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finding the essence of architecture

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urban interaction

07 finding the essence of architecture

Our second project, Finding the Essence of Architecture, focuses on architectural analysis. Given the Architecture East Building, located on Georgia Tech’s campus, we were asked to create mechanical drawings of the building as well as diagrams that add to the building’s analysis. This project allowed for improvement in both communication and architectural analysis. A large focus for this project was line weights and how we use line weights to illustrate depth and heirarchy in a building’s design.


The drawings to the right are examples of some of the mechanical drawings that we were asked to create. In these drawings, I attempted to emphasize different line weights. The darkest weights signify cut planes and/or ground planes while the lighter weights show elements in the distance.

The diagrams highlight elements of the building that might not be visible at first glance. For instance, the Architecture East building has a surplus on natural light, shown by the diagram above.


sunlight diagram

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