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Kerala’s Monsoon Festival in Wayanad
Splash 2023, is a joint venture by Kerala Tourism, Government of Kerala & the WayanadTourismOrganisation The11theditionoftheeventisscheduledtobeheld onJuly9to15,2023inWayanad,Kerala.
SplashshowcasethenumerousTouristattractions&activitiesinWayanadDistrict This is an eagerly awaited event - being Second being largest gethering in the Tourism Industry of Kerala The Splash B2B Meet is an excellent opportunity for meeting & interaction of Buyers & Sellers Hotels, Resorts, Homestays, Tour Operators, Medical Tourism,AyurvedaResorts&PlantationResortswillexhibittheirproperties &products
This year, Resorts & Homestays from neighbouring areas like Coorg,Nilgiris,Mysore, Kannur, Kasargod & Bekal will also participate in the event. Destination visit, Property visit, Outdoor activities, Adventure activities, Cultural programmes, Sponsoredprogrammesaresomeoftheothermajorhighlightsoftheevent.
Selected Buyers are entitled to Complimentary Accommodation for 3 Nights/4 Days (July 9 to 12) and transfers (Calicut Airport/Railway Station, Kannur Airport to Wayanad and return). They will also be provided with transport for FAM Tours & will beourguestsattheCultural&otherSponsoredProgrammes.
One of the key attractions of splash 2023 is the Business to Business meet (B2B) More than 400 travel agents participate in Splash B2B meet section and interact with variouspropertyownersinWayanadeveryyear