Engage Magazine May 2013

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Are You Missing the Mark? PERSUASION SECRETS: How to Be Fascinating and Influence Other People CASE STUDY: Nextpedition Mystery and Ritual in Business $97.00 ISSN 2161-9174

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The Advanced Approach to Hit Your Business Objectives


Use Systems to Tip The Scales in Your Favor


Where Are the BuzzBoosters What we’ve been up to, and what you can do too!

Inspire Desire because Desire Leads to Sales! • What kind of message enchants the consumer? • How to get people’s attention? • Can we achieve radical sales growth?

Discover how to inspire and create desire in your market. Yes, you can simplify your message, amplify retention and multiply your conversions. Meet NeuroMagnetism. By applying NeuroMagnetism your team will be able to attract more clients, get their loyalty and close more sales. What is NeuroMagnetism? NeuroMagnetism is a combination of irresistible selfpositioning with NeuroMarketing. It helps the individual or company become desirable to the market and to inspire the desired reaction in person’s perception as deeply as possible. The missing piece in most marketing strategies is not money and resources but insight. NeuroMagnetism provides insight into the client’s mind while positioning the professional to create desire for your products or services. This is a proven approach to achieve radical sales growth.


NeuroMagnetism is based on NeuroMarketing and backed by scientific research. If you understand how your prospect’s brain works, you will sell more. The world has changed and so have consumers. It is imperative to implement new ways to attract savvy consumers. Your marketing and sales force need to understand prospects and customers, build stronger relationships, sell more effectively while developing a better mindset and becoming more motivated. Discover why your company should stop wasting money grabbing prospects and instead invest in becoming irresistible to them. Get in the customer’s frame of mind and you will see much better results.

ill: orce w f s e l a ur s et a mark ams yo r o t g o le r p ib ist ith our e irres becom ind e of m how to m e a e fr S s t • rospec ey buy r t he p e t n why th E , e k • li t they cide e wh a t s a nd • Se how they de rospec ld p e a nd g a r to e n g ted wo rn how onnec a c e ll L a ction • in this nt attra e li c r clients fo media social e s U • elling Effort S o r e Z •

Check our topics and training programs at: www.NeuroMagnetism.com

FROM THE EDITOR Letter From The Editor It’s a common misconception that people buy from businesses. When EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nashlah Boyayan CEO Shahar Boyayan PUBLISHER BuzzBooster CONTRIBUTORS Apple Boyayan, Nashlah Boyayan, Shahar Boyayan, Dan Kennedy, Lisa Peck, David J. Schwartz ADVERTISING — SALES Nashlah Boyayan nash@engagemag.net ADVERTISING — GRAPHICS BuzzBooster Buzz@BuzzBooster.com GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT BuzzBooster www.BuzzBooster.com

it comes down to making a purchasing decision people buy from people. Therefore every interaction with the prospect/client must be dealt with much care and meticulous attention. It’s interesting because often business owners give the way that they interact with clients very little thought, yet it matters so much! This issue of Engage will focus primarily on the concept of NeuroMagnetism. What is NeuroMagnetism? NeuroMagnetism is a combination of irresistible self-positioning with NeuroMarketing. It helps the individual or company become desirable to the market and to inspire the desired reaction from their prospects and clients. Essentially what to do/say in a way that will trigger the buttons in your prospects brain in a more favorable way. It’s a fabulous technique that has been tested many a times and should be every business’ secret weapon. So meticulously read through every page, and implement! Without implementation there is no tool, coach, mentor, book, feedback, etc. that will allow you to grow... only you

3335 South 900 East, Suite 220 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Phone: 801-842-9765 Fax: 909-935-4122 www.engagemag.net Engage Magazine is published bi-monthlyby BuzzBooster and delivered by mail. Engage Magazine is printed in the U.S.A.

have the power to do that, and it only happens when you take action!

Nashlah Boyayan Editor in Chief

Copyright © 2012 BuzzBooster. All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be copied in any way without written permission from BuzzBooster. Although BuzzBooster believes the content in this magazine to be accurate, complete and current, BuzzBooster makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. None of the information contained herein should be construed as legal advice, or is anyone associated with the BuzzBoosters engaged in the practice of law. If you need legal advice, please seek the advice of independent legal counsel.

Have comments? Ideas? Suggestions? Words of praise? Speak your mind via a letter to the editor. Send your personal comment or question to nash@engagemag.net or send a letter to Engage Magazine, 3335 South 900 East, Suite 220, Salt Lake City, UT 84106. Engage Magazine





In Every Issue

4 5 7 10 14 17 18 19 23 25

12 26 27 28

Marketing to Boomers: Are You Missing the Mark? Shahar Boyayan

The Advanced Approach to Hit Your Business Objectives Lisa Peck

Persuasion Secrets: How to Be Fascinating and Influence Other People Dan Kennedy

Case Study: Nextpedition - Mystery and Ritual in Business Shahar Boyayan

Apple’s Corner

I’m a dog on a mission.

Books We Recommend

Action Plan

Did You Know?

