Engage Marketing Magazine

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August|September|October 2011

How a Knitting Class

Changed My Business

How to Market Without Money

How to Avoid

$97.00 ISSN 2161-9174

The Social Media Consultant Trap

Put The “ChaChing” In Your Direct Mail Campaign

1. Download this application to your phone: http://get.beetagg.com 2. Scan the code with your phone


Long-Lasting Prosperity How to make your business about more than just making money!


Optimizing Your Videos How to structure your videos for maximum visibility!


Where Are The BuzzBoosters

What we’ve been up to, and what you can do too!

Here’s How You Can Pick The Brains of the Incredible B u z z B o o s t e r s and Their Systems to Skyrocket Your Business, Achieve LongLasting Prosperity and Dominate Internet Marketing to Boost Profits!

With BuzzBooster style marketing you can triple your business and leave your competition behind. Buzz Inner Circle is The Premier Modern Marketing Mentoring Club For Savvy Small Business Owners. Go Big With Your Business Faster, and With The Right Approach!


FROM THE EDITOR Letter from the Editor, August ‘11 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nashlah Boyayan CEO Shahar Boyayan PUBLISHER BuzzBooster COLUMNISTS & CONTRIBUTORS Nashlah Boyayan, Shahar Boyayan, Apple Boyayan, Diane Conklin, Andrew Lock, Chris Makell, Ken McArthur ADVERTISING — SALES Nashlah Boyayan nash@engagemag.net ADVERTISING — GRAPHICS BuzzBooster Buzz@BuzzBooster.com GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT BuzzBooster www.BuzzBooster.com

3335 South 900 East, Suite 220 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Phone: 801-842-9765 Fax: 909-935-4122 www.engagemag.net Engage Magazine is published bi-monthly by BuzzBooster and delivered by mail. Engage Magazine is printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 2011 BuzzBooster. All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be copied in any way without written permission from BuzzBooster. Although BuzzBooster believes the content in this magazine to be accurate, complete and current, BuzzBooster makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. None of the information contained herein should be construed as legal advice, or is anyone associated with the BuzzBoosters engaged in the practice of law. If you need legal advice, please seek the advice of independent legal counsel.

If you’ve “met” me - weather in person, video, or picture – you’ll know that I have a few extra pounds than I likely should have. Lately this has bothered me more than it ever has, and I think it’s because I finally realized that what I do to my body, I do to my business. It might surprise you to find out that I have been reading, watching documentaries, and browsing through magazines related to wellness, well being, and cooking! FYI it’s VERY unlike me to do that. There are so many crucial elements related to the foods we eat that I had no clue about! For starters the notion that one must eat less to lose wait is an incorrect thought process, the idea that all vegetarians and skinny people are healthy is another! Our bodies are built in a very intrinsic manner and every little detail matters. Malnutrition is one of the leading reasons why people are overweight and have illnesses of all kinds. But we don’t know better! So we do what society has told us for years, we go on diets, we deprive ourselves, we eat very little whole foods, we count calories... the list goes on. We do it because we genuinely believe that it will make a difference. Pondering about all this I quickly realized a very evident similarity to how we often treat our businesses. We put a lot of hours into it, we go to events, we spend time on Facebook and Twitter, we go to networking meetings... we do a bunch of things and assume that it’s all that it needs, not realizing that in fact we’re running malnourished businesses. Sure, those things are important, but more often than not one must pause and give its business what it really requires to stay strong and long. Creating multiple sales streams and innovating. I hope this issue of ENGAGE will allow you to do just that! That it gets your creative juices flowing so that you can innovate in your business and incorporate multiple streams of income into it. All the best,

Nashlah Boyayan Editor in Chief

Have comments? Ideas? Suggestions? Words of praise? Speak your mind via a letter to the editor. Send your personal comment or question to nash@engagemag.net or send a letter to Engage Magazine, 3335 South 900 East, Suite 220, Salt Lake City, UT 84106. August | September | October 2011





In Every Issue

4 6 7 8 12 15 19 22

10 26 27 28


Business Lessons I Learned While Knitting Shahar Boyayan

How to Do Marketing Without Money Andrew Lock


Chris Makell

The Social Media Consultant Trap Shahar Boyayan

If You Are not Using Direct Mail in Your Marketing Plan You May Be Missing the Boat! Diane Conklin

Long–Lasting Prosperity in Business Shahar Boyayan

Joint Venture Basics

Apple’s Corner

I’m a Little Under The Weather

Books We Recommend

Action Plan

Did You Know?

