb, GKev‡ii Rb¨I nvZ Qvo‡jb bv| K'w`b a‡iB Lye Aw¯’i mgq hv‡”Q Avgv‡`i, mgvR-msmvi-†`k wKsev hvwcZ Rxeb hvB ejyb bv ‡Kb! Ggb Aw¯’i mg‡q A‡bK mgq GKv Ges A`„k¨ n‡q †h‡Z B‡”Q K‡i| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i mg‡qi GB B”Qv Amg‡q c~iY K‡i wgjb'`v †Kv_vq P‡j †M‡jb! wgjb'`v Avevi K‡e Avgvi nvZ Rwo‡q a‡i ej‡eb, ÒIqvk †m±‡i Avcbvi wjWvikxc Lye `iKvi, Avgiv mevB Avcbvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q AvwQ wKš‘|" Avwg AvwQ wgjb'`v, Avcwb ZvwK‡q _vK‡eb wKš‘ wcøR|
Shamim Ahmed Programme Manager, WaterAid
Its really a very pathetic news that our Milon Daa is no more with us. A few days ago he contacted me over telephone discussing a personal matter. At that time we discussed about his disease and treatment. But the news of his death was totally unexpected to me. I can remember some of the important moments we were together for various official works. We met in a number of workshops, seminars, contact signing ceremonies, and other national and international events. He was a capable executive, a good organizer, and after all a good friend of the peoples working for the betterment of the Low Income Communities. I pray to the Almighty for the eternal peace of his bereaved soul. Uttam Kumar Roy Commercial Manager Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA)
He was a good friend of Plan and of me, personally and professionally. I am sad to know of his passing away. He helped many street kids live a better life some way somehow. Myrna (Mingming) Remata-Evora Ex Country Director Plan bangladesh
I am shocked and don’t have words for Dada!
My 25th Marriage Anniversary where we(friends and spouses) had lovely time with Milon Da at our home in 2010. Azahar Ali National Project Coordinator Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction (UPPR) Project, UNDP
`v`vi nvwi‡q hvIqvi LeiUv †c‡q ïay GUyKyB g‡b co‡Q Dwb ej‡Zb, ÔmvB` gvby‡li Rb¨ fvj wKQy K‡ib| gvbyl g‡b ivL‡e|Õ Ggbfv‡e wK Avi †KD KLbI ej‡e, P‡j hvIqv G gvbylwUi gZ K‡i| G mv`v g‡bi gvbylwUi gZ †hb Av‡iv gvbyl Av‡m Avgv‡`i gv‡S| Avgiv Zv‡K ¯§iY ivL‡Z PvB A‡bK A‡bK w`b| Sayeed Project Manager, Climate Change, UST
He was a honest and innovative development actor. MJSKS family pray to good to over come shocked of his family and his peaceful journey at heaven. Shyamal Chandra Sarker Director, MJSKS-Kurigram
He is my dear dada who guided me through everything. I will never forget you dada. I am praying for his departed soul for peace.Your memories will remain with us forever. Moung Thowai Ching Executive Director, Green Hill
It is very true that we have lost a dream full idle man which is contributing to development sector obviously. Md. Shafiqul Alam Project Manager, RWPMJSKS, Badarganj,Rangpur
No doubt we lost one of the extra ordinary sada moner manush from development sector. He was the role model for us in terms of responsibility and accountability. Zaman Executive Director, ESDO
Really very sad news. I could remember Milon Bikash dha whom I called again and again when I was in FANSA Secretariat but he didn't feel disturb. pray for his departed soul. Rezina Rosy
I am very saddened to learn about his demise. I do want to share the feeling with all my colleagues working in WASH field that best way to pay respect the departed soul is to work together for a Bangladesh free of all kinds of WASH related problems for which Milan Daa had commendable contributions for a long time. Shirajul Islam Executive Director, BASA
He is an example for us in development working field. We may follow the way of him to be done something for the world. He will be live in your deep heart. Md.Maynuddin Sk. Project Manager, SEHI Project, Paikgacha, Khulna
Milon Da is no more with us. We cannot sense it. This is not the right time to leave us. Dada we all are in serious depression. We never forget you dada. We never... Shahid ARBAN
wgjbÕ`vi AKvj cÖqv‡Y Avgiv †kvKvnZ| wbf…ZPvix G gvbeZvev`xi AKvj cÖqv‡Y †`‡ki Dbœqb †m±‡i GK wecyj ¶wZ| S M Nazer Hossain CEO & Founder Integrated Social Development Effort(ISDE) Bangladesh
So sorry. Praying for his departed soul. Khadiza Bilkis Team Leader, Participatory Management Initiative for Development
We are deeply saddened by the news of passing of Mr. Milon Bikash Paul. We'll always remember him fondly and feel honoured that we had the pleasure of knowing him. May your memories of his remarkable life, give you peace and comfort.
On behalf of
Ruben Korevaar Business Development Manager
Sara Ahrari Senior Programme Officer WASH
@ Bhaktopur, Nepal, 2013
@ Pre SACOSAN civil society meet, Nepal, 2013
@ Pre SACOSAN civil society meet, Nepal, 2013
@ SACOSAN V public opening at Bhaktopur, Nepal, 2013
@ SACOSAN V, Nepal, 2013
@ SACOSAN V, Nepal, 2013
Passing leisure time, SACOSAN V, Nepal, 2013
With community representative, Pre SACOSAN Civil Society Meet, 2013
@ Hotel Himalaya, Nepal, 2013
@ SACOSAN V, Nepal, 2013
@ SACOSAN V, Nepal, 2013
@ Component sharing workshop, OPP Pakistan, 2010
@ Component sharing workshop, OPP Pakistan, 2010
@ Component sharing workshop, OPP Pakistan, 2010
@ Component sharing workshop, OPP Pakistan, 2010
@ Component sharing workshop, OPP Pakistan, 2010
@ Pakistan, 2010
@ MoU signing programme with DWASA, 2006
@ Partnership agreement signing between PSTC and WAB, 2011
Celebrated as national coordinator of WSSCC-B, 2012
Celebrated as national coordinator of WSSCC-B, 2012
Celebrating Bangla New Year 1421
Celebrating Bangla New Year 1421
Passing leisure time with colleagues
Passing leisure time with colleagues
Passing leisure time with colleagues
@ Donors visit, Gazipur, May 2012
@ Donors visit, Gazipur, May 2012
@ Annual sports opening ceremony of Plan funded project
@ Opening ceremony of Upazila Workshop, Gazipur, 2011
Opening speech in UBR lunching ceremony, 2010
@ Recieving AIM Triple A Award, Philipine, 2012
@ Celebration programme for achieving AIM Triple A Award, 2012
@ Celebration programme for achieving AIM Triple A Award, 2012
@ Celebration programme for achieving AIM Triple A Award, 2012
@ PSTC staff farewell programme
@ PSTC staff farewell programme
@ Upazila assesment workshop, Gazipur