Success With Web TV Shows Nashlah Boyayan

Marketing to Boomers: The Facts Shahar Boyayan

Use Systems to Tip The Scales in Your Favor Nashlah Boyayan

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will David J. Schwartz

The Age of NeuroMagnetism Shahar Boyayan

The Age of Secret Menus Shahar Boyayan

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game


16 22

Top 10 Reasons Why Training is So Important Shahar Boyayan

Where are the BuzzBoosters Shahar Boyayan


Meet the Experts Nashlah Boyayan

Shahar Boyayan

Apple Boyayan

Dan Kennedy

is a small business marketing advisor, and owner of www.BuzzBooster.com.

is an engagement specialist, owner of Shahar and Nash, and president of the Boyayan’s household. She is also the chief marketing and engagement strategist of www.NattyDogs.com.

Lisa Peck

has been helping entrepreneurs and business owners grow their business and balance the needs of home for over 18 years. Claim her free gift and Discover how to Grow Your Business on Your Own Terms Today at www.BizOnYourTerms.com

is a small business marketing advisor and social media specialist. Schedule a marketing check-up today – visit www.BuzzBooster.com.

Provocative, truth-telling, best-selling author, speaker and direct-response marketing consultant and copywriter. www.dankennedy.com

David J. Schwartz

World Renowned Authority on Motivation.


“Inspire Desire”

— Shahar Boyanan Engage Magazine



Marketing to Boomers: Are You Missing the Mark? Shahar Boyayan


re you mimicking old dumb marketing agencies and ignoring your best potential customers?

Smart businesses should develop marketing programs to reach baby boomers and do it in an intelligent way. Are you wondering why? Well more than 30% of Americans are over 50 and the influential over-50 segment has $2.3 trillion in annual spending power and today controls 50% of all discretionary income. That is 2.5 times the spending power of the 18-24 age group. Did you see that the word influential is highlighted? This is a generation that has disposable income to spend and invest even in tough economic times. The boomer generation likes to invest in products and services that are aligned with their deepest values ( this is why it is really important for businesses to work with an irresistible promise like we show in the magnetic influence system) nnd boomers do pay attention to how companies market to them. On the other side it looks like companies don’t care to pay attention to them. Here some examples: People 50+ buy 60% of all carbonated beverages, but Coke The Heart Truth for


Women campaign, which is a great campaign, uses a spokesperson that is 36 years old - Heidi Klum. Can’t they find anyone gorgeous after 50? Pepsi uses psychedelic logos with Barry Whites tunes. Do we need nostalgia? By the way, nostalgia is really the wrong approach with boomers. This is a generation proud to have changed the way things were done and some of the things they did, they don’t want to remember. Hair color spots tend to use this approach too. Even worse is AARP that portraits 50+ as frightened and unintelligent in their commercials. Honda spots for hybrid cars don’t include boomers while more than half of the 90 million 50+ consumers in America say they want to buy green. People over 50 account for 80% of all leisure travel in this country including luxury travel. Do you think the spot “Travelocity Travel Wish #9: Jump

Marketing to Boomers: Are You Missing the Mark?

on the bed in a fancy hotel” has anything to do with boomers? There are many more examples of poor marketing to boomers. Just think about sex related commercials with couples in separate bathtubs. Boomers can talk and have sex, why can’t the people that create these type of commercials do the same? If your product or service is a good match for boomers, pay attention how you are promoting it, and include boomers in a tasteful, intelligent manner. We appreciate and we like the attention. Missing the mark here can cost you a lot.

The Advanced Approach to Hit Your Business Objectives


Lisa Peck


his article is written for people who have already achieved a certain level in

their business. This for the business owner who has already put in the time to have crystal clear clarity on where he/she wants to go and how to get there. These business owners have already dealt with motivation and have removed the roadblocks. They are ready to play, and in fact are already playing. They are working hard and plugging along. The thing these business owners need to be prepared for is what

they are going to encounter next on their journey to reaching the milestones that they are dedicated to achieving. The next stage for them is going to be experiencing some sort of opposition, or should we say tension, in their experience of pursuing the next thing. This tension, for the people unaccustomed to it, can be uncomfortable, and some people will step away from it. Others will try to muscle-up and power

through it. Neither of these strategies are the most efficient. A better way to approach the increased tension is first to not be too surprised by it. Whenever you are on the path of doing something new, you will hit blocks, and the euphoria of going for something will die down to what it will really take to accomplish what you are after. After you accept that resistance is part of the journey, and you have determined that you are still committed to moving forward, is when the principle that comes from yoga practice would be good to adapt. That principle is surrender. Surrender doesn’t mean to give up, doesn’t mean that you are not actively involved. If you have ever surrendered in a tense yoga pose, you know that you are still very much doing work. Surrender, in this sense, means that you give up the resistance. You accept that where you are, and the tension and discomfort you feel is part of the process. To get you to the point of surrender, a yoga teacher might Engage Magazine


FEATURES ask, “What will allow the body to surrender the most?” So let’s borrow from that to deal with the tension that you are in while pursuing your business goal. Ask yourself, “What will allow you/ or your business to surrender the most in order to go through the journey to get what you want?” Think of what attitude, what way to hold your goal in your body, will put you and everyone else in your company at the most ease as you stay firm in your commitment to reach your milestone. Are there things that you need to shift? To add? Sometimes in yoga, moving your head a slight half-inch one way will make a dramatic difference in the

tension felt in your neck. Is there some position you could make a slight adjustment to that would ease the tension as you go through the

process? In yoga sometimes the greatest challenge for those who are type A is to allow others to pass by and do more extreme poses and not try to go for it ourselves. Honoring your body and its

limitations can be a struggle for the ambitious, just as in business. Honoring where you are at in your business and what is best for your business, and not trying to push yourself in areas you are not ready for is a big challenge, but one that can offer you much more reward in the end, if you honor the least amount of tension style.

