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JFVC: Our Volunteers Dream of Change and Make It Happen

Inspired by tradition, tzedakah and tikkun olam, the Jewish Federation of Ventura County is dedicated to the survival and continuity of Israel and the Jewish people. We welcome your participation in our programs and encourage you to reach out — to give or — to receive support.

Jewish Federation of Ventura County


7620 Foothill Road Ventura, CA 93004 jewishventuracounty.org 805.647.7800 Cheri DeKofsky, Executive Director federation@ jewishventuracounty.org

ABOVE: Birthright youth at Mount Herzl “Har ha-Zikaron, Mount of Remembrance.” The site is named after Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. Herzl’s tomb lies at the top of the hill. BELOW: The victory of hiking to the top of Masada at sunrise with TaglitBirthright Israel youth from throughout the U.S., including Ventura and Santa Barbara County participants.

At the heart of every organization

are the volunteers who dream of change and make it happen. Through life, they have passion and vision, and most importantly, they are motivated to do good and inspire others. As my mind wanders through this incredible community, I see the work of Julia Newman, Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo and founder of the Somis Food Pantry, Brenda Rich, Congregation Am HaYam, Sheila Cohn, The Jewish Community of Ojai, Ruth Schwartz, Temple Beth Torah, and Marty and Nancy Schechtman, founders of the Federation Shomrim Society — Guardians of Israel. When the PJ Library was created to bring free books and music to young Jewish children monthly, Joel and Barbara Aaronson made sure that every family would be able to participate. These are just a few, of many, who are more than volunteers. They represent the best of Judaism and the best of our community. They ensure a Jewish future. The Jewish Federation reaches your children throughout their lives, in so many ways. PJ Library books and music from six months old, Mishpacha free program to young families

of preschoolers, scholarships at Gan Camarillo Pre-School, Torah School grants, funding for Madrichim (Torah School aids), Israel scholarships, Birthright trips, and so much more. Over 100,000 eighthgraders have been given trips to the Museum of Tolerance since its doors opened in 1994. This is our investment in the morality that will help carry our community into the future.

Jewish Family Service provides a social service safety-net for those needing affordable counseling and free legal advice. Weekly, over fifty families are provided with food boxes. We have a dedicated social worker making sure that our Holocaust Survivor community has housing, food, and social services to help make their lives safer and more comfortable.

We are one of the few Federations across the country who employee a Community Rabbi. Rabbi Michael Lotker is a chaplain with the Oxnard Fire Department, conducts adult education, introduction to Judaism and conversion classes, and is available to the unaffiliated of our community for guidance and spiritual advice when ever needed.


As we look to the new year, there is a renewed spirit of survival, vibrancy, and joy in this beautiful Jewish life of ours. May we all go from strength to strength. JULIA NEWMAN, Temple Ner Ami, Camarillo

BRENDA RICH, Congregation Am HaYam, Ventura

SHEILA COHN, The Jewish Community of Ojai

RUTH SCHWARTZ, Temple Beth Torah, Ventura

MARTY AND NANCY SCHECHTMAN, founders of the Federation Shomrim Society — Guardians of Israel


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