A Little Tech Talk


Optimizing Your Videos for YouTube Nashlah Boyayan

Ken McArthur

Marketing Lessons I learned While Geocaching Shahar Boyayan


14 21 24

Done for You —  Social Media & Online PR Shahar Boyayan

Where are the BuzzBoosters Shahar Boyayan

Top 10 Reasons Why Training is So Important Shahar Boyayan


Meet the Experts Nashlah Boyayan

Shahar Boyayan

Apple Boyayan

Chris Makell

is a small business marketing advisor, and owner of www.BuzzBooster.com.

is an engagement specialist, owner of Shahar and Nash, and president of the Boyayan’s household. She is also the chief marketing and engagement strategist of www.NattyDogs.com.

Andrew Lock

is a marketer and the presenter of the popular weekly WebTV show that helps small business owners to get more done and have more fun www.HelpMyBusiness.com

is a small business marketing advisor and social media specialist. Schedule a marketing check-up today – visit www.BuzzBooster.com.

is particularly skilled at showing her clients a different way to ”Think Big -- Play Bigger™” so that they create profitable 6 & 7-figure businesses. www.chrismakell.com

Diane Conklin

Interested in more information on how to effectively use Direct Mail in your business? For your Free CD titled “How To Skyrocket Your Profits With Direct Mail,” go to www. directmailbuildingblocks.

Ken McArthur

Best-selling author of “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World” www.kenmcarthur.com

QUICK QUOTE There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.

— Wayne Dyer

August | September | October 2011



Business Lessons I Learned While Knitting Shahar Boyayan


while ago I decided to learn how to knit. At first I thought it would be boring

because projects take forever to be completed but many many months after that decision, here I am still knitting. When I decided to learn I went after a store that would give classes. I found this one where every Tuesday they offer an open class where people can work in different projects. I started to attend this class thinking I would meet only old grandmothers with nothing to do. I know, I know. Sometimes I’m full of BS. To my surprise, the large group had people from all ages and genders. It is a vibrant group

where talking and sharing never ends. Every week you end up looking forward to meet again those people.

Here are two big business lessons: Create a community around you, let them share experiences and create a bond. This is what builds a tribe. You will also be using the same time slot to help a lot of people instead of one at a time.



The owner goes from person to person helping them in their different challenges. She checks what they are doing, what tools they are using and every now an then she introduces them to a

new tool that they cannot live without. 9 out of 10 times they purchase the tool. I’m always paying a lot of attention on how she does this because she sells without being pushy and people are always willing to buy. She sells like few people I know. Business lesson 2: Always be upselling to existing customers Almost every week she brings pieces that she made during the weekend. This week she brought a gorgeous skirt for little girls. Silver background with black witches


and trees. Everybody was amazed by how pretty it was and started asking how they could get one. She announced she would be selling kits. You had to get on a waiting list because however many kits she put together were already gone. People ran downstairs to put their orders in. Some even bought more than one. The kit was selling for $50. Not a cheap item. Everyone was happy.

Business lesson 3: Innovate every now and them, bring elements of surprise, create some sense of urgency and scarcity. Every now and then I hear marketers say there is no money in crafts. I say, that every time people have an irrational passion about something they will spend money over and over. Add the components I mentioned above and you have a perfect

storm. I suggest some marketers go take a knitting class with my teacher. She makes money like a ballerina would dance.

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com

Isn’t it time for a Marketing Check-Up? For a limited time, get a full hour consultation with a BuzzBooster for only $125! We’ll evaluate your business, analyze your every move, make a complete assessment of your marketing strategies and show you profitable possibilities for your business.

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August | September | October 2011



How to Do Marketing Without Money Andrew Lock


arketing without money can actually produce BETTER results than throwing money

at ‘random acts of marketing’, that is marketing with no clearly defined goals. With that in mind, the following strategies can be very effective and cost you nothing but your time: 1. Post comments on other blogs that relate to your industry. Suppose that you’re in the business of selling collectible posters. First, search Google for the phrase “collectible posters blog” to find blogs in he same niche. Look for the most popular blogs because



they have more visitors to draw from. Next, add an intelligent, helpful comment in response to a post, and remember to include your website URL. When other readers of the blog see your comment, if they resonate with it and see you as an expert, they’ll click through to YOUR website to see what you have to offer on the subject. 2. Submit a weekly press release to www.PRLog.com, a free submission service that’ll broadcastyour press release all over the Internet. The most effective press releases are those that are either (a) controversial, (b) tie in with topical news, or (c) arouse curiosity. The most common pitfall with press releases is that people write them like a sales letter. That type of press release will either be rejected or not get noticed. Instead, make sure it reads like a NEWS story you would read in a newspaper. Make it factual, and avoid hype. Of course, remember to include your website address.