If you are prepared for the roadblocks as you go for your milestones, and if you are willing to allow complete surrender to the process when the resistance and tension come, you will achieve your milestones in a much faster and less painful way.

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine and accelerate your success, join the academy: www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com 6

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game


Persuasion Secrets: How to Be Fascinating and Influence Other People By: Dan Kennedy


n December, Barbara Walters announced her 19th annual list of the year’s “10 Most Fascinating People.”

Making the top ten were actor/director Ben Affleck; Alana Thompson, 7 year old star of the hit reality TV show Honey Boo Boo; the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie; Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas; E L James, author of 50 Shades of Grey; Boy Band One Direction; former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; multi-talented animator and

director Seth MacFarlane; Prince Harry of Wales; and US Army General David Petraeus. I’ve long been interested in what makes one person or company more fascinating than another. For instance, what made Honey Boo Boo more fascinating than say Mitt Romney? Regardless of what you or I think of Ms. Walters’ list, the important point is to reflect

on what makes a person or company interesting? If you want to persuade people to buy or seduce them in any way, for any purpose, being fascinating is key. If you doubt this, look no further than the phenomenon of the online video “Gangnam Style.” Released in July 2012 by South Korean recording artist PSY, it became the first video to ever hit a billion hits on the Internet. Why did this captivate people while other videos, people, businesses, events etc. won’t be remembered weeks, days or even hours after you first experience them?

Engage Magazine



Making yourself more fascinating and interesting is a shortcut to persuasion. It helps make you exciting and memorable which helps you wield influence and attract favorable attention.

This begs the question: are there common traits in fascinating people? Is it possible to make yourself more fascinating and if so, how do you do it? Is there a process? Take a minute to reflect on the people you’ve met in your life. What makes someone stand out to you? What makes you remember one person over another? Many would say deciding what traits make a person fascinating is a subjective thing. You might even

cite Ms. Walter’s list as confirmation. After all, if you look at Ms. Walter’s list, it’s difficult to see common traits that everyone shares. Although I’m sure we could come up with a few. For instance, Gabby Douglas, Hillary Rodham Clinton and E L James were the “first to do something.” Douglas was the first African-American gymnast to win the Olympic all-around title. Clinton visited more countries than any previous Secretary of State. And E L James sold more than 60 million copies of her book, 50 Shades of Grey, surpassing Harry Potter as the fastest-selling paperback book of all time. However, not everyone on her list did something for the first time and I’ve met some pretty fascinating people who’ve never been first at anything their whole life. There’s “celebrity,” which I would say they all have a certain amount of. You can’t list trustworthy as a common trait on the list if you consider General Petraeus’ resignation as the Director of the CIA, due to his extramarital affair discovered in an FBI investigation. But, there are fascinating people who are fascinating BECAUSE of their

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine and accelerate your success, join the academy: www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com 8

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

FEATURES trustworthiness. International author, David Horsager, M.A., C.S.P. did his graduate research based on trust. Searching for what makes top leaders and organizations, defined as financially successful and making a significant positive influence in the lives of those they served over a period of time, unique, Horsager found one thing in common. The common trait? Trust. He found that trust is not a soft skill, but rather that it is a measurable competency that can be built into an organization’s strategies and goals. And as revealed in my book, No B.S. Trust-Based Marketing, Warren Buffet’s secret on how to attract him to your company and make it so that he might want to buy it, is based on trust. He buys trusted companies that have invested in trust. All these contradictions make it hard to define what makes a person fascinating. Which is why I have become so intrigued with the work of Sally Hogshead, the New York Times Bestselling author of “Fascinate!” (In fact, I am even collaborating with her on a new exclusive process for dramatically improving marketing messages

that I’ll reveal for the first time ever at SuperConference.) Sally tested a population of 120,000 people and identified seven triggers and 49 personality archetypes that make people fascinating. She has identified that each person has their own, unique “Fascination Fingerprint” which can be used to strengthen virtually everything you do to communicate, influence or sell, whether it’s personto-person or via media. Each person has a different primary trigger, which explains why it’s difficult to pull traits off a list of fascinating people.

