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Researrch c Area
Fiish sh Rearing Pool Ele at El Elev ator orr
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This project is about preserving the animals whole being, this means preserving the predicators insƟncts too. The wall between the two pools allows you to control the number of fish the seals and sea lions hunt. Through the use of sliding doors between the cuts and cracks in the wall. Wires suggest transparent neƫng to protect fish from naƟve animal.
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FFiish Fish h Pool ool oo
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Red and Purple Sea Urchin
PaciĮc Sardines
California Sea Lion
North PaciĮc Anchovy Kelp Crab
Spanish Shawl
PaciĮc Electric Ray
Habor Seal
Food Chains in Biome
Rock Crab
Ocean WhiteĮsh
Bigeye Trevally Two-spoƩed Octopus
California Sea Lion Plankton
Pacific Sardines Habor Seal
Swell Shark BriƩle Star
Habor Seal
Abalones Crabs
Bat Ray
Sea Urchins Sunflower Star
Sample of Animals and Food chains in Biome
White Abalones
Copper RockĮsh
SarcasƟc Fringehead Hermit Crab
Sea Anemone
Scorpion Fish
Kelp forests are true forests providing shelter and food for over 1,000 species of animals and plants that live within them. Fish hide among the kelp’s (leaf like) fronds to avoid predators and to search for smaller prey. The tall fronds rising to the surface provide substrate and protecƟon for many invertebrate species. Giant kelp (MacrocysƟs) may grow at depths below 30 meters, and can grow about 15cm per day. Holdfasts (root like structures that anchor the kelp to the boƩom) are excellent hiding places and act as nurseries to juvenile invertebrates. The blades of kelp help slow water movement within the kelp forest.
Barred Sand Bass
Giant-spined star Yellowtail
SunŇower Star Giant KelpĮsh
California Spiny Lobster
California Halibut
Muhammad Shakeel
Channel Islands Kelp Forest Biome, ConservaƟon of InsƟncts
Kelp forests of the Channel Islands experience both warm water currents from the South and cold water currents from the North. This mixing of currents creates a highly producƟve system and a diversity of organisms that is only found over a much greater area of the California coast.
Right, Juvenile fish pool. Two structural systems support visitor tunnel. The thin columns simulate dense kelp forest where sea-life thrives, re-creaƟng the unique topography of the Channel Islands.
Ground Plan Scale 1:200
Long secƟon with new context
Muhammad Shakeel
Channel Islands Kelp Forest Biome, ConservaƟon of InsƟncts