3. Propose a joint venture partnership with other companies in your niche, and split the profits of each sale with them. It’s easy to find suitable candidates – simply look for companies that are already advertising. Those ads prove that a company is willing to spend money promoting their product or service, so it’ll be easy to persuade them to try a method of making money that doesn’t require them to spend more money. Ideally call them on the phone with your proposal (that they offer your product to their customers, in return for a substantial share of the profits). Be friendly, and emphasize the merits of your product or service. 4. Start a blog that helps and educates people rather than trying to sell. You can setup a free blog using services such as www.SquareSpace. com or www.Weebly.com. Alternatively, you can use a free web hosting service, and install WordPress, which is also free. The most important thing is to provide value to readers rather than trying to persuade them to buy. Offer value first, build a relationship with them so that they get to know, like, and trust you, and you’ll soon find that people will naturally ask what they can buy from you.


Simplicity Chris Makell


ake a look at your current client base.

Go ahead, right now. Either picture it in your mind or get it down on paper. What is the mix or makeup of your clients? If you don’t have any clients, what does the prospect or leads list look like? Are they a mix of industries, markets, and professions? Do they require the same focus for your or something different each time?

Keeping things simple helps you to harness your energy, so that you provide the best possible service and result for your clients. It means you’re able to design, deliver and measure your results easily. It keeps you from the “bright, shiny object “ syndrome and the distractions that slow you down and impact your income

“Explore” phase – What is the business model you can design now, as you get started, to give you the best results, simply. Think of creating a flow chart for how you find leads, convert them to prospects and clients, and then serve them profitably. “Build” phase – Is your business “simple”? Can you “simply” describe to your leads or prospects so

How’s that workin’ for you? I’d like to share something I’ve been sharing a lot lately, with my clients. It’s called: Simplicity. This means keeping things simple by having a simple business model that is executed, simply. It means working with clients, simply. It means communicating, simply. It means “keep it simple, sweetheart,” i.e., the KISS principle.

enthusiasm is focused and not scattered. It’s a beautiful thing. Simplicity…in your business, with your clients, with you. It’s how you grow, simply. You can use the different phases of business growth below to “Think Big… Play Bigger™” and quickly leverage the “simplicity” as a small business owner:

that they know how to work with you? Are you going in multiple directions with your products and services and expecting your clients to “connect the dots?” “Thrive” phase – How can you “choreograph” the way you serve your leads, prospects and clients? What steps are missing that ensures it is a dance of “simplicity” for both of you?

Now let’s go back to my initial question about your clients, prospects and leads. If you employ the “KISS” principle here, you’ll find that it’s so much easier to support clients, prospects and leads that have the similar needs and desires. Your messages are tighter, and more focused…and as a result, are more easily seen and read. Your program, product and service is easily designed and delivered. Your energy and

Use these phases, from where you are in your business, as a guide to bring “simplicity” to your business and the deeper connection you can make with your leads, prospects and clients.

Summary: Keeping it simple is one of the greatest challenges for business owners. Learn how the KISS principle serves to bring you more prospects and clients. August | September | October 2011



The Social Media Consultant Trap Shahar Boyayan


ou probably noticed that there is a new social media marketing

consultant born every minute, if not every second. Sometimes it feels like everybody that knows how to add Facebook friends is becoming a social media expert. This causes problems to both sides, clients and consultants. It is not because there is a lot of competition. The client is in a trap because he cannot tell who really has the knowledge to help him, cannot tell if the person really understands marketing a business, ends up making a decision based on

price and regrets this decision over time; besides the fact that he never gets the business results he was looking for at the beginning. The new coach or consultant thinks this is the shiny thing to be in and to make a lot of money fast, focus on learning more and more tools and not



marketing concepts and fails to realize that positioning himself as a social media expert will not lead to long lasting prosperity. Social media is just a small piece of marketing. It is not isolated and will not work as the only thing to market a business. Yes, social media marketing is important, can bring amazing results and can be very cost effective but is just one piece of the puzzle. Besides, focusing only social media tools can turn a consultant


into a glorified assistant and not into a solution provider. Failing to understand business and marketing strategies can make this disaster even bigger. Good coaches and consultants train themselves to see the big picture for their client, a big picture that can be achieved, pin point gaps, bring new forms of revenue and have a structured process to do so. They also understand the need to mix online and offline marketing strategies. When it comes to social media tools, they understand the use of those tools from a marketing perspective, how to generate more awareness, sales and leads. It is way more than telling a company they need to be connected and transparent. They also need to understand positioning and online optimization. Unless they love to go from new thing to new thing like a monkey jumps from one tree to another.

Done-For-You Social Media Agency More Clients, More Sales, Less Work! Achieve Long Lasting Prosperity and Attract More customers using Social Media Marketing and Internet Marketing We'll manage your social media for you, so that you can focus on doing what you like!

