PARTNERSHIP INDIA NEWSLETTER (Working with churches for the Church) April-June 2011 (For Private Circulation Only)
IMPACT OF PARTNERSHIP INDIA MINISTRY ON THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY We know the Krishnaiahs, as good Bible teachers and they have been encouraging Christians through their teaching ministry in numerous churches around India. My wife and I had the opportunity to attend and train ourselves in Partnership India‟s one year Bible Training Course (BTC) at Ethamukkala in 2007. I would like to highlight some aspects of the course which have literally turned a new chapter in my ministry. We were taught on the systematic study of God‟s word, preparation, and preaching. This has helped me tremendously in studying God‟s word and preparing myself for preaching and systematic teaching of God‟s word.
Children fed during a special programme.
Another important area in BTC is the teaching on Biblical understanding of Christian marriage and home. This helped us to learn many lessons for our family life. That teaching is helping us to live as a model Christian family for our Church members and even for the people in the society. We are grateful to God for this helpful teaching which we generally don‟t get in Churches. However, the single most important contribution of Partnership India is – establishing the Resource Centre at Ethamukkala. It is a great blessing to churches and Christians in our area. Partnership India‟s contribution has impacted the Church and society in our area in the following ways:
United Church Services: This recurring event has encouraged God‟s people to come together from different churches once a month, increase fellowship, and cooperate in different activities of our local churches. It has also given an opportunity to encourage young people, recognize, and use their talents for the ministry. Evening School: This school for needy children every weekday is helping and encouraging the needy children to develop their interest for studies and do their home work regularly. It is also helping them to be disciplined, develop good habits, physical activities, and interest for spiritual matters. If this facility is not there, these children would have lost a very memorable childhood. Widows and Senior Citizens Fellowship: This is an encouragement and comfort to many elderly people who do not get proper care, love, and food at home.
This event has provided an opportunity for elders and widows to be comforted and encouraged which they don‟t get at their homes. There has been a tremendous response from even Hindus to come and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ apart from getting their physical and emotional needs.
Medical Camp: This free camp occurs once in three months and weekly medical help which is open for all people in the society irrespective of religion, caste, and status. We get expert Christian doctors from the city. This has opened doors for many non – Christians to understand the love and kindness of God.
Through Partnership India we are able to understand the practical sharing of God‟s love in action. I praise God for the ministry of Partnership India and its impact on the Church and society in our area. We hope this encourages you to do your bit to impact the Church and society you live in. -Pastor K Joshua CONTENTS IMPACT OF PARTNERSHIP INDIA MINISTRY ON THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY 1 ROLE OF PARTNERSHIP INDIA IN THE STRENTHENING CHURCH MINISTRY