The seven triggers are: power, passion, mystique, prestige, alarm, rebellion and trust. For example, people with a primary trigger of power fascinate by leading with control while people with the primary trigger of trust fascinate by building loyalty. Understanding these triggers and your own “Fascination Fingerprint,” along with your strengths and weaknesses, will allow you to improve your ability to attract favorable attention and become more fascinating, therefore giving you the shortcut to influence.

www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com Engage Magazine



Case Study: Nextpedition - Mystery and Rituals in Business by Shahar Boyayan


e talk a lot about incorporating mystery and rituals in your business. It is one of the ways you become

irresistible to a market. Here is an example of a travel business using mystery and rituals to attract oodles of avid clients. The name: Nextpediton. American Express has launched a travel service called Nextpedition. On a Nextpedition vacation, we don’t get an itinerary. We get a succession of surprises. AmEx doesn’t tell us where we’re going until the last minute. Only when you get there you get to know what you are going to visit. An envelope appears, pushed under the door of

our hotel room, or a message issues from our smartphone. Amex knows that the consumer that wants all the details about his or her trip does not exist anymore. Why they do it this way? It creates a sense of anticipation. (“What will happen?”) And serendipity. (“What could happen?”) And adventure. (“This should be great!”) Most of all, it delivers a warm current of randomness. Our life is unpredictable. But not “Oh, my God, the sky is

falling” unpredictable. No, this is carefully managed chaos. Just enough. Almost like a game. This customization is important because we want our experience to play out as if directed by a gentle randomness. The Nextpedition system makes a modest effort to profile us before building our vacations, so our Nextpedition is likely to fall somewhere in the envelope of things we like. But both AmEx and the traveler are taking a risk. “We created the Travel Signs so that anyone, regardless of if they plan to travel in the near future, can help define what they want out of a travel experience” says Amex. They divide the prospects into groups: Adrenalista – Outdoor adventurers that love to travel Tasteblazer – Foodies always out to explore new places and flavors Technologian – Travelers who explore the world with hi-tech toys Trengineer – Style gurus who seek inspiration from their travels Scenester – Underground influencers on the global music/fashion scene


How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game


The company targets people in their 20′s and 30′s. To explore taking a NEXTPEDITION trip, the consumer must consult with a specially trained American Express NEXTPEDITION Specialist who will create a mystery

itinerary based on the Travel Sign. NEXTPEDITION Specialists are experienced American Express Travel Counselors selected and trained to take information generated from the Travel Profiler and blend it with budget preferences, personal interests and past travel history to develop and customize an itinerary. A specially programmed, on loan Smartphone called a Travel Console will arrive at the consumer’s home a few days before departure. The device communicates the traveler’s itinerary, Lonely Planet guidebook content, restaurant

recommendations, and other helpful travel tools. The Travel Console also allows travelers to share the details of their experience on Facebook through a personalized travel log.

Engage Magazine



Apple Boyayan

I’m a dog on a mission. My mission is to always make sure my family loves me more than they love the cat. It used to be simple. After all everyone knows that dogs are more loving and better companions and we are not grumpy as cats. When the cat arrived (now referred to as Banana) she was always scared and paranoid. I could go about my day with no worries because she would not let anyone get too close. I was a happy dog then. After a while things started to change. She would let Nash and Shahar pet her a little,

and later she would even have some lap time with Shahar. I tried to solve this by being even more charming. It worked for a while. Then Banana changed and

My mission is to always make sure my family loves me more than they love the cat.

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine and accelerate your success, join the academy: www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com 12

making all those terrible “prrrrr” sounds that she thinks they mean she is enjoying the moment. I then tried to challenge her. I would do things that dogs do and that she wouldn’t be able to imitate. I’d run around the house with my toys. She does that now. I would stretch my back on the carpet and put my belly up for rubs. She now does that too. Tried several new things and she always found a way to copy me. It is like I’m just one more in the crowd. Don’t get me started but I so can relate this to business! Then I overheard Shahar talking about competition with a client and she said that it is important to create contrast while marketing ourselves because contrast leads people to make a decision.

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

started following them, sleeping on top of their chairs while they were working and

IN EVERY ISSUE The brain does not like clutter and follows order. I got that and decided to take action because she also says that dreams only become reality if we take real action. So, I got each of my toys and put them close to my bed instead of leaving them around the house. Let me tell you, I was exhausted after that. I have a lot of toys. So no more clutter. Brains will be happy around here. Then I went to Shahar’s studio where she keeps her craft things. There was some red paint on the table. Oops, the paint fell on me. Oh, the tragedy. Now I’m red. All red after some scrubbing on the floor. That will create a huge contrast and since red evokes more emotions than the gray the cat has, guess who they will decide is the best pet? I guess I can say “Mission Accomplished”.

Just hope they don’t yell too much when they get

home. There are some red spots on the carpet.