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com August | September | October 2011



Apple Boyayan

I’m a Little Under The Weather I have to say that for a pet, I have a great life. Not only it is very comfortable around here, I’m really spoiled by my family and I get to travel with them every now and then. About a month ago, they decided to do a Geocaching challenge and cover the entire state of Utah finding hidden treasures, and I went along. During 4 weekends we traveled around the state and had a lot of fun as well as some dire situations like being lost in a desert for hours and getting stuck in the mud. In one of these trips, a foxtail got under my skin. I didn’t notice it until it started hurting a few days later and I kept licking my paw to see if the pain would go away. The pain did stay and things got worse so I was taken to the

vet. He decided I should go into surgery and be sedated. Since I had no clue what that meant, I just kept wagging my tail.

there was no way out, the foxtail had to be taken off. Two hours later my family returned to the vet clinic. They were worried because after all, I’m not only the cutest dog alive according to them, I’m also the life of the party around here. Banana the cat is just way too grumpy. They went to the front desk and said “We’re here for Apple, the white schnauzer” The lady: ‘Just a moment” She comes back a few minutes later and hands them an invoice and goes “Please make a payment before seeing the doctor”. Panic sets in. They ask questions, the lady does not answer them plus gives them some papers to sign.

I’m not only the cutest dog alive according to them, I’m also the life of the party around here.



He said it would take a couple of hours and when I was ready he would call my family to come pick me up. He called them half an hour later to tell that when they did blood tests, my liver numbers where really high and that I would be in danger during the surgery, at risk for my own life! They talked and talked about the possibilities but

IN EVERY ISSUE More panic. They are taken into a room. Doctor comes in and says everything is fine. Nashlah sighs and calms down. With Shahar now it is too late. Paranoia has already settled in. They talk about the surgery and the liver problem. Doctor had already performed several different tests that had cost a boatload of money and had no answers and wanted a few more tests. They argue a little. Finally Shahar mentions that he should try to find some solutions and stop trying to up-sell. His answer: I’m a business. She explains there is no problem upselling as long

as it is a win-win situation which was not the case. She also told him that he would not have to try so hard to up-sell if he would take care of his sales choreography and told him about what had happened with the front desk lady. This was not only wrong from a marketing perspective, it was also disrespectful to the people that care and love their pets. Marketing is not only about promotion, it is about every touch point you have with your clients and small things can make you lose a client. Besides, you need to provide results first and try to sell them something else later. And off we went home, Shahar’s style.

For a couple of days all around me seemed fuzzy. I was still kind of sedated. I didn’t feel good at all. When they spoke to me I could only give them my “I’m a little under the weather” look. They decided to treat me with some natural remedies and vitamins. I’m as good as new now. Even chewed some toys Yesterday. Now the only question that remains is: When is the next adventure? I’m in!

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com

August | September | October 2011



If You Are not Using Direct Mail in Your Marketing Plan You May Be Missing the Boat! Diane Conklin


irect Mail, one of the media used by direct response marketers, has been around for a long time.

Even with the internet and email marketing, Direct Mail is still the Number 1 choice for direct response marketers. Think about it. How many days have you gone to the mail box and not found it full of “junk mail” as we typically call it? You’re almost immune to seeing all of it, and simply sort the mail over the trash can, without even giving it a thought.

Avoid The Spam Filter With Ink & Paper The beauty of direct mail is it gets delivered – right to the



front door or mailbox of your prospect. You write a good sales letter, have it printed, send it to a qualified list, and the message gets delivered to your client or prospect. There are no spam filters, no emails getting kicked back, no worries about your email being blacklisted. The next challenge is getting the mail opened. Your best chance of getting your message and offer read is by putting compelling copy on the outside of your envelope and/or by using a very unique envelope or some other type of packaging. Not everyone knows the secrets that can boost your mail response. You want your mail to be read by the recipient and not end up in the trash can or recycle bin. That’s exactly what you want if you’re going to have successful direct mail campaigns. Direct mail is still the most effective way to market, and it produces the best response rates available. You send mail, and within a few short days, you know it worked and what your results are.

Even Internet Marketers Are Doing It! Successful entrepreneurs and business owners have built huge, profitable businesses using direct mail as their primary marketing tool, and they did it long before the internet was popular, and they’re still using it today. The best internet marketers are now using direct mail in addition to online marketing. Integrated marketing strategies are how you maximize your results.

Put The “ChaChing” In Your Direct Mail Campaign There are many elements that go into developing a profitable direct mail campaign that will boost your business. Here are just a few tips:

Develop a budget and stick to it. Establish a multi-step, sequential, integrated marketing plan. The more touches the better • Target and segment your mailing lists.

