1 minute read
formal organization
06 formal organization
Project Three, Formal Organization was split into two different exercises. Each exercise dealt with twelve different sized cubes and the relationships of space and void. For Excerise A, we were asked to place these cubes orthagonally in order to create one cohesive model that illustrates a spatial relationship. In my case, I wanted my model to show radial relationships within the space as well as a loose sense of symmetry. I placed the cubes in a way in which a push-pull movement can also be seen on both sides of the cube.
For Exercise B, we were able to place the cubes at different angles. Keeping the same radial relationship as shown in Exercise A, I purposefully placed the cubes at inconsistent angles and attempted to create illusions using the smaller cubes in order to create the singular model.
Overall, this project helped me improve my skills with mechanical drawings, such as the axonometrics shown on the following page, as well as craft and rigor in relation to the models.
exercise a - top view exercise a - axonometrics exercise b - axonometrics