To learn more, call: 801-842-9765

Engage Magazine



Success With Web TV Shows by Nashlah Boyayan


ow important would it be to the success of your business if for once you would lead the crowd, not

follow what everybody else is doing? It sounds harsh, but how valuable would that be? If you are struggling using social media tools and not seeing good results, you know what I’m talking about. The countless hours that were/are put into it, the time and energy invested, and... nada! Just a bunch of friends on Facebook but no real measurable, profitable return. I’d like to take this opportunity to show you the power of online videos as a marketing tool and to share with you about a quiet revolution that is going on and that you are probably not aware of and that could triple conversions in your business. Did you know that at every 10 minutes, 27 million videos are viewed on YouTube?! Now let me ask you this, how many of those videos are yours? I hate to break it to you like this, but you could be leaving money on the table. Let me explain... First, we are going to take a look at YouTube: •


800 million people that have access to you. Let’s pause and think about this. Facebook has over 900 million users. That

is a lot of people for you to market to. But you only have access to your network and the network of people connected to you. If you consider that the average user has 130 friends, that is not a lot of people. Your only choice to reach the rest of the people is to advertise on pay-per-click inside Facebook. On the other hand, YouTube is over 800 million users and

all of them have access to your videos. •

60% of people will click first on the videos

More than 4 billion videos are viewed every day.

More than 1 trillion views took place in 2011 (that’s 140 views for each person on earth!)

More than 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube. • It is vital that your company creates a YouTube channel and post videos that are both informational and more importantly, as entertaining as you can make them.

That is just for YouTube. There are several other video sharing sites. Maybe you are not aware that you can have videos on video sharing sites at the same time have those videos ranking on Google, the biggest search engine on Earth. Try to see if it is true. In order to get the next issue of the Engage Go to Google and type Magazine and accelerate your success, something like : “Get join the academy: six pack abs” or “how www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com to bake a cake” and

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

FEATURES notice that together with sites, you will see videos showing up. That is because Google understands what people want and they want videos, so it provides videos on the search results. • 60% of people will click first on the videos. It might be pretty difficult for your site to rank on the first page of Google for certain keywords but a video can be there in a matter of hours. Now, how powerful is that? One video and you rank on Google search engine as well as on the video sharing sites search engines. This means that when people are searching for something specific on Google they will find your company and when they are researching about what they should get, they will find your company in the video sharing sites. Hot prospects ready to buy coming to you and interested prospects that you can convert into buyers coming to you. That is what I call a happy day in business. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The dirty little secret is that there is a format of video called Web Shows. The main difference is that you call it a show and you

are consistent. This means that if you decide to put the video online every Tuesday, you do it every Tuesday. This is a game changer and let me tell you why... First because you have specific places that only show Web Shows, second because you can syndicate that show on iTunes as a video podcast. iTunes is a place full of buyers that keep the wallets out to buy music. This is a place that every business owner should pay attention to. The average iTunes user is well educated and make over $120,000 a year. Call your video a Web TV show and now you can be on connected TV. This opportunity alone is huge but it is just the beginning! Now go and get it done!

Isn’t it time for a Marketing Check-Up? For a limited time, get a full hour consultation with a BuzzBooster for only $125! We’ll evaluate your business, analyze your every move, make a complete assessment of your marketing strategies and show you profitable possibilities for your business.

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Engage Magazine



Top 10 Reasons Why Training is So Important by Shahar Boyayan


ou and people involved in your business should always be going through training programs.

10. Training boosts morale. You feel better and more motivated about working at your organization if it is clear you can improve 9. Training emphasizes priorities. In a dollar-strapped business world, there is a need directed toward specific training. 8. Training is less expensive than recruiting and hiring. Whatever the challenges your company is facing, eliminating your training budget isn’t going to solve them.

7. Training is a stimulant. Eliminating training can enforce mediocrity. 6. Training helps keep pace with a changing business environment. You need to stay on top of new technologies and new developments in order to stay competitive. 5. Training develops teamwork. By engaging in a consistent training regimen, you will organically start to work more efficiently. 4. Training reinforces your best work. You and your staff will share the good habits learned from training. 3. Training brings in money. Focused training can pay for itself many times over by boosting efficiency, maintaining high standards, and raising morale. 2. Training treats your staff like professionals. Turns you into a better professional. People who believe you value them enough to invest in developing their skills may stay with your company longer. 1. Training helps maintain and improve quality and productivity.

In times of uncertainty, investing in yourself is the best investment. 16

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

Marketing to Boomers: The Facts


by Shahar Boyayan


oday in America, the average car buyer is 56 - a boomer, the average head of the household is 52 -

boomer, MAC user 54 - boomer, American Express credit card holders 57, 57 is also the age of the average business owner. Real money is in the hand of boomers and so is decision making. Definition of Boomers according to Wikipedia: “A baby boomer is a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom and who grew up during the period between 1946 and 1964. In general, baby boomers are associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values; however, many commentators have disputed the extent of that rejection, noting the widespread continuity of values with older and younger

generations. In Europe and North America boomers are widely associated with privilege, as many grew up in a time of affluence. [3] As a group, they were the healthiest, and wealthiest generation to that time, and amongst the first to grow up genuinely expecting the world to improve with time. One feature of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before. In the 1960s, as the relatively large numbers of young people became teenagers and young adults, they, and those around them, created a very specific

rhetoric around their cohort, and the change they were bringing about.[5] This rhetoric had an important impact in the self perceptions of the boomers, as well as their tendency to define the world in terms of generations, which was a relatively new phenomenon.� Do you know your ideal client from an emotional level? What he/she cares about, what she/ he values? If you are marketing to boomers, you should.