FEATURES • Profile your list and maintain it well. • Measure and track your results. • Implement your direct mail program • Be flexible enough to make changes quickly if you need to. • List Maintenance Is Key Volumes can be written regarding lists. Your list is the most important element in any marketing campaign. Direct mail is no exception. The list is also, many times, the most neglected part of your business and your marketing campaigns. You cannot mail if you have not captured and maintained the necessary client information. One of the most important components to any Direct Mail campaign is that the addresses are correct and

up-to-date. You want your mail to be delivered, not returned. The postal service can help you with address verification. But as a tip, it starts in your office with you and your administrative list manager. Your list will be tip top if it’s updated constantly, especially when nixies are returned. (Nixies are mail pieces returned for no forwarding address or that have expired address changes.) You can use services provided by the postal service, or list brokers and mailing houses to verify addresses and update your list based upon the Nation Change of Address Service. (This is a huge tip by the way!)

Don’t Shy Away – Direct Mail Is Gold If you’re like some marketers and business owners, you may shy away from direct

mail because you think it’s too expensive, or it’s too time consuming, or you just don’t want the hassle of setting up a sequential mailing campaign and then have to worry about getting it executed. If you aren’t currently using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on the best marketing system you could possibly be using. That means you’re losing out on potential clients, and a boatload of money too. Integrate Direct Mail into your marketing strategy today. If you want to add direct mail but aren’t sure about how to get started, drop us an email or give us a call because we can help you with all your mailing needs.

August | September | October 2011



Done For You — Social Media A Social Media Agency that focuses on your business Everywhere you look people are talking about social media. It is the choice for marketing without spending a fortune, and it works. Social media is a process and it takes longer than advertising for you to see the ROI. On the other hand, the results are long lasting and higher than traditional marketing.

You know you need to use Social Media in your marketing mix, but where is the time to do it? We can help you!

Our agency can offer you a full menu of social media actions that will create a great impact in your business.

Among the options we offer

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Don’t wait too long to start marketing online.

Look for an agency with a strong online presence and the right skills. Contact BuzzBooster Social Media Agency at:

www.ClientsInAFlash.com questions@clientsinaflash.com 801-842-9765 14



Long–Lasting Prosperity in Business Shahar Boyayan


chieving long–lasting prosperity in business is easier than you might imagine.

Sales and profit needs to happen constantly, hopefully without you having to do all the work. You need some form of automated continuity income, you need systems in place to create structure, to show you where gaps might be and to allow other people to do the work. You need to keep money and spend less than you get. Still businesses that seem to have these

things in place disappear every day. They followed these steps, some were prosperous for some time but eventually faded away.

Why is that? Today in order to achieve long lasting prosperity in business you need to understand consumer’s wants, needs and behavior and need to pay attention to 3 very important elements.

We call these 3 elements the PAT model. P stands for Positioning. Your business not only needs to be well positioned in the market, it needs to be aligned to what the market wants. Strong positioning is crucial in this new economy. Unfortunately, entrepreneurs tend to spend a lot more time thinking about tools and channels they

August | September | October 2011


FEATURES can use to promote their business and not how they should position their business in the market. They don’t think enough about the purpose of their business and most of the time just try to follow the perceived leader in that category which is, to say the least, foolish. The consumer already has framed who the leader in that segment and will not change this story in their mind just because you want to. A wiser action would be to position your business in a piece of the segment where there is no perceived leader. A stands for Attention. Most entrepreneurs using channels like social media or even traditional advertising are really fighting for visibility. As good as visibility can be, without the attention from the consumer, nothing happens. What is the use of 1 million followers



on Twitter if no one is paying attention to what you are saying. In order to get attention from your market you need to create an irresistible business. This also has a lot to do with positioning. You need to have a higher purpose for your business. One thing the recession made very clearly to all of us is that we don’t need stuff and we don’t need businesses that are about nothing. Attention has a lot to do with you understanding the story already in the mind of the consumer and placing your business in a frame that can be part of that story. You will not change the story in the consumer’s mind, you will frame your services or products to be part of that story. T stands for Traction. We make money when people take action. So, we need to get traction with our market to motivate them to take action not only once but several times during a period of time. The first two steps we talked about need to be in place in order to get traction. No strong positioning, no attention from the market equals no traction or action. You need to have systems in place where you can constantly communicate with your market,

motivate them, keep them interested in what you do and keep them buying over and over from you. It is your job to keep them buying, it is not about hoping, it is about systems and channels to keep them motivated and don’t forget to innovate every now and then. You need to innovate in order to keep attention and traction. Add a hint of entertainment and you have a wonderful combination. Here are a few questions you need to answer to see if you have this PAT model in place in your business: • What is the higher purpose of your business? •

What business are you really in?

What is the end result or what do they become by working with you?

What is the story you are telling? Even more important: Are you telling a story? We all need to become good business storytellers. There is a good reason traditional advertising is not working.

Do you have follow-up systems in place?

Do you have continuity income?

Are you irresistible to your market?

If you don’t have good answers to most of these questions, it is time to take action and work on these 3 points. Action is the keyword here. Not the kind of thing you can keep waiting to work on later.

