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Perhaps the greatest trick up Sean Strawbridge’s sleeves is his masterful use of media coverage as an outlet to get the word out about ports. An absolute “who’s who” in the world of media giants who have featured Strawbridge include CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, ABC News, Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, among many others.

While many might use these platforms for vanity, Strawbridge has made them a tool to help inform the masses. Votes can topple or build empires, and Strawbridge is on a mission to broadcast the strategic importance of seaports, and how critical they are for driving the economy. Every Congressional District in the country, and every U.S. territory, relies on ports. We have ports representing strong connections with key allies and nearly 200 trading partners worldwide. Without ports, goods don’t make it overseas or to U.S. shores.


Meeting global demand with a reliable supply, the U.S. has quickly become the number one exporter of aircraft and aircraft parts. We’re also number one for petroleum, crude oil, and LNG—all made possible by, you guessed it, ports. Energy hubs (especially those in Texas like Corpus Christi) are driving innovation and energy security. Strawbridge sees it as critical to showcase the symbiotic relationship between ports in the U.S. and mainstream America. Having so many different media platforms allows him to inform, educate, and advocate on behalf of the more than 120 Port Authorities who are members of AAPA. These members represent ports large and small, from Long Beach to Freeport, but each is vitally important in the cargo they handle and the economic impact they make for their respective communities.

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