Engage Magazine



Use Systems to Tip The Scales in Your Favor Nashlah Boyayan


uccessful businesses have a secret weapon. One that is used often, at every interaction with the customer: systems. Systems create structure, it shows you where the gaps might be in your business and it allows people to do the work (a common mistake with many entrepreneurs is that they try to do everything.) Only great things come from having systems in place! Increase in perceived value, structure, quicker implementation times, less returns and re-doing of services, less complaints, greater ability to implement and introduce new products to the market, greater focus

on the customer rather than on the fulfillment, faster implementation times, etc. Yet, most businesses fail to create and implement such systems. It’s not a fun process (especially for the less analytical mind) but the benefits you’ll reap as a result should trump any reasons for not doing it. We live in an ever-changing society, consumer behavior has changed, we’re dealing with a more demanding customer who’s willing to give us less and less attention each time. How can we captivate their interest? Luckily technology has evolved and it permits us to cater our offerings to a

more demanding audience (demanding of time, quality, effectiveness, attention, etc.) in a more affordable, personalized and reliable manner, and best of all, consistently! A business who is consistent is a reliable business. A reliable business is one that is adored by many. Humans don’t like change, they adapt to change but they do so begrudgingly. Ensuring that there are systems in place to make their experience a more pleasant and reliable one will ensure success. McDonald’s isn’t the behemoth that it is because of its “delicious” chemicalloaded patties, it is what it is because of the systems it has in place that allows them to grow and innovate – because such systems enable them to deliver their products effectively and consistently... every time!

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine and accelerate your success, join the academy: www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com 18

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will


by David J. Schwartz


uccess means many wonderful, positive things. Success means personal prosperity: a fine home, vacations, travel, new things, financial security, giving your children maximum advantages. Success means winning admiration, leadership, being looked up to by people in your business and social life. Success means freedom: freedom from worries, fears, frustrations, and failure. Success means self-respect, continually finding more real happiness and satisfaction from life, being able to do more for those who depend on you. Success means winning. Success -- achievement -- is the goal of life! Every human being wants success. Everybody wants the best

this life can deliver. Nobody enjoys crawling, living in mediocrity. No one likes feeling second-class and feeling forced to go that way. Some of the most practical success-building wisdom is found in that Biblical quotation stating that faith can move mountains. Believe, really believe, you can move a mountain and you can. Not many people believe that they can move mountains. So, as a result, not many people do. On some occasion you’ve probably heard someone say something like, “It’s nonsense to think you can make a mountain move away just by

saying ‘Mountain, move away.’ It’s simply impossible.” People who think this way have belief confused with wishful thinking. And true enough, you can’t wish away a mountain. You can’t wish yourself into an executive suite. Nor can you wish yourself into a five-bedroom, threebath house or the high-income brackets. You can’t wish yourself into a position of leadership. But you can move a mountain with belief. You can win success by believing you can succeed. There is nothing magical nor mystical about the power of belief. Belief works this way. Belief, the “I’m-positive-I-can”

Engage Magazine



attitude, generates the power, skill, and energy needed to do. When you believe I-can-do-it, the how-to-do-it develops. Every day all over the nation young people start working in new jobs. Each of them “wishes” that someday he could enjoy the success that goes with reaching the top. But the majority of these young people simply don’t have the belief that it takes to reach the top rungs. And they don’t reach the top. Believing it’s impossible to climb high, they do not discover the steps that lead to great heights. Their behavior remains that of the “average” person. But a small number of these young people really believe they will succeed. They approach their work with the “I’m-goingto-the-top” attitude. And with substantial belief they reach the top. Believing they will succeed -- and that it’s not impossible -- these folks study and observe the behavior of senior executives. They learn how successful people 20

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

approach problems and make decisions. They observe the attitudes of successful people. The how-to-do-it always comes to the person who believes he can do it. A young woman I’m acquainted with decided two years ago that she was going to establish a sales agency to sell mobile homes. She was advised by many that she shouldn’t -- and couldn’t do it. She had less than $3,000 in savings, and was advised the minimum capital investment required was many times that.

“Look how competitive it is,” she was advised. “And besides, what practical experience have you had in selling mobile homes, let alone managing a business?” her advisors asked. But this young lady had belief in herself and her ability to succeed. She quickly admitted she lacked capital, that the business was very competitive, and that she lacked experience. “But,” she said, “all the evidence I can gather shows that the mobile home industry is going to expand. On top of that, I’ve studied my competition. I know I can do a better job of merchandising trailers than anybody else in this town. I expect to make some mistakes, but I’m going to be on top in a hurry.” And she was. She had little trouble getting capital. Her absolutely unquestioned belief that she could succeed with this business won her the confidence of two investors. And armed with complete belief, she did the “impossible” -- she got a trailer manufacturer to advance her a limited inventory with no money down. Last year she sold over $1,000,000 worth of trailers. “Next year,” she says, “I expect to gross over $2,000,000.” Belief, strong belief, triggers the mind to figuring ways and means and how-to. And believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you. Most people do not put much stock in belief. But some, the residents of Successfulville, USA, do! Just a few weeks ago a friend who is an official with a state highway department in a Midwestern