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com


Optimizing Your Videos for YouTube Nashlah Boyayan


very day we give a presentation somewhere or speak to prospects. Every day we see

a lot of people still not using online videos. No videos online at all, and no videos on YouTube the second most popular search engine out there. No videos no ranking. It is like giving business on a silver platter to your competitors. Essentially you are leaving your company out of consideration when people are researching for a solution you offer. Now, if you are using video marketing or intend to start shortly (hint hint!) here are a few tips to optimize your videos.

1. Focus on entertaining your audience. Fun works but don’t force it.


2. Clearly demonstrate your product or talk about your services.

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A LITTLE TECH TALK 3. You need to build up friends and subscribers on YouTube to leverage the reach of your videos. The more viewers you have the more likely it is to appear first in the results. 4. Measure and improve metrics. Use insights inside YouTube for that. They track likes, dislikes, embeds, tweets, video replies and attention span. 5. Aim to rank not only on YouTube but also in Google’s main web results. YouTube works as a typical search engine regarding listing results. The search algorithm checks the title, the description, the tags, the number of views, the links and ratings of the video. Therefore you should focus to the above factors to make sure that you have fully optimized your videos and get high rankings not only on YouTube but also on Google. 6. Add your URL at the beginning of the description,

not at the end. This way even when the “more info” option is collapsed, the user will still see the link and he/she will be able to click it. 7. Use voot.net as a tracking tool. 8. Upload a transcription of your video to YouTube. Some services for you to dot this: Dotsub and Automatic sync. By including a brief optimized introduction to describe your video & transcript, search engines will be able to understand your videos’ content. 9. Don’t forget to tag your video. Use relevant keywords. Use adjectives as well and separate by comma. YouTube allows 120 characters. 10. Use the annotations features for call to action: like this video, subscribe, go to... etc. 11. A single video upload does not lead to a successful video campaign. To be successful you must upload content on a regular basis. Don’t forget

that the more videos you create, the more chances you will have to attract new visitors and increase your online reputation. 12. Create a keyword-rich title Using keywords in the video title will help search engines to understand the content of your videos. In this way you will gain higher rankings for relative search terms. If you follow these tips, you will ensure popularity and higher rankings YouTube Videos and consequently you will increase the traffic of your online business. Don’t forget to have fun while creating your videos. It will surely increase your “optimization” if your feelings are translated in the video’s results!

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com

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Joint Venture Basics


Ken McArthur


he basics of joint ventures are simple – two people share assets and create something

better than what they had when they started. Ten easy steps to joint venture success.

1. Define your goals.

comes liability. Who’s going to be responsible when things don’t work out the way that you think they will? In almost every case, the person that has ownership also has the greatest liability. Make sure you’re covered for that.

sure your partners make money off of it and you’ll have repeat joint ventures that will do even more. Be creative. People are looking for deals that are new and different. 5. Find top-level partners.

3. Get the responsibilities right. If you don’t know what you want to achieve in the first place, how are you ever going to get there? Don’t forget to include both long-term and short-term goals. Keep them simple. Know what kind of a deal you want to make. Know what kind of profits you want. Know how much time you’re willing give and what results you expect in return. If the deal that you come up with doesn’t meet your goals, scrap it and start over again.

Make sure you know exactly who is going to do what, when they’re going to do it, and what happens when they don’t.

2. Make the key ownership decision. Who owns what is important. Remember with ownership

4. Create deals that people want to participate in. Make sure you’re offering something of value – and make

Take your time. Find people that you trust and respect and who others will, too. 6. Write an irresistible offer. Make this something that’s going to stand out in the crowd and put it down on paper – not so you’re locked into it, but so you clearly express what goals you’ve set. Keep August | September | October 2011


FEATURES An incredibly high percentage of deals which have been discussed and negotiated never happen – and usually the reason is just simple follow-up. Be certain you have a list of what you’ve agreed to do and step through that list, one step at a time, making sure everything you agreed to do – you actually do. 9. Double your profits by tracking your results.

it flexible enough to be adapted for any marketer that you might come across.

7. Negotiate a winning deal. Make sure your behind is covered and that your goals are met. There is no need to give away the whole farm, but meet the needs of the person you’re dealing with. Listen to for goals they want to meet – make sure that you meet those goals and you meet yours at the same time. Remember that anything you don’t give away is money in your pocket. 8. Make sure it happens.



You need to know where every sale comes from. You need to know what resources you use to get them and how much they cost, both in time and money. The bottom line – you want to invest more time and effort into the techniques that are working for you in actual practice. Also, you want to identify areas which might not be worth your hourly rate that may be worth someone’s hourly rate. 10. Do it all again.


Speaking engagements, cutting-edge technology, networking...just a walk in the park for this dynamic duo!

Did someone say ‘walk in the park?’



