Fashion Styling Notebook Shahna Glover
Bombshell Medium density makeup Cleavage showing Lady like postures Generally fixed hair
Bombshell Big smiles Clean lines Very feminine
Goth Heavy dark eye makeup White or very light face and skin Almost witchlike Extreme colors such as all black or white
Goth Leathers Lace Form fitting clothing generally Feminine in nature Old world dresses Long hair on women
Biker Leathers and riding gear Loose hair Boots or booties Ripped jeans Light makeup
Biker Strong postures Motorcycles Helmet hair Fly aways Gloves
Goddess Grecian in nature Extreme postures Solid or bold colors Natural fresh makeup
Goddess Flowing materials Golden or bejeweled accents Sandals Fixed hair against the head Braids
Diva Red lips Cat eyes Heavy blush Sleeveless or off the shoulder Curled hair
Diva Very feminine Heavy jewelry Bold colors Perfect nails
California Girl Sun bleached hair Loose, oversized clothing Bangles and bracelets Cut off shorts Sneakers
California Girl Free flowing barely brushed hair Natural or no makeup Perfect teeth Nostalgic accessories Sun bleached clothes Bikinis
Nymph Natural to messy hair Close to nature Bare feet Little to no mascara Natural makeup or white
Nymph Flowers Lace Long legs Very thin Fairy like in nature
Androgynous Could be a man or a woman Strong postures Natural to no makeup Pulled back hair Very short hair
Androgynous Men's or men's inspired clothing Strong presence Not flirtatious Smoking Cigars
Rocker Chains, spikes, ropes Heavy eyeliner Big slightly messy hair Strong presence Leather clothing
Rocker Bandanas Metal, heavy jewelry Bleached hair Sexy Big leather spiked or studded belts
Punk Torn lingerie Leathers with studs or spikes Spiked hair Brightly colored hair Doc Martin shoes and boots
Punk Heavy makeup Bright makeup colors Nasty sexy Torn stockings Fish net stockings