FEATURES state related a “mountainmoving” experience to me. “Last month,” my friend began, “our department sent notices to a number of engineering companies that we were authorized to retain some firm to design eight bridges as part of our highway building program. The bridges were to be built at a cost of $5,000,000. The engineering firm selected would get a 4 per cent commission, or $200,000, for its design work. “I talked with 21 engineering firms about this. The four largest decided right away to submit proposals. The other 17 companies were small, having only 3 to 7 engineers each. The size of the project scared off 16 of these 17. They went over the project, shook their heads, and said in effect, ‘It’s too big for us. I wish I thought we could handle it, but it’s no use even trying.’ “But one of these small firms, a company with only three engineers, studied the plans and said, ‘We can do it. We’ll submit a proposal.’ They did, and they got the job.” Those who believe they can move mountains, do. Those who believe they can’t, cannot. Belief triggers the power to do. Actually, in these modem times belief is doing much bigger things than moving mountains. The most essential element -- in fact, the essential element -- in our space explorations today is belief that space can be mastered. Without firm, unwavering belief that man can travel in space, our scientists would not have the courage, interest, and enthusiasm to proceed. Belief that cancer can be cured will ultimately produce cures for cancer. Currently; there

is some talk of building a tunnel under the English Channel to connect England with the Continent. Whether this tunnel is ever built depends on whether responsible people believe it can be built. Belief in great results is the driving force, the power behind all great books, plays, scientific discoveries. Belief in success is behind every successful business, church, and political organization. Belief in success is the one basic, absolutely essential ingredient in successful people. Believe, really believe, you can succeed and you will. Over the years I’ve talked with many people who have failed in business ventures and in various careers. I’ve heard a lot of reasons and excuses for failure. Something especially significant unfolds as conversations with

failures develop. In a casual sort of way the failure drops a remark like “To tell the truth, I didn’t think it would work” or “I had my misgivings before I even started out” or “Actually, I wasn’t too surprised that it didn’t work out.” The “Okay-I’ll-give-it-a-trybut-I-don’t-think-it-will-work” attitude produces failures. Disbelief is negative power. When the mind disbelieves or doubts, the mind attracts “reasons” to support the disbelief. Doubt, disbelief, the subconscious will to fail, the not really wanting to succeed, is responsible for most failures. Think doubt and fail. Think victory and succeed.

Engage Magazine



Speaking engagements, cutting-edge technology, networking...just a walk in the park for this dynamic duo!

Did someone say ‘walk in the park?’

Taking Pictures of Wildlife!

Medtrade Conference Las Vegas


How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

The Age of NeuroMagnetism


by Shahar Boyayan


irst let me tell you what is NeuroMagnetism...

NeuroMagnetism is a combination of strong selfpositioning with NeuroMarketing. It helps the individual or company become desirable to the market and to inspire the desired reaction in the person’s perception as deeply as possible. Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing research that studies consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Sounds complicated but this shows you ways to trigger the consumer’s brain buy buttons. In one sentence, it is the art to inspire desire because desire leads to action. NeuroMagnetism goes beyond this and beyond persuasion because it also deals with your brand identity and how you are perceived.

Why is this the age of NeuroMagnetism? Old models of selling like AIDA- AttentionInterest- Desire- Action struggle in a world where adults have an attention span of less than 9 seconds. A much better way is to understand NeuroMagnetism, become irresistible to an audience, and have the approach of Feel-Think-Do, which shortens significantly the sales cycle. The important part to understand is that there is a process you

need to follow in order to get results. It is not about a bunch of tips on how you influence people. I do relate this process to being a secret agent because if you stop to think about it, there are many commonalities.

Engage Magazine


FEATURES The steps are: Embrace Your Identity You have to be aligned with your mission in marketing and in sales. The right mindset helps a lot as does the way you position yourself in front of prospects and customers. Canvas the Area There is always a conversation already taking place in the mind of the consumer and it is your job to figure what is going on and what is wrong. Find the pain. Infiltrate Once you have the key points you should engage in that conversation, create connections and lead the process. Reveal the Assets Here is where you show your value, show

possibilities and In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine and accelerate your success, solutions. What join the academy: they gain by www.IrresistibleSuccessAcademy.com working with you. Show the gain. overt Close always to be applied in marketing Where the sales happens without messages, copywriting and strong calls to actions and negotiations. All sales scenarios. most of the time, the prospect If you’d like to go deeper in will ask for the purchase. this topic, watch our webinar This process can be applied about NeuroMagnetism. to a number of scenarios but has

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How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game


The Age of Secret Menus Shahar Boyayan


t used to be rare to find a restaurant or fast food restaurant with a secret menu.