NAMS (Niche Affiliate Marketing System) with David Perdew In Georgia in August

Sandy Chamber of Commerce on August 17th

IX Michele Scism’s event “Take Action Get Profits” in Florida on September 23rd

X Medtrade Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in October


XI BlogWorld & New Media Expo in L.A. in November August | September | October 2011



Marketing Lessons I learned While Geocaching Shahar Boyayan


ou probably know we like to go geocaching. Geocaching is a modern treasure hunt where

you use GPS to find hidden cans (treasures). When you find one you sign a log. Sounds weird but it is a lot of fun. Right now we are doing a challenge where you have to find a cache in each page of the Utah DeLorme Atlas. At this moment we are 3/4s done. This week we had a specially difficult adventure and it dawned on me how much our attitude affects the outcome and how similar they are to the behavior we have in business while marketing our businesses.



During 2 days we did 10 pages, 780 miles, crossed a desert, two forests and ended having snow up to our waist. For the first time we had 2 pages that defeated us. We don’t like to be defeated, but had to accept that when we faced some roads closed, lack of planning and ice. We learned from our first weekend when we got lost in a desert for for hours that there are no McDonald’s in the middle of any desert, so we planned a little better and brought with us water and food. We also have some tools

and snake antidote. Still we could plan a little better for the kind of terrain we planned to cover. When we met the snow we were wearing t-shirts, and we didn’t check prior to see which and if roads would be closed. We assumed there would be no problems since it was already Spring. We faced a tough decision when we met a patch of ice on the road and had to quit, but when we were getting buried in snow with all the equipment in the car 1/2 a mile away we pushed the boundaries and almost got in

FEATURES 4. Know when to quit. Yes, there are times when we need to quit. 5. Define and have a specific goal. 6. Keep your eyes on your goal and don’t go after shiny things. 7. Know your strengths and weaknesses. 8. Use common sense when in doubt. 9. Be ruthless when necessary. 10. Learn to accept defeat. 11. Get out of your comfort zone every now and then.

trouble. I had a bad feeling about this one since the beginning but Nash was excited so I went along. Guess that was the closest I got from having a heart attack. Called myself stupid so many times I lost count. In fact, we learned a lot while we were in Vernal about dinosaurs and the different periods like Cretaceous era, Paleozoic era, etc. I decided I belong to the “Stupidus” era. All ended well but can we really count on luck in life and in business? Since we had to cross a piece of Wyoming in order to get to another page in Utah, we decided to grab some caches along the way. Just in case we ever do the Wyoming challenge. Sounds clever, but we spent hours on a task that at the moment was irrelevant, and that really could have been used to fulfill our main objective, our goal instead. Here are a few things I learned about business and marketing from Geocaching:

might not be fun but it is really necessary. 2. Be prepared. 3. Entrepreneurs need to run calculated risks not jump without knowing anything about what lies ahead. That is not being smart, that is being stupid. Note the word calculated before the word risk.

12. Try new things. 13. Incorporate new experiences to your story. 14. Change your worldview. It is healthy.

In order to get the next issue of the Engage Magazine, make sure you join our coaching program at www.BuzzInnerCircle.com

1. We need to plan for the best and worst outcome. Planning August | September | October 2011



Top 10 Reasons Why Training is So Important Shahar Boyayan


ou and people involved in your business should always be going through training programs.

10. Training boosts morale. You feel better and more motivated about working at your organization if it is clear you can improve 9. Training emphasizes priorities. In a dollar-strapped business world, there is a need directed toward specific training. 8. Training is less expensive than recruiting and hiring. Whatever the challenges your company is facing, eliminating your training budget isn’t going to solve them.

7. Training is a stimulant. Eliminating training can enforce mediocrity. 6. Training helps keep pace with a changing business environment. You need to stay on top of new technologies and new developments in order to stay competitive. 5. Training develops teamwork. By engaging in a consistent training regimen, you will organically start to work more efficiently. 4. Training reinforces your best work. You and your staff will share the good habits learned from training. 3. Training brings in money. Focused training can pay for itself many times over by boosting efficiency, maintaining high standards, and raising morale. 2. Training treats your staff like professionals. Turns you into a better professional. People who believe you value them enough to invest in developing their skills may stay with your company longer. 1. Training helps maintain and improve quality and productivity. 

In times of uncertainty, investing in yourself is the best investment. 24



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Books We Recommend

A mind is a terrible thing to woof...I mean, waste!

Keep yourself informed and at the top of your game with these books.


Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat by Michael Masterson

No B.S. Price Strategy: The Ultimate No Holds Barred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners Guide to Profits, Power, and Prosperity by Dan S. Kennedy and Jason Marrs

All Marketers are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All by Seth Godin

The Raw Gourmet by Nomi Shannon


Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing: Build a Million Dollar Business Within 12 Months by Robert Skrob


Turn this issue into a Gold mine! 4 Upsell Have processes in place to constantly upsell your audience. sell more often to the same clients.