One that has been around for some time is the secret menu at In-N-Out Burger. Now it is popping everywhere. Panera Bread released its secret menu a few days ago. All of the options don’t have bread. Panera wants to try a new, healthier menu and by creating a secret menu they avoided the costs of creating new paper menus and kept the wall menus simplified. According to an NPR interview, they believe it is a cheap way to test new products and some free PR. But the real reason why secret menus work is because of a simple concept brought by Maslow. The need for belonging. We all want to belong to a group and a select group that knows about a “secret”

menu is even better. It brings mystery and rituals to the process. Mystery and rituals in businesses make people connect and stay. The brain cannot cope with unanswered questions so it wants to be around until it has all of the answers - and rituals keep us engaged. Note that McDonald’s has a great example of ritual in the menu. The Mc10:35 can only be ordered at you guess it, 10:35am. Restaurants are unfolding their secret menus but any business can incorporate mystery and rituals in their process. We have an entire audio on this topic that you can get for free at BestBuzzGift.com Here are a few other restaurants with a secret menu:

MCDonald’s has the Monster Burger and the McGangBang. not all stores are caring the secret menu at this point. The Mc10:35 is a special sandwich that can only be ordered for ten minutes each morning, during the changeover from McDonald’s breakfast menu to its standard menu at 10:35 a.m.

Chipotle’s has a secret menu with several options. The Quesarito is one of them.

Starbucks: Biscotti Frappuccino, the Cinnamon Roll Cappuccino, and the Captain Crunch Frappuccino and the Raspberry cream cheese cappuccino.

Taco Bell’s: Chili Cheese Burrito, Double Grilled Quesadillas, and the Enchirito, which is an enchilada stuffed with beef, beans, cheese, diced onions, and topped with red sauce.

Burger King: Suicide Burger, Frings.

Subway: Pizza. While the pizza sub used to be a staple on Subway’s regular menu, it was removed when the company began pushing its healthy eating initiatives.

Jamba Juice: Green Gummy Bear Smoothie. Engage Magazine



Books We Recommend

Keep yourself informed and at the top of your game with these books.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

No BS Marketing to Seniors and Leading Edge Boomers by Dan S. Kennedy and Chip Kessler


Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing

Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals About Our Everyday Deceptions

by Roger Dooley

by Stephen L. Macknik, Susana Martinez-Conde and Sandra Blakeslee

How to Win Big at The New Marketing Game

A mind is a terrible thing to woof...I mean, waste!


Turn this issue into a Gold mine! 4 Target Boomers Develop marketing programs to reach baby boomers and do it in an intelligent way.

14 Start Your Show! Every 10 minutes, 27 million videos are viewed on YouTube?! Make sure some of those videos are yours! Don’t leave money on the table.

5 Overcome The Tension If you are prepared for the roadblocks as you go for your milestones, and if you are willing to allow complete surrender to the process when the resistance and tension come, you will achieve your milestones.

7 Influence Others Understand people’s triggers and your own “Fascination Fingerprint,” along with your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your ability to attract favorable attention and become more fascinating.

18 Create Systems Systems create structure, it shows you where the gaps might be in your business and it allows you to outsource... all which result in more money in your pocket.

19 Believe in Yourself Those who believe they can move mountains, do. Those who believe they can’t, cannot. Belief triggers the power to do.

10 Incorporate Rituals Allow for some unanswered questions and show your structure. This keeps the mind hooked to you.

Engage Magazine



Did You Know? Color increases brand recognition by 80%. 66% of consumers will watch a video twice if it is informative. 70% of people only use their tablet at home. 75% of consumers buy nothing (or buy less) if there are not enough employees at the store.

People go to Facebook to find out 2 things: does someone want to be my friend, and can I express myself?


How to Win Big at The New Marketing

People post on Facebook to do 2 things: to get others to appreciate them, or support them.

Brand recognition directly links to consumer confidence.

Red, orange, black and royal blue attract impulse buyers.

85% of all brand purchases are made by women.

Over 30% of consumers are purchasing luxury goods to reward themselves.

Irresistible Success Academy STOP THE MADNESS! When I look around, most entrepreneurs look like headless chickens, moving around not knowing where to go and just doing plain stupid things that will never get them anywhere. Don’t tell me you still believe there is a magic pill out there or a magic tool that will solve all of your problems and make your business grow?!

PLEASE, GET REAL! Real money is not made with shiny tools and single actions. I have no clue why so many people believe this kind of rubish. They fall for any guru selling a magic tool. Don’t even get me started on Social media. I love social media but what I see people doing is nothing close to growing or branding a business, it is just waste of time. Even worse, most haven’t noticed how it changed and are still posting quotes and tips. Do me a favor, stop this madness and keep reading... If to this day you have experienced only mild results when marketing, then you need to learn these steps I’m about to show you. You are going to be amazed to discover how effective they can be in your business. I wonder if you’ve noticed that successful people always have a process they follow when making decisions, marketing and making money? They don’t fall for shiny objects and try a new thing every day hoping that will bring new results. That is why in the webinar we showed you this process for better and great results: Develop the Right Mindset Create Your Irresistible Message Marketing For Maximum Results Leverage Your Efforts While Creating Continuity Sell Over and Over Again! If you are serious about your business and passionate, then you know this is really the process for great success! I wonder if you noticed that this process covers all aspects of a high conversion business. A business that thrives and gives you free time to enjoy life. After all, you have a business right? Not a job where you are the boss. Now, the more you apply this process, the more you see results. Personal and business growth is an ongoing process and doing it alone can get you stuck. So, I want to invite you to join our Irresistible Success Academy and get in touch with other successful entrepreneurs.


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