6 Define Your Goals Marketing without money can actually produce BETTER results than throwing money at ‘random acts of marketing’, that is marketing with no clearly defined goals.

7 Keep it Simple Simplicity. This means keeping things simple by having a simple business model that is executed, simply.

12 Plan Ahead Plan for the best and worst outcome. Planning might not be fun but it is really necessary for the success of your business.

15 Long-Lasting Prosperity Have systems in place where you can constantly communicate with your market, motivate them, keep them interested in what you do and keep them buying over and over from you.

19 Joint Venture The basics of joint ventures are simple – two people share assets and create something better than what they had when they started.

8 Avoid The Trap Social media is just a small piece of marketing. It is not isolated and will not work as the only thing to market a business. Yes, social media marketing is important, can bring amazing results and can be very cost effective but is just one piece of the puzzle.

22 Sales Choreography Marketing is not only about promotion, it is about every touch point you have with your clients and small things can make you lose a client.

August | September | October 2011



Did You Know? According to a survey by Citibank, social media marketing use has increased over the last year with 36% of entrepreneurs claiming they use networks like Facebook

The average American streamed a record 201 videos in December 2010, up 8% from 187 a year earlier

Prime time to post online videos: For home audience, between 4pm and 9pm For business audience, 7am to 9am, 11am to 1pm, 3pm to 5pm

Email represents a leading 38.5% of time spent online. No other activity comes close, with social networking coming in a distant second at 10.7%

There are an average of 179 million Americans watching video each month



An increase of 1 point in the average IQ of a country’s intellectual elite—the smartest 5% of its population—raises the country’s per capita GDP by an average of $468

On average, global web users across 10 countries spent roughly five and a half hours on social networks in February 2010

People who were told that a book was important perceived it to weigh 944 grams, on average, compared with 591 grams for those who received no such information

Anxious negotiators made initial offers that were 7.5% lower on average than those from nonanxious participants

Business Students Score Higher on Narcissism

People Cheat More If the Benefits. People’s likelihood to cheat doubled, from 21% to 43%, if the benefits were split with another person

Genes account for just 49% of a person’s qualities of transformational, or inspirational, leadership

How YOU Can Have a Social Media Agency and Bring in High 6-Figures With Just One Client a Month! Come to someone who has a proven process of how to run a profitable agency, and who is willing to show you that process and give you the necessary tools for you to succeed! We’re willing to give you all of our processes, all of our systems, all of our proven methods, the nitty-gritty, really, so that you can go out on your own and do what you love! You can start your own business, we’ll tell you exactly what and how to do it, literally. You can have your own boutique social media agency in a blink! That’s right, an entirely structured business ready for you to cash-in on. The best part of it is that it’s a business offering services that are EXTREMELY on high-demand! You’ve heard it before, businesses must take advantage of the internet, of the search engines and social networks in order to survive nowadays. The only thing is, they haven’t a clue how to do it, and that’s when you come in! Ka-Ching! Here is what you get:  A quick start package with the 3 main packages you are going to sell. all included: Contracts, reports, strategy map, flow-charts.  A specifc session where we show you how to look for prospects and close the sales with all the graphs you might need  How to videos to the point showing you stepby-step what to do to delvier the services

How to deliver! Each service that you’ll offer in your agency can be delivered quite systematically. In fact, it’s done in such a way that you can outsource it to people to get it done for you! In other words, you market the services, and other people get it done. This allows you to focus on what you’re really good at and ensure that the business scales. It’s really a great way to have a family business if you so wish! You market, your spouse delivers (or viceversa), it’s a great model. You don’t have to be technical AT ALL, because the steps will be given to you.

How to outsource! Scalability in business is key – it will allow you to achieve your goals faster. We’ll show you exactly how to outsource at extremely low rates! This will give you more power in your business, will allow you to achieve

 Upsell and recurring opportunities with existing clients.  A revenue model that’s based on recurring revenue.  Support any time you need plus the Roadblock emergency line.

more and offer more, all the while maintaining a very low-key, stay-at-home business! We’ll show you exactly where to go, what to say, what to look for... the whole enchilada.

How to Get and KEEP Clients! A big mistake people make when they go into business is that they don’t realize the power of follow-up and up-sells. As a result they’re constantly in a rut of finding new clients, new clients, new clients ... it’s a very tiring process! When in reality they should have systems in place to prolong the relationship of their clients in their business and keep them investing in them! Making more money from the same people. I think you’ve figured out by now that we’ve got a system for that too! You’ll get it. If you master it, it will accelerate your success even more.

When you partner with us, we take it seriously! We’ll go above and beyond to ensure that you have everything you need in order to succeed in this business. To Get Started Simply Go To:


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